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    1、Reading and thinking,Words review,gravityfrontiervehicleuniverse determineddeterminesatellitelaunchorbitgiant,n.重力;引力,n.边境;国界;边远地区,n.交通工具;车辆,n.宇宙;天地万物,adj.有决心的;意志坚定的,vt.查明;确定;决定,n.人造卫星;卫星,vt.&n.发射;发起;上市,n.(环绕地球、太阳等的运行)轨 道,势力范围vt.&vi.沿/环绕轨道运行,adj.巨大的;伟大的,n.巨人;巨兽;伟人,leapmankindagencytransmitdatadisapp

    2、ointeddesirecarry outongoing,n.跳跃;剧增;剧变(leapt,leapt or leaped,leaped)vt.&vi.跳过;跃过,n.人类,n.(政府的)专门机构;服务机 构;代理处,vt.&vi.传输;发送,n.资料;数据,adj.失望的;沮丧的,n.渴望;欲望vt.渴望;期望,n.继续做,坚持干,adj.持续存在的;仍在进行的,Words review,on boardindependentlyindependentspacecraftspacewalkjadedocksignalin the hope of doing sth.,在宇宙飞船上;在船/飞机

    3、上,adv.独立地;自立地,adj.独立的;自立的,n.航天器;宇宙飞船,n.太空行走;太空行走的时间,n.玉;翡翠;玉器,vt.使进港n.码头;船坞,vt.&vi.标志着;标明;发信号n.信号;标志,抱有的希望,Words review,Before reading,the space,the solar system,the earth,the moon,There are more than 200 billion stars in our galaxy,and the sun is just one of them.,In order to explore the space,scie

    4、ntists all over the world have made many efforts to get into the space.,The main reasons for space travel are to further human exploration and to gather knowledge of the universe.,What do you think are the main reasons for space exploration?,A possible answer:,Look at the title and the photos,discus

    5、s the question in pairs.,What do you expect to read about in this text?,I expect to read about the development of space travel.I expect to read about the accident in space travel.I expect to read about the future of space travel.,Possible answers:,While reading,A.Although scientists try to make sure

    6、 nothing goes wrong,accidents can still happen.B.They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life.C.The future of space exploration remains bright.D.After many experiments,they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earths gravity.,Task 1,Keys:B,D,A,C,S

    7、everal sentences have been removed from the text.Choose the correct sentence(A-D)to fill each gap.,Summarise the main ideaWhen the main idea is not clearly stated in a topic sentence,you should read the full paragraph or passage carefully and find the words or ideas that repeat themselves.They are l

    8、ikely evidence of the authors main idea.,Para 1:_ _Para 2:_ _Para 3:_ _Para 4:_ _ Para 5:_ _,Space travel became a reality in the 20th century,with American and Soviet space missions.,Humans have always had a natural curiosity about space.,Space travel has always involved great risk,but despite the

    9、risks exploration continues.,China has made great progress in space exploration in the early 21st century.,The future of space exploration looks bright,as many countries are planning further missions.,Use your own words to summarise the main idea for each paragraph.,Task 2,People have always wanted

    10、to learn more about _,they make _ to carry brave people into space:to _ the secrets of the universehope to discover other planets that are _ enough to support life,Task 3,Read the first paragraph and fill in the blanks.,space,vehicles,find out,suitable,before the mid-20th century,scientists determin

    11、ed to _ spacesucceeded in making _4 October 1957,the Sputnik 1 satellite was _ by the USSR and successfully _ around Earth12 April,1961,Yuri Gagarin went into space20 July 1969,Neil Armstrong _ onto the moon5 September 1977,Voyager 1 was launched,to _ deep space,still _ data today,Read the second pa

    12、ragraph and fill in the blanks.,Task 4,explore,rockets,launched,orbited,stepped,study,transmits,All the astronauts on the USSRs Soyuz 11 and Americas Challenger _ during their missions.These disasters made everyone sad and _.,Read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks.,Task 5,The desire to expl

    13、ore the universe _ died.The International Space Station was _.It _ Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board,_ a continuous human presence in space.,Accidents,Ongoing work,died,disappointed,never,launched,orbits,providing,Read the fourth paragraph and fill in the blanks.,Task 6,2003

    14、,Yang Liwei _ Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese _.Jade Rabbit was sent to the moon to study its surface.The Tiangong 2 space lab was launched into space,Tianzhou 1 _ with it.Change 4 was sent to _ the surface of the far side of

