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    届全国新高考英语新题型考前冲刺限时集训 四套含答案解析新高考省份专用.docx

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    届全国新高考英语新题型考前冲刺限时集训 四套含答案解析新高考省份专用.docx

    1、届全国新高考英语新题型考前冲刺限时集训 四套含答案解析新高考省份专用2021届全国新高考英语新题型考前冲刺限时集训(四套,含答案解析,新高考省份专用)阅读强化训练(一)(建议用时:25分钟) 阅读理解As dusk was approaching, we made our way down to the beach, as did everyone else. Some people had even brought along a picnic, a family day out. As it got darker, people became quiet and talked less,

    2、keeping an eye out on the beach.Suddenly there was movement at the edge(边缘) of the surf and all heads turned as one. There, standing by the edge of the water was the smallest penguin we had ever seen. He looked left, then right, as if he was considering crossing a busy road and then he ran quickly a

    3、cross to the sand and the penguin burrows(洞穴)He must have been the scout, because after him, there came groups of penguins: some consisted of two or three penguins and some had about ten or fifteen, but they all made that same mad dash across the sand into the burrows, as if they couldnt get there f

    4、ast enough. The crowd of penguin watchers was quiet, except for the occasional “oohs” and “ahs” from adults as well as children. The groups started to become fewer in number and finally no more penguins came from the sea.We sat on the grandstand(大看台) for a while, not talking, just feeling amazed at

    5、what wed just seen. Neither of us had ever seen penguins in the wild before, only in zoos and it was an amazing feeling. You could see the penguins here every evening and morning, but they werent in cages or in small pools. The sea was their playground and it is a sight we would recommend to anyone.

    6、After the penguins had gone to their burrows, you could walk along boardwalks and see them there. They make a lot of noise for all the size of them!So if you are travelling, make a tour of Phillip Island and Summerland Beach. You wont regret it!【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。菲利普岛是以神仙小企鹅闻名于世的度假胜地,世界各地许多人慕名来到菲利普岛自然公园

    7、的观景台上欣赏企鹅归巢。1Why did people gather on the beach at dusk?ATo have a picnic.BTo hold a family party.CTo feed young penguins.DTo watch penguins return home.D解析:细节理解题。由第一段.keeping an eye out on the beach.和下文的介绍可知,人们晚上在海滩上聚集是为了观看企鹅从海上返回洞穴的景象。2The underlined word “scout” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to

    8、someone who_Adrops out of a groupBkeeps guard for the othersCdepends on others for a livingDhas the highest power in a groupB解析:词义猜测题。由第二段He looked left, then right和划线词之后的because after him, there came groups of penguins.可知,scout此处意为“侦察兵”。3What do we know about people on the grandstand?AThey were noi

    9、sy and in a mess.BThey were quiet but very excited.CThey were tired and impatient to leave.DThey quarreled with each other occasionally.B解析:推理判断题。由第三段The crowd of penguin watchers was quiet, except for the occasional “oohs” and “ahs” from adults as well as children.可知,看台上的人们很安静,偶尔发出阵阵激动的喊叫。4Which of

    10、 the following delighted the author most?ATravelling to Phillip Island.BSeeing the penguins by chance.CSeeing the penguins in the wild.DPlaying with penguins on the sand.C解析:细节理解题。由第四段Neither of us had ever seen penguins in the wild before.可知,能够看到野外环境中的企鹅,让作者感到非常高兴。 语法填空A recent government study sho

    11、ws that people paying a regular amount of money to attend keepfit classes are usually unhappier than those 1._dont.The report ranks(分等级) different relaxation activities 2._(base) on how much money they are worth to the people who take part in them. Dancing and swimming, 3._ (obvious), appear to have

    12、 a positive effect on happiness. Going to the library is also 4._ (use). But keepfit activities, such as going to the gym, 5._(be) actually connected with people being unhappy.During the research, over 40,000 people 6._(ask) about their participation(参与) in art and sports, as well as their level of

    13、happiness. Using this data and 7._(take) other information into consideration such as salary and age, they worked out which activities were connected with happiness, and which were not.In particular, dancing is connected with happiness, and is worth 1,671 a year. Swimming is the next, with 8._effect

    14、 worth 1,630. And going to the library is worth 1,359 in pay. According to the research, however, it is impossible to prove a causeandeffect link 9._ gym membership and unhappiness, only that(只是) there is a 10._ (connect)【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。英国公布的一项调查结果显示,经常去健身房运动的人明显主观幸福感较少,而喜欢去图书馆的人感觉更幸福。1who解析:此处是定语从句,

    15、先行词为those,关系代词who在从句中作主语。2based解析:be based on/upon是常用搭配,意为“以为基础”;此处为过去分词短语作状语。3obviously解析:空白处所填单词在句中修饰谓语动词,需用obvious的副词形式。4useful解析:空白处所填单词在句中作表语,需用use的形容词形式。5are解析:这里描述的是一般性道理,用一般现在时;主语是keepfit activities,故谓语动词用复数。6were asked解析:主语over 40,000 people是谓语动词动作ask的承受者,需用被动语态;这里是叙述过去发生的事,用一般过去时。7taking解析

