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    八年级期末英语 冲刺期末训练第14天.docx

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    八年级期末英语 冲刺期末训练第14天.docx

    1、八年级期末英语 冲刺期末训练第14天三、单项填空(共15分。每小题1分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。17. _ collection can help make money.A. She;her B. His;he C. Her;her D. He;him18. If you want to send your recording _ email, connect the recorder your computer.A. by;on B. from;to C. by;to D. in;with19. Many students have inter

    2、ests. Some interests are relaxing and _ are creative.A. the others B. others C. another D. the other20. Listen carefully in class _ , youll not understand what to do.A. and B. but C. or D. because21. She asked us _ that we were in a story.A. imagine B. to imagine C. imagined D. imagining22. Always r

    3、ead the _ before you start taking the medicine.A. instructions B. suggestions C. information D. explanation23. Has John arrived at the hotel?Not yet. He _ here_ a couple of days.A. is;in B. will be;with C. was;before D. will be;in24. My brother is _ a hardworking student that he always gets high mar

    4、ks.A. so B. very C. such D. too25. Day by day, I became _ to everyone in my class.A. close B. closer C. closest D. the closest26. Can you tell me _ the programme is on?Yes, its on Wednesday, at five oclock.A. where B. Why C. how D. when27. Do you know_ the first prize in the last Art Festival?By pra

    5、cticing every day.A. how he got B. how did he get C. how he will get D. how will he get28. Its hard to believe that John easily _ Adam in the last game.A. bite B. bit C. beats D. beat29. Which hobby do you think _ the least space?Collecting stamps.A. tidies up B. sets up C. takes up D. puts up30. Th

    6、ough he lost the race, he _ himself to be a good driver to the audience(观众).A. became B. proved C. considered D. found31. I dont know if he tomorrow. But if he _ , Ill tell you.A. will come;will come B. comes;comes C. will come;comes D. comes;will come 四、完形填空(共20分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B

    7、、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。AIQ(intelligence quotient智商)is a score that shows a persons level of intelligence. People used to believe that some people are born with a high IQ and some arent.32 , a study by scientist at University College London has challenged(挑战)this idea. According to an article last October

    8、on the Journal Nature, scientists are beginning to think that our IQ is not a constant(不变的)score.The scientists tested 33 healthy young people in 2004 between the ages of 12 and 16. Then they did tests again four years later, when the same people were between 16 and 20.Scientists found big changes i

    9、n the IQ scores between 2008 and 2004. Some33 and some fell 34 as many as 21 points.To test whether these scores were meaningful, the scientists compared them with results from brain scans(扫描). They found that the IQ changes matched changes in the structure(结构)of the subjects brains. “A change in 20

    10、 points is a huge 35 ,” said Professor Cathy Price, who led the research. He said it could mean the difference between an average and a 36 person. The team has not found a clear cause for these changes. However, they say it is 37 that education plays a role in changing IQ. “Here we have shown that c

    11、hildrens 38 is likely to be still developing, ” says Price. “We have to be careful not to write off 39 performers at an early stage. In fact, their IQ may improve in a few more years. ”32. A. And B. However C. Besides D. Though33. A. rise B. rose C. raise D. raised34. A. of B. with C. by D. from35.

    12、A. difference B. matter C. thing D. meaning36. A. successful B. gifted C. able D. rich37. A. natural B. true C. certain D. possible38. A. score B. intelligence C. skill D. interest39. A. clever B. prettier C. nicer D. poorerBAs darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses

    13、. They were staring(注视)forward at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with ice and snow-beautiful and dangerous.The huge mountain is called Matterhorn. Mountain climbers had 40 the top through the southern route(路线). But no one had ever dared to try a winter climbing up the northern sid

    14、e. But now one man was daring to try the 41 route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber 42 Italy. For two days he had climbed. The village people had watched him anxiously(焦虑). Now they were waiting to see his signal. If he planned to 43 the next day, he would light(点燃)a green signal(信号).

