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    1、新版人教新目标版九年级英语全册Unit14IremembermeetingallofyouinGrade7九年级英语第十四单元检测卷班级:_姓名:_得分:_一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)( )1.I have left some food in the classroom.Dont worry.You can share some of _.Aour Bus Cours( )2.What happened in Grade 7 that was special?My class _ to the zoo together.Ahas gone Bwill go Cwent(

    2、)3.I remember _ you what I am going to do after graduation.Sorry,I forgot it.Atell Bto tell Ctelling( )4.My teacher helped me to _ the answers myself no matter how hard they were.Awork out Bput out Ctake out( )5.Jim asks Chen Lin to come to his birthday party,and she is happy to _ the invitation.Are

    3、fuse Baccept Cread( )6.If you succeed,never fail to be _ to the people around you.Apleased Bresponsible Cthankful( )7.After a weeks rest,we _ for Beijing again.Aset out Bset up Cset free( )8.Why did she stop crying?Because she _ by a teacher.Aencouraged Bis encouraged Cwas encouraged( )9._ they all

    4、worked very hard,none of them succeeded at last.AAlthough BBecause CBut( )10.Its time to say goodbye,but _ of us wanted to leave our relatives.Anone Bno one CNobody( )11.Tom wants to become a professional player _.Ain ten years Bin ten years time Cin ten years time( )12.If you lose 12 times _,will y

    5、ou just give up?No,never.I will keep on working hard.Ain detail Bin all Cin addition( )13.He always does well in all of his subjects and his parents is _ him.Aproud of Bpride of Cproud( )14.How should the students _ their problems?By regarding problems as challenges.Ado with Bdeal with Cto deal with

    6、( )15.We must pay attention _ the environment.People must _ dirty things everywhere. Afor;stop from throwing Bto;be stopped from throwingCto;stop to throw二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共计30分)阅读短文,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选出最佳答案。AWill you give your friend a gift at the graduation ceremony?Do you know how to _16_ the gift?

    7、Here is some advice for you.If your friend is going to a high school,choose _17_ he can use there.This could be as simple as a gift basket _18_ with notebooks and pens.You can also choose a book to encourage him _19_ he is in difficulty.Gift books written _20_ for middle school graduates can be foun

    8、d in gift shops and bookstores.Pick an electronic thing that can be _21_ to the high school.A radio,a CD player,an alarm clock,or even an MP4 player can be quite _22_ for them.Make a gift by _23_ if you have enough time.For example,a paper cup can be made into a great graduation gift by _24_ the nam

    9、es of your friends,the graduation date or the name of your school.Pick a photo album(相册) if your friend is going to be far away from home.He will _25_ his family and friends.So the gift will help him remember his best time with loved ones.( )16.A.finish Bchoose Cuse( )17.A.something Banything Cevery

    10、thing( )18.A.agreed Bdid Cfilled( )19.A.because Bif Cwhen( )20.A.specially Bespecially Cproperly( )21.A.carried Brefused Cunderstood( )22.A.careful Buseful Ccareless( )23.A.myself Bitself Cyourself( )24.A.remembering Bspending Cadding( )25.A.miss Bknow CforgetBAll students _26_ to have good study ha

    11、bits.When you have good study habits,you learn things _27_You also remember _28_ easily.Do you like to study _29_ the living room?This is not a good place,_30_ it is usually too noisy.You need to study in a quiet place,like your _31_A quiet place will help you only to think about _32_When you study,

    12、do not think about _33_ things at the same time.Only think about your homework.If you do this,you will do your homework _34_ quickly,and you will make _35_ mistakes.Good study habits are very important.If you do not have them,try to develop them.If you already have some,try to make them better.( )26

    13、.A.need Bmust Ccan( )27.A.quick Beasy Ceasily( )28.A.it Bthis Cthem( )29.A.in Bwith Con( )30.A.because Bso Cso that( )31.A.kitchen Bbedroom Cbathroom( )32.A.one thing Bmany things Cnothing( )33.A.the other Bother Cothers( )34.A.more much Bmuch Cmuch more( )35.A.few Bless CFewer三、补全对话(5分)(请阅读下面一段对话,根

    14、据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对话的五个选项。)A:Im going to improve my English this term.B:Really?36._A:I want to get up early and read English for half an hour in the morning.B:37._A:And I want to listen to the English programs on the radio while I am having breakfast.B:38._A:I want to read English for two hours bef

