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    1、 AMy pleasure BNever mind CDont mention it DThats right4Jeff has made _ a rule to set aside some time on weekends for playing with his kids Awhat Bthis Cthat Dit5She does not speak our language,_ she seems to understand what we say Aand Bso Cyet Dor6Just _ we sweep our rooms,we should sweep old idea

    2、s from our minds Awhen Bas Cthough Donce7- Who is the girl talking to your English teacher? - An exchange student _ a visit to our school Apays Bto be paid Cpaid Dpaying8He hadnt realized the importance of taking exercise before he _ ill Afell Bhad fallen Cfalls Dwas falling9- Honey,I dont want to c

    3、ook - We _ eat in a restaurant,if you like Amust Bneed Ccan Dwould10Many athletes are clear that the Olympic Games are the only time _ they will be watched by thousands of millions Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen11- Well,I do think the rabbit is a beautiful,gentle animal which can run fast - _ ASo I do BS

    4、o do you CSo it is DSo is it12Had the captain taken timely and effective action,the tragedy of South Korean ferry accident _ Amust have been avoided Bmight have been avoided Cmay be avoided Dshould be avoided13The reason for his absence yesterday was _ he did have something important to do Awhat Bbe

    5、cause Cwhy Dthat14_ with his five senses,man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science AEquipped BHaving equipped CBeing equipped DTo equip15- I will drive to the station to buy a ticket to Chengdu for next Friday - _ ? In fact,you can book onlineAWhy bother BHow come CWhat fo

    6、r DSo what二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分)请阅读下面两篇短文,掌握大意,然后从l6-35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。AI grew up in BostonMany of my relatives immigrated from Finland in the l9th century for a better lifeMost men worked as farmers or miners l6 the women stayed at home to cook, 17 and prayOur cultur

    7、e tells us the men should be toughWe l8 cowboys,athletes and soldiers,convinced that mens strength can bend women,nature and enemies to their will In 2000,my girlfriend informed me that she was going to give birth to a babyI was so nervous that I told myself I could never be a good l9 I explained my

    8、 20 to my girlfriend,but she simply said shed have the baby with or 2l meThere was courage in her eyes,and I realized it was something I had never hadSo I decided to give myself a chance Next month,our daughter would be 10 years oldAlthough my hands are still much callous(长茧的)from the many 22 things

    9、 theyve held over the years,my daughter taught me that these hands are capable of the 23 touch and only within this ability do they 24 their actual strengthI believe every man has followed the examples of our ancestors in an attempt to prove he must be 25 and unafraidBut I also believe every man own

    10、s those he loves as well as manhoodSo 26 our traditional culture and be as gentle as we 27 can to our loved ones in this competitive world16AasBwhenCsinceDwhile17AfishBsewCshootDhunt18AhateBcelebrateCsympathizeDquestion19AfatherBsoldierCmanDfriend20AeagernessBconcernCjudgmentDjoy21AonBillCwithoutDbe

    11、yond22AroughBdifficultCflexibleDfrightening23AsensitiveBhopefulCsoftDmoving24AreduceBshowCdiscoverDcollect25AdissatisfiedBhumorousCfearfulDunbreakable26Amake fun ofBlive up toCturn away fromDadd up to27AaccidentallyBeasilyCpurposelyDpossibly B Have you noticed how easy it is to follow the course of

    12、life and forget that we have dreams? We are making ourselves slaves 28 ,you probably still have dreams! Here is great news:you can 29 yourself and improve your life in depth! You must first create a context for your successIt is high time that you reviewed your old habit,ignoring everything unnecess

    13、ary that may 30 you Do not be overburdened by your work and activitiesTo achieve good results,react quickly to situations and take 31 actionsYou can 32 increase the quality of your work Whatever your dreams,it is the quality of your decisions and your actions that 33 quality of your lifeThe more you

    14、 want to make things better, the more you get results that make a 34 There is no limit to actions you can accomplishThe improvements you can make in your life are therefore also 35 28AHoweverBOtherwiseCBesidesDTherefore29AcomfortBshelterCprotectDfree30AencourageBattractCmisleadDchange31AimmediateBsl

    15、owCurgentDcareful32AeverBalsoCyetDnever33AenrichesBadaptsCdeterminesDabandons34AsacrificeBdecisionCdifferenceDcomparison35AunlimitedBunchangeableCunpredictableDunusual三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。 An airport baggage handler was checking through a custo

    16、mer when he accidentally knocked over the womans baggageHe quickly collected the fallen bags and apologizedUnsatisfied,the traveler burst into anger, swearing at the baggage handler for his carelessnessBut he simply apologized and smiledThe angry woman continued to shout at him until she finally hea

    17、ded offEven then the baggage handler remained calm and passively smiled The next customer in line witnessed the incident and admired the baggagehandlers professionalism“ I have never seen such self-control” he said“ How do you keep calm when somebody is attacking you like this?” “Its easy,” the bagg

    18、age handler answered“Shes going to New York, but her bags are going to Washington That is certainly one way of managing attitudes,but is it really a constructive one? Let me tell you about one of my friends who has a special philosophy to go through most of his life unaffected by the disorders that

    19、disturbs most people My friend is fond of saying,“ Many people are like garbage trucksThey run around full of garbage,full of anger,and full of disappointmentAs their garbage piles up,they need a place to dump it,and if you agree,theyll dump it on youWhen someone wants to dump their problems on you,

    20、dont take it personallyJust smile and move on” With that philosophy,this guy goes through life with a calmness I can only envy“A rude customer has no power to make me angry;he just fussesA demanding boss has no power to make me upset;he just gives me a chance to dobetterSo just smile and move onWhat

    21、 about you? What will happen in your life if you let more garbage trucks pass you by? Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets_36What made the baggage handler remain calm in the incident? AHis optimistic attitude BA trick on the traveler CHis professionalism DThe working rules37What

    22、do we know about the authors friend? AHe is envied of his good manners BHe refuses to run garbage trucks around CHe has a special philosophy to stay calm DHe is always calm and helpful in an emergency38Which of the following sentences can be the ending for me passage? ALove the people who treat you

    23、fight and forget the ones who dont BNever let bad feelings affect you to be a successful person CDont let garbage trucks take over your day DTreat others as you want to be treated39What is the main purpose of the passage? ATo explain life principles BTo describe a smart person to us CTo explore the

    24、secret of happiness DTo introduce the law of the garbage truckAntistineAnti-histamine for the treatment of allergic(过敏的)reactionsPropertiesAntistine either weakens or controls the effects of histamine(组胺),which plays a major role in causing allergic disordersIt is upon this experimentally confirmed

    25、ability to react against histamine that the indications for Antistine are basedIndications Urticaria;food allergies;hay fever;itching due to skin diseasesAdministration and dosage(剂量) Pills Adults:1 pill 4 times a day Small children:12 pill 3 times daily The pills should be taken during meals and sw

    26、allowed whole with a little waterAmpoules1 ampoule,given by injection(注射),23 times dailyFor children,the doses should be accordingly reduced_ Since Antistine may cause temporary sleepiness,caution is indicated when employing it,for example,to treat drivers of vehicles or people who need undivided at

    27、tention on work Like other anti-histamines,Antistine may give rise to allergic reactions;in such cases,the preparation should be withdrawn People who suffer from heart failure should use it with cautionStorage Store in a dry and cool placeAmpoules should be stored in a fridge(28)Antistine should be kept out of reach of children40According to the passage,Antistine _ Amust give rise to allergic reactions Bcan be used either orally or by injection Cplays a major role in causing allergic disorders Dshould be taken after m


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