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    1、八年级英语下册Unit1语法练习牛津深圳版动词不定式语法运用 Grammar in use 动词不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,有时可以不带to。它没有人称和数的变化,其否定式是在to前加上not。它在句中可作宾语、宾语补足语和状语等。具体用法见下表:用法例句作宾语 在offer, plan, hope, choose, refuse, decide, learn, wish等动词之后作宾语:Finally he offered to go shopping with me.最后他主动提出跟我一起购物。I have decided not to think about it.我已决定不去想它。

    2、 我们也可以在knowdecide,learn和remember等动词之后用“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语:I dont want to stay at home, but I dont know where to go.我不想呆在家里,但是我不知道去哪里。作宾语补足语 teach,ask,allow,invite,order,advise等动词之后用不定式作宾补:You should ask him to turn off the light.你应该要求他关掉灯。My parents allow me to play computer games at weekends.我父母允许我周末玩电脑

    3、游戏。let,make和have之后用省略to的不定式:My mother often makes me clean the windows.我妈妈常常让我擦窗户。作状语我们可以用动词不定式表示目的。They are working hard to save the injured tiger.他们正在努力工作营救那只受伤的老虎。实战演练I根据对话用合适的内容完成对话后的句子。1. Lucy: Would you like to eat some meat? Jerry: No. Thanks. Jerry refused _.2. Mary: Could you give me a hand

    4、? David: No problem. David agreed _.3. Paul: Shall I carry the bag for you? Steve: No. Thanks. I can do it by myself. Paul offered _.II根据汉语意思完成句子,每空不限词数。4昨晚那个老人建议我早点睡觉。The old man _ me _to sleep early last night.5她的妈妈刚才要求她穿一双舒适的鞋。Her mother _her _ a pair of comfortable shoes just now.6在我小时候,我妈妈教我做家务

    5、。My mother _me _the housework when I was young.7你不能让她那么早就离开。You cannot _her_ so early.8我的父母不允许我玩电脑游戏。My parents dont _me_ play computer games.III.将下列单词或词组连接成句。9. the boy, to, quickly, catch the bus, ran_10. every day, Jack, keep fit, takes exercise, to_11. its meaning, I, in the dictionary, looked u

    6、p, find, to, that word_ 12. visit her grandma, to, yesterday, took the train, Millie_ 13. my mother, to, for the family, gets up early, make breakfast, often_IV. 改写同义句, 每空不限词数。14. I dont know when we will have the meeting. I dont know _the meeting.15. His brother went to Paris for his holiday.His br

    7、other went to Paris _ his holiday.16. Dont make any noise, she said to me.She told me _any noise.17. They are working hard so that they can finish their work on time. They are working hard _ their work on time. 中考链接V. 从下列选项中选出最佳选项。( ) 18. He promised _his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.【2013;

    8、天津】 A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see( ) 19. - I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you? 【2013;山东济宁】 - I havent decided where_. A. go B. went C. going D. to go( ) 20. - Why is Linlin practicing speaking English? 【2013;山东泰安】 - _abroad for further study. A. Go B. Gone C. To go D. Goe

    9、s( ) 21. Mr Li asks the students _in the river, because its too dangerous. 【2012 ;重庆 】 A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim( ) 22. Colors can change our moods (情绪) and make us_ happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. 【2012;吉林】 A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling短语收藏夹 Phrase collectionUnit1

    10、短语聚会1. take part in 参加2. think about 考虑3. in order to 目的在于;为了4. work as. 从事工作5. attend school 上学6. write to sb 给某人写信7. give sb permission to do. 批准某人做8. because of. 因为9. be unable to do. 不能做10. stay at home 呆在家【操练场】 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,补全句子。1. Come and _ the English Week. You will like it a lot!

    11、2. It is cold outside. You should _.3. You should _it again before you make a decision.4The disabled girl _ speak.5. The man in white _a manager in a company.6. Children cannot go out to play_ the bad weather.7. _ buy a car, the man works hard to make money.8. Most children can _ now.9. We should of

    12、ten _each other to stay in touch.10. The head master _the students _ hold a party yesterday.For Unit 1Section A (For Grammer)I用括号中动词的适当形式填空。1. We want _ (raise) some money for sick kids in a hospital.2. At last, Sam decided _ (sing) a Chinese song for us at the party last night.3. My parents often e

    13、ncourage me _ (give) a hand to those in need.4. Each of us wishes _ (have) a nice future when we grow up.5. Susan ran to the bookstore _ (buy) her favorite cartoon book just now.6. The little boy hopes _ (play) with his friends.7. Can you tell me when _ (enter) the cinema?8. Dont forget _ (send) the

    14、 letter.9. As soon as I came in the office, the teacher let me_ (sit) down.10. My mother often makes me _ (get) up early in the morning.II按要求完成下面的句子。11. Helen often offers to help with my Maths. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Helen often offer _ _?12. The policeman asked us to play soccer in the park.(改为动词不定式的否定形式)

