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    1、上海市学年六年级英语下学期期中试题牛津上海版五四制无答案2018-2019学年六年级英语下学期期 中 试 题 ( 考试时间:75 分钟 满分:100分)Part I Listening( 第一部分 听力) 共25分I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解):A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): 5% A B C D E F 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the questio

    2、n you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):8%6. A. 12 million. B. 20 million. C. 20 thousand. D. 12 thousand.7. A. Rice dumplings. B. Bread. C. Biscuits. D. Moon cakes. 8. A. The Spring Festival. B. The Dragon Boat Festival. C. The Mid-autumn Festival. D. Christmas.9. A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Thre

    3、e times a week. D. Four times a week.10. A. Read books. B. Play football. C. See a film. D. Go cycling.11. A. He has a headache. B. He has a stomach ache. C. He has a sore throat. D. He has toothache.12. A. The plane ticket. B. The camera. C. US dollars. D. The passport.13. A. At five. B. At three t

    4、hirty. C. At two thirty. D. At one thirty.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用 “T”表示,不符合的用 “F”表示) 6%14. In China, the weather in the south is not the same as that in the north.15. Shanghai is a beautiful city. It has four clear

    5、 seasons.16. Sometimes people in Hainan can see snow in winter.17. Its always warm and cool in Guangdong.18. In the north of China, children can make snowmen 19. A lot of tourists like to spend their holidays in Harbin in summer.D. Listen to the passage and complete the sentence(听短文,完成句子。每空格限填一词)(6%

    6、)20. Betty, May, Jack and Mark are in the _ _. 21. Betty goes to school _ _. 22. It takes Jack about half an hour to _ _ school.Part II Phonetic, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法 )(共42分)II. Look at the phonetics and fill in the blanks (根据所给音标完成句子): 5%23 .I have already known the new teachers _.

    7、/ dres/ 24. There will be a flower _ in Shanghai. /eksbn/ 25. When I have _ , Mary often helps me. /prblmz/ 26. The country lost a _ and Qu Yuan was very sad. / btl/ 27. My brother works in the nice _ now. /bekr/ III. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :15%28. Which of the following underlined part i

    8、s different in pronunciation from the others?A. pudding B. music C. future D. huge29. Alice ordered a T-shirt some time ago from the Taobao net and now _ T-shirt has arrived.A) an B) a C) the D) /30. The workers finished the repair of Waibaidu Bridge _ March, 2009.A) on B) at C) in D) for31. A: Why

    9、do I always have a headache, Doctor Lee ? B: Because you watch _ television. A) too little B) too many C) too much D) too few32. A: Have you checked your passport_, Grandma? B: Yes, Ive _ checked it. A) yet, already B) already, yet C) yet, yet D) already, just33. Kitty hates rice dumplings. Shed rat

    10、her _ a piece of pizza. A) has B) to have C) have D) having34. She told me that her job was _ after the babies. A) looked B) to look C ) look D) to looking35. _ does Danny go to the cinema? Once a month. A) How long B) How soon C) How many D) How often36. Which is the _ way, Route A, Route B or Rout

    11、e C? A) fastest B) faster C) fast D) fastly 37. There are _ people visiting Yu Garden every day. A) plenty B) plenty of C) much D) more38. _ people visited Beijing in 2008. A) Eight millions B) Million of C) Eight million of D) Millions of39. Its very expensive to _ a plane to Hong Kong, but its che

    12、aper to go there _ ship. A) take, take B) take, by C) by, take D) by, by40. The young people really enjoy _the pop songs. A. listening B. to listening C. listening to D. listen to 41. _ important piece of advice it is! A) What B) What an C) How D) How an42. -Would you like some moon cakes?-_. A) No,

    13、 I wouldnt B) Yes, please C) No, thanks. I really like moon cakes D) Yes, I wouldIV. Complete the passage with the words or phrases in the box. (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)6%A. at once B. afraid of C. showed D. throw E. later F. famous G. lateOnce there was a king. He liked to write stories, but his stories w

    14、ere not good. As people were _43_ him, they all told him that his stories were good.One day, the king showed his stories to a _44_ writer. He wanted the writer to praise these stories. But the writer said his stories were so bad that he should _45_ into fire. The king got very angry with him and sen

    15、t him to prison( 监狱)。A few days _46_ , the king set the writer free. Again he _47_ the writer some of his new stories and asked what the writer thought of them. After reading them, the writer turned to the soldiers(士兵) _48_ and said, “Take me back to prison, please.” V. Fill in the blanks with the g

