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    1、七年级英语上册StarterUnit3WhatcolourisitPeriod2课后作业新版人教新目标版2019-2020年七年级英语上册StarterUnit3WhatcolourisitPeriod2课后作业新版人教新目标版一、按字母顺序写出26个大小写字母 二、写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。三、单项选择。( ) 1. How are you?_.A. Fine, thank you B. Hello C. Thank you D. Good evening.( ) 2. What is this?_.A. This is “F” B. That is F C. This is a “F”

    2、 D. Its “F”( ) 3. _, Lily?Fine, thank you.A. Hello B. Good morning C. How are you D. Sit down, please( ) 4. _ name is Cindy Read.A. You B. I C. His D. My( ) 5. Good afternoon, Miss Wang. _.Nice to see you, too.A. OK to see you B. How are you C. Nice to see you D. Fine, thank you( ) 6. Good morning.

    3、I Roy.A. am B. is C. are D. s( )7._ is that quilt?Its blackA.How color BWhat color CWhats color D. How( ) 8. Two and four is _.A. five B. six C. seven D. two( ) 9. His name is Alan Smith. His family name is_ .A. Alan B. Robert C. Smith D. Alan smith( )10. _ your phone number?Its 6678954.A. Wheres B.

    4、 Whats C. Hows D. What四、A栏中的句子在B栏中找到适当的应答。A B( ) 1. Hello!( ) 2. Whats your name?( ) 3. Good morning.( ) 4. How are you?( ) 5. Spell your name , please.( ) 6. What color is it?( ) 7. What is this in English?A. Good morning.B. Its black and white.C. J-A-C-K.D. Its an orange.E. Hi!F. Im fine, thank yo

    5、u.G. My name is Gina.五、根据汉语意思完成句子1它是什么颜色的?What_ _it?2这把尺子是绿色的。The ruler_ _3这支钢笔是蓝色的。The_is_4那床被子是红色的。The quilt is_5我们的电视是黑白的。Our TV is_and_6这个橙子是橙色的。The orange is_7现在你看,我会说英语字母了。_ you_,I can_my ABCs参考答案一、略二、略三、1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.B四、1.E 2.G 3.A 4.F 5.C 6.B 7.D五、略2019-2020年七年级英语上册U

    6、nit1MynamesGina综合水平测试新版人教新目标版(120,120)力部分(25)(15,25),ABC,(51,5)1.MHelloIm Tony.WHelloTony,Im Rose.(B)1.Whats the girls () name?AGina. BRose. CTony.2.MAre you Mary Green?WNo,Im Mary Smith.(C)2.Whats the girls last name?AGreen. BMary. CSmith.3.MGina,is your ruler red?WNo,its yellow.(A)3.What color is

    7、the ruler?AYellow. BBlue. CRed.4.MWhats your ID card number?WMy ID card number is 5385076.(B)4.Whats the girls ID card number?A5385566. B5385076. C5355032.5.MHello,JennyWhats your room number?WIts 231.(C)5.Whats Jennys room number?A213. B312. C231.,ABC,(52,10),67WHello,my name is Kate Moss.Im new he

    8、re.And you?MMe,too.Im John Williams.WNice to meet you.MNice to meet you,too.How do you spell your last name?WMOSS,Moss.Can I have your telephone number?MOK.My telephone number is 2809763.W2089763?MNo,2809763.WOh.OK,thanks.MYoure wele.(A)6.What is the boys() name?AJohn Williams. BJack Williams. CJohn

    9、 Smith.(C)7.How does the girl() spell her last name?AMASS. BMESS. CMOSS.,810WHello,Im Gina Miller.Nice to meet you!MIm Tony Brown.Nice to meet you,too!WMy telephone number is 6542898.Whats your telephone number?MIts 5259336.WWhats this,please?MIts my ID card.WOh,its red.Its nice!MThank you!WLookThe

    10、girl in a green jacket is Mary.MWhats her last name?WIts Smith.(A)8.Whats Tonys telephone number?A5259336. B6542898. C6549336.(B)9.What color is the ID card?AIts green. BIts red. CIts blue.(C)10.Whats Marys last name?ABrown. BMiller. CSmith.,ABC,成信息记录表。(共52,10)MHello!WHello!MWhats your name?WMy name

    11、 is Grace Green.And you?MIm Jim Brown.Grace,whats your telephone number?WIts 1689821.MWhat color is your phone?WIts black.MOh,whats that?WIts my ID card.The girls first name_11_The boys first name_12_The girls telephone number_13_The color of the girls phone_14_That is the girls _15_.(B)11.A.Helen B

    12、Grace CMary(C)12.A.Dale BEric CJim(A)13.A.1689821 B1869821 C1689218(C)14.A.yellow Bwhite Cblack(B)15.A.jacket BID card Cmap(95)(151,15)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的ABCDHello,_16_ to meet you_17_ name is Alan Black._18_ is my first name.Black is my _19_ name.Im _20_ English boy()My ID card_21_ is xx97705.And

