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    1、北京版四年级英语下册第六单元练习docx四年级英语下册第六单元练习姓名 班级知识回顾一、 本周教学内容:Unit Six Where are you going?你要去哪儿?1.Look and say 1 看图说话2.Text主题图课文二、 重点、难点:1.Where are you going?Im / Were going to .2.Where is he / she going?He / She is going to .3.Where are they going?Theyre going to .4.常用表达法a computer contestbe good atGood lu

    2、ck to you!go to the .5.四会词语:cinema, hospital, museum, park, shop, store, supermarket, theatre, know, post office, be good at三会认读:contest luck三、 学法指导同学们,今天我们主要学习的句型是“询问某人去哪里及回答”,在下面的学习 中,需要你们重点牢记的是:在回答问句Where are you going?意思是你/你们要去哪儿?时,Im / Were going to .后有几种不同的表达法:a.一般表示地方、场所的名词前常用定冠词the,如 Im goin

    3、g to the hospital / shop / .b.表示去上学、去上班,则用固定词组go to school / work名词前没有冠词c.be going to +表示某种活动的名词,表示去参加某项活动。eg: Im going to a computer contest.be going to +表示“某某人”的名词,表示某人到那里去。eg: go to the doctor, 去看病d.固定词组go home回家go there到那儿去既没有冠词,也不用介词to 四、过程:Step 1. A chant Where are you going? Were going to sch

    4、ool. Wheres he going? He怎 going to school. Wheres she going? Shes going to school. Where are they going? Theyre going to school. School, school.Were all going to school.Step 2. Look and say.Example A:Where are you going?Im going to .shop/store hospitalExample B:Where is he / she going?Hes / Shes goi

    5、ng to .post officetheatresupermarket cinemaExample C:Where are they going?Theyre going to.1)park2)museummusic hallStep 3. Watch and say.Step 4. Review the phrases shop / store hospital post officego to the go to the supermarket cinema theatrego to the parkmuseum music hallStep 5. New wordscontest 比赛

    6、、竞赛、竞争a computer contestluck运气Good luck to you!Know知道、了解、认识I knowI dont know.Do you know?be good at 擅长 ; 善于You are good at computer.I know youre good at computer.Step 6 Text星期六早晨,杜丽在路上遇见熟人吴刚A: Hi, Wu Gang! Where are you going?B: To school.A: To school? But today is Saturday.B: Yes. Im going to a com

    7、puter contest there.A: Oh! I know youre good at computer. Good luck to you!B: Thank you.Step 7. Read and act.A: Where are you, Jack?B: Im at Johns home.Were going to the park.A: Wait for me! Im coming.Step 8. Listen and choose.(1)A.Xiao Gang is going to the theatre.B.Xiao Gang is going to the cinema

    8、.C.Xiao Gang is going to the music hall.(2)A.They are going to the park.B.They are going to the museum.C.They are going to the computer room.(3)A.Maybe Mr Wu is going to his office.B.Maybe Mr Wu is going to the post office.C.Maybe Mr Wu is going to the hospital.(4)A.Hes going to the shop.B.Hes going

    9、 to see his aunt.C.Hes going to the supermarket.Step 9 Read aloudWhere are you going?Where are you going?Im going to the bakery.What are you going to do there?Im going to buy some bread.Where are you going?Im going home.What are you going to do there?Im going to go to bed.Where are you going?Im goin

    10、g to the park.What are you going to do there?Im going to play ball.Where are you going?Im going to the store.What are you going to do there?Im going to buy some apples!Where are you going?Im going to school.What are you going to do there?Im going to read and write.Where are you going?Im going to the

    11、 beach.What are you going to do there?Im going to swim in the sea.模拟试题(答题时间:45分钟)Listening I. Listen and tick.(听对话,在方框中正确的地方打“V”)supermarketcinemapost officehospitaltheatreJaneJackTomPeterII. Listen and tick ( V ) or cross ( X ).(根据所听内容判断对错,用或“X表示。)riiii.li. |III. Listen and choose.(找出与所听句子不相符的部分,并将

    12、其标号填 入括号中。( )1. Hes RoinR to the music hall.A B( )2. Were going to the cinema.A B( )3. Tom is going to the hospital.A B( )4. Km going to the bookstore.A BIV. Listen and choose.(听对话,选择正确的句子。)( )1.A.Mary is going to see a film.B.Mary is going to watch TV.C.She怎 going to see a friend.( )2.A.Jack is goi

    13、ng to the bookstore.B.Jack is going to the toy store.C.Jack is going to the zoo.( )3.A.Hes going to the Summer Palace.B.Hes going to the museum.C.Hes going to the post office.( )4.A.Theyre going to the cinema.B.Theyre going to the music hall.C.Theyre going to the theatre.Writing I. Read and choose.(

