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    1、顾客投诉处理程序中英文版顾客投诉处理程序-中英文版顾客投诉处理程序Customer Complaint Handling Procedure11目的 Purpose该程序旨在确保对顾客投诉和售后服务反馈质量问题快速作出反应,将出厂产品的质量问题对顾客影响降到最低,保证顾客的正常生产。并分析质量问题的根本原因,采取纠正和预防措施,保证质量问题不再重复发生。The purpose of the procedure is to ensure fast reaction to the customer complaints and the problems which were feedback fr

    2、om After-sales Service; reduce the influence to the customer of quality problems which has delivered and ensure customer can implement normal production. Analyze the root cause of the quality problem and implement the corrective and preventive action and ensure the same problem not happen again.12适用

    3、范围 Application Scope该程序适用于顾客投诉、售后服务反馈质量问题、质量问题退货产品的处理。The procedure is suitable for the customer complaint, After-sales service quality problem feedback and the handling of the returned product with quality problem. 13规范性引用文件 Normative Reference下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容

    4、)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。The following terms will be the standard terms after the standard reference. All the referenced document which were noted date, and the following changed form (the corrective contents excluded)or the recension is not available f

    5、or the standard. The referenced documents which are without date, the latest version of the documents are applied to the standard.ISO9001:2008 质量管理体系要求 7.2.3顾客沟通 8.3不合格品控制ISO9001: 2008 Quality Management System Requirement 7.2.3 Communication with Customer 8.3 Unqualified Product ControlIRIS 02 国际铁路

    6、行业标准 7.2.3顾客沟通 8.3不合格品控制IRIS 02 International Railway Industry Standard 7.2.3 Communication with Customer 8.3 Unqualified Product Control14术语和定义 Terms and Defines4.1 NCR(Non conforming Report):不合格产品报告4.2 8D(8 Discipline) :解决问题的一种方法,主要是由8个步骤组成:1D成立团队、2D描述问题、3D围堵行动、4D原因分析、5D纠正措施、6D验证措施、7D预防再发、8D肯定贡献8D

    7、(8 Discipline): one of the method to solve problem, mainly composed with 8 steps: 1D establish a team; 2D problem describe; 3D containment action; 4D root cause analysis; 5D corrective action; 6D verification action; 7D preventive action; 8D confirm the contribution4.3 CAR(Correct Action Report):纠正措

    8、施报告15部门职责 Responsibilities of Department5.1 质量部质量管理工程师职责 Quality Management Engineers Responsibilities in QMa) 管理公司客户投诉邮箱,及时登记和传递投诉信息;Manage company customer complaints mailbox, register and transfer the complaint information in time;b) 对售后服务部反馈的质量信息进行登记,传递质量信息;Register the quality information which

    9、 feedback by After-sale Service and transfer the quality information.c) 对客户投诉或售后反馈的质量问题进行跟踪和更新。Follow up and update the feedback quality problems from the customer complaints or the After-sales Service5.2 质量经理职责 Quality Manager Responsibilitiesa) 组织相关部门人员召开快速反应会议,并实施临时措施;Organize related departments

    10、 to hold a rapid response meeting and implement the temporary action.b) 在整个投诉管理过程中通过项目经理告知顾客;In the whole complaints management process, through the project manager to inform customer;c) 帮助责任部门找出根本原因,并确定解决方案。 Help the responsible dept to find the root cause and confirm solution.d) 确认措施的有效性。Confirm e

    11、ffectiveness of the action5.3 责任部门职责 Responsibilities of Responsible Departmenta) 将质量问题的信息,通知所有与问题相关的作业人员;Inform all the related operators about the quality problem information.b) 配合各车间的检验员将过程中的不合格品全数挑选出来;Coordinate inspectors of various workshops to pick out all the unqualified products in producti

    12、on.c) 分析问题的根本原因并把相关信息反馈给质量经理;Analyze the root cause of the problem and feedback the related information to the Quality Manager.d) 实行纠正措施以确保真正解决问题;Implement the corrective action to ensure the problem was solved actually.e) 向质量经理报告纠正措施实施情况。Report the action implementation status of the corrective act

    13、ion.5.4 项目经理职责 Project Manager Responsibilitiesa) 及时与客户进行沟通和确认;Communicate and confirm with the customer in time.b) 对转发给客户的8D报告进行审核。Audit the 8D Report which will be forwarded to the customer.5.5 最终检验和进货检验职责Responsibilities of the Delivery Inspection and Incoming Inspectiona) 根据质量警示检验产品并在质量跟踪条上记录检验结

    14、果;According to the quality alert to do the product inspection and record the inspection result on the quality tracing note.b) 向质量经理报告所有的不合格情况;Report all the unqualified status to the quality manager;5.6 售后服务人员职责After-sales Service Staffs Responsibilitiesa) 将客户反馈问题通知质量部;Inform the Quality Dept about

    15、the feedback problem from customerb) 在现场维修问题产品或将问题产品退回公司;Repair the products which has quality problem on site or send back the products to company.16程序要求 Procedure Requirements6.1 顾客投诉问题 Customer Complaints16.1.1顾客投诉记录 Customer Complaints Records16.1.1.1质量部将公司投诉统一记录以便所有的顾客投诉能够第一时间被改进工程师收集和整理。In ord

    16、er to ensure the customer complaints can be collected and ordered by the Improvement Engineer at the first time, QM will records all the company complaints.质量管理工程师在收到顾客投诉时,应立即将顾客投诉记录到客户投诉列表中。When the quality management engineer receive the customers complaints, he should record the complain

