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    1、中考英语完型填空解题技巧与答案完整版2020年中考英语完型填空解题技巧【名师精选试题,值得下载练习】一、命题特点分析:1. 开头点题。说明文类完形填空中,作者一般在文章的首句直接提出说明的对象,这是掌握说明细节的前提。2. 结构清晰。说明文一般按一定的顺序展开。理清文章的说明顺序,对于正确把握文意和上下文的逻辑关系,选择正确答案具有重要意义。3. 难度较大。说明文往往采用比较正式的文体,表述准确严谨,生词术语较多,句子较长,结构较为复杂。4. 说明文一般采用简练的语言,按一定的方法介绍事物的类别、性质、特点、构造、成因、关系或事物的运动变化、发展的过程及其规律。5. 说明文十分讲究条理性,一般

    2、采取时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序或认知顺序来说明事物或事理。二、解题方法:1. 快速弄清文章大意。对于此类文章我们结合选择项,进行粗读或略读,对文章的大意要先有一个大体的了解。说明文往往生词较多,而题材又比较广泛,所以阅读时,首先要能够掌握文章的大意。2. 弄清楚说明的顺序。把握了说明顺序,就能准确把握文章的脉络,加强对整篇文章的理解。3. 把握文章的组织结构,理清事实细节。把握语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明性的文章一般都是一篇完整的、意思表达清楚的、逻辑比较严密的短文。在阅读这类文章时,我们一定要仔细研读文章的开头和结尾,从主题句着手,找出支持句,然后寻找文章的结论。这时,我们还要特

    3、别注意,不要被表面的一些细节所迷惑,我们在理解细节的基础上,还要斟酌文字的内涵意义,从而对文章进行深层次的理解。4. 注重上下文语境应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境作深入的理解,克服思维定势,根据全文大意和词不离句、句不离文的原则逐项填空。5. 熟练做题方法,遵循四个原则:(1)上下一致。每个选择项必须从全文出发,从大处着手,避免孤立地分析每一空格,造成误选。(2)语法正确。从语法的角度去考虑动词的时态、语态以及词类用法。(3)逻辑合理。在完形填空题中,逻辑推理非常重要,有时每个选择项从语法上讲都正确,但是有的是不合语境逻辑的。(4)符合搭配。英语中固定搭配很多,需要熟练掌握,才能做

    4、好此类题目。学科网(一)Have you learned about table manners in China? Here I will introduce some.It is a traditional 1 for Chinese people to eat with chopsticks. Each person at table will have a pair of chopsticks, and there is also an extra pair 2 is for public use. You should remember that youre 3 to let the

    5、 elders in the family sit and eat first. If they dont start,everyone else shouldnt start, either. And then you should make a 4 to them. While eating, it is very rude to eat with a loud 5 . And youd better not speak while food is still in your 6 . Do not only eat one dish even if that is your favorit

    6、e.People usually go out of their way to cook delicious food to make you 7 at home, but when they say, The dishes arent delicious. I 8 you dont mind, you must not say, Yeah, thats true, but I dont mind. 9 , it is a typical(典型的) word which can show one of the Chinese qualities 10 . You should answer,

    7、Really? I dont think so. It is the best taste of any dish that is new to me.1. A. point B. order C. method D. custom2. A. which B. who C. where D. when3. A. allowed B. considered C. supposed D. invited4. A. report B. research C. bow D. toast5. A. voice B. smile C. noise D. cry6. A. plate B. mouth C.

    8、 hand D. bowl7. A. feel B. arrive C. eat D. aim8. A. realize B. suggest C. expect D. believe9. A. However B. Actually C. Instead D. Finally10. A. honest B. proud C. modest D. serious(二)Around the world, people have different ideas about what good manners are. When you go to restaurants in different

    9、parts of the world, its 1 to know the right and wrong things to do. For example, in China its OK to 2 a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isnt noisy and 3 , you may think theres something wrong with it. However, in many western countries, restaurants are 4 places. If people at a

    10、 table talk too loud, other people who are eating there might even 5 to the owner of the restaurant.Paying the bill is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for 6 . In western countries, one person pays if he or she is entertaining clients (宴请宾客), but 7 friends ea

    11、t together, they usually share the cost. This is called going Dutch (均摊费用). Also, when westerners pay the bill, they usually leave some money for the 8 . This is called leaving a tip. Leaving a tip is thought to be polite. In the U.S., its 9 to leave tips of 10%, 15%, or 20% of the bill, which is de

    12、cided by how good the service(服务) is. Good waiters can make a lot of money!The way people eat food is not the same in different parts of the world, but you can 10 the same kinds of food in many countries. Chinese and Indian foods, for example, are popular all over the world.1. A. popular B. difficul

