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    1、大学英语四六级写作四六级考试的写作部分三个类型:议论文、应用文、记叙文。议论文:综合评述(原因、因素、影响、措施)、正反论述(两种不同观点:一些人认为;另外一些人认为)、权衡利弊(事物有好和坏的一面,如何看待)、择优比较(两个事物进行选择,选择最好的一个)、谚语警句(阐述某个谚语警句)应用文:1 书信letter2 一般应用文(如 poster、announcement)记叙文:1 纯记叙文2 夹叙夹议的文章权衡利弊类作文的段落布局:第一段:引出谈论的事物及话题第二段:任何事物都有两个方面 分清主次地列明优点与缺点第三段:表明自己的观点表达任何事物都有两个方面 Everything has t

    2、wo sides just like a coin and is no exception. 对比论证类的议论文比较所讨论的两个事物或两个观点的优缺点或利弊,作者要有自己的观点,自己的倾向。一般在开头段引入话题,说明需要比较的两个事物或观点,然后在主体段进行对比,比较其利弊或优缺点,最后在结尾段给出一个比较客观的结论。文章的比较方法可以大致分为两种A: 开头段:主题句(引入主题)主体段:甲的优点1优点2甲的缺点1缺点2 +乙的优点1优点2 乙的缺点1 + 缺点2+结尾段:结论(甲优于乙或者乙 )B: 开头段:主题句(引入主题)主体段:甲的观点理由1理由2.乙的观点理由1 理由2结尾段:结论(作

    3、者的观点)问题解决型作文这类作文是针对某些情况或现象进行分析,然后提出自己的看法和对策,基本的结构为:1现象的描述2分析原因或列举利弊3个人看法或解决措施写作:Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, “Quitting smoking is the easiest thi

    4、ng in the world. Ive done it hundreds of times。” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。 范文一 Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will Sometimes, in our daily life, the easiest thing might be the most difficult thing, as in the case of some people trying to quit smoking for hund

    5、reds of times and still making endless efforts without any hope of success. The reason for their failure is their lack of a strong will. In our modern world, nothing is simple and straightforward. Something might appear deceptively(迷惑地,骗人地;虚伪地) easy at first, but as we proceed on, we will find that

    6、it is actually extremely difficult. Therefore, we must take whatever we do seriously and be mentally prepared to make our utmost exertions. When we encounter obstacles and setbacks, we must apply our strong willpower and persevere until we finally succeed. For us university students, in our academic

    7、 studies or in our daily life on campus, we might not be faced with insurmountable challenges. But we need to get prepared, right now, to take things seriously, try to cultivate our strong will, and be ready to pursue our goals through persistence(持续;存留;固执;毅力) and indefatigable(不倦的;坚持不懈的;不屈不挠的) will

    8、. I believe its the only way we can achieve our success. 范文二: Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will Success depends on many factors, both physical and spiritual. In my opinion, mental factors like a strong will are far more decisive(决定性的;果断的,坚定的) in enabling us to achieve success. For example, desp

    9、ite our repeated efforts to quit smoking, our lack of a strong will would still cause us to end up in failure.se In any of our undertakings, we should first set a goal. Some goals are highly challenging. Without a strong will, people would give up in the middle and they fail to achieve their goals.

    10、For those people who do succeed, they succeed simply because they have that mental stamina which enables them to challenge even the most insurmountable difficulties.We often say that Impossible is Nothing. To make the impossible possible, we must exercise our perseverance and strong willpower. Or, a

    11、s an English proverb goes, If there is a will, there is a way. Our world is becoming increasingly competitive and only by making strong-willed efforts can we maximize our full potential and gain competitive edges, and prevail over all obstacles that lie in our way to success。The way to successEveryo

    12、ne tries to achieve success in his career. However, someone firmly attains his goal while another fails. Why? The one continues his cause to the end through long periods of hard struggling, but the other is easily disappointed or stops halfway。Good preparation, perseverance and diligence are the thr

    13、ee essentials of success. A man of solid preparation and perseverance always has an inflexible spirit. He sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be. Dr. Sun Yat-sen was such a man. Many of his attempts failed, but he held to his purpose with firmness and finally succeeded in overthrowing t

    14、he Qing Dynasty. Diligence means steadiness in ones work and study. Su Qin stabbed himself in order to keep himself attentive to studies. Marx often worked 15 hours a day. Life is short and we have many things to do. Without diligence no one can achieve anything。I believe that where there is a prepa

