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    1、三年级下册英语句型练习三年级句型练习一、 根据对话的意思,把句子补充完整,把编号写在横线上。61、 Mike: Whos that man ? Lily: _ is my grandpa. A. She B. He C. This2、Bai Ling: Whos this woman? John : _ is my grandma. A. She B. He C. This3、Joey: Whos this _? Amy: Hes my brother. A .boy B. girl C. woman4、Chen Jie: Whos that _? Mike: Shes my sister.

    2、A. boy B. girl C. man5、Xiao Ming: Whos that _? Chen Jie: Shes my mother. A. woman B. girl C. man6、Miss White: Whos that _? Chen Jie: Hes my father. A .woman B. boy C. man二、根据句子意思,选择正确答语.把答案的序号填在横线上。5a: Whos that man? b: Where are you from, Jack?c: Is he your brother? d: Good morning. e: Whos that wo

    3、man?A: _, Miss White.B: Good morning, Amy. _ A: Hes my father. B: _ A: Shes my mother.B:_ A: No, He isnt(不是) my brother. Hes my friend, Jack.B: _ C: Im from England.(英格兰) 三、根据中文意思,选择与其相符的英语表达。36( )1.当你迟到了,应该说:_ A、Come in. B、Im sorry. C 、Its OK.( )2、第一次与别人见面时,可说: A、How old are you? B、 Im sorry. C 、Ni

    4、ce to meet you.( )3、如何介绍你的朋友: A、My names Chen Jie. B、 Im from America. C 、This is my friend, Amy.( )4、当班上来了新同学,你要表示欢迎时,该说: A、Welcome. B、Whats you name? C、Goodbye.( )5、如何询问“你来自哪里?” A、Where are you from?. B、How are you?. C、Nice to meet you.( )6、有人敲门,你叫他进来,该如何表达: A、Good afternoon. B、Come in. C、Wacth ou

    5、t!( )7、如何表达“我来自美国。” A、Im from China. B、Im from America C、Im from Canada.( )8、当你想问同学有多少本书时,你应该如何问呢?A. How many books do you have? B. How many books can you see?( )9、你想问:“你看见了多少条鱼?”时,应这样说:A. How many fish do you have? B. How many fish can you see?( )10、你刚买了新的水彩笔,想给你的朋友看,你应该说:_ALook at my new crayons.

    6、B. Can you find my crayons? ( ) 11、你想让别人猜你有多少铅笔时,你应该说:_ A . Guess. How many pencils? B How many pencils does she have?( )12.当别人问你有多少铅笔时,应问_ A. How many pencils can you see ? B.How many pencils do you have ? ( )13.当别人问How many cats can you see?时,你应回答_ A.I have twenty cats. B.I can see twenty cats.( )

    7、14.当别人说I have a new kite.你应说_ A. Oh, its beautiful. B. Oh, Im sorry.( )15.当别人说Let,s fly a kite.你应说 _ A. OK. B. Oh. ( )16.当你想知道照片上的这个男人是谁时,应说_ A. Whos this boy? B. Whats this man?( )17. 你怎样向你的朋友介绍这是你的妹妹 _ A. This is my sister. B. This is my new friend Lily.( )18.想知道别人看到了多少只鸟你应该问_ A. How many books do

    8、 you have? B. How many birds can you see?( )19. 怎样询问你不认识的女人_ A. Whos that man? B. Whos that woman?( )20. 五月第二个星期日是母亲节向你妈妈说什么 _ A. Happy Mothers Day. B. Happy Womens Day.( )21. 询问别人来自哪里应该说 _ A. What are you from? B. Where are you from?( )22. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::_A. Youre welcome. B. Im from America. C.

    9、 My name is Li Mei. ( ) 23.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说: _.A. What a big goose! B. How beautiful! C. What a big fish! ( ) 24 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: _.A. Its here. B. Here you are. C. Here it is. ( ) 25. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: _.A. Where is my taxi? B. Where is my car? C. This is my car. ( ) 26. 当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:_.A. Watch TV. B.

