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    1、北京石景山初三一模英语2020北京石景山初三一模英 语学校_姓名_准考证号_考生须知1.本试卷为闭卷考试,共10页,满分60分,考试时间为90分钟。2.请在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。答题卡上的选择题用2B铅笔规范填涂,其他试题用黑色签字笔作答。4.考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用 (共 14 分)一、单项填空(共6 分,每小题 0.5 分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. My mum has a cat. _ loves it very much.A. H

    2、e B. She C. It D. We 2. You can pay by WeChat _ China.A. in B. at C. on D. to3. We should do some sports every day_ it is good for our health.A. so B. although C. because D. but 4. _ did you stay in the hotel? About two weeks.A. How soon B. How often C. How many D. How long5. Must I hand in my homew

    3、ork today? No, you _.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. couldnt6. Which do you think is _, dumplings or noodles? Dumplings.A. delicious B. more deliciousC. most delicious D. the most delicious7. Emma _ to play the piano when she was six years old.A. starts B. started C. will start D. have started8. If L

    4、inda _ now, she will catch the morning train.A. left B. is leaving C. leaves D. will leave9. The Olympic Games _ in Tokyo in 2021.A. hold B. will hold C. are held D. will be held10. Humans _ on the Earth for about 200,000 years.A. live B. lived C. are living D. have lived11. We _ dinner when you cal

    5、led last night.A. were having B. had C. will have D. have12. Do you know _ ? Yes. He is from England.A. where is he from B. where he is fromC. where was he from D. where he was from二、完形填空(共8 分,每小题 1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Family PictureI was sitting in my favorite chair, s

    6、tudying for my doctoral degree, when Sarah my five-year-old daughter came and asked, “Daddy, do you want to see my family picture?” “Daddys busy. Come back in a little while, Honey.”10 minutes later, she rushed back. “Daddy, let me 13 you my picture.” The heat went up around my collar. “Sarah,” I sh

    7、outed, “come back later. Im busy now.”Then I 14 I might have hurt her feelings, so I called, “Sarah, could you come back inside a minute, please? Daddy would like to see your picture.”She ran back happily. “Look, here is Mommy, here is me standing by Mommy, here is our dog, Katie, and here is Mike (

    8、her little brother).”“I love your picture, Honey.” I told her. “Ill hang it on the wall so that I can see it whenever I come back home.”She took me at my word and went outside to play. I went back to my books, but Sarahs picture was making me 15 something was missing. I asked Sarah to come back. “Ho

    9、neythere are Mommy, Sarah, Mike and Katie in the picture. Butwhere is your daddy?” “Youre at the library,” she said. With that simple statement, my little princess stopped time for me. I felt I was hurt badly by her words, so I went to Barbara, my wife, for help.“I know how much it 16 you, Gary.” Sh

    10、e said.“BarbI want to come home. Can I do it?”20 seconds of 17 followed. It seemed like I held my breath for an hour. “Gary,” Barb said 18 , “you know, we love you very much. But you havent been here. Ive felt like a single parent for years.”The words looked cold in print, but she said them gently.

    11、It was just the 19 . My life had been busy, my family was on their own, and I had a long road ahead of me if I wanted to 20 them back. And I had to. Now that the fog had lifted, it suddenly became the most important thing in my life.13. A. draw B. award C. send D. show14. A. considered B. realized C

    12、. imagined D. decided 15. A. uneasy B. ungrateful C. tired D. bored16. A. wounded B. troubled C. taught D. offered 17. A. performance B. complaint C. silence D. challenge 18. A. cheerfully B. carefully C. quickly D. privately 19. A. truth B. value C. honour D. belief20. A. lead B. keep C. win D. dri

    13、ve阅读理解 (共 36 分)三、阅读理解(共26 分,每小题2 分)阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项 中,选择最佳选项。AWho do you admire most?Jackie, 14 Sofia Marconi, my friend Bias mum, is probably the most amazing person I know. She is also very brave. She is a wildlife photographer and she travels to some of the most dangerous p

    14、laces on Earth to take photos of the worlds most endangered animals. Jacob, 16 One of my heroes is Mr. Donaldson, our great music teacher. He is so creative and finds different ways to get us interested in his lessons. He is also a really amazing guitar player. He is in a band. Im sure they are goin

