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    四年级上册英语同步拓展M3 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版.docx

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    四年级上册英语同步拓展M3 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版.docx

    1、四年级上册英语同步拓展M3 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版授课日期时 间主 题M3综合复习与检测学习目标1.there be 句型,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,情态动词的复习及查漏补缺2.M3综合复习及巩固3.阅读的专项训练,重点在阅读的细节寻找。教学内容1、上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、互动探索Task 1 1.让学生们把自己画的图拿出来,4小伙伴一组,一起来描述一下看自己家周边的环境。2.抢答竞赛 老师把图收上来,抽5幅图给学生看,以组的形式来抢答,答对的1分,打错不得分,评出最高分,给予奖励。问题设置如下:How many trees are there in *s picture?Is th

    2、ere eight building in *s picture?(此部分建议时间60分钟)教学建议:1.M3学过的各块语法可先让学生回忆并讲出要点,其他学生可以补充,老师作最后总结。2.每块知识点后的复习题,可要求学生讲解,易错题及易错点老师需指出。 There be 句型的要点复习【知识梳理1】There be 句型基本概念它既可以表示某地方有什么东西,也可以表示某地方有什么人。【例题精讲】例1. Thereare20studentsinourclass.例2. Thereisacomputeronthedesk.【知识梳理2】There be单复数变化规则【例题精讲】例1. Therei

    3、sagirlinthevillage.例2. Thereare2boysinthevillage.例3. Thereisazombieand2peasoverthere.例4. Thereare2sunflowersandapeainthegarden.【知识梳理3】There be句型句式变化肯定句:Thereareis某物人地点。【例题精讲】例1. Thereisalibraryinourschool.例2. Therearethreeapplesonthetable. 否定句:be后加not。注意肯定句中的some变为any。【例题精讲】例1. Thereisnot (isnt)alib

    4、raryinourschool.例2. Therearenot (arent)anyapplesonthetable. 一般疑问句:be提到主语前。同样,some变为any。一般疑问句的简略肯定回答:Yes,thereis/are.否定回答:No,thereisnt/arent.【例题精讲】例1. -Istherealibraryinourschool?-Yes,thereis. /No,thereisnt.例2. -Aretherethreeapplesonthetable? -Yes,thereare. /No, therearent.【巩固练习】根据所给汉语完成句子。1.桌子上有一本书和

    5、两支钢笔。There_abookandtwopensonthedesk.2.钱包里有些钱。There_somemoneyinthepicture.3.在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片。_somecardsinJimsbag.4.里面还有其他的东西吗?_anythingelseinit?5.树上没有鸟。There_birdsinthetree.Keys:1. is 2. is 3. There are 4. Are there 5. arent any一般疑问句的要点复习【知识梳理1】一般疑问句的概念概念:是用来提出问题的句子,句末用问号表示,并以“Yes,.”或 “No,.”来回答问句,称为一般疑问句

    6、。【例题精讲】例1. Are you a teacher? Yes, I am./No, Im not.例2. Do you like playing basketball? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.【知识梳理2】句型结构及回答:结构:be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语+.? be 动词+主语+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+be. 否定回答:No,主语+be not.【例题精讲】例1. Are you a student? Yes, I am./No, I am not.例2. Is he your father? Yes, he is. /No, he isnt. Do

    7、 (does)+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+do/does. 否定回答:No,主语+dont/doesnt【例题精讲】例1. Do you often play football? Yes, I do. /No, I dont例2. Does she teach English? Yes, She does. /No, She doesnt can+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+can .否定回答:No,主语+can not.【例题精讲】例1. Can you swim? Yes, I can. /No, I cant. 例2. Can you give

    8、me a cup of water? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.【巩固练习】将下列句子改成一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答1.There are many stars in the sky._2.Lily can run fast._3.I love my parents._4.They walk to school every morning._5. It is a lovely dog._Keys:1. Are there many stars in the sky? Yes, there are. /No, there not. 2. Can Lily run fas

