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    高中人教实验版必修1 Unit 5 知识重点.docx

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    高中人教实验版必修1 Unit 5 知识重点.docx

    1、高中人教实验版必修1 Unit 5 知识重点高中任教实验版必修1 Unit 5 知识重点词汇学习一、Try to pronounce the words.self selfi selflis selflisli divut divutid inveid faund nnlizm pi:sfl l:j gaidns hupfl ju: vailns i:kwl wili , nf edukei edukeitid kru:lti sentns二、Try to spell the words. 三、构词法之 派生:通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词。例如:smell (n.) smelly ( adj.

    2、 );dirt (n.)dirty ( adj. );suffer (v.) suffering ( n. );【课本链接】equal (adj.) equally ( adv. ) 公平地(词义);self (n.) _ ( adj. ) _(词义);_ ( adj. ) _(词义);_ ( adv. ) _(词义);nation n. _ ( adj. ) _(词义);_ ( n. ) _(词义);peace n. _ ( adj. ) _(词义);hope n. _ ( adj. ) _(词义);invade (vt.) inveid (侵入,侵略) _ ( n. ) _(词义);fou

    3、nd (vt.) faund (建立;建设) _ ( n. ) _(词义);law n. _ ( n. ) _(词义);guide v. _ ( n. ) _(词义);young adj. _ ( n. ) _(词义);violent (adj.) vailnt (暴力的) _ ( n. ) _(词义);cruel (adj.) _ ( n. ) _(词义);willing (adj.) wili(乐意的;自愿的)_ ( adj. ) 不愿意的;fair (adj.) f(公平的;公正的)_ ( adj. ) 不公平的;educate (vt.) edukei (教育;训练)_ ( adj.

    4、) 受过教育的;有教养的_ ( n. ) 教育;培养;legal (adj.) _ ( adj. ) ili:gl _ (词义);四、从以上单词中选择填空。Like Nelson Mandela I was a lawyer who believed that all mankind is created _ . I hate _ and tried to use _ ways so that black people could vote for their government. As I live in South Africa, the officials of the South A

    5、frican Republic did not agree with me. They attacked me for encouraging the blacks to fight against the government and put me in prison. Nobody was allowed to talk to me for five long years and I lost the ability to talk. Before I went to prison, I had been _ that things would change. After I was re

    6、leased(赦免)I found the quality of life for black people had got worse. I was worried about my future, and soon I fell ill. Although I was not as successful as Nelson Mandela, many people remember me as one of the first black fighters for human rights in South Africa. 五、名词的可数与不可数请判断下面名词是可数名词【C】还是不可数名词

    7、【U】。quality kwlti 【 】 n质量;品质;性质principle prinspl 【 】 n. 法则;原则;原理nationalism nnlizm 【 】 n民族主义;国家主义livelihood laivlihud 【 】 n生计;谋生leap li:p 【 】 n飞跃;跳跃 mankind mnkaind 【 】 n人类guidance gaidns 【 】 n. 指导;领导fee fi: 【 】 n费(会费、学费等);酬金youth ju: 【 】 n青年【 】;青年时期【 】league li:g 【 】 同盟;联盟;联合会stage steid 【 】 n舞台;阶段

    8、;时期vote vut 【 】 n. 投票;选票;表决violence vailns 【 】 n暴力;暴行quote kwut 【 】 n引用语;语录terror ter 【 】 n恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动cruelty kru:lti 【 】 n残忍;残酷reward riw:d 【 】 n. 报酬;奖金opinion pinjn 【 】 n意见;看法;主张六、词汇学习1. quality 【U】 n质量;品质;性质质量往往比数量更重要。Quality often matters more _ _. 2. principle 【C】 n. 法则;原则;原理我对此很认真。这是原则问题

    9、。I take this seriously. _ _ _ of principle. 3. nationalism 【U】 n民族主义;国家主义民族主义精神仍然远远胜于世界大同的精神。_ _ of _ is still far stronger than the spirit of world community. 4. livelihood【 】 n生计;谋生她靠种菜谋生。She earns _ _ _ _ _. 5. leap li:p 【C】 n飞跃;跳跃 个人一小步,人来一大步。Thats _ _ step for a man, one giant _ _ _. 6. mankind

