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    1、考前热身学年最新四川省初中名校联考八年级上学期期中模拟考试英语试题及答案第一学期期中模拟测试八年级 英语(总分120分,120分钟完卷)听力部分(20分) 听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. 听句子,选择恰当的答语( ) 6. A. News B. Comedies C .Soap operas ( ) 7. A. 15 minutes B . By bus C. Im free on Sundays ( ) 8. A. No, it has the worst service. B. 30 yuan a meal. C. Its v

    2、ery far from my home. ( ) 9. A . At 19:00 B. Fruit salad. C. Game shows ( ) 10. A. In the market B. Yes, I do it once a week. C. I went shopping yesterday. 听以下两段对话,选择最佳答案。 听下面一段对话,回答第11至12 两个小题( ) 11. What does Peters new friend look like ? A. He has blue eyes and black hair. B. He has black eyes an

    3、d black hair. C. He has black eyes and brown hair.( )12. Who is more outgoing , Peter or Peters new friend ?A. Peter B. Peters new friend C. We dont know.听下面一段对话,回答第13至15 两个小题( )13. What does the boy think is the best radio station in town ? A. Jammins 107 FM B. Oldies 102.1 FM C. Easy Listening 979

    4、.( )14. What is the most popular radio station for the girl ?A. Jammins 107 FM B. Oldies 102.1 FM C. Easy Listening 979.( )15. Why does the boy think Oldies 102.1 FM is the worst ? A. Because it doesnt tell stories. B. Because it has the worst music.C. Because it cant give people help. 听短问,选择正确的答案。(

    5、 )16. How many movie theaters are there in the town ? A. Two B. Three. C. Four( )17, Whats Screen City like ? A. It has the most comfortable seats. B. It has the smallest screens . C. Its the cheapest.( )18. Which movie theater is the most expensive ?A. Screen City B. Town Cinema. C. Movie Palace( )

    6、19. What does the speaker think of Movie Palace ?A. Its the cheapest. B. It has the best service . C. It is the newest.( )20. Which movie theater is the closest one to the speakers home?A. Screen City B. Movie Palace C. Town Palace. 笔试部分(100分)一、单选题(共计15小题,每题一分,共计15分)( )21 . How often do you write to

    7、 your friends ? _ . Im busy with my study . A. once a month B. About twice a month C. Almost every day D. Maybe once a week( )22.The movie was _ and we want to see it again .A. enough boring B. boring enough C. enough wonderful D. wonderful enough( )23. Mrs Brown is nice . Every day she tried to coo

    8、k _ for me when I stayed in Canada .A. something different B, different anything C. nothing different D. different everything( )24. Speak louder ,please ! I can _ hear you .A. usually B almost C. hardly D. nearly( )25. I am good at math , but his English is _ than mine . A. much better B. more bette

    9、r C. very better D. pretty better( )26. Will you buy the white watch or the red one ? _ Ill take _ .One is for my mother and the other is for my sister . A. both B. either C. all D. each( )27. I often watch them _ the piano .A. played B playing C pay D to play( )28.The girl under the tree is new her

    10、e , so _ people know her . A. few B a few C. little D a little( )29. The students are so _ to watch such an _ movie . A. exciting , excited B. excited . exciting C. exciting . exciting D. excited , excited( )30.-_ kind girl Jenny is ! - Yes . Everyone likes her very much . A. What B. What a C. How D

    11、. How a( )31. Tony is only shorter than Jim. He is _ in his class .A. the tallest B. the two tallest C. the second tallest D. second tallest( )32. _ is interesting _ us to watch game shows .A. He , for B. that , to C. This , to D. It , for( )33. I didnt go to the mountains _ the bad weather . A. so

    12、B. because of C. because D. but ( )34. We planned _ the Great Wall . And I expect _ there earlier . A visit , go B. to visit , to go C. visit , to go D. to visit , go ( )35. Well have an English exam this afternoon . A. Thats great . B. You are good C. Good luck to you D. Sorry to hear that 二、完形填空(每


    14、_Annieaskanothergirl,“Bemybestfriend?”Andthegirlanswered .“Really?IthoughtyouwereMollysbestfriend!”Anniesaid,“Yeah,buttodayIwanta(n)_42_friend.”Itriednotto_43_.Irantotheriver,threwawaythe_44_andcriedloudly.JustthenIfeltahandonmyshoulder.ItwasAnn“Dontcry!Ijustwantedtohelpthe_45_girl.Hearingthat,Igave

