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    1、初三年级第一学期英语期中考试试题十四初三年级第一学期英语期中考试经典试题十四听力部分一、回答问题:7 ( )1A She is not better than She wasBShe is very kindCshe is ill ( )2ADont thank meBIts a pleasure CYou are kind to say so ( )3AFunny BConfident CCurious ( )4ARed BGreen CYellow ( )5AYesI do BAbout animals CMany kinds ( )6AYesI agree BWhy not CReall

    2、y ( )7AThey dont have enough time to play happily BThey have to work hard to get full marks in exams CHow to achieve a balance between homework and hobbies二听对话回答问题 9( )1What are they talking about ? AThe radio BThe rain CThe weather( )2M1at time is it now? A10:10 B11:10 C12:10( )3Does Sandy know how

    3、 to use the computer? AYes she does BNo she doesntCYes she is( )4How did he get to the museum? ABy taxi BBy underground CBy bus( )5What did the boy do With the money? AHe helped the old woman with it BHe gave all ice cream to the woman CHe bought an ice cream with it( )6Why did Jack get up early thi

    4、s morning? ABecause he was ill this morningBBecause he felt well this morning CBecause he wanted to go on a holiday( )7How old is Simon? A17 B16 C1 5( )8mere are they talking?AIn the open airBIn a bookshopCOn the way home( )9Who worries about everything? AAmy BSimon CSandy三听短文回答问题10( )1What time did

    5、 Steven leave home yesterday afternoon? A2:30 B6:20 C3:20( )2Who did he visit?AHis brother BHis sister CHis friend( )3What didnt they talk about there? AThe weather BClothes CTeachers( )4Why was he going to New York? ATo attend a meetingBTo visit his old friendsCOn business( )5What did me woman do b

    6、efore Steven left the hospital?AWrote a letter to Roger for StevenBMade a phone call to RogerCSaid thanks to Steven笔试部分一选择14 ( )1Where is Tom ?He experiment over there Ais doing all Bhas done an Cwas doing the Ddid an( )2Its clever Peter to give up in the river Afor swimming Bof swimming Cof to swim

    7、 Dfor to swim( )3Do you have any oranges in the box ?No is left AOne BNone CSomething DNothing( )4I have two rooms to But I cant decide A1irewhich one B1ive in,to choose which one C1ive in,which one to choose D1ive,which one to choose( )5I hear the programme will be Acovered alive Bcovering lively C

    8、covering live Dcovered live( )6The elderly walking APreferred to jog Bprefer , to jogging Cwould rather ,than jog Dwould rather than jogging( )7When I went into the room,I found it already Ais cleaned Bwas cleaning Cto clean Dcleaned( )8Can you tell me who to help? Atalk to Btalk to for Ctalk for Dt

    9、alk with( )9The thief stole my purse I knew it ABefore Buntil Cwhile Dafter( )10The girl student greets she meets in the school in the morning AEverybody Bsomebody Canybody Dnobody( )11While I a novel,someone at the door Aread,was knocking Bread,knocked Cwas reading,knocked Dwas reading,was knocking

    10、( )12Our teacher are very strict us our study Awith in Bto,in Con at Dwith on( )13Jim be at workI know he has gone to England Amustnt Bneednt CCant Dmay not( )14This kind of coat wellThey are out ASells sold Bis sold sold Csells selling Dis sold selling二完型填空。 10 Balloons have been used 1 sport for o

    11、ver two hundred yearsThere are 2 kinds of sport balloons;gas and hot air。Hot air balloons are safer than gas balloonswhich may 3 fireHot air balloons are preferred by most 4 in the United States because of their safety。They are also cheaper and easier to control than gas balloonsAlthought it is easy

    12、 to operate a balloon,pilots must 5 the weather carefullySport balloon fights are the 6 early in the morning or late in the evening 7 the wind is lightOver the years,balloons have tried 8 to cross the Atlantic OceanIt 9 until 1 978 that three American balloonists succeededIt took them six days to 10

    13、 their trip from their homes in the USE to Paris,FranceTheir trip captured(引起)the imagination of the whole world ( )1Aat Bfor Cwith Dto ( )2Amany Bfew Ctwo Da11 ( )3Acatch Bset Cmake Dbright ( )4Aballoons Bsports Cballoonists Dgases ( )5A。look Bsee Cthink Dwatch ( )6Abiggest Bmost Cgreatest Dbest (

    14、)7Awhere Bwhen Cwhich Dwhat ( )8Asuccessful Bunsuccessfully Cunsuccessful D successfully ( )9Awasnt Bwas Cdid Dhadnt ( )10Afind Bgo Cmake D1ast 三阅读理解 20A Students often complain their teachers give them too much homeworkNow ,two reports show that in American this is not true The Brookings report sho