    10、【U】 n人类袁隆平为全人类的利益而工作。Yuan Longping _ _ _ good _ _ . 7. guidance【U】 n. 指导;领导He offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems. 8. fee【C】 n费(会费、学费等);酬金恐怕我付不起给律师的酬金。_ _ _ _ afford the lawyers fee. 9. youth n青年【C】;青年时期【U】那里,一群群小伙子正在打篮球。_ _ _ of _ playing basketball over there. 我在乡间度过了青少年时

    11、代。I _ my youth in the country. 10. league 【C】 同盟;联盟;联合会当地几所学校组建了足球联合会。_ _ _ formed _ _ _. 11. stage 【C】 n舞台;阶段;时期一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。_ _ _ _ on _ _. 12. vote【C】 n. 投票;选票;表决 此事将投票表决。_ _ _ _ _ by vote. 13. violence 【U】 n暴力;暴行只有到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。Only then _ _ _ _ answer _ with _.14. quote【C】 n引用语;语录这是引自圣经的语句。_

    12、 _ _ _ from the Bible. 15. terror 【 】 n恐怖;恐怖时期;恐怖活动;可怕的人_ 16. cruelty 【U】 n残忍;残酷令人奇怪地是她狠得下心抛弃自己的孩子。Its surprising that _ has the _ to abandon her own child. 17. reward 【C】 n. 报酬;奖金他因为有功而获颁一枚奖章。He was given _ _ _ _ _ for his service. 18. opinion 【C】 n意见;看法;主张对这件事各人看法不一。Opinions differ _ _ _. 六、自给自足1.

    13、 devote divut vt. 奉献(人生、时间、劳力等)(于),把专用(于);devote to 奉献(人生、时间、劳力等)于,把专用于devote oneself to 献身于,热爱;专心致力于He devoted his life to promoting world peace. 他一生致力于促进世界和平。She devoted herself to tennis in her teens. 她在少女时代热衷于网球。devoted divutid adj. 献身的,忠实的;挚爱的a devoted friend 忠实的朋友She is devoted to her husband.

    14、 她挚爱她的丈夫。 专心致志的,热衷于She was devoted to tennis in her teens. 她在少女时代热衷于网球。2. found faund (founded, founded) vt. 建立;建造【构成短语】be founded on/upon something a) to be the main idea, belief etc that something else develops from【=be based on something】以为基础 His theory is founded on facts. 他的理论建立在事实的基础上。 b) to b

    15、e the solid layer of cement, stones etc that a building is built on建造(房屋等)于之上The castle is founded on solid rock. 那座城堡建在坚固的岩石上。 to start something such as an organization, company, school, or city, often by providing the necessary money创立,创办They founded a college. 他们创办了一所大学。 The hospital was founded

    16、 in 1920. 这家医院创立于1920年。3. vote vut vt. & vi. 投票;(以票)表决;选举【构成短语】 vote (on) 就投票In those days women couldnt vote. 当年妇女们无权投票。Now we will vote on this question. 现在对这个问题来投票表决。 vote for/against 投票赞成/反对Vote for the man you can trust. 选你能信赖的人。 People voted against Henry. 人们投票反对亨利。 vote to do sth. 投票去做We vote

    17、d to accept the proposal. 我们投票决定要接受这项提案。 vote that 投票决定The committee voted that the game should be put off. 委员会投票决定比赛应延期。【课本连接】Black people could not vote or choose their leaders.当时黑人没有选举权,他们无权选择他们的领导人。vote n. 【C】选举,投票,表决(常和介词on/about连用,表示“有关的”)The matter will be decided by vote. 此事将投票表决。 A vote on

