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    Raya and The Last Dragon《寻龙传说(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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    Raya and The Last Dragon《寻龙传说(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

    1、我知道你在想什么I know what youre thinking.一个孤独的骑手A lone rider.反乌托邦世界A dystopian world.一片荒废的土地A land thats gone to waste.这个世界是怎么被打破的?How did this world getso broken?这一切都始于 500 年前Well, that all began 500 years ago.库曼德拉Kumandra.这就是我们过去的情况This is what we used to be.当我们的土地是完整的When our land was whole,我们和睦相处and w

    2、e lived harmoniously alongside.龙dragons.给我们带来的神奇生物Magical creatures who brought us水雨与和平waterand rain and peace.那是天堂It was paradise.但后来 德鲁恩来了But then, the Druun came.像野火一样蔓延的盲目 瘟疫A mindless plague that spread like wildfire,乘以 因为他们消耗了生命multiplying as they consumed life把触碰过的每个人都变成石头and turned everyone

    3、they touched into stone.龙尽他们所能为我们而战The dragons fought for us the best they could,但这还不够but it wasnt enough.那是强大的西苏达图的时候Thats when the Mighty Sisudatu,最后一条龙the last dragon,把她所有的魔法都集中到宝石里concentrated all her magic into a gem and.炸掉了德鲁恩.blasted the Druun away.每个被变成石头的人都回来了Everyone that was turned to sto

    4、ne came back.除了龙Except the dragons.西苏只剩下她的宝石了All that was left of Sisu was her gem.应该是这个鼓舞人心的时刻It should have been this big inspirational moment,人类为她的牺牲而团结一致的地方where humanity united over her sacrifice.但是 人们却是人But instead, people being people,他们都争取拥有they all fought to possess龙魔法的最后残余the last remnant

    5、of dragon magic.边界被划定 库曼德拉分♥裂♥Borders were drawn, Kumandra divided.我们都成了敌人 宝石必须隐藏起来We all became enemies, and the gem had to be hidden.但世界不是这样崩溃的But thats not how the world broke.直到 500 年后才真正发生That didnt truly happen until 500 years later,当我进入故事when I came into the story.嗯Hmm.嗯.Huh.看起来

    6、有人在努力变得聪明Looks like someones trying to be clever.好吧 嘟嘟All right, Tuk Tuk,让我们向他们展示一下聪明的样子lets show em what clever really looks like.嘟嘟Tuk Tuk!加油Come on!重点Focus!谢谢Thank you.嘿 宝贝 太棒了给我一些外壳Hey, bud, that was awesome. Give me some shell.我抓到你了I got ya.哇Whoa.等一下Wait a second.这感觉太容易了This feels too easy.贝尼亚酋

    7、长Chief Benja.我知道你的工作就是阻止我I know its your job to try and stop me,但你不会的but you wont.不要把精神误认为是技巧 年轻人Dont mistake spirit for skill, young one.我保证你不会踏上I promise you will not set foot在龙宝石的内圈on the Dragon Gems inner circle.连脚趾都没有Not even a toe.你可能想拿出那个刀片You might wanna take out that blade.你需要它Youre gonna n

    8、eed it.今天不一样Not today.布普Boop.就像我说的 内圈没有一只脚Like I said, not one foot on the inner circle.你输了 拉亚You lost, Raya.是吗?Did I?拉亚.Raya.我也许应该说两英尺I probably should have said two feet.嘿 别打自 己太多 贝尼亚酋长Hey, dont beat yourself up too much, Chief Benja.你尽力了You gave it your best.我不会的I wont.它要么是父亲或巴给你And its either Fa

    9、ther or Ba to you.你做得很好 露珠你通过了考试You did good, dewdrop. You passed the test.哇Wow.西苏的精神The spirit of Sisu.几代人以来 我们家都发誓要保护这颗宝石For generations, our family has sworn to protect the gem.今天 您将加入这一遗产Today, you will join that legacy.拉雅 心的公主 我的女儿Raya, Princess of Heart, my daughter,你现在是龙宝石的守护者了you are now a G

    10、uardian of the Dragon Gem.哇 啊Whoa. Ah.嗯 有人很兴奋Well, someones excited.是的Well, yeah!我是说任何想偷龙宝石的人I mean, anyone hoping to steal the Dragon Gem现在不得不面对愤怒now has to face the fury所有土地上两个最坏刀片of the two baddest blades in all the lands.我很高兴你准备好了Im glad you feel prepared, dewdrop,因为我有重要的事情要告诉你because I have som

