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    1、真题浙江省湖州市中考英语试题附答案中考真题精选英语试题时间:120分钟 总分:120分一、听力 第一节:听下面五段对话, 每段对话后有1个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Which fruit does the man want?A. An apple. B. A banana. C. An orange.2. How is Nick going to school today?A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By car.3. Who was ill last night?A. Tom. B. TinaC. Jack.4.

    2、 What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.5. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Wife and husband. B. Teacher and student. C. Sister and brother.第二节:听下面两段较长对话, 每段对话后有2至3个小题, 请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段较长对话, 回答第6一7小题。6. Why does Grace joi

    3、n the group?A. To make more friends.B. To improve her English.C. To share her experience.7. How often will the group meet every week?A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week.听下面一段较长对话, 回答第8一10小题。8. How is Tim these days? A. He is a little tired. B. He feels terrible.C. He looks young.9

    4、. What does Mary suggest Tim do?A Work hard. B. Take more exercise.C. Go to bed early.10. When is Tim going to take action?A. Today. B. tomorrow. C. The day after tomorrow. 第三节:听下面一段独白, 独白后有5个小题, 请从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选择正确的选项。独白读两遍。11. When was the eat restaurant opened?A. One year ago. B. Two years ago.

    5、C. Five years ago.12. Why is the eat restaurant famous?A. It looks unusual.B. It serves delicious food.C. It has a special rule.13. What can people do in the eat restaurant?A. Cough. B. Make phone calls. C. Use body languages.14. Who came up with the idea for the eat restaurant?A. The manager. B. An

    6、 Indian. C. The head cook.15. What probably makes people enjoy their food better in the eat restaurant?A. The taste. B. The service. C. The silence.二、完形填空 My neighbor is a doctor. He and his wife are some of the _1_ people I have ever met. A few years ago, we started this kind of favor war where one

    7、 of us would do something kind for the other, such as _2_ the driveway or building a shed, and next time the other would _3_ to top it with another favor.Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I _4_ he shoveled (铲) my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip

    8、 last _5_. So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor _6_. It took a while but I finished it with another favor.That night I got a _7_ on my door. It was my neighbor, He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling _8_ dri

    9、veway and side walk, so that he was able to get to work earlier and _9_ a boy.As soon as I started the car early this morning, a(n) _10_ came through that a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill. _11_, my partner and I were only about 2 minutes away, but the closest ambulance (救护车) 10 minu

    10、tes, added he. A young boy got to live his life _12_you did me that favor earlier this morning It wasnt too much _13_ to shovel a driveway, but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again._14_ favor is too small. Even the smallest favor can mak

    11、e the biggest _15_. One favor will always be followed by another.1. A. nicest B. busiest C. richest D. happiest2. A. looking for B. going down C. cleaning up D. walking across3. A. try B. stop C. agree D. refuse4. A. saw B. thought C. expected D. remembered5. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter6

    12、. A. soon B. back C. again D. first7. A. note B. kick C. gift D. knock8. A. my B. our C. his D. your9. A. met B. saved C. supported D. encouraged10. A. call B. card C. letter D. invitation11. A. Finally B. Actually C. Luckily D. Suddenly12. A. when B. unless C. because D. though13. A. practice B. tr

    13、ouble C. attention D. experience14. A. No B. Any C. Some D. Each15. A. choice B. progress C. decision D. difference三、阅读理解 A Summer CultureWhat is your teen doing this summer?Welcome a student from France or Spain into your family!Host a student from Spain or France and experience his/her life and cu

    14、lture.Exchange students from Spain and France are looking for welcoming warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and August. Stays can be from 3 to 6 weeks.What to do with your exchange studentMovies / Museums / Beach / Cooking / Baking / Com

    15、munity projects /Volunteering / Hanging out / Shopping / Disneyland/ anything you can think of. Requirements to host:Loving, active, outgoing familyOne stay-at home. Or part time host parentTeen in the home within 4 years of age of the exchange studentWilling to take students to places or interest o