    14、读一读,在每组单词的画线字母中有一个读音与其他三个不同,请找出来。)()1. A. parkB. pastC. starD. palace()2. A. cakeB. gardenC. fatherD. half()3. A. knowB. snowC. nowD. yellow()4. A. hearB. pearC. dearD. here()5. A. musicB. museumC. studentD. luckII. Read and write.(读一读,填入所缺的字母。)1.Shes g d at c _ mp_ ter.2.Were going to the S _ mmer

    15、P_ lace tomorrow.3.Theyre going to an English c_ nt _ st.III. Read and write.(读一读,补全下面的短语。)1.go to (去公园)3. go to (去邮局)5.go to (去上学)2.go to (去博物馆)4.go to (去医院)6.go (回家)IV. Read and match.(读一读,并将相关中文与英文连线。)1. theatre3. cinema5. contest电影院剧院比赛2. music hall4. music6. museum音乐厅博物馆音乐V. Read and choose.(读一

    16、读,选择事情发生的地点。)( )1. Jane and Mary are going to read books.( )2. Shes going to buy a new skirt.( )3. Toms mother is going to buy a birthday cake.( )4. Mary is going to buy some books.( )5. Were going to see a film.VI. Read and write.(连词组句。)1.are the going children the to zoo2.she office to is the goin

    17、gVII. Read and complete.(读一读,完成对话。)A: Where are you, Tom?B: Im going school.A: What you going to?B: Were going to basketball.Will you us?A: All right. Lets go.【试题答案】Listening I.Listen and tick.(听对话,在方框中正确的地方打“V”)supermarketcinemapost officehospitaltheatreJaneVJackVVTomVPeterV原:A: Hi, Jane. Where are

    18、 you going?B: Im going to see a film with my brother.A: And where are you going, Jack?C: Im going to the supermarket to buy some food. Then Ill go to the post office to post a letter.A: What about you, Tom?D: Im ill. Im going to see a doctor.A: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Have a good rest.D: Where ar

    19、e you going, Peter?A: Im going to the theatre with my mother.II. Listen and tick ( V ) or cross ( X ).(根据所听内容判断对错,用”或“ X ”表示。)(J) (X)1. Xiao Ming is going to the park.2.The boy is going to school.3.Theyre going to the zoo.4.They boy is going to the Summer Palace with his parents.III.Listen and choos

    20、e.(找出与所听句子不相符的部分,并将其标号填入括号中。(B)1. Hes going to the music hall.A B原:He怎 going to the museum.(A)2. Were going to the cinema.A B原:Youre going to the cinema.(A)3. Tom is going to the hospital.A B原:Jack is going to the hospital.(B)4. Km going to the bookstore.A B原:Im going to the toy store.IV.Listen and

    21、choose.(听对话,选择正确的句子。)(A)1.A.Mary is going to see a film.B.Mary is going to watch TV.C.She怎 going to see a friend.原:Where are you going, Mary?Im going to the cinema.(B)2.A.Jack is going to the bookstore.B.Jack is going to the toy store.C.Jack is going to the zoo.原:Are you going to buy a book, Jack?一

    22、No. Im going to buy a toy car.(C)3.A.Hes going to the Summer Palace.B.Hes going to the museum.C.Hes going to the post office.原:Where is your father going? Hes going to the post office.(B) 4.A.Theyre going to the cinema.B.Theyre going to the music hall.C.Theyre going to the theatre.原:Where are the st

    23、udents going?Theyre going to the music hall.Writing 1. Read and choose.(读一读,在每组单词的画线字母中有一个读音与其他三个不同,请找出来。)(D) 1. A. parkB. pastC. star D. palace(A) 2. A. cakeB. gardenC. father D. half(C) 3. A. knowB. snowC. now D. yellow(B) 4. A. hearB. pearC. dear D. here(D) 5. A. musicB. museum C. student D. luck

    24、II.Read and write.(读一读,填入所缺的字母。)1.Shes go o d at c o mpu ter.2.Were going to the S u mmer Pa lace tomorrow.3.Theyre going to an English co nt e st.III.Read and write.(读一读,补全下面的短语。)1.go to the park (去公园) 2. go to the museum (去博物馆)3.go to the post office (去邮局) 4. go to the hospital (去医院)5.go to school

    25、 (去上学) 6. go home (回家)IV.Read and match.(读一读,并将相关中文与英文连线。)略V. Read and choose.(读一读,选择事情发生的地点。)(E) 1. Jane and Mary are going to read books.(A) 2. Shes going to buy a new skirt.(C) 3. Toms mother is going to buy a birthday cake.(B) 4. Mary is going to buy some books.(D) 5. Were going to see a film.VI

    26、.Read and write.(连词组句。)1.are the going children the to zoo The children are going to the zoo.2.she office to is the going She is going to the office.VII.Read and complete.(读一读,完成对话。)A: Where are you going, Tom?B: Im going to school.A: What are you going to do?B: Were going to play basketball.Will you join us?A: All right. Lets go.


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