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    1、word完整版深圳牛津版英语最新七年级下课文带翻译初一(下)课文(翻译)Unit 1My grandma奶奶,外婆我的奶奶是个头发灰白的矮个子女人。她性格开朗。她是一个很不错的厨师。她做的菜可能是世界上最好的!我永远不会忘记那些(菜的)味道和气味。奶奶照顾着我的家人。她真的很善良而有耐心。她去世两年了,我非常想念她。My grandma was a short矮的 woman 女士with有着 greygre灰色的 hair头发. She was always总是 cheerful tfl; -f()l快乐的. She was a very good cookkk厨师. Her dishesd

    2、 盘子;一道菜were probablyprbbl或许;很可能 the best最好的 in the world! I will never永不 forget忘记 the tastetest味道;品尝, and the smell smel 闻;气味as well也.Grandma took care of 照顾my family家人;家庭. She was really真的 kind种类;善良 and patientpe()nt有耐心的;病人. She died去世 two years ago两年前 and I missms错过;想念 her very much. BenAliceAlice

    3、 是我最好的朋友。她是一个高大的女孩,戴着眼镜。她经常给我讲笑话逗我笑,但她从不嘲笑别人。Alice 是一个聪明的女孩。她擅长数学。我们经常一起学习、打乒乓球。我希望我们永远是朋友。Alice is my best最好的 friend. She is a tall 高的girl with glasses戴着眼镜. She often 经常tells me jokes dk 笑话to make使 me laughlf笑, but she never 从不makes fun of others取笑别人.Alice is a smart smt聪明的 girl. She is good at 擅长M

    4、athsms数学. We often study学习 and play table tennis tens 打乒乓球together一起. I hope希望 we will 将always一直 remainrmen 保持;仍然friends. Mr. Li李老师是我的数学老师。他又高又瘦。他的课总是充满了乐趣。他在他的教学中大量地利用游戏。李老师对我们的学习要求很严格,但他总是鼓励我们,给我们支持。他常说:永远不要放弃,你就会成功。Mr. Li is my Maths数学 teacher. He is tall and thinn瘦的. His classes 课are always full

    5、 of 充满fun乐趣. He uses 使用lots of许多 games 游戏in his teachingtit教学.Mr. Li is strict aboutstrkt 严格our studies, but he always encourages (encourage nkrd; en-)鼓励us我们 and gives us supportspt给我们支持. He often says, Never从不 give up 放弃and youll be successfulsksesfl; -f()l成功的. -AmyMothers Day 母亲节妈妈做了很多艰苦的工作。她们给我们洗

    6、衣做饭。她们还鼓励我们,给我们的支持。母亲节是我们向我们的妈妈说谢谢的时候。Mums do a lot of许多 hard work辛勤的工作. They cook 做饭and clean打扫 for为 us我们. They also也 encourage nkrd; en- 鼓励us and give us supportspt给我们支持. Mothers Day is the time for us to say Thank you to our mums.在大多数国家,人们在每年 5 月份的第二个星期天庆祝母亲节。在这一天,人们喜欢为他们的妈妈买鲜花和制作特别的母亲节贺卡。In most

    7、 countries在大多数国家, people人们 celebrateselbret庆祝 Mothers Day on the second第二个 Sunday周日 in May 五月every year每年. On this day, people like to buy flowers花 and make制作 special spe()l 特别的Mothers Day cards卡片 kd 卡片for为 their mums他们的母亲.母亲节(需要的)不仅仅是礼物。我们可以帮助我们的妈妈做家务。我们可以带他们到公园或电影院。有时候,一个简单的拥抱,或说我爱你,妈妈就是我们的妈妈们的完美礼

    8、物了。母亲节是关于爱。如果你爱你的妈妈,为什么不安排一个特别的母亲节给她呢?Mothers Day is not only不仅仅 about 关于giftsgft礼物. We can help our mums do the housework做家务. We can take带 them 他们to the park 公园or 或者the cinema电影院. Sometimes 有时候a simple 简单的hughg 拥抱or saying I love you, Mum is the perfect pfkt完美的 gift 礼物for our mums.Mothers Day is ab

    9、out love. If 如果you love your mum, why not 为什么不plan 计划a special特别的 Mothers Day for her? Unit 2Francefrns is calling 法国在呼唤法国位于西欧。是一个有许多美丽地方的国家。巴黎是法国的首都。在这里,你会发现许多有趣的著名景点,比如艾菲尔铁塔。如果你喜欢艺术的话,你可以去卢浮宫。香榭丽舍大街是巴黎最有名的街。如果你想参观一些商店和百货公司,你就要去那里。France is in Western west()n 西部的Europejrp欧洲. It is a country国家 with

    10、有着many很多 beautiful漂亮的 places地方.Parisprs巴黎 is the capital kpt()l 首都of France法国. Here这里 you will find发现 many 很多famous著名的 places of interest 名胜古迹such as 例如the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔. You can go to the Louvre lu:v 卢浮宫Museum博物馆 if 如果you like喜欢 art艺术;美术. The most famous最著名的 street街道 in Paris巴黎 is the Champs-El