    16、nce a week(maybe visiting them next summer at their home countries)If you are interested and would like more information, please contact:Shirley Wentzell 909-918-6715Email: Shirley 16. Exchange students from France or Spain will possibly stay for _ in host families.A. 10 days B. 5 weeks C. 2 months

    17、D. 1 year17. According to the passage, we can learn that _.A. exchange students will come back next summerB. exchange students have to cook dinner by themselvesC. parents in a host family should have full-time jobsD. teens in host families can experience different cultures18. The text above is proba

    18、bly a _.A. letter B. notice C. poster D. diaryBBy Anna Matteo28 January, 2019A 3-year-old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home with his family. But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers (救援者) that he was not alone in the rainy, freezing cold woods. He said he was with a friend -

    19、 a bear.The child went missing on January 22 while playing with friends near his grandmothers house in North Carolina. When the other children returned but Casey did not, the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police.Police formed a search team to look for the young boy i

    20、n the nearby woods. But two days went by and - no Casey. Then on January 24, someone called the police saying he heard a child crying in the woods. Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9: 30 that night. He was in good health.Casey told the rescuers he had hung out with a bl

    21、ack bear for two days, a bear he called his friend.The police officer Chip Hughes spoke with reporters from several news agencies. He said Casey did not say how he could survive in the woods for two days in the cold, rainy weather. However, the police officer said, he did say he had a friend in the

    22、woods that was a bear with him.Hundreds of people helped in the search and rescue efforts, including some 600 volunteers, police and members of the army. Doctors at the medical center gave Casey some examination. He was then sent to his family on January 25. His mother talked with reporters and than

    23、ked everyone who joined the search for her son. We just want to tell everybody that were very thankful that you took the time out to search for Casey, said his mother. He is up and talking. Hes already asked to watch cartoons. 19. Who stayed with Casey in the woods during the two days?A. A bear. B.

    24、The police. C. His mother. D. The volunteers.20. The underlined word survive in Paragraph 6 probably means _.A. give up B. get lost C. fall asleep D. remain alive21. What is the correct order in which these happen?a. Someone heard a child crying. b. The family started to look for Casey.c. Casey play

    25、ed with his friends. d. The police found Casey was in good health.A. b-c-a-d B. b-c-d-a C. c-b-a-d D. c-b-d-a22. After Casey was sent back home, he was _.A. scared B. nervous C. relaxed D. surprisedCA myth is something that is not correct, but many people believe. There are a lot of myths about the

    26、human brain.One of the biggest myths is that we only use 10 percent of our brains. The next part of the myth is that if we can learn to use the rest of our brains, then well be much smarter. People say this all the time, but its absolutely not true! The truth is that although we dont know everything

    27、 about the human brain, we know that each part of it has an important function (功能) . Modern scientists think the 10 percent myth ridiculous (荒谬的) . The other most popular myth is about being right brained or left brained. According to this myth people who use the right side of their brains are more

    28、 artistic and creative. People who use the left side of their brains are better at math and science. This is as popular as the 10 percent myth, and its also wrong. In 2013, a study at an American university examined the right brain and left brain myth. According to the study, we use both sides of ou

    29、r brains equally (相等地). Its true that we use different parts of our brains for different things. We use our left side for language more, and our right side when we need to pay attention. But there is no evidence (证据) that creative people use the right side more or that scientific people use the left

    30、 side more.Weve talked about myths, so lets look at a few interesting facts about the brain. First of all, the brain feels no pain. Second, about 75 percent of the brain is made of water. Its also the fattest organ in your body. Heres another interesting fact about the brain. Around the time you tur

    31、n 18 years old, it stops growing.23. The underlined word This 1fParagraph 3 refers to _.A. the left brain myth B. the right brain and left brain mythC. the use of human brains D. the study of an American university24. According to the facts mentioned in the passage, _ may use the left brain more.A. Robert, who is learning English B. Kate, who is drawing picturesC. Jenny, who is designing clothes D. Jacob, who is doing research25. Which of the following is TRUE about the human brain?A. It is growing all life long. B


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