    13、t C. important D. enjoyable2. A. cause B. keep C. hear D. make3. A. lively B. friendly C. lucky D. polite4. A. noisy B. quiet C. busy D. clean5. A. shout B. explain C. complain D. speak6. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. none7. A. until B. when C. unless D. since8. A. gatekeeper B. seller C. wa

    14、iter D. visitor9. A. terrible B. common C. serious D. unusual10. A. invent B. discover C. prefer D. find(一)(2018年江苏省徐州市)What will the future world be like? Many people are glad to give their 1 . Here are two imaginations about the world of 2 . When people talk about the future, we like to think that

    15、 well have our own personal flying car. We would fly at 480 kilometres per hour, avoiding traffic lights, 3 roads and speeding tickets. 4 ,some people point to the disadvantages of flying cars. One big problem is: what will happen if the flying cars 5 ? Then there will be problems with traffic contr

    16、ol. Also, if 6 become popular, there will surely be too much air traffic. 7 it seems that flying cars will face more than a few problems if they are to get off the ground! Imagine you have your own Ironman 8 . Several companies are trying to build a practical robot exoskeleton. This is a suit of rob

    17、ot arms and legs which follows your movement. It will 9 the wearer to lift heavy objects, walk a long way and even punch through walls! It is 10 in many ways, especially for people with disabilities. This suit might help people to walk again after 11 or injury(受伤). But the disadvantage at the moment

    18、 is the 12 . Even a simple suit can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds. Another problem is battery life. A suit like this needs a lot of 13 and batteries only last about 15 minutes at the moment. One other problem is that a badly programmed robot wearer. You wouldnt want your robot leg or arm bend

    19、ing(弯曲) suit could 14 the wrong way car above our heads. So in the future, 15 we might be able to fly to work and lift a there are plenty of problems to solve before this will be possible.1. A. suggestions B. instructions C. opinions D. reasons2. A. past B. yesterday C. present D. tomorrow3. A. empt

    20、y B. wide C. busy D. dirty4. A. Moreover B. Instead C. In fact D. However5. A. put down B. break down C. write down D. calm down6. A. they B. you C. we D. I7. A. And B. But C. So D. or8. A. gloves B. suit C. helmet D. shoes9. A. ask B. wish C. invite D. allow10. A. beautiful B. peaceful C. colorful

    21、D. useful11. A. disease B. holiday C. work D. party12. A. quality B. price C. need D. number13. A. chances B. power C. rest D. experience14. A. hurt B. attract C. protect D. attack15. A. whether B. unless C. although D. until(二)(2017江苏南京)You and your family are planning a picnic for tomorrow. But yo

    22、u want to _1_ the weather forecast(预报) first to see whether there will be rain or not. Your father turns on the television and the family listens to the _2_ make the weather report. It will be partly cloudy tomorrow morning, _3_ clearing by early afternoon. The high tomorrow will be 85.As there will

    23、 be no rain, the whole family feels _4_. Without the weather forecast, you would not know this, and you would just have to take your chances. But now, you can plan your picnic _5_ worrying whether it will rain or not. The man you can thank for this is Cleveland Abbe. He is known as the father of the

    24、 weather bureau. He was the first person to publish _6_ weather forecasts in the United States. Abbe began his daily weather bulletins (简报) in 1869. They were based on weather _7_ he drew from telegraphed reports of weather conditions. Because of their accuracy (准确), the reports were _8_. Congress (

    25、国会) became _9_ in Abbes weather reports. They made Abbe a meteorologist (someone who studies weather conditions), and he _10_ issuing (发布) forecasts three times a day. He was the first official forecaster of the U.S. Weather Service. Because he often forecast probable storms, Abbe earned the nicknam

    26、e of Old Probabilities.1. A. produce B. spread C. check D. organize2. A. fireman B. postman C. fisherman D. weatherman3. A. so B. but C. after D. because4. A. happy B. worried C. stressed D. curious5. A. about B. without C. against D. from6. A. online B. polluted C. daily D. indoor7. A. maps B. stat

    27、ions C. space D. centres8. A. strange B. popular C. terrible D. useless9. A. successful B. similar C. bored D. interested10. A. avoided B. began C. minded D. risked(三)(2017重庆B)March 22nd is World Water Day. It started in 1993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls

    28、on (号召) us to _1_ and protect water. Today, were facing terrible water problems. Among them, wastewater problem is especially _2_. And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is wastewater.What is wastewater? It is used water. Usually, wastewater comes from homes, _3_, hospitals and so on. It is prod

    29、uced by different kinds of activities, including washing the machines, taking showers and using the kitchen. The rain also _4_ wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. No matter where it comes from, this kind of water is sure to have _5_ harmful in it._6_ must we treat (处理) wast

    30、ewater? Wastewater has a big influence on our life. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own _7_.How can we treat wastewater? Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment. Wastewater _8_ homes can be reused. Then there will be _9_ wastewater. Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned _10_ it goes back to nature.1. A. drink B. save


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