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    1、期末复习提纲Unit181词性变换Unit 11) polite 2)impolite 3)politeness 2. 1) grammar 2) grammatical 3. 1) special 2) specialists 3) specialize 4) speciality4. 1) uncomfortable 2) comfort 3) comfortable5. 1) direct 2) direct 3) direction 4) directly 5) indirectUnit 21. 1) dependable 2) independently 3) independent

    2、 4) depend 5) dependent2. 1) add 2) addition 3) addition 4) additional3. 1) distance 2) distant 3) distance4. 1) rewarding 2) rewarded 5. 1) culture 2) cultural Unit3 1. 1) final 2) finally 3) finalize 2 1) deepen 2) depth 3) deep 4) deep 5) deeply 3 1) originated 2) originally 3) original 4) origin

    3、 4 1) honesty 2) honest 3) dishonest 5 1) unskilled 2) skills 3) skillful 4) skilled Unit41. 1) valuable 2) value ,value 3) valuable 4) evaluate 2. 1) training 2) trainer 3) trainee 4) training 3. 1) important 2) importance 3) unimportant4. 1) representative 2) represent 3) representation 4) represe

    4、ntative5 . 1) developed 2) developing 3) undeveloped 4) developmentUnit 51. 1).height 2).heightened 3).high 4).high 5).highly 2. 1).usually 2).usual 3).unusual 3. 1).compare 2). comparative 3). comparison 4. 1). power 2). powerless 3). powerful 4). powerfully5. 1). attraction, 2).attractive 3). attr

    5、action 4). attract Unit61. 1).debatable 2). debate 3). debated 2. 1). conclusive 2). concluded 3). conclusion 3. 1). press 2). pressure 3). Pressed 4). pressured4. 1). confusion 2). confusing 3). confused 4). confused 5. 1). recommendation 2). recommendable 3). recommend Unit 71. 1)efficiency 2)effi

    6、ciently 3)efficient 2. 1)technologists 2)technological 3)technology3. 1)informed 2)informed 3)information4. 1) activities 2)Actions 3)active 4)act5. 1)communicate 2)communicative 3)communicationUnit 81. 1)form 2)formal 3)formation 4)informal2. 1)judge 2)judges 3)judge 4)judgment3. 1) regularity 2) r

    7、egularly 3)Regular 4) irregular4. 1) careful 2)cares 3) careless 4) carelessness 5)care 6) carelessly 7) carefully5. 1) breathing 2) breathed 3)breath 4)breathless语法选择(读写光盘:ExercisesGrammar and StructureText A/Text B) Unit 11A课文10题Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences

    8、.( ) 1. The _practice you do, the _ mistakes youll make. A. much.little B. morefewer C. moreless D. mostfewest( ) 2. At first, the language stayed the same _the language _in Britain. A. likeused B. as.using C. aswhich used D. asused( )3.Without electricity, human life _quite different today.A. is B.

    9、 will be C. would have been D. would be( )4. There is no signs _ of improvement.A. whatsoever B. however C. with D. such( )5.The headmaster gave her a good opportunity for_ further education abroad. A. receiving B. having received C. received D. receive( )6. The book _ is not in the library. A. that

    10、 I need it B. I need it C. which I need it D. I need( )7. This is the very material_ plastics now. A. used to make B. uses to make C. is used to make D. is used to making( ) 8. I am sorry this painting is not_. A. at a sale B. at sale C. for sale D. on sale( )9. All_ is needed is enough time. A. the

    11、 thing B. that C. what D. which( )10. _ from her accent, she may come from an English_ country. A. Judged.speaking B. Judged.spoken C. Judgingspeaking D. Judging.spoken答案:B D D A A D A C B C2B课文10题 ( ) 1. My radio can_ BBC very easily. A. pick out B. pick up C. pick on D. pick in( )2. No one could t

    12、ell _was going to happen. A. what B. who C. how D. when( )3. I really dont know_ next.A. how to do B. when to do C. where to do D. what to do( )4. I think Mr. Lee is the very person we should depend _. A. / B. on him C. him D. upon( )5. He kept silent about the matter _ lose his job. A. not in order

    13、 to B. in not order to C. in order not to D. in order to not( )6. _ you want leads you forward. A. that B. what C. when D. where( )7. I dont know what _ A. was the matter B. is the matter C. matter was D. the matter is( )8.I cant tell if it _ tomorrow. A. will rain B. rains C. shall rain D. does rai

    14、n( )9._ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose( )10. _ the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved. A. Once B. While C. When D. Before答案: B A D D C B A A C AUnit 21A课文10题( )1. _ some officials, Napoleon insp

