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    1、龙岩高中九年级初三英语龙岩高中九年级初三英语3月15日您的姓名: 填空题 *_您的班级: 单选题 *九年级1班九年级2班九年级3班九年级4班九年级5班九年级6班座号: 填空题 *_一,单项选择题1.There _some meat in the fridge. () 单选题 *A.areB.is(正确答案)C.be2.I cant find my ruler.Is the white one _ ? () 单选题 *A.mineB.yours(正确答案)C.your3.Shall we go to the movies tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoo

    2、n? _ is OK. Im free. () 单选题 *A.BothB.NeitherC.Either(正确答案)4.I dont know how to start the robot.No need to worry. You can follow the _ . () 单选题 *A.instructions(正确答案)B.invitationC.information5.Our school _ the sports meet because of the bad weather. () 单选题 *A.put onB.put downC.put off(正确答案)6.How do yo

    3、u like the documentary Amazing China?Its _ . It shows the great achievements of China. () 单选题 *A.fantastic(正确答案)B.funnyC.difficult7.Mom, must I finish my homework at once?No, you _ . You can do it tomorrow. () 单选题 *A.mustntB.neednt(正确答案)C.cant8.So far, our government _ out many measures to improve o

    4、ur living conditions. () 单选题 *A.has carried(正确答案)B.is carryingC.was carrying9.I cant make progress _ your help, Jack. Thank you very much. ()My pleasure. 单选题 *A.withB.without(正确答案)C.under10.I dont like junk food. I _ eat it.Oh, you have healthy eating habits.() 单选题 *A.seldom(正确答案)B.alwaysC.often11.W

    5、ho is _ boy playing basketball over there?He is my friend, Michael.() 单选题 *A.aB.anC.the(正确答案)12.I like the _ called The World of English very much.Me, too. I have read it for 2 years.() 单选题 *A.musicB.projectC.magazine(正确答案)13.Kate looks beautiful _ blue!Im sure this blue skirt will look nice _ you,

    6、too. () 单选题 *A.in; on(正确答案)B.on; inC.for; on14.Jane is walking the dog in the park.She _ be there. Listen! She is singing in her room. () 单选题 *A.cant(正确答案)B.mustntC.neednt15.Lets go to the West Lake Park this Sunday, Helen. _ . We can fly kites there. () 单选题 *A.Youre rightB.All right(正确答案)C.Thats al

    7、l right16.Sam draws much _ than his classmates. His picture looks so wonderful. () 单选题 *A.less carefullyB.more carefully(正确答案)C.more careful17. _ is it from your school to your home?Its about ten minutes walk.() 单选题 *A.How far(正确答案)B.How soonC.How long18.Yuan Longping is the great scientist _ I admi

    8、re the most in the world. () 单选题 *A.whatB.whichC.who(正确答案)19.I dont know _ , but I know her favorite color is purple.Thank you for telling me.() 单选题 *A.what color she likes bestB.what color does she like bestC.what sports she likes best(正确答案)20. Tims father cant stand _ soap operas. He enjoys sports

    9、 games on TV. () 单选题 *A.watchB. to watchC.watching(正确答案)21.Why are you so worried?Ive lost the phone _ my mom bought me on my birthday. () 单选题 *A.which(正确答案)B.whoC.whose22.Excuse me, will the plane for London _ within half an hour?Im not sure. You can go to the Information Desk for help.() 单选题 *A.ge

    10、t offB.take off(正确答案)C.turn off23. Do you mind my smoking here?_. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking.”() 单选题 *A. Never mindB. Of course notC. Youd better not(正确答案)24. Did you watch the basketball match on TV last night?I wanted to, but my father_ his favorite TV program.() 单选题 *A. watchedB. was

    11、watching(正确答案)C. watches25. Its reported that Fuxing high-speed train can go as _ as 350 km an hour.Wow, how amazing!() 单选题 *A. fastestB. fasterC. fast(正确答案)26. _ exciting the news is! Beijing will hold 2022 Winter Olympic Games.() 单选题 *A. How(正确答案)B. What aC. What27 The jeans are very nice. Ill tak

    12、e them.Youd better _ first. Im afraid the size is a bit small for you.() 单选题 *A. pay for themB. take them offC. try them on(正确答案)28.My birthday is _in April _in May. Its in June.() 单选题 *A. both ;andB. either ;orC. neither ;nor(正确答案)29.-How do you like Alice?- _ my view, she is an excellent student.(

    13、) 单选题 *A. In(正确答案)B. OnC. For30.-Why do you get up so early?- _ catch the early bus to school.() 单选题 *A.In order thatB. So thatC. In order to(正确答案)31.What do you think of Tom? _ , he is an excellent student.() 单选题 *A.On generalB.In general(正确答案)C.To general32.Which kind of program do you like better