    11、ysees. This is the place to go值得去的地方 if you want to想 visit参观 some shops and department storesdpt m()nt st百货商店.法国以葡萄酒而闻名。法国的中部有许多葡萄园,农民种植葡萄,并制造优良的法国葡萄酒。法国南部沿海,它是著名的美丽海滩。France is very famous for 因为.而著名its winew an酒. There are many很多 vineyards vnjd葡萄园 in the center中心 of France 法国and farmers农民 grow 种植g

    12、rapesgrep葡萄 to make做 excellent eks()l()nt 极好的French法国的 wine酒.The south南部 of France法国 lies on the coast kst位于海滨, and it is famous for 因为.而著名its wonderful wndfl; -f()l极好的 beachesbit海滩. 法国海边小镇是夏日度假的理想去处,但如果你喜欢冬天去法国游玩,你可以试试去阿尔卑斯山滑雪。法国有每个人想要的东西,那么为何不今年就去法国游玩呢?A French towntan城镇 by the sea 在海边is the perfe

    13、ct完美的 place地方 for a summer holiday暑假, but if you prefer to prf更喜欢 visit参观 France in winter冬天, you can try skiing ski 试着滑雪on the mountains 在山上in the French Alps lps阿尔卑斯山.France has something一些东西 for为 everyone每个人, so why not为什么不 visit参观 France this year今年?去年七月,我去北京看望张叔叔。他带我去了很多有趣的地方,例如长城,颐和园和故宫博物馆。关于明

    14、清朝代,我了解了很多。我们也参观了2008年北京奥运会的主体育馆。我们去了王府井大街购物。我在北京过得很愉快并计划在明年的春节期间再次去北京游玩。Last July去年七月, I went to 去Beijing to visit uncle 叔叔Zhang. He took带 me to many很多 interesting有趣的 places地方 such as the Great Wall长城, the Summer Palacepls 颐和园and the Palace Museum mjuzm故宫博物馆. I learnt a lot about 关于.了解许多the Ming an

    15、d the Qing dynasties(dynasty dansti朝代). We also也 visited the Main men Stadiumstedm 主体育馆for the 2008 Olympics奥运会. We went shopping 去购物on Wangfujing Street街道. I had a wonderful time 过得愉快in Beijing and I plan to 计划 pln visit it again再次 during the Spring Festivalspr festvl 在春节期间next year明年.The Leaning T

    16、ower of Pisa比萨斜塔比萨斜塔是意大利一个最美丽的钟楼。它不仅美丽,而且怪-就是向一边倒。今天,它被称为比萨斜塔。The tower of Pisa is one of the most beautiful bell towers in Italy. It is not only beautiful, but also strange-it leans to one side. Today it is known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa.塔的建设始于 1173 年。前后花了近 200 年才完成。在 1178 年,当建到了三楼时,它就开始倾斜了。建设者

    17、在建造上面的楼层时,试图使塔纠正回来,但是失败了。多年以来,塔继续进一步倾斜。专家们进行了大量的研究,并试图拯救它。The building of the tower began in 1173. It took nearly 200 years to complete.In 1178, when the building got to the third floor, it started to lean.The builders tried to make the tower straight again when they built the upper floors, but fail

    18、ed. Over the years, the tower has continued to lean further. Experts have done a lot of studies and tried to rescue the tower.在 1990 年,出于安全原因,它向公众关闭了。经过大量的努力,它在 2001 年得以重开。希望这将使它在未来至少 300 年里是安全的。In 1990, it was closed to the public for safety reasons. After a lot of effort, it reopened in 2001. Hope

    19、fully it will be safe for at least the next 300 years.Hi Natee,我的名字是Mandy。我在一个网友网站看到你的邮件地址,我想要和你成为朋友。My name is Mandy. I found发现 your email邮件 address dres 地址on an e-friend网友 website websait网站, and Id like to be friends with you. 我来自中国北京,我13岁。我妈妈是一个老师,我爸爸是医生。我祖父母住在成都。他们每年会过来看我们,并经常给我们带许多美味的食物。Im from

    20、来自 Beijing, China, and Im thirteen years old. My mum妈妈 is a teacher, and my dad 爸爸is a doctor医生. My grandparents祖父母 live住 in Chengdu. They come to 过来visit看望 us我们 every year每年, and they always总是 bringbr带来 me 我a lot of 许多deliciousdls 美味的Sichuan food食物!我住的离学校很远,所以我不得不在早上早起。我非常喜欢数学和英语,但是我不喜欢科学。我想要在将来当老师

    21、,所以我正在学校努力学习。I live住 far away from远离 my school, so I have to 不得不get up起床 early早 in the morning在早上. I like Maths ms数学 and English very much, but I dont like Sciencesans科学. I want to想 be a teacher in the future在将来, so 所以Im studying hard 努力学习at school在学校.我对泰国文化感兴趣,我喜欢泰国食物。我希望有天能去泰国参观游玩。希望我们可以成为朋友。请尽快给我

