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    1、初中英语教案新初二暑假课程阶段一复习学生版暑期课程(阶段复习一) 复合不定代词 基数词和序数词 形容词比较级和最高级 形容词原级比较 动词搭配 词义辨析复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Eg.Someone is waiting for you at the gate.修饰复合不定代词的形容词或其它词要放在其后,即定语后置。Eg. The man in blue has something important to tell us.Somebody,someone,something一般用于肯定句;anybody,anyone,anything一般用于否定句、疑问句及条件句。Eg. T

    2、here is something new in the school.Did you experience anything interesting during your holiday?当somebody,someone等用于疑问句时,表示肯定、请求、建议或反问;anybody,anyone等用在肯定句中表示“任何人”。Eg. Would you like something to drink?Anyone can make mistakes. 复合不定代词名校精练(2014年育才实验八上期中卷)30. - If _ comes here to meet me, call me at o

    3、nce. - Ok, I _.A. nobody; will B. everybody; wont C. somebody; will D. anybody; wont(广东实验中学2015-2016学年上中段质量检测)16. There is _ in todays homework.A. difficult nothing B. difficult anything C. nothing difficult D.anything difficult(番禺育才实验学校八年级期中测试卷)( )27.There is _salt in the kitchen Would you like to

    4、go to the store and get_?Alittle;some B.little;any C.a little;some D.a little;any(广大附中八年级期中考试卷)21. -Would you like _ coffee?-No,thanks .I dont want _.A. Some;some B. some;any C. any;any D. any;some基数词和序数词当基数词hundred,thousand,million,billion等前有具体数词或者several修饰时,必须用单数。几十几的十位和个位间要用连字符“-” ,三位数须在百位和十位(若无十

    5、位则和个位)间用and连接。Eg: There are three thousand students on the playground.Thousands of people go shopping at Christmas.序数词需注意:前面通常要用定冠词the.Eg: Jack won the first prize in the competition.序数词前不用定冠词的情况:1) 作副词时通常不用冠词;Eg: He came first. 2).若序数词前用了物主代词或名词所有格,则不加定冠词。Eg: his second son; Sams third bag; my twen

    6、tieth birthday3). 前面若用a戒者an,则表”又一,再一“(无具体的范围限制)Eg: He tried his best to get a second chance.4)常考序数词梳理:例如:第9 the ninth _ _ _ _ _名校精练(2014年广铁一中八上期中卷)3. -How do we read 2,345 in English -_. A. Two three four five. B. Two thousand, three hundred and forty-five C. Two thousands, three hundred and forty-f

    7、ive D. Two thousand, three hundred and forty five26. - Has Lily been back? - Not yet. She will come back _ the evening of June _.A. in; the forth B. in; the fourth C. on; the forth D. on; the fourth33. - What do you get when you _ the number 3? - I get the number _.A. double; sixth B. divide; six C.

    8、 divide; sixth D. double; six(广东实验中学2015-2016学年上中段质量检测)17. - How was your weekend? - Great! It was my grandfathers _ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.A. seventy B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth 6. There are_ months in a year. October is the _ month. A. twelve; ten B. twelfth; tenth C. tw

    9、elve; tenth D. twelfth; ten(番禺育才实验学校八年级期中测试卷)( )30. Now, children, turn to page _and look at the_ picture in Lesson TwoAtwentieth, one B. twenty; first C. twentieth; first D. twenty; one(广大附中八年级期中考试卷)23. Now, everybody , please turn to Page_ and look at the _ picture.A. fifth ; five B .five; fifth C

    10、. fifth; fifth D. five; five形容词的原级、比较级和最高级原级 A + be/V. + as + 原级 + as + B “A和B一样.” Eg: The film is as interesting as the book I read. A + be/V. + not + as/so + 原级 + as + B “A不如B.” Eg: My pen doesnt write so well as yours.注意:be/系动词后用adj.; 行为动词后用adv.比较级 A + be/V. +比较级+than +B “A比B” Eg: The woman is ol