    15、ore I go to bed in the evening and I want to keep a diary in English every day.B:39._A:Yes.What do you think of my plan?B:Great!But you see,you spend so much time studying English.40._A:I dont know!AAnything else?BWhat about the other subjects?CWhat are you going to do then?DOh,thats a good way.EWhi

    16、ch is the way?FIs that all?GHow can you do that?四. 阅读理解(40分)AKendall Harvey has an unusual hobby.He used to be a worker in a bike factory and retired(退休) six years ago.Harvey began working on motors and wheels,building himself a machine that he and his wife used to travel to the mountains.One day,wh

    17、ile having a meal at a local restaurant,he met another dad out with his small son,who was disabled(残疾的)He listened as the boy expressed a wish for a bike,like his friends.Harvey went home and started working,and soon he made a motorized(机动的) bike.Since then,Harvey has made the dreams of 140 other ch

    18、ildren come true.Thanks to a donation from Walmart,Harveys garage is filled with bicycles of all sizes,just waiting for him to rebuild them for children.Through friends and relatives he hears about kids who cant see or use their arms and legs because of injury(伤口;受伤) or birth defect(出生缺陷)Harvey meet

    19、s the kids,talks to them about the kind of bike theyd like,then takes their sizes.He picks out a suitable bike,and adds extra wheels,a sidecar(附于车旁的边车) for dolls,or a small radio.Within a few weeks,he has made a childs dream come true.They are independent(独立的) because they have a bike.Children of al

    20、l ages use Harveys bikes.Several are in their twenties or even thirties physically,but mentally(心理上) they are five,six or seven.The price Harvey asks for all this is the pictures with them when they receive their machines,the hugs and kisses they give him,and the joy he sees on their faces as they o

    21、perate the bike all by themselves.For him,that is enough.( )41.Harvey met the father and his disabled son while _.Ahe was taking a walk on the streetBhe was having a meal at homeChe was having a meal at a restaurant( )42.He has made many kids dreams come true.The number is about _.A40 B140 C60( )43.

    22、What cant he get for building these loved bikes for the disabled?AA lot of money. BKisses from the children.CPictures with them and the joy on their faces.( )44.The story mainly talks about _.AHarveys unusual hobby Bthe poor childrenCthe lucky childrenBDear Mrs.Daniels,I recently saw your advertisem

    23、ent on the university website offering private English lessons.Im very interested in your private lessons and would like some more information.I am a student at Aston College in Hong Kong studying English,so my language level is already quite good.However,I feel that I need to improve my listening a

    24、nd speaking skills.This is because Im planning to study at London University in England next year and I think your lessons will help me to live and study abroad.Could you send me some more information about the lessons offered,such as where and when they will be held and how much they cost?Also,I wo

    25、uld like to know whether you teach students in groups or onetoone.I would be glad to supply any further information you might need.Regards,Li Hua( )45.Where did Li Hua see Mrs.Daniels advertisement?AAt London University. BIn a newspaper. COn the Internet.( )46.Which of the following information did

    26、Li Hua NOT mention in his email?AHis age. BHis reasons for learning English. CHis language level.( )47.Li Hua wants to take the lessons to improve his _ skills.Alistening and writing Blistening and speaking Clistening and reading( )48.What can we learn about Li Hua from his email?AHe is now living i

    27、n England.BHe is a student in Hong Kong.CHis level of English is very low.CThere are many things you can do to improve your English.One of the best things to do,however,is to read,write and speak English as much as possible.The more you practice your English,the more likely you are to improve it.Tak

    28、e a ClassEnglish classes are available(可获得的) through schools or other education programs in many parts of the world.No matter where the class is offered,it is best if it is taught by a person whose first language is English.Some classes might focus on reading,writing or speaking,but others will teac

    29、h students in all three areas.Use English DailyIf you are living in an Englishspeaking country,you have many chances to improve your English outside class.For example,if you have children who are learning English at school,you can improve your English by talking with them in English and helping them

    30、 with their English homework.One Word at a TimeIf you want to improve your English vocabulary,it can be helpful to learn a few new words at a time.For example,you could learn one new word every few days and look for chances to use them in conversation.Another way is to learn two or three new words each week and spend the week trying to use them.( )49.Whats the meaning of the underlined word “focus” in Chinese?A关注 B选择 C关心( )50.How can you use English daily according to the passage?ABy finding a good English teacher.BBy talking with other people in English.CBy learning som


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