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    1、外文翻译基于社会性软件的个人知识管理应用程序模型的研究Research on the Application Model ofPersonal Knowledge Management Based on Social SoftwareAbstract:In recent years, Internet has been glutting with Social Software, like Hotmail, MSN, ICQ, etc. How to effectively apply them into Personal Knowledge Management,which is the p

    2、rocess of obtaining, evaluating, arranging, analyzing, revealing and sharing information, is an extremely significant job for educational researchers. Many studies have used one SS in PKM, there is no research on the combination of various SS to apply them effectively in PKM. Our paper, therefore, s

    3、tudies the macrocosm of the application of various SS in PKM.Keywords:Social Software; Personal Knowledge Management; BLOG, WIKII. INTRODUCTIONSocial Software, the driving force of the new Internet revolution, play an important role in the information share among people. By using SS, the spreading o

    4、f knowledge and the expansion of relative information can be strictly followed. Therefore, the natural relationship between SS and personal knowledge management can not be broken off. It wont be hard to imagine that PKM will become part of SS in the future. Therefore, many scholars, companies and in

    5、dividuals have been attracted to do all kinds of researches, software development and practices, which make the practice of SS in PKM become a new sector. However, in terms of the practices and researches in a certain of SS, macrocosm had been short of. This article will offer a new complete applica

    6、tion model of SS which supports to PKM.II. SOCIAL SOFTWARE OVERVIEWSocial Software (SS), a result of the socialization of software, has always been a hot topic since 2002. Social software is normally applied to a range of web-enabled software programs. The programs usually allow users to interact, c

    7、ommunicate and share information with other users. Users use the SS as a communication means to improve their social relationship, meanwhile they consider the non-social software as an IT tool rather than a communication means. Therefore, SS distinguishes itself from the non-SS by the following poin

    8、ts: The software reflects the social network in the real world when it is being used. The spontaneous grouping and organization. Self-centered, light-duty, easy-united, Web connected. Many 2 Many (Group to Group). The reflection of users identity and trust in software. Software update and self-devel

    9、opment. The active individual participation in groups.Actually, before its widely recognized, SS has already been widely used with the development of the Internet. For example, E-mail and Instant Message are all early SS. But these SS have straightforward aims, mainly on communication. Recently, as

    10、the idea of SS becomes clearer and the Internet grows rapidly, SS reaches its prime time. Many new multi-functional SS, especially those working on spreading, communicating and sharing of knowledge, such as BLOG, WIKI etc., enter the stage. Based on the mission and new development of SS. A. BLOGBLOG

    11、 is a kind of network publication and communication form of personal information and thoughts that is presented chronologically and also it is frequently updated. It is a new channel to post network information and simple to use, which accounts for its popularity. A great number of BLOGGERS (That is

    12、 BLOG writer) create abundant Internet information spontaneously. BLOG makes it more convenient for users to post personal information and it is of great significance on exploring and sharing implicit knowledge.B. RSSRSS is a kind of union pattern of web content, including a set of element data rule

    13、s used to describe web content and an interactive and provide a multi-beneficial application system to content integrators, content providers and end users. Depending on RSS technology, people can browse the web abstract and news with the on-line or off-line RSS reader, without website login.C. WIKI

    14、WIKI is a kind of hypertext system. It offers a support to community collaborative writing and an auxiliary tool to such writing as well. Many people can maintain WIKI and WIKI provide an access for everyone to post his comment or extend and discuss the common subjects. Accordingly, WIKI means a lot

    15、 to establishing shared knowledge base.D. TagTag can also be said to be a key-tag search to find help. But the tag is also different from the general keywords, search using keywords, can only search articles which mentioned the words, but they can tag the article as there is no tag to mark the key w

    16、ords, such as the above that articles, I can be marked as data or history, of course, more often labeled as physical, but, if I tag data tag, all the information you can associate all of the articles easy to find. 3.tag significance lies not only in classification, but also because it can reflect ea