    11、der than she seems. 比较级 and 比较级 “越来越” Eg: The day is getting shorter and shorter in winter. the 比较级, the 比较级 “越就越” Eg: The harder you work, the better you will be.最高级 the+ 形容词最高级+ 单数名词+ in 整体单数/ of 个体复数 “在中最的” Eg: He is the fastest one of all the people in the team one of the +最高级+复数名词+ in/of “最的之一”

    12、 Eg: Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China. the + 序数词 + 最高级 “第最的” Eg: The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 后可接比较级的词:a little, far, much, any, even 后接原级的词:very, too, so, quite 名校精练(广铁一中八年级期中考试)17. IhavethreeEnglishdictionary. -Ihavenine.Ihavethreetimes_you. A. asmuchas B. as

    13、manyas C. aslittleas D. lessthan18. Theflowersinyourstoresmellso_.Dotheysell_? A. well,well B. nice,well C. wonderfully,good D. nicely,nice19. IamsurprisedthatJohnisonly25.Ithoughthewas_,forheseemstobeinhis thirties. A. old B. young C. older D. younger20. -Doctor,whatstheproblemwithmyson? -Dontworry

    14、.Itis_.Itsonlyacold. A. seriousnothing B. nothingserious C. seriousanything D. anythingserious (广东实验中学2015-2016学年上中段质量检测)18. HespeaksFrenchwell,butofcoursenot_apersonborninFrance. A. asclearas B. clearerthan C. asclearlyas D. themoreclearly22. Iamgoodatmaths,buthisEnglishis_thanmine, A. muchbetter B

    15、. morebetter C. verybetter D. alotofbetter (广大附中八年级期中考试卷)17. Theairportofthispoorcityis_small_aschoolsplayground. A. as;as B. so;as C. as;to D. so;to22. Tommycanrunatamuch_speedthanmanyotherstudents. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. thefastest24. Mr.Greenbecomes_insteadofgettingbetter. A. morebad B.

    16、alittleworse C. muchbadly D. alotofworse (广州市育才实验学校2014学年第一学期期中测试)27. Theweathergets_hotterthesedays. A. very B. even C. quite D. so32. -Whichdoyouthinktastes_,thechickenorthefish? A. bad B. worse C. theworst D. worstg34. -IthinkMathsis_English. -ButIdontthinkso.IthinkEnglishismoredifficult. A. asmo

    17、reusefulas B. asusefulas C. asdifficultas D. asmoredifficultas35. -Wouldyoulikesomemoresoup? -_.Itisdelicious,butIvehad_. A. Yes,please;enough B. No,thankyou;enough C. Nothingmore;full D. Youresokind;full (番禺育才实验学校八年级期中测试卷)29. Theyofferedherahousefor$1000,000,_itwasworth. A. asmuchastwice B. asmucht

    18、wiceas C. astwicemuchas D. twiceasmuchas34. Thisisthe_supermarketfrommyhouseinthistown. A. far B. farther C. farthest D. furthest动词搭配1 look 的搭配look for寻找, look after照顾, look up查阅, look out小心, look over仔细检查, look forward to 期待,盼望2 help 的搭配help sb. do /to do sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 在某方面/某事上帮助某人

    19、help oneself to sth. 随便吃点 3 remember /forget to do 记得/忘记去做(事情还未做) remember/forget doing 记得/忘记做过(事情已做)4 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事5 talk的介词搭配talk to/with与交谈talk about 谈论 6 agree with sb. 同意某人agree to do 同意做某事7 be short of 缺少be unaware of 没意识到;未察觉depend on 依赖;依靠;依而定8 stop to do 停下正在做的去做另一件事stop doing 停下正

    20、在做的事情stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事9 allow sb. (not) to do 允许(不允许)某人做某事10 keep sb./sth. + 形容词使某人或某物处亍某种状态keep (sb.)doing 使(某人)不停地做某事keep on 继续,keepfrom 阻止,keep away from 远离名校精练(广州市育才实验学校2014学年第一学期期中测试)31. -Didyoupromise_inyourreportthisTuesday? -Yes,Ihadtodosobecausemybossorderedme_itasquicklyaspossible

