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    1、上海高考英语翻译中的高频词组总结翻译中的高频词组总结A 1.achieve ones goal(achieve nothing 一事无成)实现目标2.account for说明,解释;占比例3.accuse of=charge with 指控,谴责4.act as 担任;充当5.sth. be (in) accessible to sb. 某人(不)可以进入,使用6.adapt () to= adjust () to使适应7.add to 增添8.add up to合计达9.be admitted into the dream university 被理想的大学录取10.a birds eye

    2、 view of 鸟瞰11.a demanding job 一份要求很高的工作12.a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟13.a harmonious society 和谐社会14.a man of vision 有远见的人 15.a well-educated person 一个受过良好教育的人16.a part-time/full-time job 兼职、全职17.a stable/steady job 一份稳定的工作18.a parking lot 停车场19.a matter of life and death 生死攸关20.a newly-released report

    3、新发布的报道21.a ticket for. .的票22.a single/round-way ticket 单程票;往返票23.a tight schedule日程安排很紧24.a threat to the society(threaten to do/with sth.威胁某人) 对社会的威胁25.agree on=reach an agreement on 就达成一致意见;认同26.ahead of time/schedule (on schedule/on time准时、behind schedule晚点) 提前27.aim at(be meant/intended to) 旨在、为

    4、了28.appeal to/call on sb. to do 呼吁某人做29.apply (application) for 申请30.apply theory to practice 把理论应用于实践31.approve of=be for=be in favor of 赞成32.apologize to sb. for sth./make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉33.arouse widespread concern 引起广泛关注34.as a result of=due to=owing to=thanks to 由于35.as far as sb./sth.

    5、be concerned=in terms of 就而言36.ask a favor of=ask/turn to sb. for help 请帮个忙37.associate/connect A with B 把A和B联系起来38.assure of/ that 向保证39.as for/to 对于40.at a loss(for sth./wh- to do) 茫然不知所措41.at all costs / at any cost 不惜一切代价42.at first sight 乍一看43.at home and abroad 国内外44.at the cost/expense of 以为代

    6、价45.at the risk of 冒着生命危险46.at the turn of the century 在世纪之交47.attach importance to 重视48.award sb. sth 授予某人某物49.sth. be available to sb. 某人可以得到谚语:1. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。2. His deeds agree with his words. 他言行一致。3. Ample reading produces fluent writing. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神。4. As a man sows

    7、, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜种豆得豆。5. After the storm comes a calm. 否极泰来。6. A thousand mile trip begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下。7. A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。8. A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里。9. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不如生苔。10. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不

    8、努力,老大徒伤悲。 11. All that glitters is not gold. 闪闪发光的并非都是金子。B 50.be based on 以为基础51.be absent from (absent-minded 心不在焉的) 缺席52.be absorbed/buried/occupied/wrapped up in 全神贯注于53.be accustomed to doing 习惯于做54.be anxious/eager/dying/desperate fo/ to do渴望55.be ashamed of 对.羞愧56.be aware/conscious of 意识到57.b

    9、e a great drain on=drain.greatly 极大地消耗了58.be capable of 有能力59.become famous overnight 一夜成名60.be composed/made up of, consist of 由组成61.be concerned about/over=show great concern for 关心62.be confident of=have confidence in 对有信心63.be considerate/thoughtful of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事考虑得周到64.be contrary to

    10、与相反65.be curious about (arouse ones curiosity 引起好奇心) 对好奇66.be determined to do=make up ones mind to do 决定做某事67.be down with 由于病倒了68.be dismissed/fired 被解雇69.be engaged in=be busy doing/with sth. 忙于做某事70.be equal /superior, ahead of/inferior (to) sb. in 在某方面与某人势均力敌/优于某人/不如某人71.be expert in doing 擅长72