    15、ration there is a way, and that success belongs to those who can suffer long years of patient toil and constant efforts。如何面对压力 How to Deal with Stress1为什么会有压力?2如何面对压力?写作导航第一段先用定义法指出压力是什么,以及压力的危害;第二段写压力的各种来源;第三段写如何面对压力,可针对第二段的来源,举例说明各种解决办法;最后一段提醒人们面对压力方法要对头,不可走歪路。 Stress is a state of being upset tha

    16、t happens when we are under pressure. Both our feelings and our bodies get upset. We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long. Stress can come at us from every direction. For instance, it can come from fights with other people. It can come when we have too

    17、 many things to do and too little time to do them. It can also come when we do not have enough money to pay for what we want. Since stress can make us sick, we have to learn how to deal with it. There are good ways and bad ways to do so. We should deal with stress in good ways, of course. Good ways

    18、to cut down on stress include changing our lifestyles. For example, we can learn either to get along with people or to stay away from them. We can decide what to do now, what to do later, and what to leave off doing forever. We can also figure out how to get money or we can cut down on what we want.

    19、We should not deal with stress in bad ways because bad ways to cut down on stress just lead to more troubles, for example, skipping out and leaving our work undone, blaming our problems on someone else, stealing or cheating.关于大学生心理健康的英语作文 How to improve students mental health 1、 大学生的心理健康十分重要 2、 因此,学

    20、校可以.。. 3、 我们自己应当.。 题目分析: 学生的心理健康是近年来被热议的话题之一,属于经典的问题解决型,故不外乎采用举例子,作比较,分类别,列数字,打比方等方式讨论。 参考范文: Students mental health has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Indeed, it is widely accepted that it has gained growing popularity among persons in all walks of life. There i

    21、s a general discussion today about the issue of disorder in brains。 Obviously, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent problems. Authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation. To begin with, schools, such as colleges or universities, can provide chances

    22、for the young men to ease their attention. Whats more, some are physically strong, but psychological problems are able to bring potential threats. Teaches may have a chance to find them in advance. Besides, specialists in this field are to be required to make full preparation for cases in time. Faci

    23、ng the crisis, experts can deal with it in a professional way, which means they have more or better opportunities to save us than others. (学校) From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions. For example

    24、, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure. Certainly, there is little doubt that further attention will be paid to the issue。(我们) 总结: potential threats 潜在威胁 ease 减轻,舒缓 psychological problems 心理问题 precaution 预防措施 release pressure 释放压力

    25、play an important/critical role in sth it is widely accepted that To begin with, Whats more, Besides, From the factors mentioned above draw the conclusion that 如何提高社会公共道德的英语四级作文 How to improve public morals? publicity Nowadays there are still many behaviors against public morality, such as spiting o

    26、r littering in public places, cutting in line, wasting water or electricity and so on. One of the main reasons for these immoral behaviors is that some people lack personal manners and public consciousness. Actually these small things in many peoples eyes have brought great bad effects on our commun

    27、ity. Above all, these immoral behaviors disturb social order and disrupt social stability. Moreover, ones violating public morality not only evades others benefits but also does harm to himself. For example/instance, if most people buy pirated products, those original producers will suffer great dam

    28、age and might lose the enthusiasm to continue their producing. Which in turn, influences consumers taking the profits into consideration, I think it is high time that we would take more effective measures to improve public morals. First of all, education plays a very vital role. We must utilize educ

    29、ation to make people know their behaviors influence on the society and follow public morals consciously. Besides the government should improve the administration system and ensure the efficient improvement of administration measures.如何正确面对批评 Criticism It is not unusual for people to be subject to cr

    30、iticism. Anyone may be criticised by others in his work or study. For example: workers who fail to accomplish their tasks will be criticised. Students who have poor performance in exams will be criticised. Attitudes towards criticism differ from person to person. Some people will become annoyed if t

    31、hey are criticised and they will try to excuse themselves by all means. Some people tend to be indifferent criticism. They just regard criticism as nonsenses. But still some people accept criticism modestly and try to find their shortcomings by others criticism. These people stand a better chance of

    32、 success in their life. As to me, I welcome others criticism to me. I have always believed the Chinese saying,Good medicine but taste bitter will heal ones illness. In my opinion, the criticism will make us unhappy. It can help us know our shortcomings and inadequacy. Therefore,we should take others criticism seriously, instead being annoyed with or turning a deaf ear to it.永不放弃、决不放弃Directions: For this part, you are allowe


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