    21、. A. tohand;finishing B. tohand;tofinish C. handing;fishing D. handing;tofinish (广东实验中学2015-2016学年上中段质量检测)24. Stop_anoiseinthelibrary.Thestudentsarereadingbooks. A. make B. tomake C. makes D. making (番禺育才实验学校八年级期中测试卷)31. -IdliketomakeMary_thereport. -Donttroubleher.Shehasnotime_it. A. totype;todo B.

    22、 type;doing C. type;todo D. type;do35. Afterwegrowup,Weshouldnot_ourparentstoomuch A. dependon B. turnon C. goon D. puton (广大附中八年级期中考试卷)18. Dinosaurs_manyyearsagoandwecantseethemanylonger. A. diedon B. diedout C. diedof D. diedfrom19. Thekinghadlotsofslavesandheoftenorderedthem_everythingforhim. A.

    23、do B. todo C. doing D. todoing20. Mybrotheroftenchallengesme_manydifficultproblemsofmyself. A. solved B. tosolving C. solving D. tosolve25. WhenIwasinItaly,theytaughtmehow_icecream. A. tomake B. making C. make D. tomaking (广铁一中八年级期中考试)21. -Howmanynewenvelopesdowehavenow? -Wehaveused35enveopes.100_35

    24、equals65.Sowestillhave65now. A. plus B. multipliedby C. minus D. dividedby25. Dontstepontothelawn.Dontyouseethesign”KEEP_THEGRASS?” A. OFF B. AWAY C. IN D. ON词义辨析1 win & beatwin 意为“赢得; 获胜”; 宾语常为比赛、战争等beat 意为“击败; 打败; 胜过”; 宾语常为参赛者、参赛队伍或是对手2 find out VS. find VS. look for find out 意为“(通过调查而)查明;发现;查出” f

    25、ind 意为“发现;找到”,强调找的结果look for 意为“寻找”,强调找的动作或过程3 instead adv. 代替;顶替,加句子,句首句末都可以。instead of doing 4 in this way 用这种斱法;这样in the way挡道on the way在路上by the way 顺便说一下;顺便问一下4 in this way 用这种斱法;这样in the way挡道on the way在路上by the way 顺便说一下;顺便问一下5 the amount of VS. the number of the amount of.的数量,修饰不可数名词the numb

    26、er of .的数量,修饰可数名词a number of 许多6 create “创造;创作”;指产生出新的事物,往往是精神上的,如艺术、文学作品中的人物及新的科学领域等invent “发明”;指发明出原本就不存在的事物discover “发现”;指发现或找到本就已存在但不为人所知的事物7 花费 spend , take, cost,pay主语花费物过去式句型spendcostpaytake总结大挑战(广州市暨大附中2015学年第一学期初二)1. Is _ necessary _ us to go to bed before 10 oclock? A.that; for B. that; of

    27、; C. it; for D. it ;of2.How do you usually go to school ?I used to _ a bike, but these days I m used to to school.A.ride; walk B. ride; walking C. riding; walk D. walking ;riding 3. The _ of all the students in our class _ 56 .A. amount ,is B. amount ;are C. number ;is D. number; are4. Mary has been

    28、 to many countries ,_America ,Australia , Austria. A. for example B. such C. such as D. like as5. How old is Lily? _ .We had a party for her birthday yesterday?A.Thirty, thirty B Thirty, thirtieth C Thirtieth; thirty D. Thirtieth thirtieth6. Why do you sleep in class?-My mother made me_ the guitar for 2 hours yesterday.Ato play B. playing C. play D. played7. What do you think of the football match ?-Wonderful! They have never played _ A.best B .better C. worst D. worse 8. Tims son is interested _ music while his wife is good . dancingA.in ;at B.in; in C.at; in D.atat9. 3 plus 3 equals 6


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