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    1、初二英语第一学期期末考试试题新人教版初二英语试题初二英语第一学期期末考试试题(新人教版)_初二英语试题笔试部分(共80分)根据句意写单词。(5分)1.S_ is the ninth month of the year.2.How i_ the monkey is.3.The businessmen are d_ business in the meeting room.4.I u_ what you said.5.You are a l_ dog.用词的正确形式填空。(10分)1.The weather today is _ (bad) than it was yesterday.2.Ice

    2、cream is _(delicious) of all the food.3.Oh, its a _ (rain) day today.4.It _(snow) heavily yesterday.5.They _ (visit ) you next time.6.The farmer went on _(work) after he had lunch.7.I remember _(tell) you about that. You forgot it.8.Its about ten _(minute) walk from here to my school.9.He can finish

    3、 the work _(easy).10.This is my _(three) time to come to Gd.选择填空。(15分)()1Did you buy anything _ your way home? Ain BtoCfrom Don()2This house is _ dear, so he doesnt want to buy it. Atoo much Bmuch tooCmany tooDtoo many()3There_ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. Ais going to beBare going to have Care goi

    4、ng to beDis going to have()4“When _ he _ to London? ”“ Three years ago. ” Ais, going to moveBdo, move Cdid, move Ddoes, move()5Its cold today. Why _ your coat?Adont put on Bnot to put on Cnot putting on Dnot put on( ) 6My brother _ to school because she was ill. Adoesnt go Bnot go Cdidnt go Dnot to

    5、go( ) 7Wed better _ there by bus tomorrow. Agoing Bgo Cto go Dgoes( )8_ do you go to see your aunt?AHow long BHow many CHow much DHow often( ) 9Uncle Wang is coming to supper. Lets buy_ meat this afternoon.Amany more Bsome more Ca lot Da few( ) 10The Whites reached Beijing _ the afternoon of June 1s

    6、t.Ain Bon Cat Dfor( )11My father _ lunch at home yesterday.A.hadnt B.didnt have C.didnt has D.doesnt have( )12We enjoyed _ on the farm.Aworking Bworked Cworks Dto work13.When he saw the girl, his face _ red.A.turns B.gets C.turned D.got14.They help the famers _ the harvest _ autumn.A.to/in B.for/on

    7、C.with/in D.with/on15._ the boy is!A.How clever B.What clever C.How a clever D.What a clever按要求改写下列各句,每空一词,缩写词算一词。(15分)1She bought some books for me last Sunday.(就画线部分提问)_ _ she _ for you last Sunday?2You mustnt play football in front of the house.(改为祈使句)_ _ football in front of the house.3My uncle

    8、worked in Shanghai for more than ten years. (就画线部分提问)_ _ _ your uncle _ in Shanghai?4Mike went to the park yesterday.(改为否定句)Mike _ _ to the park yesterday.5The students are going to help the farmers to pick apples next Sunday(就画线部分提问)_ _ the students _ _ _ next Sunday?6.The man is strong.(改为感叹句)_ _

    9、_ _ he is.7.There isnt not any time to go to the party.(同义句)There is _ _ to go to the party.8.There was a heavy rain last night.(同义句)It _ _ last night.翻译题(10分)1.北京的天气怎么样?2.明天的气温将会降到10度以下。3.我妈妈昨天忘记了去给我买个书包。4.昨晚修理这台电脑花了我两个多小时。5.今早我没有赶上第一班车,所以我迟到了。补全对话,每空一词,缩写词算一词。(10分)A:Excuse me, 1 the post office, p

    10、lease? B:Go along this street. 2 the first turning on the left, and then go on. You can see it on your left.A: 3 4 is it from here?B:Its 5 seven kilometres 6 .A:Can I go there by bus ?B:Yes, you can.A:Which bus shall I take?B:The No. 256 bus.A: 7 can I get to the nearest bus stop?B:Its on the 8 side

