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    1、英语导学案必修四第四单元Unit 4 Body LanguagePeriod 1 Warming up and Reading(1)一写出下列30个单词:1.represent_ 2.curious_ 3. 接近,靠近,办法 v./n _ 4.greet_ 5. 保护,保卫 vt._ 6.likely_7怒气,怒火 n._ 8. 陈述,说明 n _9. 成人,成熟的10.ease_ 10.employee_11. 主要的adj._ 12.function_13.dormitory_ 14.canteen_15.hug_ 16.dash_17.misunderstanding_ 18.恭敬的_1

    2、9.truly_ 20.fist_21.cheek_ 22.association_23.flight_ 24.defence_25.simply_ 26.fist_ 27.yawn_ 28. 等级,军衔 n _ Warming up1. What is the purpose of language?To _ with each other. 2. Definition of body language: Body language is one form of nonverbal _(交流) without using words. Eye contact or gaze(注视), fac

    3、ial_(表情), gestures, and _ (姿势), or the way you stand, are different kinds of body language.3.Choose different types of body languages: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. Gestures B. Facial expressions C. Eye contact D. Posture Reading(1)Task1: Fast reading. (主旨大意题) Skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph.P

    4、art1 (para.1): The author went to to .Part2 (para.2-3): _ of cultural “body language”.Part3 (para4): people have body languages.Part4 (para5): _ of body language.Task 3: Detailed reading : (细节题) 1. Read Para.1 and fill in the blanks.When: _ Who: _ ; this years international studentsWhere: at the Cap

    5、ital International AirportWhat to do: We would take them first _and then _ .2. Read Para.2&3,(1) Finish the chart with the nationalities of the students and their body languages when greeting each other according to the text.CharacterCountryMr. GarciaBritainMr. Cook Akira Nagata JordanMadame Coulon

    6、You Matching the people and their different ways of greeting (para2&5)Mr Garcia (Columbia) 1.shakes hands and kisses others twice on each cheekJulia Smith (Britain) 2.bowsVisitor (Japan) 3.shakes handsGeorge Cook (Canada) 4.approaches others closely and touches their shoulder and kisses them on the

    7、cheekMadame Coulon (France) 5.does not stand very close to others or touch strangers(2) Is “You” male or female? How do you know that?_. Because _.3. Read Para. 4&5(1)What does the author conclude about “cultural body language”? Not _,nor _.(2)True or false( ) Body language in some countries is good

    8、 while some in others is bad.( ) All members of a culture behave in the same way.( )Learning English well can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads. ( ) Japanese will bow to others as greeting.( ) People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce your

    9、self to them.(3)How can we understand “These actions are not good or bad”? ( )A. All roads lead to Rome. B . When in Rome, do as the Romans do.C .Rome was not built in one day Task 4 Act and discussFind out the two mistakes the writer found in the airport: Mr. Garcia He approaches Ms Smith by _ from

    10、 _ _ and _ her The first on the _.Mistake Julia Smith She _ _ appearing from and _ _ Akira Nagata He _ to Mr. Cook and his nose from Mr. Cooks _ _.The second mistake George Cook He _ _ _ _to from the Japanese. 单词拼写1. The government issued a (声明)urging the public to cooperate in this population censu

    11、s(人口普查).2. Shanxi-Hunan (商会)was set up in 2003, doing a lot of work to promote closer business and community ties between two provinces.3. Is there an organization which can really (代表)the fundamental interests of the general public? 4.It is a special occasion, she find the people present staring at

    12、 her (好奇地).5. As the Chinese New Year (临近), the festival atmosphere of seems is building gradually.6. Try to be more understanding and considerate, and there would be less (误解) among people.7. For only by fighting (保卫)of the motherland can we defeat the aggressors and achieve national liberation. 8.

