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    1、美军作战手册墨菲法则Murphys Law,不管是译为墨菲法则、莫非定理、还是摩菲定理什么都好。这是西方世界常用的俚语,其主要内容是:事情如果有变坏的可能,不管这种可能性有多小,它总会发生。据说最早是一个叫Edward A. Murphy的航空工程师创立的,并在与航天机械相关的领域被广泛引用,但之后逐渐进入习语范畴,其内涵被赋予无穷的创意,出现了众多的变体. 1. Friendly fire - isnt. 友军火力一点儿都不友好。(美军术语Friendly fire是指“被自己人误伤”) 2. Recoilless rifles - arent. 无坐力炮的后坐力大着呢。 3. Suppre

    2、ssive fires - wont. 压制火力啥也压制不了。 4. You are not Superman; Marines and fighter pilots take note. 你不是超人,陆战队员和战斗机飞行员尤为适用本条。 5. A sucking chest wound is Natures way of telling you to slow down. 在前胸开个洞是让你自然而然停下来的最好办法。 6. If its stupid but it works, it isnt stupid. 如果一个蠢方法有用,那它就不是一个蠢方法。 7. Try to look unim

    3、portant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not want to waste a bullet on you. 装成无关紧要的人,敌人可能子弹不多,不想浪费在你身上。 8. If at first you dont succeed, call in an air strike. 如果你的攻击没成功,马上呼叫空袭支援吧。 9. If you are forward of your position, your artillery will fall short. 每当你展开进攻时,炮兵往往也用完了炮弹。 10. Never share a foxhole

    4、 with anyone braver than yourself. 永远别跟比你勇敢的战友呆在同一个散兵坑里。 11. Never go to bed with anyone crazier than yourself. 永远别跟比你疯狂的人一起睡觉。 12. Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder. 永远别忘了你手上的武器是由出价最低的承包商中标制造的。 13. If your attack is going really well, its an ambush. 如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。

    5、 14. The enemy diversion youre ignoring is their main attack. 那支你以为是敌军疑兵而不加注意的部队其实是进攻主力。 15. The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions: a. When theyre ready. b. When youre not. 敌人总会在以下两种情况发生时展开攻击:1)他们准备好的时候;2)你没准备好的时候。 16. No OPLAN ever survives initial contact. 任何作战计划在接敌之后都会变成废纸。(早期33条翻译版本译为“交火

    6、”,但contact在美军用语里指“发现敌踪”,不一定是双方的,有时也只是单方的。) 17. There is no such thing as a perfect plan. 完美的计划是不存在的。 18. Five second fuses always burn three seconds. 手榴弹的五秒引信总会在三秒内烧完。 19. There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole. 散兵坑里不存在无神论者。 20. A retreating enemy is probably just falling back and regroup

    7、ing. 逃跑的敌军大概只是打算先撤退后反击。 21. The important things are always simple; the simple are always hard. 重要的事情总是简单的;简单的事情总是难以做到的。 22. The easy way is always mined. 好走的路总已被布上地雷。 23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at. 集体行动非常必要;起码敌人有其他目标可以射击了。 24. Dont look conspicuous; it draws

    8、 fire. For this reason, it is not at all uncommon for aircraft carriers to be known as bomb magnets. 不要太显眼,因为那会吸引敌方火力。因此,航空母舰被称作“炸弹磁铁”就不奇怪了。 25. Never draw fire; it irritates everyone around you. 不要吸引敌人火力;这会使你身边所有的人都恨你。 26. If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in the combat zone. 如果

    9、你除了敌人什么都缺,那你一定在交战区了。 27. When you have secured the area, make sure the enemy knows it too. 你攻占一个地区后,确保敌人也知道。 28. Incoming fire has the right of way. 飞来的子弹有优先通行权。(不要把身体挡在子弹的去路上) 29. No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection. 从来没有一支完成战备的单位能通过检阅。 30. No inspection ready unit has ever passed comba

    10、t. 从来没有一支准备好检阅的部队能活过战斗。 31. If the enemy is within range, so are you. 如果敌人进入你的射程内,别忘了你也在进入了他的射程内。 32. The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire. 唯一比敌军炮火还准确是友军火力。 33. Things that must be together to work can never be shipped together. 必须要装配在一起才能发挥效力的武器装备不能一起运送。 3

