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    1、历年考研英语真题答案历年考研英语真题答案【篇一:历年考研英语真题及答案1990】 section i structure and vocabulary in each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. put your choice in the answer sheet. (15 points) example: i was caught _ the rain yesterday.

    2、a in b by c with d at answer: a 1. those two families have been quarrelling _ each other for many years. a to b between c against d with 2. there are many things whose misuse is dangerous, bur it is hard to think of anything that can be compared _ tobacco products. a in b with c among d by 3. how of

    3、ten have you seen cases like this? one surgeon asked another. oh, _ times, i guess, was the reply. a hundred of b hundreds c hundreds of d hundred 4. give me your telephone number _ i need your help. a whether b unless c so that d in case 5. you sang well last night. we hope youll sing _. a more bet

    4、ter b still better c nicely d best 6. those people _ a general understanding of the present situation. a lack of b are lacking ofd are in lack 7. alone in a desert house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt _ lonely. a nothing but b anything but c all but d everything but 8. grace _ t

    5、ears when she heard the sad news. a broke in b broke into c broke off d broke through 9. she refused to _ the car keys to her husband until he had promised to wear his safety belt. a hand in b hand out c hand down d down 10. michael found it difficult to get his british jokes _ to american audiences

    6、. a around b over c across d down 11. the book contained a large _ of information. a deal b amount c number d sum 12. nowadays advertising costs are no longer in reasonable _ to the total cost of the product. a proportion b correlation c connection d correspondence 13. when she saw the clouds she we

    7、nt back to the house to _ her umbrella. a carry b fetch c bring d reach 14. we must _ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.b secure c ensure d issue 15. he was knocked down by a car and badly _. a injured b damaged c harmed d ruined section ii reading comprehension each of the th

    8、ree passages below is followed by some questions. for each question there are four answers. read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. put your choice in the answer sheet. (20 points) text 1 in may 1989, space shuttle atlantis released in outer space the space p

    9、robe megallan, which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to venus. a new phase in space exploration has begun. the planet venus is only slightly smaller than earth; it is the only other object in the solar system, in fact, that even comes close to earths size. venus has a similar

    10、 density, so it is probably made of approximately the same stuff, and it has an atmosphere, complete with clouds. it is also the closest planet to earth, and thus the most similar in distance from the sun. in short, venus seems to justify its long-held nickname of earths twin. the surface temperatur

    11、e of venus reaches some 900f. added to that is an atmospheric pressure about 90 times earths: high overhead in the carbon dioxide (co2) that passes for air is a layer of clouds, perhaps 10 to 20 miles thick, whose little drops consist mostly of sulfuric acid (h2so4). water is all but nonexistent. bo

    12、rn with so many fundamental similarities to earth, how did venus get to be so radically different: it is not just an academic matter. for all its extremes, venus is a valuable laboratory for researchers studying the weather and climate of earth. it has no earths oceans, so the heattransport and othe

    13、r mechanisms are greatly simplified. in addition, the planet venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace. 16. venus is similar to earth in _. a size and density b distance from the sun c having atmos

    14、phere d all of the above 17. the greatest value in studying venus should be to _. a allow us to visit there b understand earth better c find a new source of energy d promote a new space program 18. the main idea of this passage is about _. a problems of space travel b scientific methods in space exp

    15、loration c the importance of venus to earth d conditions on venus text 2 tourists were surprised to see a woman driving a huge orange tractor down one of romes main avenues. italys political leaders and some of its male union chiefs are said to have been even more puzzled to see that the tractor was

    16、 followed by about 200,000 women in a parading procession that took more than three hours to snake through central rome. shouting slogans, waving flags and dancing to drumbeats, the women had come to the capital from all over italy to demonstrate for a job for each of us, a different type of job, an

    17、d a society without violence. so far, action to improve womens opportunities in employment has been the province of collective industrial bargaining. but there is a growing awareness that this is not enough, says a researcher on female labor at the government-funded institute for the development of

    18、professional training for workers. women, who constitute 52 per cent of italys population, today represent only 35 per cent of italys total workforce and 33 per cent of the total number of italians with jobs. however, their presence in the workplace is growing. the employment of women is expanding c

    19、onsiderably inservices, next to the public administration and commerce as their principal workplace. official statistics also show that women have also made significant strides in self-employment. more and more women are going into business for themselves. many young women are turning to business be