    9、t? Yes, they can. /No, they cant 3. Do you love your parents? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 4. Do they walk to school every morning? Yes, they do. /No, they dont. 5. Is it a lovely dog? Yes, It is /No, it isnt.特殊疑问句的要点复习【知识梳理1】特殊疑问句的构成及特殊疑问词的选择构成:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句Where do you come from?疑问词 + 一般疑问句特殊疑问句不能用Yes或

    10、No回答,而应根据实际情况回答。特殊疑问词的复习:who 问人 where 问地点 how old 问年龄when 问时间 which 问特征 how many 问数量what 问事情、职业 whose 问主人 how much 问价格 why 问原因 how 问方式划线提问中的答题口诀:一代(用疑问词代替划线部分),二移(把疑问词移至句首),三找(找is,are, can, would)抄在疑问词后,没有则用do,does(用于主语是第三人称),出现Iam则直接改为Areyou),四抄(照抄其它部分)五改(出现some,要考虑是否改为any。出现I改为you,出现we改为you,出现my改为

    11、your,出现our改为your。最后是加问号)【例题精讲】例1. 1. Sheisanurse. What is she?例2. Sheismyteacher. Who is your teacher?【巩固练习】1._isthis?Itsarubber. 2._isyourbrother?Hesnine. 3._arethey?Theyarecows. 4._areyou?Imfine. 5._isyourfather?Heisadentist. 6._doeshego toschool?Hegoestoschoolbybus. 7._aretheducks?Theyareontheriv

    12、er. 8._ishisname?HeisMartin. 9._newbookshaveyougot?Five. 10._coatsarethese?Marys. Keys: 1. What 2. How old 3. What 4. How 5. What 6. How 7. Where 8. What 9. How many 10. Whose情态动词的要点复习【知识梳理1】情态动词的基本特征情态动词不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语。【例题精讲】例1. You cant walk your dog here. (cant+walk) 例2. You must finish you

    13、r homework today. (must+finish)【知识梳理1】can/cant的含义及用法 表示能、会,指脑力或体力方面的能力。【例题精讲】例1. JimcanswimbutIcant.吉姆会游泳,但我不会。例2. I can draw but I cant sing. 我会画画,但我不会唱歌。 表示可能,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。【例题精讲】例1. HanMeicantbeintheclassroom.韩梅不可能在教室里。例2. Canhecomeheretoday,please?请问他今天能到这里来吗? 表示可以,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事。【例题精讲】例1

    14、. CanIhaveacupoftea,please?请问我可以喝一杯茶吗?例2. Youcangoout.你可以出去了? 否定句型为: 主语+cannot(cant/cannot)+动词原形+其它。表示某人不能(不会、不可能)做。其中cant是cannot的缩略式,英国多写成cannot。【例题精讲】例1. Youcannotpasstheballlikethis.你不能像这样传球。例2. Icantrideamotorbike.我不会骑摩托车。【知识梳理2】must/mustnt,的含义及用法 表示“必须”,此时可用于肯定句或疑问句。【例题精讲】例1. You must finish yo

    15、ur homework before I come back.例2. You must obey traffic rules when you cross the street. 用情态动词must提问,肯定回答用must;否定回答用neednt。【例题精讲】例1. -Must I return the book today? -Yes, you must. / -No, you neednt例2. -Must I hand in my homework today? -Yes, You must. / - No, you neednt. 用于否定句时,mustnt的意思是“一定不要、不能”,

    16、而不表示“不必”【例题精讲】例1. You mustnt walk your dog on the grass. 你不能在草坪上遛狗。例2. You mustnt smoke in public places. 你不可以在公共场合吸烟。【知识梳理3】should/shouldnt,的含义及用法1should表示义务或责任时意为“应该”:【例题精讲】例1. Weshouldlearnfromeachother.我们应该互相帮助。例2. Weshouldhelptheaged.我们应该帮助老人。2should的否定形式:shouldnt不应该【例题精讲】例1. Studentsshouldntsp

    17、endtoomuchtimeplayingcomputergames.学生们不应当花太多的时间玩计算机游戏。【巩固练习】 1.-Could I borrow your book? -Of course you _. A. can B. must C. should D. will 2. -Mary,_you speak Chinese? -Yes,only a little A. must B. need C. may D. Can 3. Can I your telephone? A. to use B. using C. use 4. We_eat too much candy. It i

