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    1、整理大学英语26篇作文带翻译1.My College-My New Life New life begins! Ive been expecting this moment for a long time.Finally,I become a college student . All good things must come to an end ! I am now apart from my family members and many good friends.I am awared that I will have to do everything on my own . Bein

    2、g responsible is the exact thing that I am supposed to think about! Im now dealing something responsibly with my new rommates.I enjoy being together with them,they just like my good friends in high school,being kind and thoughtful ! My college is a place for a new beginning ,Im sure Im taking a new

    3、life ,everything here is full of challenge,quite different from things in high school,teachers are not going to tell you exactly what you are going to do ,you will have to make your own decisions. So far,Im geting along so well with people aroud me ,college provides me with chances and challenge,Im

    4、going to make a difference to my life!And I have every confidence on myself.I will still have to move on. 解释: 我的大学-我的新生 新的生命开始了! 我期待这一刻很久了。终于,我成为大学生了。 天下没有不散的宴席!我与我的家人和许多好朋友分开了!我意识到我做一切事情都要靠自己了! 有责任感,这是我首先要考虑的! 我现在能够带着一种责任感与我的新室友一起处理一些事情,我很享 受跟他们在一起的时光,他们就想我高中的朋友,一样的友好,体贴! 大学是一个重新开始的地方,我确信我已经在过我的新活,

    5、这里的一切是那么的有挑战性,不像高中的时候, 大学老师是不会什么事都告诉你,你该做什么,要怎么做。你必须自己做决定。 目前,我和身边的人都相处得很好,大学给我提供了很多机会,也同时给我带来挑战,我将使我的人生变得不同,我对自己有100%的信心。我还将继续向前走. 2.我的家乡# is not only the city where I was born, but also the only place Ive never been able to leave. 5 years ago, I moved from here to another city to begin my college

    6、life. The day I left # I felt as a fish out of water. # is the only place where Ive walked past a schoolyard and pictured a future son or daughter of mine playing balls. I love this city. Shes small and quiet. Every day I live here, I could have the safety feeling which I got when my mother held me

    7、in her arms. I love this city. She is very beautiful and lovely. Everywhere you can see the flowers, grass and trees. The shops are full of all kinds of goods. When you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air. I love this city. The climate here i

    8、s very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoors activities. I love this city. She is where I have lived for _ years with my parents, my good friends, and my teachers who have supported me. She has almost all my memories. I love the night of #. People sit in the gardens of their hou

    9、ses or in the small restaurants, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious seafood which is abundant in our city. I love the sunrise of #. When I was still a little girl, my parents and I used to climb up the hill in the morning to see the sunrise. When the beautiful sun went up, the gentle bree

    10、ze brought us the fragrance of the flowers, the golden sunshine made our hair shimmer, and my heart would be filled with hope and happiness! Maybe someday I will have to leave this city, but no matter where I would go I will never forget this city, its people, its trees and its sunrise. Yes, everyth

    11、ing that it gave me could be given by other places, but my love wont be changed, because it is my home town. #不但是我出生的城市,也是我无法离开的唯一地方。5年以前,我离开这里到另外一个城市开始我的大学生活。离开#的那天,我感觉自己像是一条离开了水的鱼儿。 当我走过一座校园,想象我未来的儿子或女儿能在这里玩耍。#,就是唯一一个让我有这种想法的地方。 我爱这座城市。她小而安静。每天我在这里居住, 我都有一种安全感。这种感觉只有当我母亲用双手环抱着我的时候我才能感觉得到。 我爱这座城市。她