    15、ected his army. A. Followed B. Followed by C. Being followed D. Having been followed by( )2. _ since the night before, he felt very hungry now.A. Having not eaten anything B. Not eating anything C. He hadnt eaten anything D. Not having eaten anything( )3. -Tom, you are late for school _ Yes, I _ her

    16、e five minutes _. A. should have been, ago B. should have come, before C. should be, ago D. should come, before( )4. The men will have to wait all day_ the doctor works faster.A. if B. unless C. where D. that( ) 5. When in trouble, you can _ Mr. Wang. A. turn over B. turn for C. Turn up D. turn to(

    17、)6. It was very dry these days. The flowers need _. A. to water B. to watering C. watering D. watered( )7. The housework _ by my sister before she got married. A. was used to do B. was used to be done C. used to do D. used to be done( )8. I am going to give this to _I think can help me with my maths

    18、 A. who B. whoever C. whatever D. however( )9. _ you head, and you will find a way out. A. Using B. To use C. Use D. If you use( )10. The little boy entered the classroom without_. A. noticed B. notice C. being noticed D. noticing答案:B D A B D C D B C C2B课文10题 ( )1. The students in our class are more

    19、 friendly than_ in some other classes. A. they B. those C. these D. ones( )2. You can go out,_ you promise to be back before 11 oclock. A. before long B. so long as C. no longer D. any longer( )3. He slipped and broke his leg. _ he has to be away from school for two or more minutes. A. as a result o

    20、f B. result from C. As a result D. result in( )4. I prefer _ to _ there by bus. A. walking, going B. walk, going C. walk, go D. walking, go( )5. I have $20, but that is _ enough for my journey. A. not nearly B. nearly C. near to D. near upon( )6. I got _ in the quarrel between Tom and Jack. A. invol

    21、ve B. involved C. involving D. to involve( )7. He enjoys smoking because he believes it _ his thinking. A. affects B. has affected C. has good effect on D. has had effect upon( ) 8. I hung the picture on the wall_ can been seen. A. where B. where it C. that D. so that( )9. July 13,1943 is a day _ he

    22、 will never forget. His father was killed that day. A. for which B. when C. that D. on which( )10. He is a doctor,_ was his wife before she had children. A. that B. which C. as D. like答案: B B C A A B C B C CUnit 3 I. A课文10题 ( ) 1. China has hundreds of islands,_ the largest is Taiwan. A in which B a

    23、t which C of which D from which( ) 2. _is the reason _your being late? A Why of B Howbecause of C What for D Thatfor( ) 3 At the beginning of the century _ Europeans went to live in the USA. A many a B a many C many good D a good many( ) 4 His brother_ he has not seen for five years is now working i

    24、n a small village school. A whom B that C with whom D to whom( ) 5 He was_ by Dr Green when he was at hospital. A avoided B attended C attributed D asserted( ) 6 I need a new dress, but I cant _ to buy one now. A afford B elect C pretend D adopt( ) 7 The farmer felt the _ of the drought for years. A

    25、 effort B efficient C effect D effective( ) 8 The university_ 400 students this summer. A graduated B graduated from C graded D graced( ) 9 On the _, we work five days a week. A available B average C greatest D refreshing( ) 10 The managers discussed the plan that they would have it _ the next year.

    26、 A carry out B carrying out C carried out D to carry out( Key: 1 C 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 C )2B课文10题 ( ) 1 To some _, that was my own fault. A extend B extent C part D content( ) 2 Dont _ on the exam. It will do you no good. A cheat B disaster C trick D deceive( ) 3 Are you _ with your p

    27、resent salary? A context B satisfy C content D glad( ) 4 Ill do all that I _ help my classmates. A am able to B can C can do D can to( ) 5 _ one more apple, Tom still stood at his desk with his hand_ A Given raised B Given risen C Giving. raised D Giving rising( ) 6 This is the very material_ plasti

    28、cs now. A is used to making B used to make C is used to make D used to make( ) 7 The girl is a shy and silent girl and never speaks unless _. A asking to B asked C spoken to D speaking( ) 8 With the price of gas _ up, the countrys economy is getting better. A went B gone C going D goes( ) 9 He talke

    29、d of the man and the works_ interested him very much. A which B that C who D that and who( ) 10 Is this factory _ you visited last year? A one B that C the one D which( Key:1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 A 6 D 7 C 8 C 9 B 10 C )Unit 4I. A课文10题1 ( ) The people on the island _ on the supplies that were brought fro

    30、m the mainland. A acted B called C put D relied 2 ( ) The first textbooks,_ for teaching English as a foreign language, were produced in the 16th century. A written B to be written C being written D having written 3 ( ) Nowadays, people in the city enjoy a _ of musical life. A range B extent C variety D width 4 ( ) You should leave the cage immediately _ you wish to be killed by the bear. A when B if C lest D unless 5 ( ) She always wants to be the _ of attention.


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