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    1、六年级上册英语期中试题练习小学英语六年级期中自查卷( )2.A. their B. there C. where( )3. A. by B. buy C. bike2019年六年级上册英语期中试题练习2019-2020年六年级上册英语期中试题练习学校 班级 座号 姓名 20182019学年度第一学期小学英语六年级期中自查卷( )2.A. their B. there C. where( )3. A. by B. buy C. bike( )7.A. bus stop B. bookstore C. shoe store( )8. A. after lunch B. afternoon C. a

    2、fter school ( )9. A. When are you going to the park? B. Where are you going this weekend? C. What are you going to do in the park?( )10.A.They are ducks. B. There are two dogs. C. There are two ducks.二、Listen and judge 听录音, 判断图片或句子的是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题下的括号内打“” , 不相符的打“”(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 6. The cinema i

    3、s in front of the big supermarket.( ) 7. Amy is an English girl.( ) 8.John is going to the park with Sarah.( ) 9. Were going to Beijing next Sunday.( )10.Ben usually goes to school by bike.三、Listen and fill(根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整,每空只填一词,每词1分,共5分) 1、Can I go by _? 2、Turn _ at the traffic light. 3、

    4、_ do you go to school? 4、I want to buy a _ in the bookstore.5、Im going to the Hongxing _ tomorrow.四、Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里,共分) ( ) 1、A:I go by car. B:Its near the park. C:There are seven.( ) 2、A:Yes, I do. B:Yes, I can. C:No, it isnt.( ) 3、A:Im going to

    5、the bookstore. B:Im going to buy a magazine. C:Im going at 3 oclock. ( ) 4、A:Its in front of the school. B:I go straight for five minutes. C:Youre wele. ( ) 5、A Im going to visit my grandparents. B:This afternoon. C:Its east of the cinema.五、Listen and judge(根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“” , 不相符

    6、的打“”,每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1. Today is National Day.( ) 2. Tom is going home tomorrow.( ) 3. Tom is going to the park tomorrow morning.( ) 4. Tom is going to buy some books in the bookstore.( ) 5. Tom is going to read books in the evening.笔试部分六、Read the conversation and choose the answers补全对话。(选择合适的句子将对话补充

    7、完整, 将其字母编号填在横线上,每条横线2分,共10分。)Mike: _?Chen: I am going to visit my grandparents.Mike: _?Chen: Yes, its far, so Im going by train.Mike: _?Chen: I am going to read a magazine.Mike: _ ? Chen: I am going at 3 oclock this afternoon.Mike: Have a nice weekend. _ .Chen: See you !七、阅读理解:A. Read and choose the

    8、 answers (阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母符号填在句子前面的括号里,共7.5分)Hi, this is Liu Yun. Im going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, Im going to the bookstore by subway. Im going to buy a new CD and some story-books. Then, Im going to go home and read the new books. On Sunday, Im going to the supermarket with my mothe

    9、r. Were going after lunch. Then, in the evening, Im going to visit my aunt. Were going to watch TV together. I will have a nice weekend!( )1. Liu Yun is going to the bookstore by bus . ( )2. Liu Yun is going to buy a new VCD and some picture-books. ( )3. Liu Yun is going to go home and read the new

    10、books. ( )4. On Saturday, Liu Yun is going to the supermarket.( )5. In the evening, Liu Yun is going to visit her aunt.B. Read and fill in the blanks (阅读短文,填空, 共7.5分)I am Jack. I am very happy every holiday. I usually go to the library. Sometimes I go to the park. The library is not far. I usually g

    11、o on foot. I walk straight for fifteen minutes. Then I turn left, the library is on the right. The park is very far. Its near the post office. I often get there by the No.206 bus, get off at the post office. Its easy to find it.( )1. I have a good time every _. A.holiday B.weekend ( )2. I usually go

    12、 to the _ on foot. A. park B.library ( )3.The library is on _. A. the left B.the right ( )4.I go to the _ by bus. A. park B.supermarket( )5.The park is near_. A. post office B.library八、Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,每条横线1分,共10分。)( take bus on have minutes Next w

    13、est has post office newspaper shoe store his Get Her post card) I _ a cousin. _ name is Willy. _ Sunday is his birthday. I am going to send him a _ .So I am going to the _ this afternoon. Its _ of the museum. I can get there by the No.25 _ . _off at the _ .Walk south for five _.九、Write down the ques

    14、tion according to the answers.(根据答句写问句。每小题2分,共10分)1、 2.1.Do you have a new ic book?_2、 How can I get to the cinema?_3、 Where is the hospital?3._4、 4.What are you going to do tomorrow?_5、 5.When are going to read a book?_十position看图作文。根据所给的图片写5句话,要求:图片中事情是什么时候?天气怎样?孩子们是谁?他们打算干什么?心情将怎样?(10分)_XX-XX学年度第