    12、美丽而可爱。在#,你各处都能看到花、草和树木。商店里陈列着各种商品。当你走在街道上,你能感觉温和的风触摸着你的脸,并且呼吸到新鲜的空气。 我爱这座城市。这里的气候温暖,并且非常适宜做一些户外活动。 我爱这座城市。在这里,我居住了_年。这里有我的父母、我的好朋友和支持我多年的老师。她拥有我几乎所有的回忆。 我爱#的夜晚。人们在他们房子的花园或小餐馆中闲坐,聊着天、品尝我们城市所盛产的海鲜。 我爱#的日出。当我仍然是一个小女孩的时候, 我的父母和我常常早起爬山去看日出。当美丽的太阳升起的时候,轻柔的微风带给我们花的芬芳,金色的阳光使我们的头发也漾起一层亮色,那一刻,我的心总是充满了希望和快乐! 也

    13、许有一天,我将不得不离开这座城市, 但是无论我走到哪里,我都不会忘记#、它的人们,它的树和它的日出。是的, 凡是它能给予我的别的城市也可以给与,但实我的爱将永不被改变。因为,这里才是我的家乡.3.网络对大学生的影响The usage of Internet becomes one of the most controversial topics in the society. As a college student, I believe Internet is beneficial to me more than the way it harms me. There are many adv

    14、antages for using Internet. First, I can best use my time to find information online instead of going to different libraries. Also, the information can be dated back in decades ago. It is very helpful to use those information as reference and historical proof. In the library, it is hard to find so m

    15、uch old information. Another advantage to use Internet is that I can stay home and have a lecture online. It is much more convenience to me because I can stay warm to have class in the winter time instead of spending two hours on the bus and physically attend class. In addition, Internet provides me

    16、 a better way to communicate with my friends and professors. I can get response from my professor in a few minutes instead of waiting outside of his door for hours. Some of my friends are living in a foreign countries, I can simply just drop him an email whenever I can and get a message from him ver

    17、y quick. It is much better than waiting for letters. Also, the email will not lose while the letter might be losing in the process of delivery. However, there are also disadvantage of using Internet. For example, I might spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study. Also, there is

    18、a chance that I am cheated because of the Internet purchasing. Last, Internet has lots of information, both helpful and harmful. There might be too much tempatation that I will access some of the harmful information I can on the Internet. Even though the usage of Internet has both positive and negat

    19、ive effect to me, I still consider Internet is a symbol of technology development. I believe I can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.对互联网的使用在成为社会上最有争议的话题之一。作为一名大学生,我相信互联网是比我更有利的方式伤害了我。使用互联网是有很多优势。首先,我最能利用我的时间去寻找不同图书馆网上信息代替。另外,信息可追溯到几十年以前回来。这是非常有益的借鉴和利用这些历史证明资料。在图书馆,很

    20、难找到这么多“老”的信息。使用互联网的另一个优势是,我可以呆在家里,有一个讲座在线。这是更方便了我,因为我可以留在温暖,而不是花费两个小时的车类,冬天的时候身体上课。此外,互联网提供了我一个更好的沟通方式和我的朋友和教授。我可以从我在等待他的,而不是几个小时门外几分钟教授的回应。我的一些朋友在国外生活,我可以简单地算了他的电子邮件时我可以和他很快得到消息。这比等待更好的信件。此外,电子邮件也不会失去,而这封信可能是在运送过程中丢失。 不过,也有使用互联网的缺点。例如,我可能会在互联网上花太多的时间来专心学习。另外,有一个机会,我因为上网购买受骗。最后,互联网的信息,很多都有益和有害的。可能有太

    21、多tempatation,我将访问的有害信息,我可以在互联网上一些。 尽管互联网的使用有积极和消极影响我,我仍然认为互联网是一个技术发展的象征。我相信我能很好地使用互联网,只要我知道如何控制自己。4.Fast Food提纲1快餐正在流行。2快餐的弊端。3你对快餐的态度。 Life pace moves very fast these days. People dont like to waste time on their breakfast and lunch except their business luncheon and family occasions. They always h

    22、ave their meals out of or in their offices. With this kind of new custom, fast food is getting more and more popular. You may rind McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, hainburger shops everywhere. In recent years, fast food rushes into China, and Chinese young people begin to be fond of it. But is any