    16、iven words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词. 6%49. The Mid-autumn Festival is in the _ lunar month. (eight)50. Every year, many _ go sightseeing in Singapore. (tour)51. There are a lot of tall _ in Shanghai.(build)52. The earthquake (地震) happened in Japan a few days ago. Many people w

    17、ere in _. (dangerous)53. She _ in New York yesterday. (arrival)54. Jimmy is very sad because his grandfather has already_.(dead)VI. Rewrite the sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词.)10%55. Danny did some exercises yesterday. (否定句)Danny _ _ any exercises yesterday.56. I have been in Bangkok f

    18、or a year. (对划线部分提问) _ _ have you been in Bangkok? 57. It is about 3,500 kilometres from Garden City to Singapore. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is it from Garden City to Singapore?58. The boy went to New York yesterday. (保持原句意思)The boy _ _ New York yesterday.59. favourite, is, my, doing, activity, puzzles, indoor

    19、(连词成句). Part III Reading and Writing (33%.)第三部分 阅读与写话VII. Reading comprehension:A. Choose the best answer. (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案.)6%Tet Trung Thu is a Vietmanese(越南的) festival. It falls on the fifteenth of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar year. It celebrates the full moon in September or October, a

    20、time when the moon is at its fullest and most beautiful time. This festival has a history of hundreds of years.People wait for the full moon and then the festival can begin. Theres a special meal, including(包括) sweet of salty moon cakes.People also celebrate Tet Trung Thu as Childrens Day in Vietnam

    21、. They carry lighted lanterns(灯笼) in the streets. The lanterns come on all shapes and sizes. Some are like full moons, others are like birds, fish, butterflies of planes.There are dragon dances with drums. Everyone takes part in the celebrations late into the night.60. When is Tet Trung Thu? A. On t

    22、he fifteenth of the eighth lunar month. B. On the fifth of the eighth lunar month. C. On the eighth of the fifth lunar month. D. On the eighteenth of the eighth lunar month.61. People have celebrated the festival for _ years. A. a hundred B. a thousand C. hundreds of D. thousands of62. People eat _

    23、for the festival. A. rice dumplings B. pudding C. sandwiches D. moon cakes63. People dont _ at the festival.A. have dragon boat races B. carry lighted lanterns C. eat a special meal D. have dragon dances with drums64. Tet Trung Thu is like _ in China. A. Qingming Festival B. Lantern Festival C. Mid-

    24、autumu Festival D. Dragon Boat Festival65. A good title of the passage would be “ _”. A. The Moon B. Eating Mooncakes C. Carrying Lanterns D. A Festival for Everyone in VietnamB. Cloze test. (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案.)6%When I was young, I disliked to clean my teeth. I found many excuses to go to bed _66_ do

    25、ing anything.One day, I read a story about the tooth fairy (牙仙). It said that if a child puts a fallen tooth under the pillow, the tooth fairy will take it away and leave money when the child falls asleep. I asked my mum, “Is there _67_ a tooth fairy, Mum?” “Maybe there is,” my mum smiled and _68_.

    26、“But your teeth are terrible. The tooth fairy wont like them.”Several days later, one of my teeth fell out. Just like my mother said, it was really too _69_. It was yellow with a black hole in it. I rushed into the bathroom and began to wash it and use a toothpick to pick it carefully. After that, I

    27、 put it under my pillow.The next day, I woke up early and _70_ my pillow quickly. The terrible tooth was missing! One yuan with a piece of paper was under my pillow! It said, “You should look after your teeth more carefully. If you give me a terrible tooth like that again, I wont take it.Tooth fairy

    28、”I rushed into the bathroom and began to _71_ my teeth carefully.66. A. with B. without C. in D. on67. A. happily B. real C. really D. carefully68. A. answered B. told C. talked D. spoke69. A. interesting B. good C. bad D. happy70. A. looked B. checked C. found D. worked71. A. brush B. wash C. sweep

    29、 D. lookC. Fill in the blanks according to the given letters.(根据首字母填空, 每空格限填一词.)5%The earth is a beautiful place. There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields. Some places are very hot, and some are very cold. There are many different plants. Some are large. Some are small. All plants need l_7

    30、2_and water. There are many animals on the earth, too. Some live on the land. Some f_73_ in the sky. Some live in the water. There are also many people like you and me on the earth. The earth p_74_ us with air, water and food. It is our home.Today, there is a lot of pollution. We b_75_ things to make energy. This pollutes the air. We put our rubbish into the sea and under the ground. This pollutes the earth and kills animals a


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