    20、cause of the growing overall in employment. it is also a fact that today many prejudices have disappeared, so that banks and other financial institutes make judgments on purely business considerations without caring if it is a man or a woman. such changes are occurring in the professions too. the nu

    21、mber of women doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers and university professors increased two to three fold. some of the changes are immediately visible. for example, women have appeared on the scene for the first time as state police, railway workers and street cleaner. however, the present situation

    22、 is far from satisfactory though some progress has been made. a breakthrough in equal opportunities for women is now demanded. 19. the expression snake through central rome probably means to move _ a quietly through central rome. b violently through central rome. c in a long winding line through cen

    23、tral rome. d at a leisurely pace through central rome. 20. which of the following statements is not true? a there are more women than men in italy. b in italy, women are chiefly employed in services. c in italy, women are still at a disadvantage in employment. d in italy, about two-thirds of the job

    24、s are held by men. 21. about 200,000 women in rome demonstrated for _. a more job opportunities b a greater variety of jobs c equal job, equal pay d both a and b 22. the best title for this passage would be _. a the role of women is society b women demonstrate for equality in employment c women as s

    25、elf-employed professionals d women and the jobs market text 3 the old idea that talented children burn themselves out in the early years, and,【篇二:2013年考研英语真题及答案(完整版)】icture d moment 4.a for example b on average c in principle d above all 5.a fond bfearful c capable d thoughtless 6.a in b on c to d f

    26、or 7.a if buntil c though d unless 8.a promote bemphasize c share d test 9.a decision b quality c status d success 10.a chosen bstupid cfound d identified 11.a exceptional b defensible c replaceable d otherwise 12.a inspired bexpressed c conducted d secured 13.a assigned brated c matched d arranged

    27、14.a put bgot cgave d took 15.ainstead bthen c ever d rather 16.aselected bpassed c marked d introduced 17.abefore b after c above d below 18.a jump b float c drop d fluctuate 19.aachieve bundo c maintain ddisregard 20. a promising b possible c necessary d helpful 答案: 1-5: adcab 6-10: badda 11-15: d

    28、cbdb16-20: cacbc 答案详解: 2013年的完型填空是一篇选自经济学人名为a question of judgment的文章。讲述的是有关判断的问题。这类文章出现在今年的考研真题中,符合考研英语历年的出题形式。但是考生在没有掌握单词基本知识和解题技巧的情况下也会感到很困难。 相较于2012年的完型来说,今年的考题适中。考查的词汇部分涉及到名词、动词、形容词和介词。其中,动词考查的频率最高,占完型部分考题的35%。第4、7、15和17题考察了逻辑连接题,占完型题目的20%。考生要在掌握上下文结构的基础上准确完成这类考题。其次,在文章考查点里有两处涉及到了后置定语的语法知识,即第5和

    29、第10题。一处是形容词加介词构成后置定语,一处是过去分词作后置定语,而这两点在跨考一阶的讲义中,各位语法老师已经跟考生们专门讲解过。后期陆陆续续的阅读和写作课里,也是反复提到的语法点。 遵循以往完型填空的结构形式,今年的考题仍然秉承了总分的结构。第一段引出话题并介绍dr. simonsohn 的观点。第二、三、四段具体介绍了dr. simonsohn为证明理论采取的实验以及最后的发现。而且在文章第一句话就给出了整篇文章的中心主线people are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making ind

    30、ividual decisions。 总之2013年的考题在日常强调的“单词加技巧等于高分”的解题方式下,定会被迎刃而解。 1. 标准答案 a 考点分析 上下文语义和词汇辨析 选项分析 本题考查动词。根据上下文意思,首先可以排除b和d。这句话中 that 引导一个定语从句,主要是说这一优势赋予了一种特定的能力。c中transmit 为 传播,不符合上下文意思。 2. 标准答案 d 考点分析 上下文语义 选项分析 which are unbiased 这个定语从句做插入语修饰 judgment。这句话的意思是“通过xxx因素作出公正判决的能力”,由此可以排除a 和 b。做这一题时,我们需要理解第一句话,给我们提供了一个大的背景和条件。第一句话说“人们不擅长利用背景信息作决定”,所以可以推出这儿并不是“通过关键信息”来做出公正的判决,


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