    11、ething important to tell you.其他的土地 他们在这里的路上 因为我们说话The other lands, theyre on their way here, as we speak.是吗? 呃.They are? Uh.好Okay.好吧 不 我们能做到的我准备好了Okay, no, we can do this. Im ready.我知道我们该怎么阻止他们I know exactly how well stop them.真? 告诉我你对其他土地的了解Really? Tell me what you know about the other lands.第一 尾巴F

    12、irst. Tail.一个闷热的沙漠与偷偷摸摸的雇佣兵A sweltering desert with sneaky mercenaries谁打脏who fight dirty.第二 塔隆Second, Talon.以快速交易而闻名的浮动市场A floating market famous for fast deals和战士用更快的手and fighters with even faster hands.第三 脊柱Third, Spine.冰冷的竹林A frigid bamboo forest由特大战士守卫guarded by exceptionally large warriors,和他们的

    13、大轴and their giant axes.第四 方 我们最凶猛的敌人Fourth, Fang. Our fiercest enemy.一个被愤怒的刺客保护的国家A nation protected by angry assassins,和他们甚至愤怒的猫and their even angrier cats.好Okay,所以我们需要一些十字弓和弹射器so were gonna need some crossbows and catapults and.哦 燃烧的弹射器呢?Ooh! What about flaming catapults?或者 如何从尾巴虾糊Or, how about sh

    14、rimp paste from Tail.来自 塔隆的柠檬草 来自 脊柱的竹笋lemongrass from Talon, bamboo shoots from Spine,方的辣椒和心脏的棕榈糖?chilis from Fang and palm sugar from Heart?我们要毒死他们?Well poison them?不 我们不会毒死他们的No, were not going to poison them我们不会和他们战斗的and were not going to fight them.我们要和他们一起吃饭Were going to share a meal with them

    15、.-等等 什么? -我邀请了他们- Wait, what? - I invited them.但他们是我们的敌人But theyre our enemies.他们只是我们的敌人Theyre only our enemies因为他们认为龙宝石because they think the Dragon Gem神奇地给我们带来繁荣magically brings us prosperity.太荒谬了 它不这样做Thats ridiculous. It doesnt do that.他们假设是的They assume it does,就像我们假设他们的事情just like we assume thi

    16、ngs about them.拉亚 每个土地都有原因Raya, theres a reason why each land以龙的一部分命名is named after a part of the dragon.我们曾经统一过 和谐合二为一We were once unified. Harmoniously as one.库曼德拉Kumandra.那是古老的历史 巴Thats ancient history, Ba.但不必是But it doesnt have to be.听着 如果我们不停止Listen, if we dont stop学会再次相互信任and learn to trust on

    17、e another again,这只是时间问题its only a matter of time在我们分开之前before we tear each other apart.这不是我想要你生活的世界This isnt the world I want you to live in.我相信我们可以再次成为库曼德拉I believe that we can be Kumandra again.但必须有人迈出第一步But someone has to take the first step.相信我Trust me.事情看起来有点紧张 巴Things look a little tense, Ba.别

    18、担心 我要开个玩笑Dont worry, Im gonna open with a joke.请不要Please dont.我在开玩笑 我在开玩笑Im kidding, Im kidding.尾部人 塔隆人People of Tail, Talon,脊柱和方Spine, and Fang,欢迎来到心脏welcome to Heart.长久以来 我们一直是敌人For far too long, we have been enemies,但今天是新的一天but today is a new day.今天 我们可以再次成为库曼德拉Today, we can be Kumandra once more

    19、.演讲不错 贝尼亚酋长Nice speech, Chief Benja.但你为什么要把我们带到这里来?But whyd you really bring us here?你要抢劫我们吗?Are you gonna rob us?他为什么要抢劫我们?Why would he need to rob us?心之国已经拥有了一切The land of Heart already has everything.哦 在库曼德拉身上很容易浮夸Oh, its easy to pontificate on Kumandra当你拥有所有土地上最强大的武器when you hold the mightiest w

    20、eapon in all the lands.宝石不是武器这是一个神圣的遗迹The gems not a weapon. Its a sacred relic.库曼德拉 库曼德拉是个玩笑Kumandra! Kumandras a joke!他给我们带来了这一切He brought us all this way谈论童话故事to talk about fairy tales.这是毫无意义的This is pointless!我有话要说I have something to say.谁饿了?Whos hungry?哦Oh.继续 没关系Go ahead. Its all right.我是方的纳马里I