    11、.be exposed to 曝光于,接触73.be well equipped to do/for 为.做好充分准备74.be faced with sth. (face up to 勇敢面对) 面对75.sth. be familiar to sb. =sb. be familiar with sth. 对熟悉76.be fed up with =be bored with=be tired of 对厌烦77.be fit/suitable for 适合78.be free from worries 无忧无虑的79.be grateful to sb. for sth. 因某事感激某人80

    12、.be gifted with 有.天赋81.be guilty of 内疚82.be heavily in debt 负债累累83.be held up in the heavy traffic=be caught in the traffic jam 堵车84.be ignorant of 对某事一无所知85.be independent of (depend on 依靠、取决于) 独立于86.be infected with 受感染87.be involved in 卷入,参与88.be in a panic 恐慌89.be in good condition 状态良好90.be in

    13、a good/bad mood (be in high/low spirits)情绪很好、糟糕91.be in honor/memory of 纪念92.be keen on/to do 热衷于93.be located (in) 坐落(在)94.be lost in thought 陷入沉思95.be moved to tears 感动得流泪96.be named after 以.命名97.be of good / poor quality 质量好/差98.be of great/vital/primary importance to非常重要99.be on a diet (a well-b

    14、alanced diet 均衡饮食) 节食100.be on display/show/exhibition 展出101.be opposed to/object to doing 强烈反对做某事102.be particular about=find fault with 对挑剔103.be popular with / among 受某人欢迎104.be present at 出席,在场105.be qualified for (a qualified teacher 一位合格的老师 ) 可胜任106.be (closely) related to= be concerned with 与

    15、息息相关107.be resistant to(resist the temptation of/ to do 抵制诱惑) 对有抵抗能力108.be responsible for=take the responsibility for 对负责任109.be reasonable in science 有科学道理110.be second to none 第一,不次于任何人111.be short of 缺乏112.be shocked/amazed/surprised/astonished at 对.感到惊讶113.be similar toin 与相似114.be strict with

    16、sb./ in sth. 对严格115.be trapped in 被困于;陷入116.be tired/worn out 精疲力尽117.be to blame for (blame sb. for sth/blame sth. on sb.) 为某事受到责备118.be under guarantee 在保修期内119.be up to sb to do由某人决定120.be wild with joy 欣喜若狂121.be worth doing(be worthy of being done, its worthwhile to do) 值得做122.be worth the pric

    17、e 物有所值123.bear/keep in mind 把牢记在心124.begin/start with 由开始125.behave oneself 行为检点、守规矩126.sb. benefit a lot from= sth. benefit sb. a lot 受益匪浅127.beyond / within ones power 力所不及/ 力所能及128.beyond description/words 难以描述129.beyond all praises 赞不绝口130.blame for (sb. be to blame for/ blame sth. on sb.) 因责备某人

    18、131.break/ be against/keep the law 违/守法132.bring to an end 结束133.bring sb. to justice 依法惩处134.bring about 引起135.bring up=raise 抚养136.bridge the generation gap 缩小代沟 137.broaden ones horizons 拓宽视野 138.build up ones confidence 建立,树立信心139.bump into= come across= run into=meet with 撞上;碰见140.burst into te

    19、ars= burst out crying 突然大哭141.burn the midnight oil 加夜班142.by accident=accidentally 意外地;偶然143.by means of 用,依靠144.by mistake 弄错145.by no means= on no account=under no circumstance 决不146.by the dozen/the hour 以打/小时计101. by this means= in this way/manner= with this method 用这种方法谚语:1. Better late than n

    20、ever. 亡羊补牢犹未晚.2. Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle. 随遇而安3. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。C 147.call at sp./ call on sb. 访问某地/某人148.call for 要求;需要149.call off= cancel 取消150. cant afford to do 无法承担151.cant help doing=cant help but do 情不自禁152.cant bear/stand doing 无法忍受153.care ab