    17、ch users thinking, life and feelings. For example, last year you go to Beijing travel, train travel with you and your familys photos, you can identify it to Beijing. Later, when you see this is not Beijings photos, you can think of tourism in Beijing. 4.tag different from ordinary classification, wh

    18、ich is built from the bottom up, the general classification is generally established from the top down. 5.tag significance is reflected in the share: through the same tag you want to have to find someone elses blog, network pick, pictures, files, etc.Tag is an identifier of categorization informatio

    19、n. Generally speaking, tag is kind of categorization system. However, users themselves set up each tag and there is no need of following some certain categorization system. In sum, its a new approach of organizing information.E. SNSSNS, the full name of Social Networking Services, social networking

    20、services, verbal fight Internet application service designed to help people build social networks. Can also refer to information on existing mature universal carriers of society, such as text messaging SMS service. Another common explanation of the SNS: full Social Network Site, that is, social netw

    21、orking or social network. Social networking (Social Networking) is a network of relationships between individuals, this site is based on social networking systems thinking social networking sites (SNS website). SNS can also refer to Social Network Software, social networking software is a distribute

    22、d technology, XSP is using P2P technology, build the next generation network infrastructure based on personal software.SNS is the abbreviation of Social Network Service. According to the theory, users extend the social relationship by making friends through social network software.III. THE ANALYSIS

    23、ON THE COMBINATION USAGE OF THE SS IN PKMA. Theoretical Analysis1) Over turn the idea that one set of SS can support the PKM comprehensively.Due to the difference in individual study style and intelligence, ones successful PKM method cannot achieve the same result or even worse if we just impose the

    24、 method on another person without any customization. Likewise, the application of the personal SS is no exception.Concerning the SS serving as the PKM tools, there is no one SS that can support the PKM comprehensively. By analyzing the application of various SS in PKM, a conclusion can be reached th

    25、at despite the common characters, these SS obviously vary in their functions. These software work on different aspects of the PKM, such as the social network focusing on the establishment of the social relationship, E-mail, IM mainly work on supporting the social communication, Social Tags, BBS is f

    26、or the discussion while WIKI for the group cooperation and the sharing of the knowledge. Up to now, BLOG, which is widely used in PKM, is a comparatively comprehensive tool in this area. Its comprehensive support is mainly reflected in the information assessment, organization, demonstration and shar

    27、ing. Yet, there still are many problems that cannot be ignored, for example, it is not good at communication and it does not have the function of bookmark and collection.Moreover, because of its short time development, the soaring numbers of participants in BLOG are neither very knowledgeable nor we

    28、ll informed in academic level. This fact confines the discussion in BLOG mainly on common daily experience and words like “good talk” “I agree”“hehe” are often seen in its comments.All kinds of SS affect PKM differently. The table II is a summary for the application of all kinds of SS in PKM.2) Comb

    29、ine different sorts of SS in order to support the PKM comprehensively. According to the analysis and introduction of different sorts of SS in Part two, there is various software which are widely applied and hence leave us many choices. Therefore, individuals could pick up and organize some particula

    30、r SS that suit them best to develop a comprehensive combination. In this paper, we attempt to combine different kinds of SS on the basis of BOLG so as to provide effective supports to a better PKM.B. Technology Analysis1) World-wide standardized technologySS is easy to study and use. All of the SS u

    31、tilize the same network protocol and technology, such as, HTML, XML, and RSS etc. They can combine things from different systems to work in one in order to achieve the cooperation among these systems and the association of various functions. For example, by using BLOG, we can use Flicker to send and

    32、 receive photos, YouTube to release sound and pictures. Also, BLOG shows the thesis in CiteULike, web page in del.icio.us, the newest up-to-date information on WIKI.2) Easy to useEasy to use is the key to the success of SS. If we ignore this, many clients will no longer stay with the SS. It is advisable to combine different SS that are easy to learn or are already familiar to the netizens. All they should do is to link their familiar software and make their original personal relationship network intact.C. Application Analysis1) Research on the study purposeThe purpose of


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