    17、ts into the Customer Complaints Listimmediately.质量管理工程师在记录完后,通知投诉所属项目的质量经理,并将顾客投诉内容转交给项目质量经理。After the quality management engineer has recorded the complaints. He should inform the quality manager of the related project and transfer the complaints contents to the quality manager of the proje

    18、ct.顾客投诉质量工程师必须在24小时之内完成本阶段工作。The quality management engineer of the customer complaints has to complete this stage work within 24 hours.16.1.2分析确认是否接收 Analyze and Confirm whether to Receive16.1.2.1项目质量经理在接收到质量管理工程师转交的投诉后,应立即分析客户投诉的信息描述是否清楚以及责任是否为公司责任。When the project quality manager get the

    19、complaint which was forwarded by the quality management engineer, he should analyze immediately whether the information description of the customer complaints are clear. Whether it belongs to the companys responsibility.如顾客信息描述不清,质量经理应通知项目经理与顾客沟通,提供详细的信息描述,以便分析原因和责任单位。If the information desc

    20、ription from the customer was not clear, the quality manager should inform the project manager to communicate with the customer. In order to analyze the root cause and responsible company, he should ask the customer to provide the detailed information description16.1.2.3如顾客投诉责任不属于公司的,项目经理也应与顾客沟通,说明原

    21、因,请求取消投诉。If the responsibility of the complaints did not belong to our company, the project manager should also communicate with the customer and clarify the reason. Then the project manager should ask the customer to cancel the complaint.如分析后确认是公司责任,且信息描述清楚的应该接受该投诉,并给予顾客回复,说明已经收到本次投诉,正在处理中。

    22、After the analysis and it was confirmed that its our companys responsibility. And the information description is clear we should accept the complaint and response the customer. Then clarify that we have received the complaints and it is under handling16.1.3临时性措施 Temporary measures16.1.3.1项目质量经理在接收到质

    23、量管理工程师转交的投诉后,根据顾客投诉的内容进行分析,识别和确定本次投诉的责任部门并制定快速反应措施。After the project manager received the forwarded complaints from the quality management engineer, they will analyse the customer complaints content, identify and confirm the responsible dept of the complaints, and make fast response action. a) 如果原因来

    24、自供应商,则通知采购部和进货检验;If the root cause was from the supplier, then the Purchasing Department and Incoming Inspection will be informed.b) 如果原因来自内部,则通知责任车间和检验员;If the root cause is from internal, then the production department and inspector will be informedc) 检验员对所有的有可能发生同样问题的产品进行全部检验;The inspector will i

    25、mplement 100% inspection to the products which may have the same problems.d) 如涉及供应商的责任,采购部通知责任供应商采取措施;If its related suppliers responsibilities, the purchasing department will inform the responsible supplier to take measures.e) 责任部门配合检验员对各车间内所有的在制品或成品进行全部检验;The responsible departments will coordinat

    26、e the inspector to implement 100% inspection of all the manufacturing products and final products in the Production.f) 对库存的同类产品进行100%检查;Implement 100% inspection to the stocked same kind of products g) 库管员配合检验员对在仓库中检查发现的不合格品进行隔离;The warehouse keeper should coordinate the inspector to implement isola

    27、tion of all the unqualified products which were found in the warehouse.h) 向质量经理汇报已检查的数量和不合格品的数量。Report the inspected QTY and Unqualified QTY of the part to the Quality Manager.质量经理将临时措施的结果更新到8D报告中;质量经理需注意,应在从收到顾客投诉起72小时内完成本阶段工作。The quality manager fill the result of the interim action into t

    28、he 8D Report; The quality manager should notice that this stage work should be completed within 72 hours from receiving the customers complaints.16.1.4制定永久纠正措施 Develop Permanent Corrective Action质量经理组织技术、工艺、责任部门等相关人员根据8D报告临时措施的结果,分析顾客投诉问题的根本原因。建议使用各类工具(QC7大手法、5Why、5M1E等)。The quality manager

    29、 should organize the Technical Department, Process, related staffs of responsible department acc. to temporary action result of8D Report to analyze the root cause of the complaints. It was suggested to use various tools ( QC7, 5Why, 5M1E etc.)根据已经分析的原因,制定永久纠正措施。According to the analysis of t

    30、he root cause to develop permanent corrective action.永久措施制定完成后,质量经理应将8D报告或NCR提交项目组确认,通过后,由项目经理将8D报告转给顾客确认,8D报告经顾客确认后,项目经理应将确认记录转交给质量经理,再由质量经理转给质量管理工程师进行存档。After the permanent action was developed, the quality manager should provide the 8D Report or the NCRto the Project Department for confir

    31、mation. After it was approved by the Project Department, the 8D Reportwill be forwarded to the customer for confirmation. The project manager should forward the confirmation records to the Quality Manger after the 8D Report was confirmed by customer. The Quality Manger will provide the confirmation

    32、records to the Quality Management Engineer for archive.各责任部门根据纠正措施进行实施。Various responsible department implement the corrective action.16.1.5有效性确认 Effectiveness Confirmation16.1.5.1在8D报告已经回复给顾客后,检验员必须根据其所在岗位进行跟踪检验产品;每检查和跟踪一批产品,则需要记录下跟踪的内容和结果。Aftrer the8D Reporthas been responsed to custoemr, the inspectors should acc. to their work position to follo-up and inspect the p


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