    21、out 关心、介意154.carry out/perform/do sth. 执行;实施155.catch ones eye= arouse ones attention 引起注意156.catch up with 赶上157.catch a cold 感冒158.cause great loss to 给.造成重大损失159.change for the better/worse 好转/恶化160.cheer up 使高兴;高兴起来161.civil rights 公民权利162.claim to do(it is claimed that) 声称163.clean tidy up 打扫干净

    22、164.clear up 澄清;(天气)变晴165.collect/raise money 筹集资金 bine with 把和结合起来e into existence/being 产生、成立e to/ arrive at/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论e to realize 逐渐意识到e up with 提出ment on (make comments on) 评论mit a crime 犯罪mon knowledge 常识pare A with B (compare A to B 把A比喻成B) 把A和B比较pete with (fierce competitio

    23、n 激烈竞争) 与相竞争municate the ideas to sb. 向某人传达plain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨、投诉某事pletely differ from 与截然不同179.concentrate on=focus ones attention on 集中精力在180.conduct a survey (the survey indicates/reveals/shows/suggests/demonstrates 研究表明) 做一个调查181.confuse A with B 把A和B混淆182.congratulate sb. on sth. 因某事祝

    24、贺某人183.consider/regard/see/view/look on/think of (as/ to be) 把看作184.consult sb. about sth. 向.咨询.185.contribute to 有助于186.contrary to ones hope/will 事与愿违187.convince sb. of sth./that 使某人相信某事188.cooperate with sb. 和某人合作189.cope with/ deal with/tackle 对付,应付,处理190.count/rely on 依靠,指望191.cover a long dis

    25、tance 走了很长一段路192.cut down on 减少193.cut off 切断;断绝194.current situation 当前形势195.cultivate/develop/get into the habit of 养成.习惯196.cure sb. of a bad habit 改正不良习惯谚语:A man is known by the company he keeps. 近朱者赤近墨者黑D 197.date back to/be traced back 追溯到198.deliver a speech 发表演讲199.defend ones rights 捍卫权利200

    26、.deserve the attention/praise 值得关注;应该得到表扬201.develop the team spirit 培养团队精神202.devote oneself to doing sth.=be dedicated/committed to doing 献身于做某事203.die down 逐渐平息204.die of a heart attack 死于心脏病205.die out=be extinct 灭绝206.distinguish from (a distinguished scholar 知名学者) 区分207.divide into 把分成208.do h

    27、arm/ good to 对有害处/好处209.do nothing but do 除了什么也不做210.do sb. a favor=lend sb. A hand 帮助某人211.draw/arrive/reach/come to a conclusion 下结论212.drive sb. mad 把某人逼疯213.drivers license=driving license 驾照214.drop in on sb. / at sp. 顺便拜访215.drop out of school 辍学E 216.enable sb. to do 使某人能.217.end up with/end

    28、up doing 以告终218.earn ones living 谋生219.earn ones reputation 赢得声誉220.eat ones word(break ones promise) 食言221.eliminate sb. from the match 把.淘汰出赛222.emergency measure 紧急措施223.enjoy a growing/high reputation 名声鹊起;享有盛名224.enhance ones reputation 提高声望225.enter for/ sign up for/enroll in/register for 报名参加

    29、226.entertain sb. with sth.=treat sb. to sth. 用来招待某人227.environment-friendly concept 环境友好型理念228.equip sb. with sth. 用来装备某人229.escape from (have a narrow escape 九死一生) 从逃离230.escape being punished 逃脱惩罚231.exchange A for B 用A交换B232.expect too much of sb. 对.期待过高233.Express/voice ones own idea 各抒己见234.ex

    30、tensive reading 泛读谚语:1. Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。2. Every doubt has a silver lining. 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。3. Every coin has two sides. 凡事一分为二。4. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早睡早起身体好。5. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。F 235.fall behind sb. In 在.落后于.236.far from enough/satisfactory 远远不够/远不尽如人意237.farewell party 告别晚会238.fast/sound sleep 酣睡239.fatal mistakes 致命错误240.feel at ease 感到轻松241.fight against/struggle with 与斗争242.fier


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