    16、:此处为现在分词短语作状语,and连接两个并列成分,需用take的现在分词形式。8an解析:此处意为“相当于1630英镑的这样一个效果”,故用不定冠词。9between解析:此处意为“根据这项研究,证明在健身会员和无幸福感之间有因果关系是不可能的,只是它们之间有联系”,between指两者之间。10connection解析:空白处所填单词前有不定冠词修饰,需用connect的单数名词形式。 短文改错I began teaching many years ago. One day in my class, I gave my students some instructions for the

    17、writing assignment. I described all the usually requirements: capital letters, full stops, question marks and so on. They stated that this particular task would be about a person whom they admired, but someone who was important to them. I speak of moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas. I ended my explan

    18、ation and told them begin. Then I saw his hand again. I walked over to my students, whose questions could be quite challenged at times. This time, he asked quiet, “Can I write about you?” Its at those moments that make me stay.答案:I began teaching many years ago. One day in my class, I gave my studen

    19、ts some instructions for writing assignment. I described all the requirements: capital letters, full stops, question marks and so on. stated that this particular task would be about a person whom they admired, someone who was important to them. I of moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas. I ended my expl

    20、anation and told them begin. Then I saw his hand again. I walked over to my , whose questions could be quite at times. This time, he asked , “Can I write about you?” Its those moments that make me stay.阅读强化训练(二)(建议用时:25分钟) 阅读理解For many years, people have watched wild animals doing tricks in circuses

    21、(马戏团) and marine parks. Elephants parade around a noisy arena(舞台). They impress the crowd with tricks they have been forced to learnthings theyd never do in the wild.At marine parks, orca whalesmeasuring up to 25 feet long and weighing thousands of poundssplash(溅出水花) out of the water and do amazing

    22、tricks, drawing cheers from the audience.Sure, its fun to watch these wild animals up closebut many people wonder if its really fair to the animals? After all, an orca whale in the wild has the entire ocean as a home. They live in family groups and may travel 100 miles in a day. Is living alone swim

    23、ming around in circles in a small pool a good life for an orca?In the wild, elephants also live in close family groups. They travel long distances to find food. Theyre very smart and look after each other and play togetherthings they cant do as circus performers.Today, more and more people are sayin

    24、g that things should change. They believe the animals deserve to live a more natural life and not be used for entertainment. And now some companies are beginning to listen.In March 2015, Ringling Bros, and Barnum and Bailey announced that they would no longer use elephant acts in their circuses. And

    25、 on May 1,2016, the elephants performed their last show, signaling an end to a long history of elephants in circuses and traveling shows.A year after the Ringling announcement, SeaWorld Theme Parks promised to give the orcas in their parks a better life as well. The company announced that it would b

    26、egin to phase out shows featuring orcas performing tricks. Instead, they will highlight(突出) more of the whales natural behaviors. SeaWorld also said they wouldnt add any more captive(被俘的) orcas to their parks.These are first steps toward putting an end to using captive wildlife for entertainment. An

    27、d these changes were made after many people spoke out loud and clear to say that wild animals deserve to live wild and free.【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文。马戏团里的野生动物表演为观众带来了很多乐趣,然而这种强迫动物表演杂技的做法对动物公平吗?1Why does the author mention elephants and orca whales in the first two paragraphs?ATo introduce the subject.BTo show

    28、 they are very smart.CTo stress the great fun they bring us.DTo encourage readers to watch animal shows.A解析:推理判断题。作者在第一、二段中提到大象和虎鲸表演杂技动作,引来观众的欢呼和喝彩,紧接着作者在第三段中写道its fun to watch these wild animals up closebut many people wonder if its really fair to the animals,由此推断,作者提到大象和虎鲸的表演是为了引出主题。2What does the

    29、 author say about circus animal performers?AThey are well treated.BThey lead an unnatural life.CThey are relaxed and carefree.DThey compete with each other.B解析:推理判断题。由第一段中的.they have been forced to learn和第三、四段中对野生虎鲸和大象及其马戏团里同伴的生活对比可知,作者认为马戏团里的动物表演者都过着非自然的生活。3What does the underlined part “phase out”

    30、 in Paragraph 7 mean?APut on. BFigure out.CGradually stop. DCreatively improve.C解析:词义猜测题。由第六段中的they would no longer use elephant acts和第七段中的promised to give the orcas.a better life和Instead, they will highlight(突出) more of the whales natural behaviors.可知,海洋世界主题公园宣布将会开始逐渐停止虎鲸的表演;由此推断,phase out 意为“逐步淘汰,

    31、逐渐停止”。4What would be the best title for the text?ALast Chance for AnimalsBTons of Fun: Not for EveryoneCThe Welfare of Wild Animals in CircusesDThe State of Entertainment:Disappearing ActsB解析:标题归纳题。马戏团和海洋公园里的动物表演赢得观众阵阵喝彩,然而这种强迫动物表演杂技的做法对动物公平吗?因遭到公众的质疑,美国玲玲马戏团宣布于2016年5月完成最后一场演出后彻底谢幕,一年后,海洋世界主题公园也宣布逐步停止动物表演。B项作标题能概括文章主旨。 完形填空Learning to share, even when its hard, is a basic skill to teach children, right? One mom thinks 1 When Alanya Kolberg took her son Carson to the park, at least six other boys rushed at him, asking him to 2 his


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