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    1、小学英语一般过去时练习题一、请选择正确的词,把下列句子补充完整。1. I _asked_ (ask / asked / is asking) him a question yesterday.2. Tom _read_ (read / is reading / reads) English now.3. Did you _watered_ (water / watered / waters) flowers last week?4. Lets _get_ (get / got / getting) on the No. 1 bus.5. We often _watch_ (watch / wa

    2、tches / watched) TV at home.6. Judy didnt _go_ (went / go / going) to school yesterday.7. His dad _works_ (works / worked / is working) hard every day.8. There _were_ (were / are / was) some trees near houses two years ago.9. My cousin _studies_ (studies / studied / study) in a middle school in Guan

    3、gzhou.10. Mr. White _came_ (came / comes / is coming) China last year.11. She is going to _have_ (have / had / has) a big party this Sunday. 12. Where did you _meet_ (meet / met / meeting) Miss White.13. They wanted to _go_ (go / went / going) to Beijing last week.14. Look, Tom _is watching_ (watche

    4、s / watched / is watching) TV in the living-room。15. What _did_ (did / does / is) the girl do this morning?16. It _will be_ (will be / was / is) rainy tomorrow.17. Sally usually _goes_ (is going / goes / went) to school on foot.18. _Do_ (Are / Do / Did) you often fly a kite?19. Its 2:30 in the after

    5、noon, the children _are making_ (make / made / are making) a model ship.20. Im _doing_ (do / did / doing) some reading in the classroom.21. Is Yongxian _cleaning_ (cleans / cleaned / cleaning) the house?22. That girl can _sing_ (sing / sings / sang) English songs 23. They will _climb_ (climb / climb

    6、ed / climbing) Baiyun Mountain this weekend.24. My sister likes _swimming_ (swims / swam / swimming) very much.25. Did you _play_ (play / playing / played) TV games last night?26. My uncle _lives_ (lived / lives / is living) on the third floor.27. Ben will _be_ (is / was / be) all right tomorrow.28.

    7、 Where _was_ (is / was / are) she after school yesterday? 三单项选择: 从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。 ( )1 My fatherill yesterday A isnt B arent C wasnt D werent( )2 your parents at home last week? A Is B Was C Are D Were( )3 The twinsin Dalian last year Theyhere now A are; were B were; are C was; are D were; wa

    8、s( )4 your father at work the dayyesterday (前天)? AWas; before BIs; before CWas; after DIs; after ( )5 Who was on duty last Friday? A I am B I was C Yes, I was D No, I wasnt四写出下列动词的过去式 isam_ fly_ plant_ are _drink_ play_ go_ make _does_ dance_ worry_ ask _taste_ eat_ draw_ put _throw_ kick_ pass_ do

    9、_五、请用正确动词形式填空。1. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend.2. -_ she _(practice) her guitar yesterday? -No, she _.3. -What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening?-He _(watch) TV and _(read) an interesting book.4. They all _(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.5. She _(not visit) her aunt last weekend.S

    10、he _ (stay) at home and _(do) some cleaning.六句型转换1. It was exciting. 否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否定回答:_2. All the students were very excited. 否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否定回答:_3. They were in his pocket. 否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否定回答:_4. Su Hai took some photos at the Sports day. 否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否定回答:_5. Nancy went to school early. 否定句:_一般

    11、疑问句:_肯、否定回答:_6. We sang some English songs. 否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否定回答:_九 改错题1How is Jane yesterday? _2He go to school by bus last week. _3He often goes home at 6:00 last month. _4I can fly kites seven years ago. _5 Did you saw him just now. _八改写句子:1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework

    12、 at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_ there _ orange in the cup?4. Frank read an interesting book about history. (一般疑问句) _ Frank _ an interesting book about history?5. Why not go out for a walk? (同义句)_ _ _ out for a walk?3


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