    15、g to be famous one day. But I hope it doesnt happen soon. I dont want to lose my teacher!Alex, 15 The person I admire more than anyone is my grandmother Gwen. She is 78 and looks just amazing. Many people think she is my mother when they see us together. She is one of the nicest people I know. She a

    16、lways sees the good in other people. She still does volunteer work for a childrens charity (慈善机构) in India!Oliver, 17 The greatest person I know is my uncle Jack. I admire him not only because he is a brave policeman but also because he tries his best to look after my aunt who is in a wheelchair and

    17、 their kids. Life is hard. But I have never heard him complain. Hes always so cheerful with a huge smile on his face.21. Who does Jackie admire most?A. His music teacher. B. His mother.C. His friends mother. D. His uncle. 22. What does Mr. Donaldson do?A. He is a charity worker. B. He is a teacher.C

    18、. He is a wildlife photographer. D. He is a policeman.23. Alex admires Gwen because _.A. she protects wild animals B. she never complainsC. she is a nice person D. she is very creativeBThe Day People Started TalkingMy journey home from school is nothing special. I usually find a seat and start readi

    19、ng or texting my friends, making sure, like everyone else, not to look at other people. Then, twenty minutes later, I get off.But last Tuesday was different. I was happily looking out of the window when the train suddenly stopped. This wasnt usual. Then after about five minutes, I noticed people wer

    20、e starting to get a bit upset. Fifteen minutes later, people started getting more and more upset. Then the announcement (广播) came: “We are sorry to announce that this train is delayed. A train has broken down in front of us.”There was a loud groan (叹息) throughout the carriage but soon something unex

    21、pected happened: all the complete strangers started talking to each other. At first, everyone just complained about the trains, but then people started talking about real things. I started chatting to a couple of young tourists sitting opposite me. Next, I really surprised myself by talking to a bus

    22、inesswoman. Business people are a lot cooler than I thought. Then I decided to get up and go for a walk down the train. I met a woman who had been a student at my school seven years before.People offered each other food and drink. A young woman took her guitar and soon we were singing along. While w

    23、e were singing, we heard there was a sick boy in another part of the train who needed help, and the woman from my school jumped into action. It turned out she was a nurse, and when she came back she was welcomed as a hero.Then, after two and a half hours, we started moving again. Everyone cheered an

    24、d some people, complete strangers three hours before, even hugged.I took the train again on Wednesday but none of my new “friends” were there. Although people were polite, they werent nearly as friendly as the people the day before had been. Ill never forget the day the train stopped and people star

    25、ted talking.24. What happened after the announcement?A. People got upset and started texting their friends.B. The children started playing with their phones.C. The workers started offering food and drink.D. People started talking to each other.25. The woman from the writers school jumped into action

    26、 to _.A. play the guitar and sing B. help a sick boy on the trainC. go for a walk down the train D. get off and take another train26. The writer will never forget last Tuesday because _. A. strangers on the train were friendly to each otherB. a nurse saved a boys life on the train just in timeC. he

    27、learned something new about business peopleD. it was a good opportunity to make new friendsCHave you ever had a problem you couldnt solve? Maybe you went to a shop to look for a solution, but came home empty-handed. More and more, when this situation appears, people are creating their own devices (设

    28、备) as the solution. Its all part of the Maker Movement, made up of thousands of resourceful people who make and fix things, rather than buy them in shops. Makers do all kinds of hands-on projects, from building pizza oven (烤箱) to designing their own drones. For makers, the do-it-yourself way is more

    29、 affordable, green and satisfying.Thanks to technology, its easier than ever to turn a thought into reality. Many makers use the same tools, just in different ways. For example, Arduino allows people to do anything from creating a talking clock to studying DNA, with very easy-to-use and free hardwar

    30、e (硬件) and software. Raspberry Pi is another popular maker tool. It is a low cost, bank-card sized computer that connects to computers or TVs, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing. This minicomputer is as powerful as some

    31、full-sized computers. People are using Raspberry Pi for a wide variety of uses, from creating video games to powering robots.Another key piece of technology for makers are 3D printers, which allow a normal person to create just about anything. You can even use a 3D printer to build your own 3D printer!The availability of these technologies encourages people to be creative, but technology is only one part of the Maker Movement. Collaboration whether online or in person is


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