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    1、英文短语动词Phrasal verbs362 IntroductionA In modern English it is very usual to place prepositions or adverbs after certain verbs so as to obtain a variety of meanings:give away = give to someone/anyonegive up = abandon (a habit or attempt)look after = take care oflook for = search for, seeklook out = be

    2、ware look for is transitive: I am looking for my passport. look out is intransitive: Look out! This ice isnt safe! Each of the combinations given in the following pages will be marked tr (= transitive) or intr (= intransitive), and the examples of the use of each will help to emphasize this distinct

    3、ion.Note that it is possible for a combination to have two or more different meanings, and to be transitive in one/some of these and intransitive in others. For example, take off can mean remove. It is then a transitive expression:He took off his hat.take off can also mean rise from the ground (used

    4、 of aircraft). Here it is intransitive:The plane took off at ten oclock.B Transitive expressions: the position of the objectNoun objects are usually placed at the end of these expressions:/ am looking for my glasses.With some expressions, however, they can be placed either at the end or immediately

    5、after the verb, i.e. before the short word. We can say:He took off his coat or He took his coat off. Pronoun objects are sometimes placed at the end of the expression:/ am looking for them. But they are more often placed immediately after the verb:He took it off.This position is usual before the fol

    6、lowing short words: up, down, in, out, away, off and on (except when used in the expression call on = visit).Examples given of the use of each expression will show all possible positions of noun or pronoun objects in the following way:Ill give this old coat away, (give away this old coat/give it awa

    7、y) i.e. with this expression the noun object can come before or after the away; the pronoun object must come before the away. When only one example is given the student may assume that the pronoun object has the same position as the noun object.C When these expressions are followed by a verb object

    8、the gerund form of the verb is used:He kept on blowing his horn.Where gerunds are usual this will be shown by examples. Note that some expressions can be followed by an infinitive:It is up to you to decide this for yourself.Some of the younger members called on the minister to resign.The lecturer se

    9、t out to show that most illnesses were avoidable. go on can be followed by either infinitive or gerund but there is a considerable difference in meaning. See 270 A.363 Verb + preposition/adverb combinations accountaccount for (tr) = give a good reason for, explain satisfactorily (someaction or expen

    10、diture):A treasurer must account for the money he spends. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I cant account for his actions at all.I cant account for his behaving like that. allowallow for (tr) = make provision in advance for, take into account (usually some additional requirement, expend

    11、iture, delay etc.):It is 800 kilometers and I drive at 100 k.p.h., so Ill be there in eighthours. But you 11 have to allow for delays going through townsand for stops for refuelling.Allowing for depreciation your car should be worth 2,000 this timenext year.answeranswer back (intr), answer somebody

    12、back = answer a reproof impudently:FATHER: Why were you so late last night? You werent in till 2 a.m. SON: You should have been asleep. FATHER: Dont answer me back. Answer my question. askask after/for somebody = ask for news of:/ met Tom at the party; he asked after you. (asked how you were/how you

    13、 were getting on)ask for(a) = ask to speak to:Go to the office and ask for my secretary.(b) = request, demand:The men asked for more pay and shorter hours. ask someone in (object before in) = invite him to enter the house:He didn t ask me in; he kept me standing at the door while he readthe message.

    14、ask someone out (object before out) = invite someone to an entertainment or to a meal (usually in a public place):She had a lot of friends and was usually asked out in the evenings,so she seldom spent an evening at home.backback away (intr) = step or move back slowly (because confronted by some dang

    15、er or unpleasantness):When he took a gun out everyone backed away nervously. back out (intr) = withdraw (from some joint action previously agreed on), discontinue or refuse to provide previously promised help or support:He agreed to help but backed out when he found how difficult it was. back somebo

    16、dy up = support morally or verbally:The headmaster never backed up his staff, (backed them up) If aparent complained about a teacher he assumed that the teacher was inthe wrong. bebe against (tr) = be opposed to (often used with gerund):Im for doing nothing till the police arrive./Im against doingan

