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    仁爱版备战中考英语复习专题固定搭配真题II 卷.docx

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    仁爱版备战中考英语复习专题固定搭配真题II 卷.docx

    1、仁爱版备战中考英语复习专题固定搭配真题II 卷仁爱版备战2020年中考英语复习专题固定搭配(真题)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)Tom drove by and gave me a on the way home.A . flightB . runC . walkD . lift2. (2分)The children compete _ each other to reach the other end of the pool. A . againstB . inC . atD . for3. (2分)is difficult to

    2、climb the tall tree. A . ItB . ThisC . ThatD . One4. (2分)She finished the book about robots last week. A . readingB . to readC . read5. (2分)We shouldnt read books the sun. A . inB . onC . atD . under6. (2分)Its very nice you my parents your best wishes when you come to see them.A . of; givingB . for;

    3、 givingC . for; to giveD . of; to give7. (2分)一Its very hot outside一Why you stay at home?A . notB . not toC . dontD . no8. (2分)Today you dont need to work. Why dont you with us? A . hang outB . hand outC . went outD . hung out9. (2分)_ going shopping?Good idea!A . Would you likeB . What aboutC . Why n

    4、ot10. (2分)Mr. Bean enjoys _ jokes and always makes us happy. A . to makeB . makesC . makingD . Make11. (2分)_ students came to the library, but only _ of them read books.A . Hundreds of; two hundredB . Hundred of; two hundredsC . Hundreds of; two hundredsD . Hundred of; two hundred12. (2分)Can you go

    5、to the concert with me this afternoon?Yes, _.A . Id likeB . Id loveC . Id love toD . I would like13. (2分)Our teacher often warns us the lake near our school. She asks us not to swim in it.A . toB . forC . atD . about14. (2分)They go out their way to send the granny to her daughters house.A . forB . o

    6、fC . toD . in15. (2分)Jack_ride a motorcycle to work. Yes, but now he_ there as motorcycles are not allowed on our city streets.A . used to; is used to walkB . was used to; is used to walkingC . was used to; is used to walkD . used to; is used to walking16. (2分)He go out with his parents, but now he

    7、staying at home alone. A . used to; is used toB . is used to; used toC . use to; is used toD . use to; used to17. (2分)Suzhou is very famous _ the Chinese-style gardens. A . forB . asC . inD . by18. (2分)Look _the mirror and you can see a beautiful girl. A . inB . forC . onD . through19. (2分)How _ ora

    8、nges are there in your bag? A . manyB . muchC . lots of20. (2分)Students are supposed _.I agree with you.A . study hardB . studying hardC . to studying hardD . to study hard21. (2分)The little girl can speak English Japanese A . as wellB . as goodC . as well asD . as good as22. (2分)-Please _ slowly (慢

    9、地) when you pass(经过) a school.- OK.A . driveB . runsC . walksD . rides23. (2分)She didnt answer the question, her mother kept her _ for an hour. A . standingB . to standC . stoodD . stand24. (2分)My brother was so careless that he forgot _his passport to the airport. A . takeB . takingC . to takeD . t

    10、aken25. (2分)He heard her _ an English song when he was walking by. A . singingB . sangC . singD . to sing26. (2分)I find this book _ for a six-year-old child to read. A . enough easyB . enough easilyC . easy enoughD . easily enough27. (2分)Jack tried a new barbers shop today because he_ the old one. A

    11、 . wasnt strict withB . wasnt satisfied withC . wasnt proud ofD . wasnt surprised at28. (2分)What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang s Crazy English?I think its_,but someone thinks its much too _.A . wonderful enough; boredB . enough wonderful; boringC . wonderful enough; boringD . enough wonderf

    12、ul; bored29. (2分)The two books are There are a few between them A . different;differentB . different;differencesC . differences;differentD . differences;differences30. (2分)He is working the maths problemsA . inB . onC . intoD . onto31. (2分)This is _ beautiful small town _ many foreigners want to vis

    13、it it. A . so; thatB . so a; thatC . such a; that32. (2分) _ that China has the largest number of mobile phone users.I believe so. It seems everyone has one.A . It was saidB . It is toldC . It is saidD . It was told33. (2分)Mary is tired of learning because she is _ to do better than she can, both at

    14、school and at home.A . thoughtB . expectedC . hopedD . helped34. (2分)I forgot my homeworkMy teacher was very angry A . to doB . doingC . didD . done35. (2分)Xiao Li was supposed _ her homework before nine oclock. But she couldnt. A . to finishB . to finishingC . finishD . finishing36. (2分)I will try

    15、the same mistake in my homework again. A . to not makeB . not makingC . not to makeD . not make37. (2分)Tom, dont throw the rubbish on the floor. We should keep our classroom _. Oh, sorry, Miss Wang.A . cleanB . quietC . dirtyD . bright38. (2分)Parents often ask their kids their Internet friends becau

    16、se the kids may be in danger A . to meetB . not to meetC . meetingD . not meeting39. (2分)Well get you in twenty minutes A . thereB . to thereC . in thereD . for there40. (2分)Now many young people _posting articles and photos onto the Wechat (微信) to share with their friends.A . are used forB . are used toC . used toD . get used for参考答案一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、答案:略19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、答案:略38-1、39-1、40-1、


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