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    1、电大网考英语词汇与结构1009说明:“ 10年9月网考补充真题”是10年9月网考中第一次出现的新题;在“10年6月真题”与“以往题库”中用粉红色标示的题目是以前出现过,10年9月份又出现的题目。都是重点复习内容大学英语B词汇与结构专项练习(10年11月)10年9月网考补充真题1 The contruction of the new bridge has been _ for two weeks because of the bad weather.A.devoted B. developed C. depended D. delayed 2 “I think it will be fine t

    2、omorrow”“Oh, I hope _”A not B it be C so D it does3 I thought that honesty _ the best policy.A was B is C were D be4 We think _ highly probable that our plan will work out. A them B it C what D that5 His salary as a driver is much higher than ._.A a porter B is a porter C that of a porter D as a por

    3、ter6 A long time ago I _ in London for three years. A had lived B have lived C lived D have been living7 Johns father _ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University .A taught B teaches C has taught D is teaching8. Mathematices _ study or science of numbers.A is B are C

    4、was D were9. The baby is hungry , but theres _ milk in the bottle.A little B a little C few D a few10.Nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital. Oh, really? I _. I _ visit her.A didnt know ; will go toB dont know; will go toC didnt know; am going toD havent know;

    5、 am going to11. You _ buy some reference books when you go to college. A must B will have to C must to D have to 12 You should take the medicine after you read the _. A lines B words C instructions D suggestions13 “Town Hall is the tallest building in the city” “_ from here?” A Can it see B Can it b

    6、e seen C Can be seeing D Can see14 The old lady is quarrelling as if she _ mad. A was B is C are D were15 Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs _ day. A other B the other C the third D a third16 Twenty people were _ wounded in the air crash. A quickly B wrongly bitterly D serio

    7、usly17 Will you _ me a favor, please? A do B make bring give 18 Look! Here _ the famous player. A comes B come C had come D coming19 Its high time that he settled down in the country and _ a new life. A start B started C starting D to start20 I took the medicine, but it didnt _. A work B help C make

    8、 D affect21 The problem is not _ so easy as you think . Its far from being settled. A hardly B almost C nearly D scarcely22 How_ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have cover only part of article? A can B must C need D may23 It is said that_ boys in your school like playing fo

    9、otball in their spare time, though others prefer basketballl. A very little B quite a few C quite a bit D quite a little24 I wish everybody _ the meeting tomorrow. A will attend B would attend C had attended D is going to attend25 He asked the waiter _ the bill. A on B. of C. for D. after26 Mary tol

    10、d me that she _ to the supermarket before coming home. A. want B. had gone C. has gone D. goes27 I was satisfied with her explanation, _. A. so my classmates were B. so were my classmates C. so my classmates did D. so did my classmates28 Never before _ see such a terrible car accident on the road! A

    11、. I have B. have I C. I did D. did I29 I dont know _ to deal with such matter. A. what B. how c. with D. /30 Is the library _ now? No, its _. A. open; close B. opening; closing C. open; closed D. opened; closed31 He looked quite healthy though he was _. A. in senenty B. in his seventies C. at sevent

    12、ies D. age of seventy32 It is high time that we _ working to take a bread. A. should stop B. would stop C. stopped D. stop33 How much has the company _ this year? A brought in B. brought down C. brought out D. brought about34 As the busiest woman there, she made _ her duty to look after all the othe

    13、r peoples affairs in that town. A. this B. that C. one C. it36 _ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony. A. Before B. At C. In D. Between37 Standing under a big tree to _ getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.

    14、 A. avoid B. keep C. stop D. drop38 About 40,000 years ago, the sea was _ 40 meters below todays level. A. about only B. only about C. about much D. much about39 How can he _ if he is not _? A. listen; hearing B. hear; listening C. be listening; heard D. be hearing; listened to40 I will count three

    15、hundred and not one of you _ move a muscle. A. is to B. are to C. is D. are41 She has been working hard day and night during these years _ she could pay for the necklace. A. in order that B. as long as C. the moment D. because42 Every one of them _ tired and wanted a good rest. A. seems b. is seemed

