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    1、5223王艳红蒋贤萍论文 毕 业 论 文题 目: The Image of Wilderness in Wuthering Heights 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英语语言文学 毕业年限: 2016 学生姓名: 王艳红 学 号: 201252010223 指导教师: 蒋贤萍(副教授) ContentsAbstract.i摘要.ii1. Introduction.12. Literature review.13. The wilderness in Wuthering Heights.2 3.1 The environmental wilderness.2 3.2 The charact

    2、ers wilderness. .5 3.2.1 Catherine intrepidity.53.2.2 Healthcliffs craze.6 3.2.3 Primitive love. .74. Conclusion.8References .9 AbstractEmily Bronte,the one of famous novelist in English literature history, makes the wildness extraordinary and meaningful with her powerful pen. Wilderness is not only

    3、 the backbone that propel the whole story but also nurture the hero and heroine who are given fiery and fervent, straightforward and bold characteristic of the story. Needless to say, wilderness is the symbol of freedom, life and love. Setting into wild land, the whole novel is encircled by wildness

    4、, wild nature, wild characteristic and wild love. These wilderness is closely connected with authors wild, fervent and deep emotion that hidden in her bottom of her heart. The wilderness is not only the name of this novel, but also the name of primitive love between Healthcliff and Catherine. Wilder

    5、ness in Wuthering Heights presents the environmental description, and wild emotion and feeling as well. Catherines wild nature, Healthcliffs wilderness and their crazy love excel the “wilderness” thoroughly. In this novel, Emily uses her powerful pen to describe image of wilderness that is related t

    6、o gothic factors. Key words: Emily Bronte; Wuthering Heights; image of wilderness;摘要 在英国文学史中艾米莉这位伟大的小说家的笔下,荒野这一意象超凡脱俗、意义非凡。荒野不仅是故事发生的背景,推动故事情节的发展,更养育了作品的主人公,赋予他们疯狂热烈、粗犷豪放的性子。毫无疑问,荒野是自由,生命,爱情的象征。置于荒野之地,整部小说被荒野,荒凉的自然,野生的性子,狂野的爱情所充斥着。这种荒野与藏在作者心里的狂野、热烈、深沉的情感密不可分。荒野不仅只是小说的代名词也是凯瑟琳与希斯可利夫之间野性的自然的毫无杂质的爱的代言。

    7、呼啸山庄中的荒野不仅是野生环境的描写,更是自然狂野感情的抒发。凯瑟琳狂野的性子,希斯可利夫的野性还有他们之间无法遏制的狂野之爱无不透彻的揭示“荒野”这一词。在这部小说中艾米莉运用她富有力量的笔描写着诗意的荒野意象,而这种荒野正是哥特小说重要的因素。关键词:艾米莉勃朗特 呼啸山庄 荒野意象1. IntroductionEmily Bronte is a outstanding poetess and novelist in the 19th century in England. Wuthering Heights is her masterpiece that contends her all

    8、 struggles and pains of her life. Born in a poor pastors family, her life and works have been be researched and studied. Wuthering Heights established immortal status for her in English literature history. Emily is fond of writing poems since her childhood. Emily has cherished a desire for freedom a

    9、nd the originality of life since her childhood. She enjoys fun in the wilderness of Yorkshire where bleak hills and massifs are covered by shiny black photinias. She once left her home and studied in a boarding school of strict control, but she could not adapt to the new environment and lost her vig

    10、or and spirit. In the school she always recalled the valley and photinias in her hometown and was tortured by homesickness. Gradually she lost her health and was reduced to a weak a pale girl, totally different from the one strolling and laughing alone in the wilderness of Yorkshire, her spiritual g

    11、arden of her her happiness and freedom. Emily Bronte spends lots of her time in the isolated wilderness of Yorkshire, never falls in love with someone and dont get married. She strongly opposes religion and rejects modern civilization, with her mind and soul deeply occupied by the wilderness of natu

    12、re.Wuthering Heights setting in the Yorkshire in 18th century, depicts us a story which makes readers astonished. It gives a us a story about miserable love story between Healthcliff and Catherine and his sadness and wrath. He does not stop taking revenge until the story ending. His revenge hurts ma