    15、一学期六 年 级 英 语 期 中 自 查 题 听 力 材 料一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 )1. I am going to buy book about animals.2. There are 3 boys in the plant shop. 3. What are you going to buy in the bookstore?4. John is going to borrow some books in the library. 5. You can see the bank next to the Z

    16、hongshan Park.6. Whats that in the bag?7. The bus stop is in front of our school.8.They are going to the zoo this afternoon. 9.What are you going to do in the park? 10.There are two ducks. 二、Listen and judge 听录音, 判断图片或句子的是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题下的括号内打“” , 不相符的打“”(每小题1分,共10分)1.How does your brother go to s

    17、chool ? He usually goes to school by car .2.Do you know the traffic rules ? Yes ,stop at a red light.3.Where is the bookstore ? It is next to the supermarket.4.What are you going to do this weekend ? I am going to take a trip .5.Where are you going next week? Were going to the theme park.6.There is

    18、a big supermarket behind Dongfang Cinema.7.Where are you from,Amy? I am from England.8.I am going to the park this afternoon.9.Where are you going next weekend? We are going to take a trip in Hangzhou.10.How do you go to school,Ben?I often go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike.三、Listen and fil

    19、l(根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整)1、Can I go by subway? 2、Turn right at the traffic light. 3、When do you go to school? 4、I want to buy a magazine in the bookstore.5、Im going to the Hongxing Cinema tomorrow.四、根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母编号填到前面的括号里。(10分)1、 Where is the shoe store?2、 Do you have a

    20、 dictionary?3、 What are you going to buy?4、 Thank you.5、 When are you going?五、 根据录音的对话内容,判断下列句子的正误,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分) Dear Mummy,How are you? I am fine at school. Tomorrow is National Day. We dont have to go to school. I am going to take a trip with my friends in the morning. I am going to Zhongshan

    21、Park. I am going there by bike. Its near our school. In the afternoon, I am going to the bookstore and buy some new books. In the evening, I am going to watch TV. What are you going to do tomorrow? Can you tell me? Your son,Tom附送:2019年六年级上册英语期末测试题一、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ( ) 1、A.other B.son C.brother D.almo

    22、st ( ) 2、A.only B.ready C.July D.sunny ( ) 3、A.land B.after C.snack D.bad ( ) 4、A.pen B.open C.very D.spend ( ) 5、short A. work B. for C. worker ( ) 6、warm A.car B. quarter C. park ( ) 7、.A.walk B.talk C.wall D.half ( ) 8、term A. teacher B. her C. mother ( ) 9、little A. like B. is C. five ( ) 10、up

    23、A. pupil B. under C. unit二、英汉互译。(10分) 1.骑自行车_ _ 2. read a magazine _ 3.集邮_ _ 4. science museum _ 5.漫画书_ 5. motor cycle_ 7. 下周_ 8. pen pal _ _ 9.交通规则_ 10. Hong Kong _ 三、单项选择( )1、 They sing the song ()the music room ( )four oclock. A. at in B. in at C. in on D. at on( )2、What will they do ( )? A. one

    24、B. first C. frist D.the first( )3、It( ) me about ( )hour to get there. A. take a B. takes a C. takes an D.take an( )4、( )the weekends ,I often play the piano. A. At B. On C. In D. With( )5、How many ()can you see ( ) the park ? A.peoples in B. people on C. peoples at D. people in( )6、These( )my relat

    25、ives A.is B.are( )7、She ( ) to play in the park. A.like B.likes( )8、I have ( )been to Ocean Part. A .yet B.already( )9. Does your mother wash clothes? A. Yes, she doesnt. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesnt. ( )10. What does Tom do? A. Tom goes to school. B. Tom is a boy. C. Tom is a teacher. ( )11.

    26、How does he go to school? A. On feet. B. By foot. C. On foot. ( )12. He likes _. He likes _, too. A. make/swimming B. making/swim C. making/swim ( )13. Where is your home?. A. Its south of the post office. B. Im at home. C. I live in the city. ( )14. _ You can go by the No. 15 bus. A. Can I go on fo

    27、ot? B. How can I get to Yongming Park? C. Where is the Yongming Park? ( )15. Happy birthday. _ A. Happy birthday. B. Thank you. C. Ok. ( )16. _? Im going to the zoo. A. Where are you going? B. When are you going? C. What are you going to do? ( )17.Who are you ? _. A. Im little Water Drop. B. Who are

    28、 you? C. Im fine.( )18.Where does he work? A. He goes to work by bus. B. He works in a hospital. C. He can be a doctor.四、根据汉语提示完成句子,每个横线上可写多个单词。(10分) 1. I _(没有)an uncle. I want to have an uncle. 2. She likes _(看) books. 3. My father often _(看) TV after supper. 4. Tom and Alice _(喜欢)listening to music. 5. How does she _(去) to school. 6. He _(有) a new bicycle. 7. Im going to _(买) a story book. 8. Its _(旁边)the hospital. 9. He dances. He is a _(舞蹈家). 10. She _(打扫)streets. She is a cleaner.


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