    16、 C. was seemed D. seemed43 Its time we _ the lecture because everybody has arrived. A. will start B. shall start C. start D. started44 The twin brothers are only _ in appearance. A. like B. likely C. likelihood D. alike 45 One cannot learn a foreign language well _ he studies hard. A. unless B. if C

    17、. as D. when46 _ her and then try to copy what she does. A. Mind B. See C. Stare at D. Watch47 Mr. Jones _ in the company for twenty years by the end of next month.A. will work B. will have worked C. has worked D. would work48 Dont you feel surprised to see George at the meeting? Yes. I really didnt

    18、 think he _ here. A . has been B. had been C. would be D.would have been49 _ he saw his mother in person did he apologized.A. Only B. Until C. Only when D. Only until50 As a primary school teacher, one should be _ with children. This is the first standard for being a good teacher. A. patient B. posi

    19、tive C. negative D peaceful51 Professor White contributed a lot to our community, _. A. teaching, writing, and lecturing B. teaching, writing, and lecturer C. a teacher, a writer, and lecturing D. teaching, writing, and a writer52 I couldnt find my English-Chinese dictionary _. A. anywhere B. everyw

    20、here C. nowhere D. somewhere53 54 The physics exam is not difficult, is it? _. Even Harry _ to the top students failed in it. A. Yes; belongs B. No; belonged C. Yes; belonging D. No; belonging55 Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ of fat. A. a large number B. the large number C. a large amount

    21、 D. the large amount56 The rain was _ make our picnic impossible. A. hard enough B. hard so to C. so hard as to D. so hard to 57 He _ a sum of money every month to help the two orphans. A. sets aside B. sets up C. sets along D. sets in58 He was seriously injured in a car _. A. incident B. accident C

    22、. event D. matter59 We saw him _ the white building and go upstairs. A. enter B. entering C. to enter D. entered60 The reason I didnt go to canada was _ a new job. A. because I got B. how I got C. that I got D why I got61 I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I _ to half a do

    23、zen other groups. A. was giving B. am giving C. had given D. have given62 He _ to me last week. A. is writing B. writes C. wrote D. is written63 He never laughs _ people when they are _ trouble. A. to.in B. atin C. atat D. toat64 We are disappointed to find that the quality of the products here _ ve

    24、ry poor. A. to be B. have been C. is D being65 My friend helped me _ my cat when I was on vacation with my wife. A. look for B look on C. look after D. look up66 67 There are so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldnt make himself _.A. heard B. hearing C to hear D. hear68 The firemen tr

    25、ied their best to_ the fire but in vain. A put up B. put forward C. put down D. put out69 Im sorry that Ive kept you _ for so long. A. to wait B. waiting C. to be waiting D. waited70 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _ and disorder! A. mass B. mess C guess D. bus71 Har

    26、ry, who had failed in the final exam, had a great worry _ his mind. A.on B. to C. with D. at72 It is a teachers job to make sure that every one of his students _ confident in preparing himself for the future. A feels B. should feel C. will feel D. would feel73 This room _ cool in summer and warm in

    27、winter. Its quite comfortable to live here. A. feels B. is felt C. finds D. is founded74 On my left _ a wide river; on my right, a dark forest. A. has been B. was C are D. would be75 When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother _ dinner in the kitchen. A. cooked B. was cooking C. cooks D. has

    28、 cooked76 You neednt make such a funny noise, _? A. dont you B. doesnt it C. need you D. need it77 She _ 100 pages of the book today. A. has already read B. already reads C. already read D. was already read78 Im speaking _ the name of all the staff of our university. A. in B. on C. under D. with79 H

    29、e ran _ the direction of the school. A. at B. for C. in D. on80 It was because of the heavy rain last night _I didnt go home before 10 oclock. A. that B. when C. which D. how81 The audience _ dressed in a variety of ways, some in suits and dresses, some in jeans. A. is B. has C. are D. have82 The ne

    30、xt train to Beijing is _ to arrive at 9 a.m. A. due B. sure C. early D. late83 _ no need _ the radio as Ive used to studying with it on. A. Its ; to turn down B. Its; turning up C. Theres ; to turn off D. Theres ; turning off84 It was been ten years since the Labour Party came into _ in that country. A. control B. force C. power D. charge85 A large number of people _ present at the meeting , which was out of our expectation. A. was B. were C. have D. has86 A _ boy was the only


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