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    1、学年度深圳市初中英语七年级下阅读理解专项训练阅读理解专项训练(一)ADear Daisy,Im sorry to hear that youre not in good health. You said that you always had a headache and you felt sleepy in class. Is it because you are worried about your test and you are staying up late for it these days? I am sure these are the reasons. In fact, th

    2、ere is no need to worry about your lessons. You do so well in them. You dont have to get first place in your tests. The second place is also OK.Dont worry about your parents. I think if they know youve tried your best, they wont be angry even if you didnt get first place. So what you should do now i

    3、s not worrying about your study. Why not go out and play sports with friends? You can also go out for a walk with your parents after supper. By doing so, you can talk with them and tell them how youre getting on with your lessons. If you dont want to go out, listening to some beautiful music is also

    4、 a good way to relax yourself.So, please stop worrying about anything and just have a good rest. Everything will be OK! Yours,Nick根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()1. How does Daisy feel these days according to the letter?A. Relaxed B. Weak.C. Excited. D. Bored.()2. Why does Daisy stay up late?A. She wants to play so

    5、me games.B. She doesnt get on well with her parents.C. She doesnt want to go to bed early.D. She studies for her test.()3. What does the underlined word “them” refer to?A. Daisys parents.B. Daisys tests.C. Daisys lessons.D. Daisys classmates.()4. What CANNOT we learn from the letter?A. Nick worries

    6、about Daisys health.B. Daisy is strict with herself.C. Daisys parents dont love Daisy at all.D. Daisy can listen to some music to relax herself.()5. Why does Nick write this letter to Daisy?A. To tell Daisy about his lessons.B. To ask Daisy for help.C. To give Daisy some advice.D. To help with Daisy

    7、s lessons.BOnce upon a time, a cat and a mouse were good friends. They lived a happy life in the same house. One day they went to the market and bought a big piece of cheese. They put it under a tree for winter.A few days later, the mouse wanted to eat the cheese. He told the cat that he had to go t

    8、o a babys birthday party and then left. The mouse ate half of the cheese and returned home. When the cat asked him what the babys name was, the mouse said “Half-gone”.After a few days, the mouse wanted some cheese again. He told the cat he had to go to another babys birthday party. He finished the o

    9、ther half and told the cat the baby was called All-gone.When winter came, the cat went to the tree to get the cheese. But he found nothing. From then on, mice and cats were not friends any more.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()6. What was the cat and the mouses life like at first?A. Hard. B. Boring.C. Happy. D. Trad

    10、itional.()7. Where did the cat and the mouse put the cheese?A. Behind a door.B. Under a tree.C. Behind a house.D. Under a bed.()8. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The mouse and the cat didnt live together.B. The mouse and the cat got a big piece of cheese from their friend.C. The cheese was for th

    11、eir winter.D. The cat bought another cheese for them.()9. What do you think of the mouse?A. Kind. B. Strict.C. Bad. D. Polite.()10. What can we learn from the passage?A. The mouse thought the cat was silly.B. The mouse didnt like the cat.C. The mouse thought the cat didnt love cheese.D. The mouse di

    12、dnt go to any birthday party.CJenny usually gets up at seven o clock in the morning. Then she takes a shower. Next she gets dressed and goes to the kitchen to have breakfast.Jenny usually has some milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast she makes her room tidy. Her mother did it for her before

    13、, but its her job now. She feels very happy to give a hand to her mother. She always walks to school alone because it is just down the street.After morning lessons Jenny goes to have lunch at the school dining hall. She eats with her best friends and they talk about all kinds of things. Movies are a

    14、lways their favorite topic.In the afternoon its time to play different sports. Jenny likes to practice them all but she likes basketball best. At 4:00 p.m. she is at home. Her parents come back from work at 6:30 p.m.Jenny does her homework first, and then she listens to music or watches TV. Dinner t

    15、ime is at about 7:30 p.m. Jenny helps her mother with it. After dinner Jenny9s father cleans the kitchen. Jenny and her mother help him. Jenny tells her parents some interesting things at school. She enjoys staying and talking with her family.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()11. What does Jenny do before breakfast?A

    16、. She takes a shower.B. She goes for a walk.C. She reads books.D. She makes her room tidy.()12. How does Jenny feel when she helps her mother?A. Cheerful.B. Bored.C. Angry.D. Nervous.()13. What do Jenny and her best friends like talking about best?A. Sports. B. Weather.C. Movies. D. Food.()14. How l