    13、ny people including his beloved Catherine. Wuthering Heightsappearance attracts reader and critics attention. It causes some hot discuss in literature world and then leaves a deep mystery to reader. Some called it a marvel book that shows the true meaning of love. That is the deepest and the most ev

    14、erlasting love which would never perish. In the past few years, this novel gets more and more attention in literary world. Emily and Wuthering Heights is a mystery, so many critics and researcher study Emily and the theme, writing skills and love and revenge.2. Literature Review Wuthering Heights, a

    15、 controversial novel in English novel history. Because of its theme and content, it is neglected by readers at first. Later, it is researched and read by many and its literary position is levered. “Wuthering Heights is more difficult book to understand than Jane Eyre, because Emily is greater poet t

    16、han Charlotte”(Virginia Woolf, 2005: 59). Here, Virginia puts Emily and her writing a higher position. “Alone of Victorian novels, Wuthering Heights is undimmed, even partially, by the dust of time. Alone, it stirs us as freshly today as the day it was written”(Cecil, 1934: 147). Cecil stressed the

    17、importance of Wuthering Heights in English novel histories. Wuthering Heights has been interpreted from various aspects. Some literary theories help reader to understand writer and writing better. The research towards Wuthering Heights in China gradually aroused by many scholars in the 1990s and is

    18、concentrated on fast in recent years. No matter its structure and theme in this novel, it is worthy to research and study.“Wuthering Heights was different from literary works of its time because of its complicated narrative system.” There are so many different opinion about Wuthering Heghts, which a

    19、re various from different aspects of this novel.Famous scholars comment on this writing according to their perspectives. Anyway, it is Emilys masterpiece that is classic and ever-lasting and there is none could replace it in English literary history. 3. The wilderness of Wuthering Heights Wilderness

    20、 is the main style that go through the whole novel. Emily describes the wilderness by wild land, windstorm and all crazy thing in that land, which gives us the image of environmental wilderness in Wuthering Heights. Born in and growing up in this wild land, hero and heroine develops the characterist

    21、ic that never is restrained and limited by outside factors. They are wild and free because of wilderness of this wild land. 3.1 The environmental wilderness There are plenty of environmental description in Wuthering Heights. All landscapes, such as Wuthering Heights, Thrushcross Grange and tombs rep

    22、resent the image of the wilderness. Emily applies bleak and wild color to her drawing by describing different environment. Emily Bronte writes about wilderness of Wuthering Heights in her work.Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr. Healthclifs dwelling. Wuthering being a significant provincial adjecti

    23、ve, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather. Pure, bracing ventilation they must have up there at all times, indeed, one may guess the power of the north wild blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house;

    24、and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun(Bronte, 1847: 2).It is depicted that Wuthering Heights is located in a land of isolation, exposing to the “stormy weather” and “the blowing north wind” and has a natural “Wuthering”sound(Bronte: 2), whic

    25、h can be heard throughout the development of the plot: at the very beginning of the story, when Mr. Lockwood, the tenant stays at the Heights for one night, the “gusty wind”, the “driving of the snow” and “the teasing sound”(30) of the fires can be heard. The name of this book and the dwelling of He

    26、althcliffs “Wuthering Heights” show us a picture of environmental wilderness. Wind and rain, tempest and snow, nights and wild, the wilderness of nature combines with fervent emotion. The changeable bleak wild land and gloomy dreary environment stand out hero and heroines characteristics and give th

    27、e interpretion of the deepest love and feeling of their own. Hero and heroines wildness and deep love shock readers soul strongly. Wilderness is the most typical and the most original image with romance in this novel. Emily implants wild place where she belongs to into this novel and melt her love f

    28、or nature, the beautiful wild landscape and folklore in this wild land and freedom into this image of wilderness. She combines tightly wild bleak mysteries with inner complicated emotion to create a kind of atmosphere that is now real and now unreal, now wild and now peaceful in her novel. “Wutherin

    29、g Heights, it is a imaginable name. When we hear it in London street, the noisy of people and cars disappear at a sudden and our soul is filled with rushing of streams , the rumbling of thunder and roaring of wind ”.(Yang Jingyuan,2005: 6) The whole story sets this gothic weather. The darkness of nights, the roaring of wild wind, and the heaviness of snow put on a gloomy a


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