    18、this matter will be taken at the end of the discussion. 这件事讨论到最后就举行表决。【C】票,选票 I cast my vote for/against the proposal. 我投票赞成/反对那项提案。4. attack vt. 进攻,袭击The enemy attacked our airport all night. 敌人彻夜都在攻击我们的机场。 抨击,责难Todays papers all attacked the governments new policy. 今天所有的报纸都在攻击政府的新政策。attack n. 【U】【

    19、C】攻击,袭击(常和介词on/against连用)make an attack on the enemy 攻击敌人【构成短语】under attack 遭受攻击【C】责难(常和介词on连用)make an attack on the famous writer 【C】发病,(疾病的)发作 I had a bad attack of flu at Christmas.圣诞节期间我得了重感冒。5. release rili:s vt. (从束缚中)释放,解放,解脱;(从义务中)免除,解除He released the bird from its cage. 他将那只鸟从笼中释放出来。I relea

    20、sed him from debt. 我已免除了他的欠款。 发行;发表A new movie is to be released tonight. 今晚要发行一部新电影。6. escape iskeip vi. 逃走,逃跑Some prisoners have escaped. 一些犯人已经逃走。The bird has escaped from the cage. 那只鸟逃出鸟笼了。 vt. 逃离(危险、灾难等)He escaped the trials after the war. 战后他逃过了审判。We were lucky to escape punishment/being puni

    21、shed. 我们很幸运,没有受罚。 7. educate edjukeit vt. 教育She was educated in England in the 1930s. 她三十年代在英国受教育。【相关词汇】educated adj. 受过教育的;有教养的8. beg vt.& vi. 乞求,乞讨He lived by begging. 他靠乞讨为生。The man begged (for) money from passers-by. 那男子向过路人要钱。 vt.& vi. 恳求,请求beg (for) sth. of sb. 向某人恳求beg sb. for sth. 为某事请求某人beg

    22、 sb. to do sth. 恳求某人做某事beg that 请求某人做某事【从句中的谓语动词用“(should) +do”】I beg a favor of you. 我恳求你帮忙。He begged his boss for a day off. 他请求老板给他一天假。She begged me to stay with her. 他请求我留下来陪她。She begged that I (should) stay with her. 他请求我留下来陪她。9. reward riw:d vt. 酬谢,报答,奖赏I will reward you later. 我以后再答谢你。How can

    23、 I reward your kindness? 我如何才能报答你的好意呢?n. 【U】【C】报酬,奖赏,酬谢,报答;奖金,酬金He worked hard without (any) hope of reward. 他辛勤工作却不期待报酬。She offered a reward of $ 2000 for information about her missing son. 她悬赏2000美元,找寻失踪儿子的下落。10. sentence sentns vt. 给(某人)判刑,宣判(某人)(罪刑)【备注:】此时,sentence常用被动语态。be sentenced to 被判He was

    24、 sentenced to death/ three years imprisonment. 他被判死刑/3年徒刑。短语荟萃1. out of work 失业的He has been out of work for a year. 他已经失业一年了。【备注】out of work作为介词短语,多构成系表结构,偶见置于名词之后作定语。失业了的人们 _ 2. blow up 【vt. + adv.】使充气;爆炸Can you blow up these balloons? 你能把这些气球吹起来吗?【vi. + adv.】爆炸;被充气,充气(于轮胎、球中)3. in trouble 在危险、受罚、忧

    25、虑等的处境中4. turn to 求助于;转向We can turn to him for help. 我们可以求助于他。Turn to the left, please. 5. set up 设立,建立A new government was set up after the war. 新政府于战后成立。6. lose heart 丧失勇气或信心7. come to power 当权;上台Reading I短语动词短语给提供 _;在方面慷慨_;因而感激_;向某人求助_;所受教育很少_;开始上学_;继续做某事_;担心_;对充满希望_;种庄稼_;跟政府作斗争_;破坏法律_;用暴力反抗暴力_;爆炸_;把某人关进监狱_;实现梦想_;使黑人和白人平等_;名词短语一生中非常艰难的时期_;学费_;交通费_;一家金矿_;想住在约翰内斯堡就非得要有身份证不可的时期_;介词短语几经周折之后_;事实上_


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