    15、 A red light would mean that he was turning back. A tiny green light 44 high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up! The people 45 . The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so 46 ! But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the green light. In the morning, Bona

    16、tti 47 . He could not see the top;he knew he was 48 there. Though the climb was painful, he moved up. Bonatti had spent months 49 for the climb. Was the training enough? Did he have the strength and skill to climb to the top? He was finally at the top! News about his. 50 was radioed to the world.The

    17、 trip down the southern route was easy. He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the “ 51 ” and would be well remembered as a climber of all time.40. A. reached B. passed C. watched D. followed41. A. comfortable B. important C. difficult D. nervous42. A. with B. from C. in D. at43. A. turn

    18、 back B. come down C. go on D. get back44. A. placed B. appeared C. pulled D. found45. A. cried B. laughed C. jumped D. cheered46. A. sleepy B. excited C. tired D. happy47. A. woke up B. turned up C. got up D. looked up48. A. already B. almost C. hardly D. surely49. A. training B. practising C. plan

    19、ning D. asking50. A. importance B. success C. climb D. courage51. A. necessary B. dangerous C. perfect D. impossible五、阅读理解(共13分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。AA new planet more like Earth was discovered and regarded as a likely future home for human. The planet contains both l

    20、and and water with average temperatures around 22. It is 600 light years from Earth. There are 290 days a year on the planet.A French company wants to change the Eiffel Tower into a very tall and growing Christmas tree made of 600,000 plants. The Eiffel Tower is decorated(装饰)with 10,000 light bulbs

    21、and attracts(吸引)7 million visitors a year.Wow, what a night! The evening got off to a fun start with Steven Hall. Ronan Parke took on Kelly Clarksons Because Of You. Jai McDowall finally won because of his wonderful performance.52.The new planet _.A. might have 365 days a yearB. has no waterC. might

    22、 be a future home for humanD. has bad weather53. will make the Eiffel Tower become a big tree.A. 1000 light bulbs B. 600,000 plants C. 600 light years D. 7 million visitors54. was the winner of Britains Got Talent 2011.A. Steven Hall B. Ronan Parke C. Kelly Clarkson D. Jai McDowallBWhen I was 14, I

    23、left school with learning disabilities and decided to surf the biggest waves in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii. One morning, I met an old man, a bum(流浪汉), on the street comer. He asked me if I was running away from home. I told him, “Not exactly, sir. ” After talking a while, he t

    24、old me that he had something to show me and share with me. We walked several blocks until we came upon the downtown Public Library. The bum asked me to sit down and wait a moment. Later he returned with some books, and then said, “I want to teach you two things. Number one is never to judge a book b

    25、y its cover, for a cover fools you. Ill bet you think Im a bum, dont you?” I said, “I guess so, sir.”“Well, young man, Ive got a little surprise for you. I am one of the wealthiest(富有的)men in the world. But a year ago, when my wife passed away, I realized there were certain things I had not yet expe

    26、rienced in life, one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets. For the past year I have been going from city to city doing just that. Number two is to learn how to read, for there is only one thing that people cant take away from you, and that is your wisdom(智慧). ”At that

    27、 moment, he gave me the books hed pulled from the shelves. His parting request(请求)was for me to never forget what he taught me. I have remembered until today.55. The boy when he was 14.A. liked running B. left school C. did well in study D. traveled around the world56. Which of the following is true

    28、?A. The old man took the boy home.B. The old man was homeless and poor.C. The old man was friendly to the boy.D. The old man and his wife went from city to city.57. The old man taught the boy how to .A. love peopleB. become wiseC. choose friendsD. experience the bums lifeCWant to save money when tra

    29、velling by train? Here are some ways: Day Returns This ticket can save you up to 45% on the standard fare(费用). You have to travel after the rush hour period MondayFriday, but can travel at any time on Saturday or Sunday. Big City Savers These are special low-priced tickets on certain trains. You hav

    30、e to book in advance(提前)-at the latest by 16:00 the day before you travel. Its first come, first served. Weekend Returns Weekend Returns are available(有售)for most trips over 60 miles. Go on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, and return the same weekend on Saturday or Sunday, and save up to 35% on the stand

    31、ard fare. Monthly Returns These are available for most trips over 65 miles. Go any day and return within a month. Monthly returns save you up to 25% on the standard fare. Family Rail Card For 20 pounds this rail card allows you to take a second adult and up to 4 children for only 3 pounds each when you buy single or return tickets. You can travel as often as you like until the card becomes out of date. 58. How many ways does the writer tell us to save money when travell


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