    15、hermyhand.( )36. A. in B. with C. at D. on ( )37. A. arm B. leg C. hand D. foot( )38. A. classmates B. brothers C. cousins D. friends( )39. A. if B. so C. but D. because( )40. A. loved B. made C. sold D. had( )41. A. saw B. heard C. watched D. helped( )42. A. new B. different C. active D. healthy( )

    16、43. A. dream B. cry C. forget D. laugh( )44. A. photo B. postcard C. letter D. chocolate( )45. A. lazy B. smart C. shy D. clever三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)AIt was a dark and cold night . The taxi driver didnt have even one passenger (乘客) all day . when he went by the bus station . He saw a young man coming o

    17、ut with two bags in his hands . So he quickly opened the door of the car and asked , “Where do you want to go ,sir ?” “ To Star Hotel ,” the young man answered . When the taxi driver heard this , he didnt feel happy any more . He knew the young man could give him only three dollars because the hotel

    18、 was not far from the bus station . But suddenly (突然地) he had an idea . He took the passenger through many streets of the big city . After a long time , the car arrived at the hotel at last . “ You should pay me fifteen dollars .” the driver said to the young man “What ? Fifteen dollars ! Do you thi

    19、nk Im a fool (傻子) ? Only last week , I took a taxi from the bus station to the same hotel and I only gave the driver thirteen dollars . I know how much I have to pay for the trip .I wont pay you one dollar more than I paid to the other taxi driver last week . ”( )46. When did the story happen ?A. in

    20、 the morning B at noon C .in the afternoon D on a cold night( )47The driver felt very _ when he saw the young man coming out of the bus stationA. un happy B worried C sad D excited( )48. From the passage we know that the young man _ A. didnt want to stay in the city B. knew clearly how far it was fr

    21、om the bus station to the hotel C He didnt know the city well D He came to the city by plane( )49. What do you think of the driver ?A. He was a kind and helpful man B. He was good at driving C He was a dishonest man D He was good and clever( )50. The taxi driver took the young man through many stree

    22、t to _A. make the young man happy B. get more than twenty dollarsC. let the young man think it was very far from the bus station to the hotelD .let the young man have a good look at the cityBLong long ago there was a poor man. He had an orange tree in his garden . on the tree there were many oranges

    23、 . One day he found one of his oranges was much bigger than the others . It was as big as a football . Nobody had seen such a big orange . The poor man took the orange to the King . The King was so happy that he gave the man a lot of money for it .When a rich man heard of (听说) it . He said to himsel

    24、f . “Its only an orange . Why did the King give so much money for it ? . Ill take my gold cup to the King . Hell give me more money .”The next day when the King received the gold cup . He said to the rich man “What a beautiful cup ! Ill show you something wonderful ! Please take this great orange .(

    25、 )51.The poor man had an orange tree _A . beside his garden B . outside his garden C . in his garden D . near his garden ( )52. The poor man was surprised to see _ a football . A .all the oranges on the tree were like B. one of his oranges was as big asC . what was on his tree was D . one of his ora

    26、nges was bigger than( )53. Why did the poor man take the biggest orange to the King ? A . Because the King had never seen such a big orange B . Because he could sell the orange to the King . C. Because the King liked to eat big oranges D. Because he wanted to get much money( )54. The rich man took h

    27、is gold cup to the King . He thought _ A. the King would give him the biggest orange B . the King would give him a new house C . he could get much more money than the poor man D . The King would give him something wonderful( )55 . At last the King gave the rich man _ . A. the biggest orange B. a lot

    28、 of money than he expected C. what he wished to get D. Nothing CWalt Disney was born in 1901. He created the Mickey Mouse in 1927 . It made him very famous . He died in 1966, but his work and his dreams did not die. Now people all over the world enjoy his Mickey Mouse and other cartoons. Walt Disney

    29、 was a man who did not give up easily. One summer, he wanted a job in a post office, but they told him that he was too young. He went home, drew some lines on his face. And put on his fathers suit and hat. Then he went back to the same office and told them he was 18. He got the job finally. Later in

    30、 his life, Mr. Disney had a dream . He wanted to build a new kind of amusement park. It would be clean and beautiful. The children could play happily there and the adults could live in nice hotels . It would be fun for people of all ages . It was called Disneyland. Engineers told him it was an impos

    31、sible dream. His family and friends thought he was mad. But Mr. Disney did not give up his idea. In1955, Disneyland opened to the public and became the most successful amusement park in the USA. Walt Disneys dream came true.( )56. When did Walt Disney creative his Mickey Mouse ?A. in 1927 B. in 1955 C. in 1901 D. in 1966( )57. Walt Disney might be _ years old when he got a job in a post office .


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