    14、, science fictions or comedies?I prefer _ comedies.() 单选题 *A.watchesB.watching(正确答案)C.watched33.What about playing football this afternoon, Sam?I would rather _ at home than _ football. Its too hot outside.() 单选题 *A.stay; playingB.stay; play(正确答案)C.to stay ; to play34.The movie “The Time Machine” is

    15、 _ a science fiction story.() 单选题 *A. based on(正确答案)B. basing onC. based in35.This place is well worth _.() 单选题 *A. visitB. to visitC. visiting(正确答案)36.We are going to have a class party tomorrow afternoon. _, Li Ming wont be able to take part in it, he is ill in hospital.() 单选题 *A. FortunatelyB. Lu

    16、ckilyC. Unfortunately(正确答案)37.If he keeps on working so hard, hell _ under the pressure of work.() 单选题 *A. break down(正确答案)B. break upC. break out38.Annie, what about going shopping tomorrow?Id love to, but I have no time. I will _ Tom _ at the airport tomorrow.() 单选题 *A.see; onB.set; backC.see; off

    17、(正确答案)39.The man to _ my father is speaking is my uncle.() 单选题 *A. himB. whoC whom(正确答案)40May I go cycling with my classmates this afternoon, Mum?You _ , if you finish your homework.() 单选题 *A.can(正确答案)B.shouldC.must41What a nice model plane!Thanks. I made it with 3D printer by _ .() 单选题 *A.themselve

    18、sB.myself(正确答案)C.itself42 The 2022 Winter Olympic Games _ in China. Im sure it will be a great success. () 单选题 *A.holdB.will holdC.will be held(正确答案)43.The singer Cai Xukun is very popular with _ young. () 单选题 *A. aB. /C. the(正确答案)44. An Asian culture carnival is held during the Conference on Dialog

    19、 of Asian Civilizations at the National Stadium in Beijing _the evening of May 15th,2019. () 单选题 *A.toB. on(正确答案)C. in45. May I speak to Mr. Thompson? Sorry, he is not here. I will ask him to call you as soon as he _ back.() 单选题 *A. is comingB. cameC. comes(正确答案)47. Which of the two dresses do you p

    20、refer? _ of them. Its hard to choose just one.() 单选题 *A. EitherB. NeitherC. Both(正确答案)48.China Mens Volleyball National Team lost Volleyball World Championship. _. Better luck next time.() 单选题 *A. Never mind(正确答案)B. Its up to youC. Youre kidding me49.As we grow up, we get to know that sometimes _ we

    21、 try our best, we still cant get a satisfying result.() 单选题 *A. untilB. though(正确答案)C. unless50.I dont understand the story in this unit_() 单选题 *ASo do IBNeither can ICNeither do I(正确答案)二完形填空:Dear graduates! Youll graduate _51_ your school. You love your classmates and teachers. But have you known h

    22、ow to get along with a teacher? Lets read experts(专家们的)_52_.What does getting along with your teacher mean?Getting along means you and your teacher have a way that works for both of you, and you both are getting what you _53_ from the relationship. For your teacher, he or she wants to make sure you

    23、are careful, respectful and polite, and you _54_ your best to learn. For you, you want a teacher who respects you, answers your questions, and tries to _55_ you learn. You can get along well with your teacher like being with your friends. In every school, you may say some teachers are too_56_ or ser

    24、ious, but dont judge(判断) a teacher_57_ you are in his or her class and see for yourself. Most of the time, your teacher is on your side. And a teacher whos strict may be someone who _58_ to do his or her job well-teaching you the knowledge you should learn. Its also_59_ to remember that making mista

    25、kes is a part of learning. By pointing out your mistakes and helping you _60_ them, a teacher is teaching you. So dont be afraid to make mistakes.51.() 单选题 *A.atB.withC.from(正确答案)52.() 单选题 *A.suggestB.suggestionC. .suggestions(正确答案)53 ()单选题 *A.ownB.need(正确答案)C.wonder54.() 单选题 *A.workB.takeC.try(正确答案

    26、)55.() 单选题 *A.warnB.help(正确答案)C.give56.() 单选题 *A.strangeB.secretC. .strict(正确答案)57.() 单选题 *A.sinceB.until(正确答案)C.when58.() 单选题 *A.failsB.agreesC. .expects(正确答案)59.() 单选题 *A.important(正确答案)B.successfulC.terrible60.() 单选题 *A.correct(正确答案)B.makeC.practice三阅读理解:A篇 On Sept. 30, 2019, three new films were

    27、 on show at the same time. My People, My Country by Chen Kaige and other six directors tells seven stories which took place at historic moments since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. It reminded us of the historic moments in peoples eyes. The horic moments include two brothers witnessi

    28、ng (见证) the return landing of the Shenzhou XI manned spacecraft on Nov 18, 2016, New Chinas founding ceremony in 1949, the countrys first successful nuclear test in 1964, the Chinese womens volleyball team in winning the first Olympic gold medal in 1984, and the handover (移交) of Hong Kong in 1997. The Captain tells a story of the hero captain who is fearless in the face of danger at


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