    23、thing popular a good one? The answer is No. Its reported that fast food is unfit particularly for children who need more nutrition for their growth, for there is little nutrition in it. If you always have it, your health will be badly affected. Unfortunately, there are still many people spending muc

    24、h money on fast food, with anidea that they are enjoying themselves in a new life style. It is not easy dealing with popular things. Certainly we shouldnt abandon something new rashly, and its not wise to give up eating forfear of being choked, but it s more important that we should accept it by car

    25、efully choice. Only in this way can we keep ourselves independent, and have the children grow healthily. And the same is true of the case of fast food.生活节奏非常快的动作这些天。人们不喜欢浪费他们的早餐和午餐,除了他们的业务和家庭聚会的午餐时间。他们总是有他们在外面吃饭或他们的办公室。有了这种新的自定义类,快餐食品越来越受欢迎。您可能果皮麦当劳,肯德基,hainburger店铺林立。近年来,快餐冲进中国,和中国的年轻人开始喜欢它是。但是,什么流

    26、行的一个好?答案是No 据报道,快餐是谁不适合,特别是儿童为他们的成长需要更多的营养,没有什么营养了。如果你总是有它,您的健康将受到严重影响。不幸的是,仍然有许多人花很多钱的快餐与anidea,他们享受着一种新的生活方式本身。 这是流行的东西不容易处理。当然,我们不应贸然放弃新的东西,这不是明智的放弃吃被呛forfear,但它更重要的是我们应该小心地选择接受它。只有这样,才能保持自己独立,让学生健康成长。而同样是快餐如此。 5.Water Shortage提纲1. 水的重要性。2. 造成水资源短缺的原因。3. 怎样缓解缺水问题及保护水资源。 People cant imagine life w

    27、ithout water. Without it, the earth we live on would be a dead one. There would be no trees, no crops, no animals and no people. So water is considered to be next to oxygen in importance. Although nearly three quarters of the earths surface is covered with water, it is sea water and undrinkable. The

    28、 demand for water is increasing, while water resources are scarce. Agricultural production needs enormous amounts of water, so does industry. Besides,the rapid growth of population makes it more and more difficult for people to survive because of the water shortage. So water shortage has become one

    29、of the most serious problems. Fortunately, people have realized this pressing problem and are trying to find ways to salve it. First, people are urged to economize on water. Second, measures are taken to protect water resources. Third, circulating water is used for industrial purposes over and over

    30、in factovies and treated sewage water is used for irrigation in farming land.人们不能想象没有水的生活。没有它,我们居住的地球将是一个死一个。就没有树木,没有庄稼,没有动物,没有人。因此,水被认为是旁边的重要性氧气。 虽然近三年的地球表面的四分之三被水覆盖,它是海水,不能饮用。人类对水的需求正在增加,而水资源的匮乏。农业生产需要大量的水,行业也是如此。此外,人口的迅速增长使越来越多的人们难以生存,因为水的短缺。因此,水资源短缺已成为最严重的问题之一。 幸运的是,人们已经意识到这一迫切问题,并正在努力设法弥合它。首先,人

    31、们呼吁节约用水。第二,采取措施保护水资源。三,循环水用于工业用途遍地factovies和处理污水,是在农地灌溉。6.Pollution As the world is getting more densely populated, pollution presents a severe problem. More people make more waste. All this waste is polluting our surroundings. Pollution has a bad influence on our life. The air is pollnted by the sm

    32、oke and fog coming out of the factory chimneys. Plants die for want of fresh air. The river is polluted and the fish are unfit to live. There is noise pollution made by cars and factories, etc, which hurts the ear. It is high time we did something about pollution. I suggest more trees be planted to keep the air fresh. We should purify the water and make use of the wastes and turn harm into good. By cur common efforts, we will make a clean and purified environment for life and work.污染 随着世界人口密度的


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