    17、ything till the police arrive.be away (intr) = be away from home/this place for at least a night. be back (intr) = have returned after a long or short absence:/ want to see Mrs Pitt. Is she in? No, Im afraid shes out at the moment orNo, Im afraid shes away for the weekend. When will she be back? She

    18、ll be back in half an hour/next week. be for (tr) = be in favour of (often used with gerund). be in (intr) = be at home/in this bulding. be in for (tr) = be about to encounter (usually something unpleasant):Did you listen to the weather forecast? Im afraid were in for abumpy flight.If you think that

    19、 the work is going to be easy you re in for a shock. be over (intr) = be finished:The storm is over now; we can go on.be out (intr) = be away from home/from this building for a short time - not overnight. be up (intr) = be out of bed:Dont expect her to answer the doorbell at eight o clock on Sundaym

    20、orning. She wont be up.be up to (tr) = be physically or intellectually strong enough (to perform a certain action). The object is usually it, though a gerund is possible:After his illness the Minister continued in office though he was nolonger up to the work/up to doing the work.be up to something/s

    21、ome mischief/some trick/no good = be occupied or busy with some mischievous act:Dont trust him; he is up to something/some trick.The boys are very quiet. I wonder what they are up to. Note that the object of up to here is always some very indefinite expression such as these given above. It is never

    22、used with a particular action.it is up to someone (often followed by an infinitive) = it is his responsibility or duty:It is up to the government to take action on violence.I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you. (You mustcontinue by your own efforts.)bearbear out (tr) = confirm:Thi

    23、s report bears out my theory, (bears my theory out/bears it out)bear up (intr) = support bad news bravely, hide feelings of grief: The news of her death was a great shock to him but he bore up bravely and none of us realized how much he felt it.blowblow out (tr) = extinguish (a flame) by blowing:The

    24、 wind blew out the candle, (blew the candle out/blew it out) blow up (tr or intr)(a) = destroy by explosion, explode, be destroyed:They blew up the bridges so that the enemy couldnt follow them, (blew the bridges up/blew them up) Just as we got to the bridge it blew up.(b) = fill with air, inflate,

    25、pump up:The children blew up their balloons and threw them into the air. (blew the balloons up/blew them up)boilboil away (intr) = be boiled until all (the liquid) has evaporated:I put the kettle on the gas ring and then went away and forgot about it. When I returned, the water had all boiled away a

    26、nd the flame had burnt a hole in the kettle.boil over (intr) = to rise and flow over the sides of the container (usedonly of hot liquids):The milk boiled over and there was a horrible smell of burning.breakbreak down figures = take a total and sub-divide it under various headings so as to give addit

    27、ional information:You say that 10,000 people use this library. Could you break thatdown into age-groups? (say how many of these are under 25, over50 etc.) break down a door etc. = cause to collapse by using force:The firemen had to break down the door to get into the burninghouse, (break the door do

    28、wn/break it down)break down (intr) = collapse, cease to function properly, owing to some fault or weakness:(a) Used of people, it normally implies a temporary emotional collapse:He broke down when telling me about his sons tragic death. (He was overcome by his sorrow; he wept.)(b) It can express col

    29、lapse of mental resistance:At first he refused to admit his guilt but when he was shown the evidence he broke down and confessed.(c) When used of health it implies a serious physical collapse:After years of overwork his health broke down and he had to retire.(d) It is very often used of machines:The

    30、 car broke down when we were driving through the desert and it took us two days to repair it.(e) It can be used of negotiations:The negotiations broke down (were discontinued) because neither side would compromise. break in (intr), break into (tr)(a) = enter by force:Thieves broke in and stole the s

    31、ilver.The house was broken into when the owner was on holiday.(b) = interrupt someone by some sudden remark:/ was telling them about my travels when he broke in with a story ofhis own. break in (a young horse/pony etc.) (tr) = train him for use:You cannot ride or drive a horse safely before he has b

    32、een broken in. break off (tr or intr) = detach or become detached:He took a bar of chocolate and broke off a bit. (broke a bit off/brokeit off)A piece of rock broke off and fell into the pool at the foot of the cliff. break off (tr) = terminate (used of agreements or negotiations):Ann has broken off her engagement to Tom. (broken herengagement


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