    11、4. Things that must work together, cant be carried to the field that way. 必须要装配在一起才能发挥效力的武器不能被一起运到战场。 35. Radios will fail as soon as you need fire support 无线电总是在你急需火力支援时失灵。 36. Radar tends to fail at night and in bad weather, and especially during both). 雷达总是在晚上和坏天气时失灵,尤其是在两者都发生的时候。 37. Anything yo

    12、u do can get you killed, including nothing. 你所做的任何事都可能送命,就算你什么都不做也一样。 38. Make it too tough for the enemy to get in, and you wont be able to get out. 当你防守严密到敌人攻不进来时,那往往你自己也打出不去。 39. Tracers work both ways. 曳光弹是双刃剑。(你更容易打中敌人,敌人也更容易找到你的位置) 40. If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you w

    13、ill get more than your fair share of objectives to take. 如果你在行动中完成了额外的任务,那么你总会被赋予这些额外的任务。 41. When both sides are convinced theyre about to lose, theyre both right. 当两军都觉得自己快输时,那他们可能都是对的。 42. Professional soldiers are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs. 专业士兵的行为是可预测的;但世上却充满了菜鸟。 43.

    14、Military Intelligence is a contradiction. “军事情报”一词中的军事和情报是矛盾的。(intelligence一词多义,同时也指“智慧”,这个双关语是讽刺战场上往往缺乏有头脑的行为) 44. Fortify your front; youll get your rear shot up. 脑袋和屁股从来不可兼顾。 45. Weather aint neutral. 天气不是中立的。(气像状况总是对你不利) 46. If you cant remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you. 如果你记不起来自己亲手布

    15、置的定向雷的指向,那这定向雷一定是朝向你的。 47. Air defense motto: shoot em down; sort em out on the ground. 防空座右铭:先把飞机打下来,再在地上区分敌友。 48. Flies high, it dies; low and slow, itll go. 飞得高,死得快;飞得又低又慢,就能完成目标。 49. The Cavalry doesnt always come to the rescue. 不能把希望寄托在救兵身上。(言下之意是要靠自己,不要老想着会有人来救你。Cavalry在美军俚语里就是“救兵”的意思,请想像一下当你处

    16、身美国西部开拓时期在野外被一大群印弟安人包围的情景) 50. Napalm is an area support weapon. 凝固汽油弹一炸一大片。(别扔得太近) 51. Mines are equal opportunity weapons. 地雷是机会均等的武器。 52. B-52s are the ultimate close support weapon. B52是终极近距支援武器。 53. Snipers motto: reach out and touch someone. 狙击手座右铭:出去,干掉点儿人。 54. Killing for peace is like screw

    17、ing for virginity. “杀戮是为了和平”这句话就像骗处女上床的话一样。 55. The one item you need is always in short supply. 你需要的物品总是很缺乏。 56. Interchangeable parts arent. 通用部件总是不通用。 57. Its not the one with your name on it; its the one addressed to whom it may concern youve got to think about. 专门给你的指示一点也不重要;那些“致有关人士”的指示才是你必须重视

    18、的。 58. When in doubt, empty your magazine. 有怀疑的时候,先打空你的弹匣再说。 59. The side with the simplest uniforms wins. 制服最简单的一方总会获胜。 60. Combat will occur on the ground between two adjoining maps. 战斗总会在两张地图交汇的地方展开。 61. If the Platoon Sergeant can see you, so can the enemy. 如果副排长能看得见你,那敌人也能。 62. Never stand when

    19、 you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can sleep. 能坐着的时候绝不要站着,能躺着的时候绝不要坐着,能睡着的时候绝不要醒着。 63. The most dangerous thing in the world is a Second Lieutenant with a map and a compass. 世上最可怕的东西是一个有地图和指南针的少尉。(他们擅长纸上谈兵) 64. Exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle p

    20、lan. 例外才是战斗法则的最佳证明,作战计划滚一边去。 65. Everything always works in your HQ, everything always fails in the Colonels HQ. 所有东西都在你的总部有效,在上校的总部失效。 66. The enemy never watches until you make a mistake. 你犯错误前敌人不会注意到你。 67. One enemy soldier is never enough, but two is entirely too many. 一个敌人士兵永远不够,两个就太多了。 68. A c

    21、lean (and dry) set of BDUs is a magnet for mud and rain. 清洁干净的作战服总是吸引泥和雨。 69. The worse the weather, the more you are required to be out in it. 天气越差,你被派遣出去的机会就越多。 70. Whenever you have plenty of ammo, you never miss. Whenever you are low on ammo, you cant hit the broad side of a barn. 你有足够弹药的时候,你百发百