    11、 of the street. Look! The bus is coming.A:Thanks a 9 .B: 10 all right.阅读理解。(5分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。A traveller(旅行者) came out of the airport(飞机场) There were a lot of taxis. He asked every taxidriver his name. Then he took the third one. It cost 5 dollars(美元) from the airport to the hotel. “How much

    12、 does it cost for the whole day?” the man asked. “100 dollars, ” said the taxi-driver. This was very dear, but the man said it was OK.The taxi-driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel(旅馆). The traveller gave the t

    13、axi-driver 100 dollars and said, “What about tomorrow? ”The taxi-driver looked at the man and said,“Tomorrow? Its another 100 dollars. ” But the man said, “Thats OK! See you tomorrow. ” The taxi-driver was very pleased.The next day the taxi-driver took the traveller everywhere again. They visited(参观

    14、)all the parks and museums again. And in the evening they went back to the hotel. The man gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars again and said, “Im going home tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was sorry because he liked the traveller and, above all, 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. “So youre going home. Wh

    15、ere do you come from?” he asked. “I come from New York.”“New York! ” said the taxi-driver, “I have a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah. Do you know her?”“Of course I know her. She gave me 200 dollars for you! ”( )1Where did the traveller come from? AEngland BAmerica CCanada DFrance( )2Why did

    16、 the traveller take the third taxi? Because _. Athe other taxi-driver asked for more money Bthe third taxi-driver was a kind-hearted(热心肠的) man Che didnt want to spend his own money on the coming visit Dthe other driver didnt like him( )3Usually the cost of the travelling one day may be _. A 100 B 20

    17、0 Cless than 100 Dmore than 200( ) 4Who asked the traveller to give the money for the taxi-driver? AThe travellers sister. BThe traveller himself. CNobody. DThe drivers sister.( )5The driver was unhappy _ . Awhen he heard the travellers last words Bwhen the traveller asked every taxi-driver his name

    18、 Cwhen the traveller asked him for his sisters name Dduring the two-day visit完形填空。(10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文面各小题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。Peter was an office worker. He worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss(老板) 1 to him, “Peter, I want you 2 to London, to an office there, to 3 Mr. Brown.”Peter w

    19、ent to London 4 train. When he got to London, he thought, “The office isnt far from here. I can go there on foot. Ill 5 it easily.But after an hour, he was still looking for it, he stopped and asked an old woman. She said,“Go along this street, turn left at the end, and its the second building on th

    20、e right. ” Peter went and found 6 . A few days 7 , he went to London, 8 . He did not find the office, 9 he asked someone in the street. It was 10 same old woman. She was very surprised(吃惊) and said,“Are you still looking for that place? ”( )1Atold Bsaid Casked Dshowed( )2Ago Breach Cto go Dto reach(

    21、 )3Asee Blook Cwatch Dlook at( )4Aon Bat Cby Din( )5Alook for Blook at Clook Dfind( )6Ait Bone Cthe other Danother( )7Aafter Bago Clater Dbefore( )8Aagain Btoo Cso Dbecause( )9Abut Bso Ctoo Dor( )10Aa Ban Cthe Dthat参考答案1September 2.interesting 3.discuss 4.understood 5.lucky1.worse 2.more delicious 3

    22、.rainy 4.snowed 5.will visit 6.to work 7.telling 8.minutes 9.easily 10.third1-5 DBCCD 6-10 CBDBB 11-15 BACCA1.What did buy 2.Dont play 3.How long did work 4.didnt go 5.What are going to do 6.What a strong man 7.no time 8.rained heavily1.Whats the weather like in Beijing? 2.The temperature will fall below 0 tomorrow. 3.My mother forgot to buy me a schoolbag yesterday. 4.It took me more than two hours to mend the computer last night. 5.I didnt catch the early bus this morning, so I was late.1wheres 2Take 3How 4far 5about 6away 7How 8other 9lot 10Thats1B 2C 3C 4D 5A1B 2C 3A 4C 5D6A 7C 8A 9B 10C


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