    13、my telephone number _22_ 8750681.Is this John_23_,he is Frank._24_ last name is Green.He likes() _25_That _26_ Helen._27_ last name is Brown._28_ likes yellow,_29_Frank,Helen and I _30_ good friends.(C)16.A.fine Bgood Cnice Dsay(D)17.A.Your BHis CHer DMy(A)18.A.Alan BAlan BlackCBlack DBlack Alan(C)1

    14、9.A.first Bfine Clast Dnice(B)20.A.a Ban Cthe D/(C)21.A.name Bcolor Cnumber Dmap(B)22.A.am Bis Care Dbe(C)23.A.Yes BOK CNo DGood(B)24.A.My BHis CHer DYour(C)25.A.white Bred Cyellow Dblack(D)26.A.he Bare Cshe Dis(D)27.A.His BHe CShe DHer(A)28.A.She BYou CHe DI(B)29.A.to Btoo Ctwo Dand(A)30.A.are Bam

    15、Cis Dbe(152,满分30),ABCDAHelloI am an English boy.My name is Frank Smith.My telephone number is 4513175.My pen is blue,and my ruler is white.The girl is Grace Brown.Grace is a nice girl.Her telephone number is 5359861.Her pen is black,and her ruler is red.Grace and I like () numbers.Grace likes two.I

    16、like seven.(A)31.Franks phone number is _.A4513175 B5359861C4153175 D5539861(B)32.What color is Graces pen?ABlue. BBlack. CWhite. DRed.(B)33._ is white.AFranks pen BFranks rulerCGraces pen DGraces rulerBNameJason BrownTelephone number0937013056Favorite () colorsblue and brownNameZhang WeiweiTelephon

    17、e number0952123456Favorite colorsgreen and blackNameSandy MillerTelephone number0924875133Favorite colorsgreen and blueNameLiu MeiTelephone number0929543111Favorite colorsyellow and white(B)34.Whats Jason Browns telephone number?A0929543111. B0937013056.C0924875133. D0952123456.(A)35.What are Zhang

    18、Weiweis favorite colors?AGreen and black. BBlue and brown.CYellow and white. DGreen and blue.(C)36.Whats Sandys last name?ASandy. BBrown. CMiller. DJason.(A)37.What is Liu Meis last name?ALiu. BZhang. CWeiwei. DJason.CI am Peter.I am eight years old()Now I am in Beijing.My school ID card number is 5

    19、3284.I have() a Chinese friend.His first name is Li and his last name is Wang.His telephone number is 4152687.Wang Li has a cat()Its() name is Mimi.It is white and its nice.We like it very much.(C)38.Whats Peters school ID card number?A52384. B53824. C53284. D53248.(B)39.Whats Wang Lis telephone num

    20、ber?A4158267. B4152687.C4512687. D4152867.(D)40.What color is the cat?ABlack. BBrown. CYellow. DWhite.(D)41.Mimi is _.APeters friend BPeters catCWang Lis friend DWang Lis catDHello,Im Li Na.Im 12.Im a middle school student()Im in Beijing,China.My telephone is white,and my telephone number is 8226909

    21、.Linda Smith is my friend.She is not in China.Shes 13 and she is my pen friend.Her telephone is red and her telephone number is 6351278.My good friend at school is Zhao Min.Shes 12,too.She is a nice girl.Her telephone is yellow and her telephone number is 5886478.Ms. Miller is my English teacher()Sh

    22、es a good teacher.This is her cup.It is green.Whats her telephone numberIts 6527522.(B)42.Li Na has _ friends.Ano Btwo Cthree Dfour(C)43.Whats Zhao Mins telephone number?A8226909. B6351278.C5886478. D6257522.(A)44.It_Athe cup Bthe penCthe school Dthe telephone(C)45.You can see that _.ALinda is in Be

    23、ijing BLi Na is 13CZhao Min is a student DMs. Miller is not in China(151,15)A),46Its a map of China47Nice to meet you,Jack.48Her phone number is 3425388.49Five and three is eight50He is my good friend,David.B),51Good(好) morningNice to 52.meet() you.53.My() name is Kate Green.My 54.last() name is Gre

    24、en.And my 55.first() name is Kate.I have a good friend.56.Her() name is Wang Beibei.She is 57.in() China now.She is 11.She has 58.a() ruler and a cup.Her ruler 59.is() blue and her cup is white.Her phone 60.number() is 5634891.(101,10),Good morning,everyoneIm Gina Green.Gina is my 61.first(one) name.Green is 62.my(I) last name.I am 63.an English girl.Im 64.in China now.My favorite color is red.My telephone number is 6753965.I have a friend.65.He(he) is Frank.Blue is his favorite color.LookHis cup and jacket 66.are(be) blue.Whats his telephone


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