    22、中。你缺弹药的时候,连谷仓那么大的东西都打不中。 71. The more a weapon costs, the farther you will have to send it away to be repaired. 武器越贵(或是越有用处?),修理的时候就要送的越远。 72. The complexity of a weapon is inversely proportional to the IQ of the weapons operator. 武器的复杂程度和操作者的智商成反比。 73. Field experience is something you dont get unt

    23、il just after you need it. “战场经验”这东西,只有在某次很需要它的行动之后你才能获得。 74. No matter which way you have to march, its always uphill. 不管你从哪条路线行军,都是上坡路。 75. If enough data is collected, a board of inquiry can prove anything. 如果收集到了足够的资料,调查委员会什么事都可以证明。 76. For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

    24、 (in boot camp) 在大本营,对每一个行动都有赞成与反对两种评判。 77. Air strikes always overshoot the target, artillery always falls short. 空袭总是打得过远,炮火总是打得太近。 78. When reviewing the radio frequencies that you just wrote down, the most important ones are always illegible. 当你查看你写下的无线电频率的时候,最重要的总是无法辨认。 79. Those who hesitate u

    25、nder fire usually do not end up KIA or WIA. 弹雨之中逞英雄的人往往死得最快。 80. The tough part about being an officer is that the troops dont know what they want, but they know for certain what they dont want. 作为军官最辛苦的一点是:士兵不知道他们想要什么,只知道他们不想要什么。 81. To steal information from a person is called plagiarism. To steal

    26、 information from the enemy is called gathering intelligence. 从一个人那里偷取信息叫剽窃,从敌人那里偷取信息叫搜集情报。 82. The weapon that usually jams when you need it the most is the M60. 在你最需要它的时候总是卡壳的武器是M60机枪。 83. The perfect officer for the job will transfer in the day after that billet is filled by someone else. 最适合某个工作

    27、的军官总是在这个职位已经被别人占据后一天调来。 85. The newest and least experienced soldier will usually win the Medal of Honor. 最新最没经验的士兵最可能获得荣誉奖章。(美国最高级勋章) 86. A Purple Heart just proves that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive. 紫心勋章(美国授予受伤士兵的勋章)证明你聪明到可以想出一个计划,愚

    28、蠢到尝试这个计划,并且幸运到活了下来。 87. Murphy was a grunt. 墨菲是个大头兵。(就是因为墨菲老是做错事,所以才叫墨菲法则嘛 :-P) 88. Beer Math - 2 beers times 37 men equals 49 cases. 啤酒数计算法:三十七人,每人两瓶,共要四十九箱。 89. Body count Math - 3 guerrillas plus 1 probable plus 2 pigs equals 37 enemies killed in action. 歼敌数计算法:三名游击队员加一个可能再加两只猪,本次战斗共毙敌三十七人。 90. T

    29、he bursting radius of a hand grenade is always one foot greater than your jumping range. 手榴弹的杀伤半径总是比你能扑出的距离多一英尺。 91. All-weather close air support doesnt work in bad weather. 全天候近距空中支援在坏天气里不管用。 92. The combat worth of a unit is inversely proportional to the smartness of its outfit and appearance. 一支

    30、部队的作战能力与它外表的好看程度成反比。 93. The crucial round is a dud. 至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。 95. There is no such place as a convenient foxhole. 需要散兵坑时,它们总是太远。 97. If your positions are firmly set and you are prepared to take the enemy assault on, he will bypass you. 如果你的阵地有很好的工事而且你也准备好应付敌人的攻击,敌人会绕过你。 98. If your ambush is pr

    31、operly set, the enemy wont walk into it. 如果你准备好了一次伏击,敌人不会进入你的伏击圈。 99. If your flank march is going well, the enemy expects you to outflank him. 如果你的侧翼迂回进行的很顺利,是因为敌人正期待着你从侧翼接近他们。 100. Density of fire increases proportionally to the curiousness of the target. 对目标的火力密度与目标的好奇程度成正比。 101. Odd objects attract fire - never lurk behind one. 奇怪的物体吸引炮火 不要躲在这种东西后面。 103. The self-importance of a superior is inversely proportional to his position in the hierarchy (as is his deviousness and mischievousness). 长官的自大程度与他的官职成反比(还有他的不值得信任程度和有害程度)。 104. There is


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