    18、s too sweet. A. can B. may C. cant 5. Henrys father is a doctor. He be a fireman. A. must B. can C. cantKeys: A D C C C(此部分测试时间为15分钟左右,讲评时间为10分钟左右。对本次所学内容进行检测)1)在12分钟内学员独立完成测试;2)老师给出答案,学员相互批改;3)在5分钟内就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂;4)老师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)1. Choose the best answer. 1、_y

    19、ou finish your homework before Sunday? A. What B. Can C. Should D. Must 2、You _ smoke here, sir. A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. couldnt 3、_ do you think of Toms new shirts? - Not bad A. How B. Where C. When D. What 4、_ you like playing football or basketball? A. Do B. Does C. Did D. What 5. There

    20、_ a crayon and two pencils in my bag. A. are B. is C. Was D. Were 6. 今天几号?今天是7月21日。_ 7. 先生,我能帮助你吗?_ 8. 你多久打一次棒球?_ 9. 你应该在周日之前完成作业。_ 10. 房间里面有两张桌子和一张床。_KEYS:1-5 BBDAB6. What date is it today? Its July the 2st.7. Sir, what can I do for you?/ how can I help you ?8. How often do you play baseball?9. You

    21、 should finish your homework before Sunday.10.There are two desks and a bed in the bedroom.II. Read and choose When his wife was expecting (期望) their third child, a father decided (决定) to tell his two sons, aged seven and nine, the facts of life(性知识,例如讲给孩子们听的).He checked out (挑选出) several books on t

    22、he subject (话题) from the library (图书馆).After stumbling (结结巴巴地说话) through an explanation (解释), he took a deep breath (呼吸), and said, Now, boys, do you have any questions?Yes, the younger boy answered immediately(马上).Go ahead (请吧), said the man, his heart in his throat (喉咙). Can we, his son asked, hav

    23、e new baseball gloves(手套).True or False: ( ) 1. The wife was expecting their fourth child. ( ) 2. The father decided to tell his two sons the real meaning of life.( ) 3. The father went to the bookstore to buy several books. ( ) 4. The father felt shamed (害羞的) to have told the sons about the subject

    24、.( ) 5. The two sons didnt understand his fathers words actually(事实上).Keys: 15. FFFTT教学建议:1、老师引导学生针对达标检测错题进行反思和总结;2、老师引导学生对精讲提升相关知识进行总结,可采用表格、思维导图等形式呈现。1.There be 句型复习 表示“某地有某物”单复数的变化句式:肯定句、否定句、疑问句2.一般疑问句要点复习 : 句型结构:be动词/情态动词/助动词 + 主语+动词原形?3.特殊疑问句要点复习:特殊疑问词+ be动词/情态动词/助动词+ 主语+动词原形?4.情态动词要点复习:can /ca

    25、ntshould/shouldntmust/mustnt (此部分内容包含本次课所学内容相关的练习题及综合练习题。建议题量保持在30分钟左右可以完成的范围内)I. Read and write (按要求写单词) 10%1. city (复数) _ 2. offices(单数) _ 3. canteen (同类词) _ 4. many (同义词) _ 5. behind (反义词) _ 6. near (近义词) _ 7. smoke(复数) _ 8. library (复数) _ 9. there (同音词) _ 10. for (|同音词) _keys:1. cities 2. office

    26、 3. hall, etc 4. much 5. in front of 6. beside 7. / 8. libraries 9. their 10. fourII. Read and choose (选出划线部分发音不同的单词)5%( )1. A. rope B. coke C. shop( )2. A. butter B. pupil C. rubber( )3. A. any B. father C. fast( )4. A. slide B. swing C. milk( )5. A. there B. three C. thekeys:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5.

    27、 BIII. Choose the best answer (选择填空) 12%( )1. Where are _trees? On _playground.A. the. the B. a. the C. a. . /( )2. How many_? One_.A. sheeps. sheep B. sheep. sheep C. sheeps. sheeps ( )3. This is _exercise book. _exercise book is new.A. a. . the B. the. An C. an. The( )4. Miss Fangs got _water.A. some B. any C. a( )5. Some _is in the bag.A. sweets B. sugar


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