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    1、AA渠道的一些建议与实践Some suggestions and practice for AA ChannelPart II of series of working summary2010-9-28在职业的选择上,很多人愿意加入保险行业,很多人对保险行业唯恐不及,造成保险行业在国内很特殊的位置,有很多的原因,但毫无疑问,保险行业具有两个特点:一是保险营销是最具有技术含量的,二是保险的销售管理工作是最难的。但中国保险业20多年的飞速发展,并不是高技术的营销技术,也不是高效的销售管理所造成的。1992年由友邦引入国内的代理人体制,之所以成为保险行业个险营销的主力军,个人认为,其中重要的原因是规


    3、的展业中,和团队建设中。1, 关于销售文化About the Sales Culture一般在一个营销渠道建立的时候,会明确请“什么样的营销员”为“什么样的客户群”提供“什么样的服务(产品)”,以此为渠道的销售文化基础,否则一个不清楚自身定位与销售文化的渠道,很有可能越做越乱,最后会偏离渠道设置的初衷。然后再着手解决三个问题:从哪儿招到营销员?客户从哪儿来?培训、产品的支持怎么做?Generally, when a sales channel is established, it will be clear that What kind of sales staff provide what

    4、kind of services (products) to What kind of customer. Actually it is the basement of the sales culture of this channel. On the contrary, a sales channel without clearly sales culture and the definition is likely to become more and more chaos. And finally it will eventually deviate from the channel s

    5、et in mind. After the sales culture is cleared, then we can proceed to solve three problems: where to hire sales staff? Where the customers from? How to do the training and product support? 具体在销售文化的层次上,目前AA并没有明确提出自己的销售文化,而 “专业、务实、诚信、团结、创新”五大价值观,就AA渠道来说显得太大。Specific in the level of the sales culture,

    6、 currently it is hard to say AA has clearly sales culture. The Five Values of AXA-MM are too large to AA channel. (Professionalism, Innovation, Pragmatism, Team spirit, Integrity). 在实践中,个人认为“狼的性格”,即“狼性”是适合所有行业的销售行为的,同时也非常适合我们这个渠道,所以在实践中我们总结出“TSTC”四点狼的销售文化,用以团队培训中。同时,每一点,都从“对内”和“对外”两种角度来诠释,因为销售这个职业本身

    7、,就是要求营销员面对客户和自身,对外要搞定客户,对内要韬光养晦。In practice, I think the wolfs character, the nature of Wolf is suitable for all industry sales practices, and also very suitable for our channel, so we conclude four spirits “TSTC” and train in the team Also, in every spirit, we interpret from two angles which are in

    8、ternal and external because the all the sales behaviors require the sales staff to face clients and their selves. External means how to deal with the customers. Internal means how to manage ourselves including training, studying and personal developing plan. Toughnessi. 对外:追踪客户要有韧性,绝不放过每一个潜在的签单客户Ext

    9、ernal: Following the potential customer has to be toughness. Track customer closely and never miss a potential signing of each customer. As we know, wolves will never lose their quarry ii. 对内:自身销售习惯的培养要有韧性,约访、拜访、转介绍、回访Internal: the sales habits have to be toughness. Make very clear of the daily work

    10、s including the cold call, customer visits and referrals. Strict demand to selves and arrange every day orderly Study: Good at learningi. 对外:销售技能的学习,提高展业技巧External: To win the customer, must learn sales skills and improve skills all along the time. FNA is the one of the most systemic and skilled in

    11、the insurance market.ii. 对内:行业知识的学习,提高自身素质Internal: To develop selves, must learn industry knowledge and improve our own industry qualities. Tactic:讲究策略 Pay attention to strategyi. 对外:对待每一个客户要有针对于该客户的跟踪和拜访策略External: To different customer we should have different strategy for the tracking and visiti

    12、ng even under the same FNA sales system.ii. 对内:对自己的个人发展要有全盘的规划和策略Internal: for selves, has to have the overall personal development plans and strategies Corporation:团队合作 Team Spiritsi. 对外:客户交叉,自己搞不定的客户,可以转给其他人处理External: customer crossing, if one sales cannot win a potential customer, then transfer

    13、him to other sales who can win this customer ii. 对内:从技能、展业习惯两个方面,互相学习交流Internal: learn from each other and help each other. Sharing from skills and sales habits. 2, 关于招募体系About the recruitment system顾问对于公司的第一印象,是从招募开始。在以上明确的渠道定位前提下,理想招募对象,应具备几个特质:The first impression of the company is starting from

    14、the recruitment. The ideal recruiting targets should have several characteristics as below: 年轻,有学历背景,最好有相关金融类学历背景young, academic background, preferably with relevant academic financial background 有3年左右的工作经验,有初步的社会经验,有与人沟通、相处的经验3 years working experience, preliminary social experience, communication

    15、skills, the experience of getting along with others 在本地有1、2年的居住期,已经融入当地的生活Above 1 or 2 years in the local residence, has been integrated into local life 对保险行业认同,或对销售职能认同Identify the insurance industry, or the sales functions 对自己的职业发展有比较清晰的思路,可以在渠道得到自己想要的资源与支持、发展空间Better have the career development p

    16、lan, or can make the personal development under the guidance. Know clearly what they will get in the channel including the skills, the resources and development 反过来,渠道对这些招募对象的吸引力:In turn, AA channel appeal these recruits: 一套业内领先的,并且可以应用于所有行业的销售技能体系a set of industry-leading, and can be applied to all

