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    1、英语基础知识英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音 /:/ /:/ /:/ /i:/ /U:/ / / 短元音 / / / / / /e/ /双元音 /e/ /a/ / / /e/ / / /a/ 辅音(28个)轻辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ / /s/浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/轻辅音 / /h/ /ts/ /t/ /tr/ 浊辅音 / /r/ /dz/ /d/ /dr/ 鼻音 /m/ /n/ / 半元音 /j/ / w/ 边音 / 音标对应的单词元音音标单元音/i:/ B C D E G he she me key meet we/i/ big sit

    2、eleven English is this six /e/ F egg help ten seven let net / apple bad bag cat hat happy black/ :/ bird her girl first T-shirt/ banana China away about today doctor/a:/ car dark party star arm class / / bus but mother sun come number brother/ :/ ball football four short small door / / not Bob clock

    3、 doctor dog box fox /u:/ cool school ruler who too blue room/ / book look good foot food 双元音/ e / A H Dale day play cake face / a / I Hi my by like try nice five fine/ / boy joy toy oil / / go no boat coat show OK old / a / how now mouse mouth cow count brown/ ear here dear near hear /e/ there hair

    4、bear pear where/ sure cure tour poor 辅音音标/p/ put play policeman pen cup /b/ bag bad bear bus but bird tub /t/ it meet ten taxi time want/d/ dog door bad do duck dad/k/ key book clock drink come cat/g/ pig big egg girl green go /f/ five four flower wolf fish frog /v/ love very vase violin van/ mouth

    5、birth three thank thirty / this that they there thirty cloth/s/ face nice same sock sister /z/ Z zero zebra nose keys hers his zoo size / she shirt shoe show English ship / / usual pleasure measure leisure /t/ chair teacher watch China /d / large jacket orange juice joy /tr/ tree trousers try train

    6、/dr/ dress draw driver drink /ts/ hats cats shorts wants T-shirts shirts/dz/ birds friends hands heads words/h/ head hand hat hot how have/r/ red read ruler great race rabbit /m/ monkey mouse map room milk some/n/ nose no ten pen know run/ English king sing song thank drink/l/ like ball lion lemon l

    7、eg/w/ we well want word watch/j/ yes your yummy year yellow英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) i: 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she me piece receive ceiling 2) I 发音字母 i y e ui sit picture it is list six mix fix fit

    8、 pig big build missmyth twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious 3) 发音字母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) e 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesmany any 5) : 字母组合ir ur ea

    9、r er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world 6) 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasure fa

    10、miliar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listen famulus Saturday 7) a: 字母组合 ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) 发音字母 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup

    11、 buscome mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourishblood flood9) : 字母组合 al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumnfour mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 10) ()发音字母 o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop

    12、 hop loss collar notwant wash watch 11) u: 字母组合 oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) u 字母组合 oo ou u olook good foot book wood should could put full bull pull pushwoman wolf 13) ei 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way

    13、 great break rain paint plainthey grey 14) ai 发音字母 i y bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye15) au 字母组合 ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) 发音字母 o ow oa home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flow

    14、boat coat goal17) 字母组合oy oiboy toy joy oil soil voice choice 18) 字母组合 eer ear beer deer ear near here fierce idea19) (e)字母组合ear air erepear bear chair air fair there wherecare20) au字母组合our ower hour tour flower shower句子成分概念句子是由词按照一定的语法结构组成的。组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。句子的成分包括:主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接和间接宾语)、定语和状语、宾语补足语。主

    15、语和谓语是句子的主体部分(在英语中,一般句子必须有主语和谓语),表语、宾语和宾语的补足语是谓语里的组成部分。其他成份如定语和状语是句子的次要成分。句子成分分类1主语 主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”。一般由名词、代词、不定代词或相当于名词的单词或短语来充当,也有从句充当的现象。大多数主语都在句首。如:讲述“谁”We work in a big factory. 讲述“什么”The classroom is very big. 数词作主语Three are enough. 三个人就够了不定式作主语To operate on the blind is one of the OR

    16、BIS Doctors job.从句作主语What we need is food. 我们最需要的是食物. 在“There be ”句型中,主语的位置在中间。如:There are some bottles of milk in the box. 在个别句型中,主语在整个句子后面,这时前面用it作形式主语。如: It is very interesting to play the game called “treat or trick”. It took two workers about three months to build the house.2谓语谓语时用来说明主语“做什么”、“是

    17、什么”或“怎么样”,谓语必须是动词,位置在主语之后,谓语和主语在“人称”和“数”两方面必须一致。如:He is very generous.She looks very smart and coolWe have finished the job.3表语 表语说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”,由名词、形容词、介词、副词、不定式及相当于名词的词或短语来充当,它的位置在系动词之后。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示情况;get, grow, become, turn等属另一类,表示变化。 形容词作表语You look young. 名词作表语 My father i

    18、s a teacher. 副词作表语Everyone is here.介词短语作表语They are at the theatre.不定式作表语My job is to teach them English.动名词作表语Her job is training the nurses.从句作表语That is why he didnt come to school yesterday.4宾语宾语是动作、行为的对象,由名词、代词、不定式、或相当于名词的词或短语或从句来充当,它和谓语动词一起说明主语是什么,通常放在实义动词(行为动词)之后。有时,会有双宾语。如:名词作宾语He never forgiv