    13、 The popular culture is increasingly oriented to fulfilling the desires of (成年人).9. After graduation, her life happened to come across a new (十字路口).10. There is an (默契)understanding by both sides doing everything.11. The medium-sized and small-sized retail corporations are the main bodies of retails

    14、 and have many _ (作用).12. Approaching complex problems, we are liable to be (主观性).Period 2 Reading(2) 1. 重点短语1. 向某人伸手索要 _2. 和某人握手 _ 3. 向四周看_ 4. 上下点头 _5. 避免做某事_ 6. 依靠_ 7. 挠头_ 8. 与.相似_9. 对好奇_ 10. 舒适,自在_11. 把某人介绍给某人_ 12. 代表中国政府_ 13. 大体上,一般来说_ Reading(2)Task1. Read the passage carefully and choose the b

    15、est answers:Q1. Why are the people visiting China? .Q2. Why is Julia Smith surprised? .Q3. Why do you move back from Ahmed Aziz? Q4. What do French people often do when they meet people they know? .Q5. Can we expect people everywhere to act the same? Why? .Task 2Read the text again and fill in the b

    16、lanks.When the writer and other students, their student , went to the airport to meet the international students, he found each student had different way to greet each other. For example, when Tony from Colombia met Julia from Britain, he her, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the , but Julia s

    17、tepped back appearing surprised. Another student, Ahmed Aziz from Jordan moved me and hands with me when I myself to him. On the he only the girls. According to their different ways to greet each other, we learn that body language is different from to . Cultural customs for body language are very an

    18、d not all members of all cultures the same way. In general, using body language in a correct way will help you to with others. We need to study to difficulties for a better communication in todays world of cultural .3. 填空1. The _ (represent) were all amazed by what had happened in the factory. 2. I

    19、saw a man with a tool (approach)a car stealthily.3, Teacher came out of class room (follow)by her students.4. She stepped back (appear) (frighten)and cried out.5. The star walked on (smile)to the audience.6. He ran to the (move)train (shout)to his friend. 7. The church was built in 1903, applying (I

    20、taly)style.8. The most universal (face)expression shows (happy).9. Smile is a (universe)and friendly expression in the world.10. The policeman examined the room _ to find the lost jewels.Period 3 Learning about Language. 短语翻译1. express ones feelings_ 2. stand close to sb. _3. a world of cultural cro

    21、ssroads_ 4. look sb in the eye_5. spoken English _ 6. shake the head from side to side_7. defend against_ 8. be likely to_9. lose face_ 10. at ease_11. turn ones back to_ 12. on the contrary_13. facial expression_ 14. means of communication_15. be willing to do_ 16. be curious about _ Discovering us

    22、eful structures:I. 请从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。1. I will stay at home this evening; she _ very _ ring me tonight.be likely to, at ease, introduce, bring, curious, worried, intend to, approach, touch, feel, spoken, express, avoid, observe, notice, misunderstand, punish, similar2. You say he is easy-g

    23、oing, but I never feel _ with him.3. As you _ the school, the first building you see is the teaching building.4.The guests e_ their thanks to the host and hostess when they were leaving.5. I think he _ me, because several times he pretends not to see me. 6. The teacher usually _ the students for the

    24、ir being late by asking them to stand outside the classroom. 7. We both are not in time; I think there must be some _ over the time. 8. We have _ tastes in music, though there is a big difference at age between us.9. The balance of nature changed when goats _ to this island.10. Tom is such a _ stude

    25、nt, always asking questions about everything he doesnt understand.11. His overcoat is so long that it is almost _ the floor.12. This term I will attend an oral training course in order to improve my _ English.13. Last year I heard that they _ marry, but they havent so far.14. You see Im a student of

    26、 art; Im not very _ with botanical names.15. All the engineers _ how the parts of the machine fitted together.单项选择:1. Susan, _ university student from Europe, teaches me _ art in her spare time. A. an; / B. a; the C. an; the D. a; / 2. Tyron was very angry, but cool-headed enough to _ rushing into t

    27、he bosss office. A. prevent B. avoid C. protect D. allow 3. On this map what does a star _?A. tell B. represent C. say D. mean 4. I first met Mr Smith in America. He _ at Stanford University then.A. studied B. had studied C. is studying D. was studying5. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _


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