    17、ong does Jenny have to be home alone before her parents come back from work?A. For one hour.B. For one and a half hours.C. For two hours.D. For two and a half hours.()15. What can we know from the last paragraph?A. Jenny loves her family very much.B. Jennys father likes cooking.C. Jenny has a lot of

    18、 friends at school.D. Jennys parents are busy with their work.阅读理解专顶训练(二)AEvery person has his birthday. People in different countries spend their birthdays in different ways. Here are four people from different countries. They are talking about how they usually spend their birthdays in their countr

    19、ies.Jack comes from Spain. “My twenty-first birthday is on a Saturday,” he says. “Im going out with my friends. To wish me a happy birthday, they will pull on my ear twenty-one times, once for each year. Its an old habit. Some people pull on the ear just once, but my friends are very strict!”Mr Sato

    20、 is from Japan. Hes going to be sixty tomorrow. “In my country, people call the sixtieth birthday Kanreki,” he says. “Its the start of a new life. The color red is for a new life, so they always have something red for the sixtieth birthday.”Phillip, from France, smiles and says, “Im going to be thir

    21、ty next week, so I want to ask three very good friends out to have dinner. In France, when you have birthday, you often ask people out with you. In some countries, I know its opposite people usually take you out.”Li Xiao is a Chinese girl from Beijing. She is happy and tells us, “Tomorrow is my sixt

    22、eenth birthday. Its a special day. So were going to have a family party. I can get some money in a 4 lucky, envelope (信封)from my family. My mother will cook noodles that are for a long life/根据短文内容,择最佳答案。()1. Where is Jack from?A. Spain. B. Japan.C. France. D. China.()2. What does a 60-year-old man i

    23、n Japan usually want to do on his birthday?A. To go out with his friends.B. To get a red thing.C. To eat out with his friends.D. To get some money with good luck.()3. How old will Phillip be next week?A. 21. B. 60.C. 30. D. 16.()4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Jacks friends pull on his ear on h

    24、is birthday to make fun of him.B. Phillip will eat out with his family on his birthday.C. In Japan,people call a persons birthday the start of a new life.D. Li Xiao will stay with her family on her birthday.()5. What does the passage mainly want to tell us?A. People like to eat different things on t

    25、heir birthdays.B. People think that it is important to have their birthdays.C. In different countries, people have different ways to spend their birthdays.D. People usually have fun with their families and friends on their birthdays.BAbout two years ago I was on a city bus sitting near the door. All

    26、 the things seemed wrong because I didnt do well in my lessons. The lady with Down syndrome (唐氏综合症) was preparing to get off when she suddenly looked at me. She said with a big smile,“Well. Hi, there!” I meant she just surprised me with her sweet voice. I greeted her with the same pleasure she gave

    27、me. She told me that she was going shopping. When we got off at the same stop, she told me to have a nice day. I just had a good feeling inside.Later, when I was going to take the return bus home, the same lady was at the bus stop. This time I greeted her with the same big smile and she seemed reall

    28、y glad to see me. She told me she had a good time and asked me if (是否) I did too. When I got off the bus, she again wished me well.After that whenever I see someone with Down syndrome, I will say “Hi” to them with the same warmth that lady gave me. I havent seen her since then and I dont know her na

    29、me but Ill always keep her in my heart as a special friend to cheer me up.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()6. How did the writer feel on the bus at first?A. Excited. B. Bored.C. Unhappy. D. Sleepy.()7. How many times did the writer meet the lady?A. Once. B. Twice.C. Three times. D. Four times.()8. When meeting someo

    30、ne with Down syndrome later, what will the writer do?A. Greet them with big smiles.B. Let them cheer him up.C. Tell them he has a good time.D. See them as his special friends.()9. What can we know from the passage?A. The writer was very thankful to the lady with Down syndrome.B. The writer was afrai

    31、d of the people with Down syndrome.C. The writer had many friends like the lady he met that day.D. The writer kept in touch with the lady all the time.()10. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Lets care about the people with Down syndrome!B. Say “Hi” to strangers.C. A lady with Down syndrome cha

    32、nged me.D. How to get on with the people with Down syndrome.CI like exciting and fun sports, such as climbing the mountains and doing water sports. I go to the mountains twice a month. Last month,I went to climb a really high mountain. At first, everything seemed hard to me, but I tried my best to get to the top in the end. I was so happy.JaneI


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