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    2、语发出的动作。如:(1). Such being the case, I couldnt help but support him.(2). Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper following it closely.(3). Weather permitting, they decided to go for an outing.(4). There being no buses, we had to walk home after work yesterday.(5). The thief fell to the gro

    3、und, his left foot broken and blood running down from his mouth.(6). Time permitting, we could have done it better.(7). It being noisy, she couldnt make herself heard clearly.(8). It being too late, he couldnt find himself any taxis.(9). It being fine, we will go climbing.(10). The Greens has been b

    4、roken into three times, each resulting in their great loss.(11)The thieves ran away separately, each carrying a bag.1. _no bus, we had to walk home.A. There being B. Being C. Having been D. There was2. _no bus, we had to walk home.A. As there being B. As there was C. Being D. There was3. _Sunday, th

    5、e library doesnt open. A. Being B. There being C. It being D. Having been4. _Sunday, the library doesnt open.A. As it being B. Being C. It is D. As it is2、逻辑主语+V-ed 该构成形式内部的逻辑主语是分词的动作承受者。如:(1). His eyes still fixed on the map, he did some serious thinking.(2). The boy stood at the table, his eyes fi

    6、xed on the food in the plate.(3). The job finished, we went home straight away. (4). The sum added, we will have enough money for the trip.(5). The actress looked pure and fresh, dressed in a white shirt and army trousers, her hair done up in pigtails.1. _, the train started. A. The signal given B.

    7、Giving the signal C. The signal being given D. The signal giving2. _, the train started. A. After having given the signal B. After the signal given C. Giving the signal D. After the signal was given3. _, the text became easier for us to learn. A. Explaining new words B. New words explained C. Being

    8、explained new words D. Having explained new words4. _, the text became easier for us to learn.A. When new words were explained B. Explaining new words C. New words explaining D. Being explained new words3、逻辑主语+形容词(副词)该结构相当于一个未带动词的“主系表”结构。如:(1). He entered the room, his nose red with cold. (2). He sa

    9、t in the front row,his mouth half open.(3). Dinner over, we decided to play bridge.(4). Father away, he played games with his friends.1. _, the patient can leave the hospital.A. Better conditions B. Conditions better C. Conditions are better D. Being better conditions2. _, the patient can leave the

    10、hospital.A. If better conditions B. If conditions better C. If conditions are better D. Being better conditions3. _, wed like to go outing.A. Being Sunday B. Sunday OK C. Sunday is OK D. If Sunday OK4. _, wed like to go outing.A. If Sunday is OK B. Sunday being OK C. Sunday OK D. A,B and C5. _, you

    11、can wait a while.A. The play being still on B. The play still on C Being still on the play D. A and B6. _, so you can wait a whileA. The play is still on B. The play being still on C. As the play is still on D. The play still on4、逻辑主语+介词短语 该结构相当于不带动词的“主系介词短语”结构。如:(1). -Can I help you? -Id like to bu

    12、y a presend for my fathers birthday, one at a proper price but of great value.(2). In half an hour Delia came, her right hand in bandage.(3). Book in hand, Mr Smith came in.(4). Gun on shoulder, the soldiers are marching on.1. The boy followed the nobleman here, _.A. a sword in hand B. a sword in hi

    13、s hand C. being a sword in hand D. sword in hand2. The boy followed the nobleman here _.A. with a sword in his hand B. with a sword in hand C. with a sword being in hand D. a sword being in hand3. He left the office, _.A. tears being in eyes B. tears in eyes C. being tears in eyes D. with tears bein

    14、g in eyes4. He left the office _.A. with tears being in eyes B. with tears in his eyes C. being tears in eyes D. tears being in eyes5、逻辑主语+名词(1). A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, most of them ( being ) women. 独立主格结构, and most of them are women. 并列句; most of t

    15、hem are women. 并列句, most of whom are women. 定语从句(2). The doctor has two daughters, one a nurse, the other an engineer.二、独立主格结构在整句中可作以下成分:1、原因状语该结构在句中作原因状语时相当于一个原因状语从句。如:1). _ no bus, we had to walk home.A. There being B. As there was C. There was D. A and B2). _Sunday, the library doesnt open.A. It

    16、being B. As it is C. Being D. A and B3). _, I had to ask for two days leave.A. Mother being ill B. Mother ill C. As mother was ill D. A,B and C4). _, we have to work late into the night.A. The exam near B. The exam being near C. As the exam is near D. A,B and C2、时间状语独立主格结构作时间状语时相当于一个由when, as soon a