    15、The policeman asked us_ _ _soccer in the park.13. Mary hoped to do some voluntary work after school.(改为一般疑问句) _ Mary _ _ _ any voluntary work after school?14. The man painted a nice picture with a special pen.(改为同义句) The man _ a special pen _ _ a nice picture.15. I dont know where we will have the m

    16、eeting.(改为同义句) I dont know where_ _the meeting.III.用括号中动词的适当形式完成对话。 A: What are you going to do this weekend, Jane? B: Im going to see some disabled kids in a hospital. A: It sounds great. Whats your plan? B: I plan (16) _ (teach) them English. A: Good idea. Id like to join you. OK? B: Sure. We can

    17、go there together (17) _ (help) them. A: But I dont know what (18) _ (do) there. B: Dont worry about that. We can teach them (19) _ (speak) English together. A: Thats wonderful! Lets do something (20) _ (prepare) for it. B: OK.IV. 单项选择。( ) 21. I always tell my students _on the road because its reall

    18、y dangerous. 2013 ;广州 A. not to play B. to play notC. not playing D. not play ( ) 22. - Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when for London? 2009 ;广州 - Yes, tomorrow afternoon. A. leaving B. leaves C. to leave D. are you leaving( ) 23. He is too heavy. He has decided _some exercise to keep healthy. 2013 ;成都 A.

    19、 to take B. not to take C. take( ) 24. Even Tonys granddaughter, a five-year-old girl, asked him _ smoking. 2013;上海 A. give up B. gave up C. to give up D. giving up( ) 25. Lots of fast food restaurants use the color red _make customers_. 2012;青岛 A. to; eating faster B. want to; eat fast C. to; eat f

    20、aster D. to; to eat fastSection B (For Speaking)I用方框中短语的适当形式完成句子。play tennis, think about, take part in, take turns, talk about1. Listen! The boys _what to do next.2. If we _to look after the little girl, we wont get tired.3. You should give me more time _this problem, Mr Green.4. Last year, I often

    21、 _some activities with my friends.5. - Why do you plan _ every day, Gina? - Because I want to be healthy.II. 选句子完成对话。A: What are you going to do next Saturday, Anna?B: Im going to clean the city park with my friends. (6) _A: Well, Im thinking about playing computer games.B: (7) _Why not do something

    22、 interesting?A: You are right. Do you have any good ideas?B: (8)_A: Thats a good idea. (9) _B: We are going to pick up rubbish and clean the lake in it.A: How are we going there?B: (10) _ The park isnt far.A. Oh, thats boring.B. We are going there on foot.C. What about you, Mike?D. But what are we g

    23、oing to do there?E. We are going to help clean the windows.F. You can join us to clean the city park.G. Thats hard for me, so I wont do it.Section C (For Writing)I根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1我打算这周周末和我爸爸一起去钓鱼。I _ _ go fishing with my father this weekend.2当那个女孩在国外的时候,他常常给她的父母写信。When the girl was abroad, she ofte

    24、n_ _ her parents,3你想什么时候举办这次志愿活动?When_ _ _ _ have this voluntary activity?4为了让那些孩子开心,我们准备教他们唱歌。_ _ _ make those kids happy, we are going to teach them to sing.5可以允许我出去玩吗?Could you_ _ _ _ play outside?II从方框中选择适当的单词填入空白处,完成下面的一封邮件。forward, give, my, party, big, backyardDear John,I am writing to ask pe

    25、rmission to give a party. Next Thursday is (6) _birthday. I want to give a (7) _.in a backyard. However, the backyard behind my house is not (8) _ enough. I would like to (9) _my birthday party in your (10) _.Could you allow me to do that?I am looking (11) _ to your reply.Yours sincerely,LilySection

    26、 D (For More Practice)用方框中短语的适当形式完成句子。be unable to, because of, since then, millions of, work as, stay at home1. I decided _ to help my mother do the housework.2. The old man has helped _ children to go to school.3. This boy _ talk and walk, but he never gives up himself.4. My grandpa used to_ a pol

    27、iceman and often helped people in need.5. We spent one hour waiting in the rain _Tim.6. Two years ago, Jack joined us. _ he has done many great things.中考听说训练I听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出你听到的句子。(下面每小题念两遍。)(共3小题,每题1分)( ) 1. A. Tom stood up and went outside. B. Tom went outside to see the beautiful sight. C. Tom sh

    28、outed and went outside.( ) 2. A. Debbie wanted to be a teacher on the show. B. Debbie wanted to be a speaker on the show. C. Debbie wanted to do some voluntary work for the show.( ) 3. A. Do you make faces before the students? B. Do you like to study with the students? C. Do you like to talk with the teachers?II听录音,在A、B、C选


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