    15、the moon.,orbited,spacewalk,docked,explore,Chinas _ has made great progress in a short time.,space programme,Read the fifth paragraph and fill in the blanks.,Task 7,The future of space exploration,Europe,the US,and China all have plans to _ study and _ planets like Mars and Jupiter.,Scientists hope

    16、future discoveries will not only enable us to _ how the universe began,but also help us _ well into the future.,bright,further,explore,understand,survive,People wante to learn more about _,they send people into space:to _ the secrets of the universe hope to discover other planets that are _ enough t

    17、o support life,before the mid-20th century,impossibleafter many experiments,made _4 October 1957,the Sputnik 1 satellite 12 April,1961,Yuri Gagarin20 July 1969,Neil Armstrong5 September 1977,Voyager 1,Accidents All the astronauts on the USSRs Soyuz 11 and Americas Challenger _ during their missions.

    18、Ongoing workThe International Space Station was _.,died,Great progress2003,Yang Liwei,Shenzhou 5 spacecraftShenzhou 6 and 7,the first Chinese _Jade Rabbitthe Tiangong 2 space lab,Tianzhou 1 Change 4,the far side of the moon,People have plans to _ study and _ planets like Mars and Jupiter.,space,find

    19、 out,suitable,rockets,launched,spacewalk,further,explore,Complete the graphic organizer and then retell the text according to it.,M_ is exploring space in the hope of finding out more about the u_.However,exploring space is both dangerous and challenging.One of the most dangerous parts of space expl

    20、oration is helping people to escape Earths g_.If there is a mistake during the l_.It can lead to an accident that kills everyone on b_.Getting out of o_ and back to Earths surface is also very dangerous.Despite the huge risks though,people will always continue to explore this final f_ so as to learn

    21、 its secrets.,ankind,niverse,ravity,aunch,oard,rontier,rbit,Complete the passage with words from the text.,Task 8,After reading,1.Before the mid-20th century,most people felt traveling into space was an impossible dream.,V-ing作主语,宾语从句,Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes.,在太阳下看书对眼睛不好。,Going to bed

    22、 early is considered to be a good habit.,早睡被认为是一个好习惯。,20世纪中叶之前,大部分人认为在太空旅行是一个无法实现的梦。,2.China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003,when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.,时间状语从句,2003年,杨利伟乘坐“神舟五号”宇宙飞船成功环绕地球运行,中国成为第三个能够独立

    23、将人类送入太空的国家。,不定式 to do 作后置定语,修饰有序数词、最高级等修饰的名词,discussion,What does the title mean to you?,While I support space exploration,I dont think space is the final frontier just yet.There is still much to learn about the Earth,and we are only at the very beginning of new technological breakthroughs involving

    24、 information technology and AI.There are many scientific and technological frontiers all around us.,A possible answer:,a Chinese space laboratory(太空实验站)launched(发射)on 15 September 2016,in October 2016Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong travelled to Tiangong-2 aboard(搭乘)the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft,Space statio

    25、n 太空站,Tiangong-2 天宫2号,神州11号,For reference,spent a month inside it conducted experiments related to medicine,physics and biology,deorbited(脱轨)as planned on 19 July 2019fell into the Pacific Ocean,The exploration on the moon,a robotic(机器人的)spacecraft missionlaunched on 7 December 2018 and reached(抵达)o

    26、n 3 January 2019,on Jan.3,2019made the first wheel tracks on the far side of the moon,Change 4 嫦娥4号,Yutu 2 rover 玉兔2号,launched in California on May 5,2018a six-month cruise(航行)landed on Mars on Nov.26,2018,For more information:https:/mars.nasa.gov/insight/,The exploration on Mars,InSight洞察号,conclusi

    27、on,Spelling Bee,Now two minutes to test your spelling.,1.English-Chinese astronaut,universe,vehicle,satellite,launch,orbit,data,agency,desire,disappointed,signal,agency2.Chinese-English 把带入,决定做某事,渴望做某事,在太空,在船/机上,取得进步,把送人,在将来,不仅而且,When finishing,exchange your papers to see who does the best.,carry in

    28、to be determined to do sth.desire to do sth.in spaceon boardmake progresssend intoin the future,1 把带入2 决定做某事 3 渴望做某事4 在太空5 在船/机上6 取得进步7 把送人 8 在将来,Self-evaluation,How much do you know about space exploration?How do you think on the title-SPACE:THE FINAL FRONTIER?,各个击破,1.Finish the exercises in Learning English.2.Preview Listening and Talking on page 47.,


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