    10、 Watch out. C. Look at me.( )27在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: _AGood morning. BHow are you? CHappy Teachers Day!( )28当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: _A. This is Miss Wu. BMiss Wu, this is my dad. CHe is my dad.( )29. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_ A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. Youre welcome!( )30.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:_A. How old are you

    11、? B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!( )31. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:_A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. Very well, thanks.( )32、有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候?A. Who are you? B. How are you? C. Here you are.( )33、你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:A. Me too. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good afternoon.( )34、John说:“I like ye

    12、llow.”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:A. Great! B. My names Bai Ling. C. Me too.( )35、老师请你拍手,用英语该这样说:A. Clap your hands. B. Clap my hands. C. Snap your fingers. ( )36、Sarah是班长,老师走进教室准备上课,她应该这样说:A. Sit down. B. Good morning. C. Stand up.四、读一读,选择合适的句子把对话补充完整,把编号填在横线上。(5分)A.You have 16 crayons. B. See you! C. Oh, how ni

    13、ce. D. Thank you! E. Twelve?John: Hi, Chen Jie. Look at my new crayons!Chen Jie: _.John: _Chen Jie: How many crayons do you have?John: Guess!Chen Jie: _.John: Open it and see!Chen Jie: 1 2 316!_.John: Thats right!Chen Jie: Goodbye.John: _.五、从框中选出下列句子的相应答语, 把编号填在括号里。(5分)AOh, how nice! B. Great! C. I

    14、have 20.D. I can see three lions. E. 1, 2, 3, I can see 14.( )1、Lets fly a kite!( )2、How many apple can you see?( )3、How many lions in the zoo?( )4、How many eggs do you have?( )5、Look at my new pen!六、选择恰当的单词填空,把序号填在提前括号内。(29)( )1、Draw _ apple,please ( )2、_you like this queen? A. Can B. Do( )3、Listen

    15、 _me . ( )4、Have some_ A. too B. to A. more B. many( )5、Clap_ me ( )6、Let me _ with you .A. with B. and A. have B. share( )7、Im_ China. ( )8、How many_ A. to B. from A. apples B. apple( )9、Pour the _ ( )10、He can _ a rainbow.A. orange B. orange juice A. draw B. picture( )11. How many _can you see ? A

    16、. a kite B. kites C. kite ( )1 2. Who _that boy ? A. is B. am C. are( ) 13.Oh, _nice! A. what B. how C. where( ) 14. Shes _ sister. A. my B.me C.I( )15. How many pens do you have? AI have four. B. I can see four. C. Yes, I am.( )16. Where are you from? -_ AHow are you? B. Very well, thank you. C. Im

    17、 from China.( )17_is that woman ? She is my English teacher .Miss Chen .A Where B who C what( )18 .How many _can you see ? Nineteen .A kite B kites C cat( )19.I _a new friend .Her name is Alice . A am B have C has( )20. -How are you? -_AHow are you? B. Im fine, thank you. C. I am six.( )21. How many

    18、 pens do you have? -_ AI have four B. I can see four. C. Yes, I am.( )22. Where are you from? - _ AHow are you? B.Very well, thank you. C. Im from China.( )23. Whos that man? -_ AHes my father. B.Shes my mother. C. I am a girl.( )24. Im sorry! - _ AIm sorry! B. Its OK! C. No.( )25.How many kites can

    19、 you see? -_A. watch out B. Twenty C. Really( )26. Whos that girl? Shes my _. A. father B. sister C. brother( )27.The black _ is a bag. A. one B. two C. three( )28._ my sister. A. Whos B. Hes C. Shes( )29.Twelve and two is _.A. nine B. thirteen C. fourteen七、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在题前括号内。(5)( )Can I have

    20、a pear , please? A. No, I dont.( )Do you like grapes ? B. Eleven( )Have some watermelon, Mike ? C. Certainly!( )How many bananas can you see ? D. Good idea!( )Lets share. E. Thank you .八、把下列句子按正常的语序排列,把序号填写在题前括号内。(5)( )1、Thank you .Miss White .( )2、Do you like pears, John ?( )3、Certainly !( )4、Have