    22、回信并告诉我你的事情。Im interested in 对.感兴趣Thai culture klt文化, and I love Thai food. I hope to希望 visit Thailand one day某天.I hope we can be friends. Write 写信to me soon and tell me about yourself.Best wishes最好的祝愿,MandyUnit 3一个盲人和他的“眼睛”在火灾中A blindbland瞎的 man and his “eyes”眼睛 in a fire火有一天, John 和 Charlie 抵达酒店。 “

    23、晚上好,先生,”接待员说。 “欢迎您入住,但对不起,我们这里不接待宠物。”One day一天, John Dancer and Charlie arrived at到达 a hotel htel;宾馆.“Good evening晚上好, sir,” said说 the receptionistrsep()nst接待员. “Youre welcome欢迎 to stay ste停留 , but Im sorry that 很抱歉we dont allow la允许 pets pet 宠物here.”“Charlie 不是宠物,”John 说。 “它是我的眼睛,我是盲人,我自己不能去任何地方。”接

    24、待员向他道歉,并把 John 和 Charlie 带到了房间。John 很疲惫。他很快就睡着了。“Charlie isnt a pet,” said John. “Hes my eyes. Im blind看不见 and I cant go anywhere任何地方 by myself靠我自己.”The receptionist接待员 apologized (apologize pldaiz道歉)and led (lead lid带领)John and Charlie to their room房间.John was very tiredtad疲惫的. He soon很快 fell aslee

    25、pslip入睡. 过了段时间,Charlie 开始吠叫。John 醒来时,闻到一股烟味。火!浓烟开始从门缝里冒进来。在 Charlie 的帮助下,John 把一些湿毛巾塞在门底部的缝里。然后他在 Charlie 旁边伏在地上,他们等待着。Some time later一会之后, Charlie started开始 barkingbk狗叫. John woke up ( wake up wek 醒来) and smelt闻 smoke烟. A fire! Smoke started to 开始come in进来 from under the door从门的下面. With有了 Charlies

    26、help, John put 放some wetwet towels tal湿毛巾 along the bottom btm 沿着底部 of the door. Then然后 he got down 蹲下来on the floor 地板next to 靠近;挨着Charlie and waited等待.过了不久,他听到了消防车的声音。一名消防员赶到,把他救出大楼,但消防员不想去救 Charlie。John 不愿丢下他的“眼睛”。最后,消防员把 Charlie 也救出了大楼,他们都安全了。Soon he heard听到 the sound 声音of a fire engineendn消防车. A

    27、 fireman famn 消防员arrived到达 and got him out of the building救出建筑物, but the fireman did not want to想 take带 Charlie. John would not将不会 go without没有 his “eyes”. Finallyfanl最后, the fireman got Charlie out of the building too and they were both都 safe安全的. A friendly fren(d)l 友好的dolphin dlfin 海豚上个月,我去海里游泳。我游

    28、得的确很远,游过了那块岩石出了海。然后,我看到的什么东西向我移来。它很大的,灰色的,有着很大的鳍。这是一个鲨鱼!Last month上个月, I went to swim去游泳 in the sea在海里. I swam 游泳really 真的;十分far远, past 经过the rocks rk岩石 and out to sea游向大海(深处).Then 然后I saw看见 something某物 moving (move muv移动)towards朝 me. It was huge巨大的 and greygre灰色的 , with a large fin有着大的鱼鳍. It was a

    29、sharkk鲨鱼! 我开始往回游,但离海滩太远了。那条鲨鱼开始绕着我游了。我真的很害怕。突然,另一个生物出现在我旁边的水域。是只海豚!它把我推离鲨鱼。我骑在它背上,它游向沙滩。I began to 开始swim back向后游, but the beachbit 海滩was too太 far away远. The shark started to 开始swim around围绕 me.I was really真的;十分 scared skd害怕. Suddenly 突然another另一只 creaturekrit生物 appeared (appear p出现) next to靠近;挨着 me

    30、 in the water. It was a dolphin海豚! It pushed推 me away from 远离the shark. I sat 坐on its back背部 as it swam 游泳towards朝 the beach海滩. 不久,我们靠近了海滩。鲨鱼却没有跟着我们。当我走上沙滩,海豚就游走了。我会永远记住是这只友好的动物救了我的命。Soon 很快;不久we were near靠近the beach. The shark did not follow跟随 us. As soon as 一.就I stepped onto 踏上(step step)the beach沙滩, the dolphin海豚 swam away游走. I will always一直 remember 记住how如何 this friendly友好的 animal动物 saved (save救 sev) my life生命;生活.Unit 4我们日常生活中的树木Trees in our dailydel lives日常生活Rebecca 想知道更多关于树木以及它们如何帮助我们的事。她采访 Jones 博士谈谈树木。Rebecca wants to想 know知道 more更多 about关于 trees and how如何they


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