    21、m Namaari, of Fang.嗨 纳马里我是拉亚Hi, Namaari. Im Raya.那是西苏吗?Is that Sisu?对不起 嗯 是的Sorry, um, yeah,我可能有点龙书I might be a little bit of a dragon nerd.嘿 我穿的是西苏扇子项链Hey, Im the one wearing the Sisu fan necklace.加油Come on.你吃过了吗?Have you eaten yet?严重?Seriously?妈真的这么说了?Your mom actually said that?尴尬 好的 下一个问题Awkward

    22、. Okay, next question.手牵手还是剑?Hand-to-hand or swords?-整天都是刀片 -对吧?- Blades all day. - Right?好吧 穿得漂亮还是休闲?Okay, dressy or casual?只有怪物才会选择Only a monster would choose经常穿这套衣服to wear this outfit on the regular.嗯 米饭还是炖肉?Uh, rice or stew?我不认为那会困扰你I didnt think thatd stump you.呃.这实际上是第一次Uh. This is actually on

    23、e of the first times我已经吃了一段时间的米饭了Ive had rice in awhile.真?Really?方可能在外面看起来不错Fang may look nice on the outside,但我们里面有一些相当大的洞but we have some pretty big holes on the inside.哦Oh.对不起 不是故意要把它打倒的Sorry. Didnt mean to bring it down.我们去哪了?So, where were we?我们都有单亲父母We both have single parents谁是可怕的讲笑话who are t

    24、errible at telling jokes.我们都是战士女人Were both warrior women谁鄙视不舒服的正式磨损who despise uncomfortable formal wear.我们都是西苏的超级粉丝And were both Sisu superfans.是的Yeah.你知道 方传说她还在那里You know, Fang legend says shes still out there.西苏? 你在开玩笑吧?Sisu? Youre kidding, right?想看点什么吗?Wanna see something?你应该有吗?Are you supposed

    25、to have that?不No.据此According to this,在强大的西苏爆♥炸♥了所有的德鲁恩后after the Mighty Sisu blasted away all the Druun,她掉进水里 漂浮在下游she fell into the water and floated downstream.传说她现在睡在河的尽头Legends say shes now sleeping at the rivers end.但是哪条河呢? 好像有几百个But which river? Theres, like, hundreds.我不知道I dont

    26、know.但如果我们能找到它 你能想象吗?But if we could find it, could you imagine?一条龙回到世界上A dragon back in the world.事情可能会好得多Things could be so much better.是的Yeah.也许我们真的可以再次成为库曼德拉Maybe we really could be Kumandra again.这里Here.哇Whoa.真?Really?从一个龙书到另一个龙书From one dragon nerd to another.嗯Hmm.嘿Hey.跟我来 德普拉我想给你看点东西Come with

    27、 me, dep la. I wanna show you something.西苏的精神 我能感觉到The spirit of Sisu. I can feel it.这是龙魔法的最后一点Its the last bit of dragon magic留在整个世界left in the whole world.我明白为什么心脏守卫它如此密切I see why Heart guards it so closely.谢谢你 德普拉你帮了大忙Thank you, dep la. Youve been very helpful.在一个不同的世界 也许我们可以成为朋友In a different wo

    28、rld, maybe we could have been friends,但我必须做对方正确的事but I have to do whats right for Fang.维拉纳酋长 我很高兴方接受了我们的邀请Chief Virana, Im so glad Fang accepted our invitation.嗯?Huh?你不可能拿走西苏的宝石There is no way youre taking Sisus gem.对不起 现在是方的了Sorry. Its Fangs now.你不会踏上龙宝石的内圈You will not set foot on the Dragon Gems i

    29、nner circle.这是怎么回事?Whats going on?这是怎麽?What is this?方正在为宝石做戏Fangs making a play for the gem!不 脊柱应该有宝石No! Spine should have the gem!如果我们先到的话就不算了Not if we get to it first!我们的刀片说不同Our blades say different.听我说Listen to me!我们有选择的余地We have a choice.我们可以互相拆散We can tear each other apart,或者我们可以走到一起 建设一个更美好的世界or we can come together and build a better world.现在还不晚Its not too late.我仍然相信我们能再次成为库曼德拉I still believe we can be Kumandra again.八Ba!走我的路Out of my way!宝石属于脊柱The gem belongs to Spine!把宝石给我Give me the gem!不


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