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    1、专 业 英语(国际经贸) 年 级 2008级 学 号 081504631003 学 生 王洲雨 指导教师 谭琦 结稿日期 2012年05月01日 四川外语学院重庆南方翻译学院教务处制2012年 5 月 07日填摘要:在现代化和全球化的背景下,语言不仅仅作为一种交流工具,更是文化的承载。在各国的合作与文化交流中,交换的不仅仅是单纯的语言符号,更是不同的文化背景。这些文化背景影响着人们交往的方式,标准和策略。外语学习的目标是什么?越来越多的外语专业研究者和学者更看重跨文化交际能力。 跨文化交际能力是指外语学习者具有探索和鉴赏语言的社会文化意义,能意识到东西方语言文化差异造成的影响,分析出谈话中的实

    2、际错误。这样的人才正是满足社会的需求。当今社会环境下外语的学习:学生们普遍接受严格的规范教学,并且都能取得很好的成绩。但他们在英语应用上表现出能力不足,也不能理解英语在文化交流中的恰当用法。误解常来自于跨文化交际中的文化差异。论文的目的在于强调文化交际能力在外语学习中的重要性,论证了如何培养学生跨文化交际能力。作者强调了语言文化在文化交流中的关联性,提高学生跨文化交际能力,对学术界和社会都有极大的影响。关键词:语言学习;文化学习;跨文化交际能力Promoting Cross-cultural Communication Competence in College English Learnin

    3、gAbstract In the context of globalization and modernization, language is not only the tool of communication for human being, but also the carrier of culture. Everyday, people of different races interact and cooperate with each other. Their different cultural backgrounds will affect the style, strate

    4、gy and standard when they contact and communicate with others. More and more researchers and scholars consider its learners cross-cultural communicative competence.The cross-cultural communicational competence refers to the learners who have the ability to explore and appreciate the social and cultu

    5、ral meaning of language, compare the differences between west culture and east culture, aware the effect brought by the different language and culture between west and east, analyze the pragmatic failure in discourse. In China, students have received a set of strict grammatical rules and good grades

    6、, but they frequently remain deficient in the ability to actually use English and to understand its appropriate use in normal cross-cultural communication. Misunderstanding caused by cultural differences has involved them frequently in cross-cultural miscommunication. The purpose of this paper is to

    7、 emphasize the importance of cross-cultural communication competence in English learning, and demonstrate how to develop this competence. Author highlights the relationship between culture and language. A Good cross-cultural communication competence in English learning has great academic meaning and

    8、 social influence.Key words:language learning; culture learning; cross-cultural communicational competenceAcknowledgementsFor the completion of my paper,I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have helped me and supported me.First of all, I would like to extend my whole -hearte

    9、d gratitude to my instructor Tan Qi for his foresight guidance, enlightening instructions and constant encouragements. During the writing and revising of this paper, he gave me immeasurable and invaluable help. Without his patient help and constructive advice, the completion of this paper would be i

    10、mpossible.Secondly, my gratitude goes to all the college leaders and teachers ,who have imparted the essence of knowledge to me, to Mr. Zhou, Miss Yang ,Vice Professor Mr. He and Mr. Tan ,whose courses are so informative and inspiring that without them my ability of writing this thesis could not hav

    11、e been improved.Finally, my gratitude also goes to my kind friends, my dear parents and any other people who have given me unreserved support to my hard work at this paper.Contents自己调整下目录的页码哈中文摘要 1Abstract 1Acknowledgements 1Introduction 1I. Understanding Cross-cultural Communication Competence 1A.