    19、es others for their mistakes.代词做宾语He often helps me.不定式作宾语He likes to sleep in the open air.动名词作宾语The Americans enjoyed living in China.从句做宾语I believe that they can finish the work in time.直接宾语和间接宾语(双宾语)及物动词作谓语时,后面要跟宾语,宾语分直接宾语和间接宾语。直接宾语是及物动词的对象。但有些动词除了直接宾语外,还需要有一个间接宾语,间接宾语表语动作是对谁做的,所以只能用名词或代词来充当。如:W

    20、e brought them some food. 主 谓 间宾 直宾间接宾语可以放在直接宾语后面,但必须加to 或 for。Please give me a hand. Mr.Li teaches us English.5宾语的补足语 在英语的句子中有些句子里只有宾语并不能表达完整的意思,还必须在宾语后面加上宾语的补足语才能表达完整的意思。我们把“宾语宾语补足语”合起来称为复合宾语。位置在宾语之后,名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、现在分词、过去分词都可以作宾语补足语.如:名词作宾补If you let me go, Ill make you king.形容词作宾补Dont mak

    21、e your hands dirty.副词作宾补We found Li Ming out when we arrived.介词短语作宾补Make yourself at home.省略to的不定式作宾补I saw a girl go into the building.带to的不定式作宾补The boy ordered the dog to lie down.现在分词作宾补The boss kept them working all day.过去分词作宾补Yesterday he got his leg broken.在英语中,常见的“宾语宾语补足语”的结构有:“宾语+名词”。常用于改结构的动

    22、词有:call, name, make, find, choose, think, leave等。 We call him Jack. They made Li Lei their monitor.“宾语+形容词”。常见的动词有think, believe, leave, drive, make, keep, turn, wish, want等。如:Do you think his idea wrong?We must keep our classroom clean.We cant leave him alone.Can you get everything ready for the pa

    23、rty before Friday?“宾语+副词”。副词作宾补常表示宾语的状态,与宾语有逻辑上的主表关系。常见的副词有:down, up, here, there, home, in, out, anywhere等。如: Let him in/ out. Mr. Li drove us home.When got there, we found him out.“宾语+介词短语”。介词短语作宾补常表示其逻辑主语(即宾语)所处的状态,两者有主表的关系。如: We found everything in good order. We regard him as our good friend.He

    24、 opened the door and found some of his friends in the rain.“宾语+不定式”。充当宾补的不定式有三种: A 要求带to的不定式The cool water of the lake invited us to swim. B 要求不带to 的不定式 let, make, see, hear, watch等 The boss made the workers work 12 hours a day. I often hear him read English in his room. C 单词help 后可加 to 或不加 to She s

    25、ometimes helps her mother (to) do housework.“宾语+现在分词”。现在分词作宾补,此时在该句型中的宾语即为现在分词逻辑上的主语,有着主谓关系。 I saw them playing on the playground.I heard Mary singing in the classroom.“宾语+过去分词”。宾语和宾补之间是被动关系,过去分词表示被动和完成。 I had my bike stolen. The teacher explained again and again to make himself understood. 形式宾语形容词

    26、We found it impossible to get there before Saturday.宾语+what 从句Call me what you like.Mr. Li has made the factory what it is today.The mountain village is different from what it was ten years ago.6定语 定语用来修饰名词或代词。位置通常在名词或代词之前,但不定式(to do),动词-ing ,不定代词(nothing,everythingnobody,everybody,everyone ,anyone)

    27、,介词短语(in the room,on the desk等),或句子充当定语时须放在名词或代词之后,叫做“后置定语”。形容词、代词、数词、名词、介词短语、不定式或相当于形容词的词或短语等都可以充当定语。因为它是修饰名词或代词的,而名词和代词可以作主语、表语或宾语,所以定语的位置很灵活,凡是有名词、代词的地方都可以有定语。如: 形容词作定语 The black bike is mine. 代词作定语 Whats your name?名词作定语They made some paper flowers.介词短语作定语 The boys in the room are in Class Three,

    28、 Grade One.不定式作短语 I have lots to eat and drink.从句作定语 The tall boy who is standing there is Peter. 在英语中,并不是所有的定语都放在被修饰词的前面,有的是放在被修饰词的后面,故称“后置定语”。 修饰不定代词 something, anything, nothing, something, anyone, somebody, anybody, nobody 的定语必须后置。如: Well go to have something English. If you dont know the answer

    29、, ask someone else. Do you have anything important to tell me?介词短语作定语时要后置。如: Do you know the boy behind the tree?The students in the room are all my friends. I think the picture on the left is better than the one on the right.动词的不定式作定语时要后置 What about something to drink? I have no time to travel to C

    30、hina is in Autumn or in Spring.注 动词不定式作主语时,to 后面的动词必须是及物动词或相当于及物动词的短语。如果时短语时,那么与动词搭配的介词或副词是不能少的。 Do you have any piece of music to listen to? nearby, below, downstairs等个别方位词作定语时要后置。如:We are at the top of the hill. Can you see the village below?The people downstairs are listening to a talk now?They took the boy to the hospital near


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