    17、s, after等引导的时间状语从句。如:1). _, the train started. A. The signal given B. After the signal was given C. Given the signal D. A and B2). _, the text became easier for us to learn. A. New words explained B. When new words were explainedC. When teacher explained new words D. all above3、条件状语独立主格结构作条件状语时可以改为由

    18、if引导的条件状语从句。如:1). _, well go to visit the Great Wall.A. Weather permitting B. If weather permits C. If permitting D. A and B2). _, the patient will recover himself soon.A. If the treatment is in time B. The treatment in time C. The treatment being in time D. A,B and C4、伴随状语独立主格结构作伴随状语时相当于一个介词短语或并列谓语

    19、。如:1). We have lessons every day, _. A. Sunday included B. Sunday including C. Sunday is including D. all the above2). The boy fell asleep,_.A. cap on head B. with a cap on head C. a cap was on head D. all the above3). Father came home,_A. a dog following him B. a dog followed him C. being followed

    20、by a dog D. all the abovewith + 复合宾语结构常见类型及其用法 “with + 复合宾语”结构是指“with +宾语(名词或代词)+形容词或副词、非谓语动词(分词、不定式)等”所构成的一种介词短语。He likes to sleep with the door open.The man raised his head with eyes full of wonder and mystery.With production up by 60%, The company has had another excellent year.The naughty boy st

    21、ood before his teacher with his head down.It was quiet night, with the moon high up in the sky.The woman walked along the river with his head down.She said it with tears in her eyes.He sat there thinking with his chin on his hand. With tears of joy in her eyes, she saw her daughter married. The sold

    22、ier stood guard with a rifle in his hand. It being hot last summer, he slept with the windows open at night.She used to sit reading in the evening with her pet dog her only companion.He died with his daughter yet a school girl.She stood there chatting with her friends, with her daughter playing besi

    23、de her.He sat there alone, with tears streaming down his cheeks.With the exams coming next week, I have no time for a social life.With other conditions being equal, the pressure remains constant.Without anyone noticing, he slipped out of the room.The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behi

    24、nd his back.With his wallet stolen, Mr Hill dare not return home to face his wife.With all she needed bought, she left the supermarket happily.She listened to the music of Mozart With her face bathed in tears.I sat in my room for a few evenings, with my eyes glued to a book.You can use a large plast

    25、ic bottle, with its top cut off, as a pot to grow young plants in.The hero walked towards the top of the hill, with his arms tied behind himself.He cant go to see the film with a lot of work to do.With you to lead us, our group is sure to succeed. With ten minutes to go, youd better hurry.该结构内部若是动词,

    26、则其非谓语形式的选用要注意三点:若内部动词表示将来(无论主动还是被动),则用不定式;若内部动词表示被动且属过去,则用过去分词;若内部动词表示持续主动动作,则用现在分词。该结构在句子中可以作以下几种成分:1、原因状语1. With the man _ us ahead, we had no trouble finding the village.A. to guide B. guiding C. guided D. to have guide2. With a lot of work_, she doesnt have time to rest. A. to do B. to be done C

    27、. doing D. done3. With the machine _all the time, we finished harvesting crops in time.A. to work B. worked C. working D. being working2、时间状语1. The street looks more beautiful with all the lights _.A. are on B. on C. to be on D. been on2. With our problem _, we all felt happy.A. to settle B. to be s

    28、ettled C. settled D. being settled3. With his work_, the secretary began to walk home.A. to do B. doing C. done D. to be done3、伴随状语1. She left the offices with tears _.A. in her eyes B. in eyes C. being in eyes D. to be in eyes2. The man found the door with both his eyes _.A. to be closed B. being c

    29、losed C. closed D. closing3. We felt uncomfortable with two waitresses_. A. standing by B. to be standing by C. stood by D. being standing by4. The murderer was brought in, with his hands_. A. to be tied behind B. tied behind C. tying behind D. being tied behind5. You cant see well _.A. with the gla

    30、sses on B. being on the glasses C. with the glasses to be on D. with the glasses 4、后置定语1. Do you know the man _ a book in his hand? A. with B. having C. being D. A and B2. Please offer your seat to the woman _ a baby in her arms.A. carrying B. having C. with D. all the above分词、独立主格和“with + 复合宾语”作状语的区别分词结构、独立主格结构、with + 复合宾语结构在句中均可作状语,其区别是这样的:一、分词在句中作状语时句子的主语是分词的逻辑主语,即主句主语是分词的动作执行者(用现在分词)或动作承受者(用过去分词或现在分词被动式)。这种情况下的分词短语可以改为相应的状语从句或并列谓语。分词短语在句中常作以下状语:1、原因状语1. _late, we had to walk home. A. Being B. As we were


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