    12、Cultures and Cross-cultural Communication Competence 1B. The Components of Cross-cultural Communication Competence 1C. The Functions of Cross-cultural Communication Competence 1II. The Strategies in Promoting Cross-cultural Communication Competence 1A. Raising Awareness of Integrating Cultural learn

    13、ing 1B. Stressing the Importance of General Knowledge 1C. Enhancing Appreciation of English Literary Heritage 1III. Methods in Promoting Cross-cultural Communication Competence 1A. Learning Culture-loaded Words 2B. Learning Idioms and Proverbs 2C. Learning Cultural Background Knowledge 2D. Strengthe

    14、ning Extracurricular Activities 2Conclusion 2Notes 2Bibliography 2Introduction With the development of science and technology, fast pace of globalization, different cultures contact with and affect on each other. So, the traditional English learning doesnt meet the demand of the goal of high-quality

    15、 education, whose norm is greatly affected by structuralism, taught in a pure and abstract form, focused on strict grammatical rules. Such kind of learning leads to some difficulties in understanding cultural knowledge and produce serious consequence learners incompetence in cross-cultural communica

    16、tion. Therefore, more and more people devote themselves to the study of cross-cultural communication, and especially English teachers spend much time and energy reforming the learning strategies so as to develop effective cross-cultural communication competence for learners. This paper, hence, aims

    17、to emphasize the importance of cross-cultural communication competence and propose learning strategies of cross-cultural communication in English learning so as to make learners get smooth and efficient cross-cultural communication competence. To achieve this goal firstly go through the natural rela

    18、tionship of elements of cross-cultural communication, i.e., language, culture and communication. The following will give brief introduction. What and how people do in their daily life in fact are all connected with the culture in which they are brought up. Culture means different things to different

    19、 people. In a broad sense, culture means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. It establishes a context of cognitive and affective behavior for each person.Lang

    20、uage is a part of culture and plays a very important role in culture, which not only expresses facts, ideas, or events which represent similar world knowledge by its people, but also reflects peoples attitudes, beliefs, world outlooks etc. The creation of culture lives without language; meanwhile, c

    21、hange and development of language are inevitably depending on the development of culture. As British linguist Claire Kramsch concludes the relationship between culture and language: language expresses cultural reality, language embodies cultural identity and language symbolizes cultural reality. In

    22、other words, language and culture are inseparably interwoven, understanding one requires understanding the other. Therefore, learning a English means more than merely mastering its linguistic competence, it also requires learners to see the world as native speakers of that language see it, so langua

    23、ge learning is also culture learning, thus language and culture should be taught simultaneously in class.Besides the close relationship between culture and language, we should not ignore the tie between culture and communication. Samovar and Porter define communication as follows: “Communication occ

    24、urs whenever meaning is attributed to behavior or residue of behavior.”1 This means that when someone perceives our behavior or it residues and attributes meaning to it, communication takes place. They also note that culture manifests itself both in patterns of language and thought and in forms of a

    25、ctivity and behavior. But if speakers in communication belonging to different cultures, they encounter cross-cultural miscommunication. Therefore, culture is a communication problem, as cultural variances increase, so does the problem of communication.The link between culture and communication is cr

    26、ucial to understand cross-cultural communication, because it goes through the influence of culture that people learn to communicate. Once people from different culture meet, their communication practice differs from that of people in the same culture. Thus in language learning, culture competence eq

    27、ually levels with linguistic competence. All the crucial elements come to cross-cultural communication. Cross-cultural communication refers to communication between people from different cultures. Samovar claims that cross-cultural communication “whenever a message that must be understood is produce

    28、d by a member of one culture for consumption by a member of another culture.”2 To put it more precisely, cross-cultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbols are distinct enough to alter the communication event. And cross-cultural communication has conn

    29、ected with other subjects, importantly involving anthropology, socio psychology, sociolinguistics and communication. It includes cross-cultural communication, interethnic communication, across-cultural communication and international communication.In English learning, its worthy to combine cross-cul

    30、tural communication into learning syllabus and pose promoting learners cross-cultural communication competence as the ultimate goal in learning. But currently in China, many of the students often fail to relate this goal to everyday classroom practices. Having been long focused on the grammar-center

    31、ed syllabus, their only purpose in English learning is to develop ones grammatical competence in the exam-oriented educational environment. Thats why the high-mark students often stumble in daily communication, not because of the non-native speakers linguistic competence but because of their pragmat

    32、ic incompetence. It is no denying that there are other important factors besides grammatical knowledge, so in recent years, quite a number of Chinese experts and teachers transfer their emphasis from grammatical competence to cross-cultural competence. The following section will give full explanation.


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