    17、 industry sales skills system 支持新人逐步成长的资源,包括客户开拓、持续的培训,使新人利用这套销售体系成为业内营销高手The resources supporting the new sales grow gradually, including client development, ongoing training. Will make the fresh birds use of this sales system to become the insurance sales experts 良好的自我管理能力,管理一个团队的能力,进而上升到管理一个渠道的能力

    18、,为每个优秀的人才提供完善的晋升体制,而不仅将培养管理者放在口头上Good self-management skills, ability to manage a team, and even the capacity to manage a channel. Provide best promotion system for each outstanding talent. Not like other companies put the training and promotion only on the verbal slogan.由此,招募部门应尽量避免为招募而招募。招人难,是所有保险

    19、公司面临的难题,原因无外乎收入因素、个人发展因素、行业认可度,其中行业认可度和个人发展是AA渠道的优势,在收入因素上,通过员工制的底薪和社保,可以保障员工的基本生活。那么,找到合适的招募渠道,提高招募组的专业度,完善招募流程,比如让渠道适当介入。做到不虚夸、不欺瞒,把AA渠道的优势和能提供的支持,真实准确表达出来,招到符合AA理念和文化的人才。Thus, the recruitment department should try to avoid to recruitment for recruitment. Difficulty of the recruitment in insurance

    20、 industry is the challenge facing all insurance companies. The three factors are the mainly reasons: the income, personal development, industry recognition. But the industry recognition and personal development are the advantages of AA channel. As to the income factor, AA can ensure the basic liveli

    21、hood of employees through basic salary and social security, Then, find the right recruitment channels, improve the recruitment groups professionalism, and optimize the recruitment processes, for example, let AA enter the recruitment processes appropriately. Do not boast, not deceit, present the adva

    22、ntages and the support of AA channel truly and accurately, hire the people who really meet the AA philosophy and culture.3, 销售技能培训体系Sales skills training system新人往往经历两个落差,从招募到进培训班,从培训班到下团队,这两个落差,造成了初期就有大量流失,最高可以达到70%。培训体系是非常重要的衔接环节,它将一个新人,培养到可以半独立展业的顾问。New advisors tend to experience two drops: the

    23、first is from the recruit into the training courses, the second is from training to the team. These two fall cause huge loss of the advisors from the beginning when they enter the team from the training class. The maximum can reach 70%. Training system is a very important aspect of convergence, it w

    24、ill train a new person to be semi-independent advisor. 销售技能基本可以分为理论与实践,AA营销的理论,力争做到传承的不缺失,现实是AA的FNA营销体系,从总部,到分公司,到渠道,会有信息流失。而培训讲师,如果没有用FNA体系真实的在市场进行过实践的检验,很难把握到这个体系的精髓。因此,真正的营销高手,应该是培训环节的主角。Basically, sales skills can be divided into theory and practice. We are trying best to guarantee the sales the

    25、ory of AA are entirely in the process of training. As we know, in the information transmission mechanism, 30% of the information will be lost in every step of the transmission. Inevitably the FNA skills suffer loss from headquarters to branch offices, and to the channel. The trainer, if not experien

    26、ce the FNA sales skills in the real marketing, it is difficult to grasp the essence of the FNA system. Thus, the real FNA sales experts should be part of the protagonist. 新人在实践环节,必须强调坚持FNA体系的完整性和系统性。从上海AA新人班的首月业绩分析(人均9394标保),可以看到在实践环节,坚持FNA体系的重要性,其经验总结如下In practice, new advisors must be emphasized t

    27、hat adhere to the integrity and systematic of FNA. According to the succeed experience of new advisors of ShangHai AA, we can see in the practice areas, the great importance of FNA system, their experiences are summarized as follows 强化标准销售流程,切勿投机取巧,仅仅为了销售而销售,这样不能展现理财顾问的专业优势。经理应在新人当月上岗加强辅导和陪访,以巩固新人对销

    28、售流程的把握,养成良好的销售习惯。Strengthen the standard sales process, not opportunistic. This does not show the advantages of professional financial advisors. Team managers should strengthen guidance and accompany the new advisors in their customer visits, and help the advisors to consolidate the FNA sales proces

    29、s, develop good sales habits. Importantly, the managers must not replace the new advisors to do the sales. It will be harmful for the growth of the new advisors.因此,在培训班有最少一周的市场实践,是非常必要的,而能给予新人实践指导的,来自两方面,一是培训讲师在标准化流程的严格要求,二是营销高手在标准化流程基础上对于疑难杂症的辅导。Therefore, at least one week in the course of the mar

    30、ket practice is very necessary, and for new advisors, there have two aspects of guidance, the first is the stringent requirements of the standardization FNA sales process, and the second is the FNA experts counseling for every kinds of difficulty occurred in the marketing on the basis of the standar

    31、dization process 除此之外,能否尝试做大胆的创新,彻底颠覆以往保险行业“家族化”、“血缘化”的特点,营销员+教练员的体制,借鉴猎头行业的特点,采用“合作制”、“教练制”、“分单制”,让一个营销员可以学习诸多教练员的优点,而不仅仅固定在某个团队,闭门造车,在团队为单位的经营体制下,竞争和资源的因素,会使发展不均衡,团队经理的水平也往往成为“木桶理论”的那块短板。In addition, it there any possible to try to do bold innovation to overturn the traditional institutional in in

    32、surance industry, such as the the family and blood of the characteristics existed in agency channel. The new module is the “Sales + coaches”, just like the characteristics of the Head-Hunter industry. A sales person can learn a lot of the advantages from different coaches, not just fixed on a team, mainly learn from one manager so it is difficult to learn other advantages of the other teams. In the operating system of team as a unit, competition factors and resou


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