    15、ws that most students do 1ess than one hour of homeworkThe Rand report shows that only 1 0of high school students spend more two hours a night on homework The Brookings report also talks about a study from 1995American students do almost the least homework among twenty countriesStudents in Franceand

    16、 Italy and South Africa spend more than two hours on homework The Rand report says there was only one time when homework greatly increased in AmericaDuring the early 1 960s,Americans were not happy when the Soviet Union(前苏联)became the first country to reach spacePeople thought it was necessary to im

    17、prove educationParents want their children to have time for sportsmusic lessons and other things after schoo1Some experts say schools need to give useful homework ( )1Students are not happy about Atoomuch homeworkBgoing to schoo1C1ess homeworkDthe job ( )2French students usually spend on their homew

    18、ork than American students Amore time Bless time Cmore daytime Deverything。 ( )3“ shows homework once greatly increased in America AThe Brookings report BThe Rand report CA university DAll of above ( )4The Soviet Union was the to get to space Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dfourth ( )5Some experts think Astu

    19、dents dont study hard enough Bstudents should not do any homework Chomework is welcome if it is usufulDhomework is bad for the studentsBThe earth is our home;we must take Care of itThis means keeping the land,air and waterclean Pollution is a dirty wordTo pollute means to make things unfit(不合适的)or u

    20、nclean to usePollution comes in many waysWe see it,smell it ,taste it and drink itPollution is beginning to threaten(威胁)our health ,or happiness and our life Manhas been polluting the earth from the time he first made fire,washed his clothes in theriver and threw his waste on the groundWhen land was

    21、 used up or water became dirtymenmoved to another placeAt first the problem was not so serious because there was plenty of clean air,land and waterThere werent so many people then and their wants(需求)were fewerAll the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收)by nature and sooncovered over(恢复)But this is no

    22、longer trueThe increase of population(人口增长)and the development of industry have changed thatMan is slowly pollutinghis environment Through the use of poison(农药),mall has polluted land !killing the animalBy putting dirty water and chemicals into rivers and lakes we have polluted our drinking water ,k

    23、illing the fish Our increasing population is part of theproblemMore people more waste Where is this all to end ?Are we turning the world into a big rubbish dump,or is there anyhope that we can get rid of(摆脱)the pollution ?Luckily,millions of people have been warned ofthe danger of pollutionLarge num

    24、bers of people are now working hard to bring pollution under( )6Which sentence is WRONG? AWe live on the earth,so we should look after it BTo pollute means to make air ,water and land unfit for use CAll the waste produced by modem industry can be absorbed DMan is now fighting against different kinds

    25、 of pollution( )7In this passage the word“chemicals”means A化学 B化学物质 C化学的 D医学的 ( )8Through the uncontrolled use of poison mall has Amade the drinking water dirty Bpolluted the land Ckilled the animals and fish Dall of the above( )9From the sentences“More people more waste”,we know that Abecause of th

    26、e increase of population and the development of industry,more and more waste is produced Bwe need more people,not more waste Cthere isnt any hope that we can get rid of the pollution Dmore people have been warned of the danger of more waste( )10From the passage we can know that now man Adoesnt know

    27、how to control pollution Bstill doesnt realize how serious pollution is Cis doing something to control pollution Dbegins to understand the pollution 四,单词拼写10 1You are (随和)enough and never angry 2Have you ever seen the (克隆)sheep? 3I think he will (回复)to my e-mail 4This tall man is one of the greatest

    28、 (导演)。 5We have difficulty (处理)with the problem 6If you take more exercise,you wilt be (健康) 7He is sure to become a (成功)man 8We cant change our moods (容易) 9Liu Tao is sometimes (欲睡)in class 10They were (拒绝)to take part in the party五中译英 181Tom工作那么长时间不休息真是精力充沛2我宁愿看书也不愿看乏味的电视3你认为这歌值得一听吗?4由于考试,学生感到有压力5生活在暖和气候里的人们更容易创造满意的感觉6直到会议结束才宣布了这一结果。六书面表达(共l题:满分20分) 目前,初三同学们的学习很忙,有些同学不得不放弃了很多自己喜爱的活动, 有的同学为此感到很苦恼。Simon想向他的朋友Joe谈谈想法,请你替他写封 Email。 1以前花很多时间在自己的爱好上 2进入初三父母和老师都不允许自己继续因为这样会影响学习。3虽然理解他们,但还是认为自己应该做点自己感兴趣的事情。 4希望朋友提出解决方案帮助自己。 注意:1词数80词左右。 2短文需包括所有内容要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、 通顺。 Dear Joe, Best wishesSimon


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