    21、some fruits , John .( )5、No, I dont. Can I have an apple , please ?九、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(5分) ( )1. How many books do you have? A. Im from America.( )2. How many ducks can you see? B. Hes Mr Black.( )3. Can I use you pen? C. I have sixteen.( )4. Where are you from? D. I can see twelve.( )5. Whos that

    22、man? E. No problem.十、读句子,选择适当的词填空,把序号填在( )内。(4分) A. How B. Can C. Where D. Do( ) 1. _ is your eraser? ( ) 2. _I have some Coke?( ) 3. _ you like pears? ( ) 4. _ many kites can you see?十一、选出下列汉语的正确翻译7( )1.你来自哪里?AWhere are you from? BWhere is he from? C. Im from America.( )2.今天我们这儿来了一位新朋友.AWe have a n

    23、ew friend today. BWe have an old friend today.( )3.很高兴遇见你. ANice to meet you BWhats your name?( ) 4. “欢迎!”翻译为: A.Hello! B. Welcome!( )5.“三八妇女节”快乐!A. Happy Womens Day! B. Happy Teachers Day( )6.她是我妹妹。AShes my sister. B. Hes my brother. C. Shes my mother.( )7. 我有11支蜡笔。AI can see fifteen crayons. B. I

    24、can see eleven pencils. C. I have eleven crayons.十二、把下列单词连成一个通顺的句子,将序号填在横线上。(4分)1. giraffe Look at the (.) _ 2. has It a long nose (.) _ 3. car my is Where (?) _ 4. you like Do grapes (?) _- 十三、在B栏中找出A栏的正确答语。(10) A B( ) 1. Whats that ? a. I have thirteen pencils.( ) 2. Whos that woman ? b. Its a pen

    25、.( ) 3 . How are you ? c. Im from China. ( ) 4,. How old are you ? d. How do you do ?( ) 5. Where are you from? e. She is a teacher .( ) 6. How many monkeys can you see? f. Im fine.( ) 7. Can I have some ice-cream ? g. She is my mother.( ) 8. How many pencils do you have ? h. Im eleven( ) 9. Whats y

    26、our mother ? i. I can see twenty-two monkeys .( ) 10. How do you do? J. Sure.十四、问句妈妈的答句宝宝不见了,你能帮她找到宝宝吗?(将其序号写在括号里)8( ). Whats your name ? 1. I m Amy .( ). How are you ? 2. Nice to meet you.( ). How old are you ? 3. See you.( ). Where are you from? 4. I have 10( ). Nice to meet you! 5. Im from Canada

    27、.( ). Good bye. 6. Nice to meet you, too.( ). This is my friend, Amy. 7. I m fine, thank you.( ). How many dogs do you have. 8. Im 10.十五、选择合适的答语,将正确答案写在括号里5 ( ) 1. How old are you? A. My name is Chen Jie.( ) 2. May I have a look? B. Me too!( ) 3. Whats your name? C. Sure. Here you are( ) 4. Happy bi

    28、rthday! D. Im 9.( ) 5. I have a bag. E. Thank you.十六、下面是一个打乱顺序的对话,请你将这个对话按正确的表达顺序重新排列,并将排列后的顺序号用阿拉伯数字写在句子前的括号内。5 ( ) Youre welcome.( ) OK. Here you are.( ) Have some juice!( ) Thank you.( ) No, thanks. I like Coke.十七、在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的答语,把编号写在左边的括号中。(10分) ( ) 1. Good afternoon. A. Good morning! ( ) 2. Whats your name? B. Im Mike. ( ) 3. Hello! C. Fine, thank you. ( ) 4. Goodbye! D. Great! ( ) 5. Lets go to school! E. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 6. Good morning! F. My names John. ( ) 7. How are you? G. See you! ( ) 8. Nice to meet you. H. Good after


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