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    1、Ahas left Bleft Chad left Dwas leaving【答案】C分析句子,由于后半句用的是一般过去式,故根据意思可知前半句的事是发生在后半句之前,故用过去完成时,故选C。父亲在我回来之前已经去出差了,所以我没有见到他。4Catherine came home happily, which suggested that she the final exam.Ahad passed Bpass Cwould pass Dshould pass【答案】A这题考查时态的用法:suggest做“暗示”讲,所以不用虚拟语气,因为通过考试是在回来前发生,所以用过去完成时。句意是:凯萨琳

    2、高兴地回来,说明她通过了考试。选A。5By the time he arrived in Beijing, we _ there for two days.Awill have stayed Bstay Chave been staying Dhad stayed考查时态。by the time用完成时态,根据arrive用过去时态,故用过去完成时,表动作先于发生。选D。6By the time Jack returned home from England, his son. from college.Agraduated Bhas graduatedChad been Dhad gradu

    3、ated考查动词时态,By the time 截止到过去某时间为止做了某事,用过去完成时态。 A是一般过去时;B是现在完成时;C是过去完成进行时。根据句子意思“截止到Jack从英国返家,他的儿子已经大学毕业了。7I arrived late and missed the flight. I _ the traffic to be so heavy.Ahadnt expected Bhavent expectedCwouldnt expect Dwas expected根据语境我迟到是过去,期盼为过去的过去。我来迟了,错过了航班。我没想到交通会是如此堵。8Lily went to see the

    4、 movie alone. If she _ me about it, I would have gone with her.Ashould tell Btells Ctold Dhad told丽丽一个人去看电影了。如果她告诉过我这件事,我会和她一起去的。结合语境可知从句中说的是在过去已完成动作,故用过去完成时态。9As soon as I got to the airport, I realized I _ my ID card at home.Ahad left Bhas leftCwould leave Dwill leave一到机场,我就意识到我将身份证忘在家里了。根据语境可知,le

    5、ave my ID card at home是发生在realized之前,用过去完成时。故选A。【知识归纳】过去完成时态表示过去的过去。When I got there, the train had left.当我到达那里的时候,火车已经离开。考查时态10Grandpa was shocked by the news. Rarely _ him so quiet.Ado I see Bhad I seenCI had seen DI saw【答案】B本句中的rarely很少,是一个表示否定意义的词,放在句首的时候,后面的主句要使用部分倒装。听到这个消息爷爷很惊讶。我很少看见他如此安静。根据句意

    6、可知是在这之前,我很少看见他如此安静,现在的情况已经使用了一般过去时,在这之前要使用过去完成时。故B正确。11At sixty,Maugham decided to withdraw from the theater and wrote The Summer Up,in which he tried to review what he from his life and literature.Ahad learned Bhas learnedCwas learning Dwould learn在60岁的时候,Maugham决定离开剧院,写了The Summer Up,其中他想回顾他从生活和文学

    7、中学到的东西。从wrote The Summer Up,可知他学习的东西是过去的过去发生的事情,用过去完成时,选A。12Arriving at the party hurriedly, we were disappointed to find that the band playing.Astopped Bwill stopChad stopped Dhas stopped解析:匆忙地到达晚会,我们很失望地发现乐队已经停止演奏了。题干中的were disappointed的状态发生在过去,stop这个动作发生在其之前,故应用过去完成时。所以选C。13 Didnt you talk any wi

    8、th Rice?No, the plane _ off when I rushed to the airport to see her offAwas taking Bhad takenCtook Dhas taken考查过去完成时。你和Rice说什么了吗?没有,我去机场送她的时候飞机已经起飞了。由题意可知是过去进行的动作,并且在过去完成没有继续进行下去,所以是过去完成时,所以选B。考查过去完成时14Not until _a third time _that he had given birth to the reading system for the blind called Braill

    9、e.ALouis Braille tried;he announcedBdid Louis Braille try;CLouis Braille had tried;did he announceDhad Louis Braille tried;had he announced倒装句。直到L布拉耶又尝试了一次,他才宣布成功发明了专为盲人阅读用的文字-Braille。Not until位于句首时,后面的从句不倒装,主句使用部分倒装,即把be/do/will/have/can等提到主语之前,A、B两项的第二空未倒装,排除A、B;D项第一空不需要用倒装,排除D,故选C。15As long as my

    10、 drive tester instructed me to pull into the parking lot, I was sure I _.Apassed Bhave passedCwas passed Dhad passed选项A为一般过去式;选项B为现在完成时;选项C为一般过去式被动语态;选项D为过去完成时。只要驾考教练让我把车停到停车场,我就确定我已经通过了考试。当“我”把车停到停车场时,我确定自己考试通过,此时考试结束和考试通过是同时发生的动作,所以通过考试应在I was sure之前,故应用过去完成时。故选D.16If you_ the failed experiences,

    11、you would not havemade such a mistake in your homework.Arefer to Bhave referred toCreferred to Dhad referred to考查虚拟语气。表示假设的虚拟语气,用在对过去事实相反的假定上,从句用过去完成时had+过去分词,主句用would/should/might/could+have+过去分词。Refer to是一个固定结构,意思为查阅、参考。该句意思为:如果你参考一下这些失败经验教训的话,你就不会在你的作业中犯下如此的错误。故选D。17 - Did you know any German bef

    12、ore you got to Berlin?- Not a single word _.Ahave I learned Bhad I learnedCIve learned DI had learned考查倒装语序及时态。具有(半)否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,用部分倒装。排除C、D选项。由对话第一部分是过去时态,“一个词都没学过”这个动作应发生在过去的过去,故用过去完成时,排除A选项,故选B。去柏林之前你学过些德语吗? 我一个词都没学过。18Hes got our tickets.Thats good I _afraid that he _them.Aam; has forgotten Bw

    13、as; had forgottenCwas; forget Dam; will forget考查时态:-他拿了我们的票。-太好了,我原来害怕他忘了。因为现在知道他没忘,所以是原来害怕他忘了,第一空用一般过去式was,主句用一般过去式,从句用相应的过去时,排除D,用过去完成时,选B。19They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I _ a good drinkAhad enjoyed Bwas enjoyingCenjoyed Dhad been enjoying在“I

    14、t+be+since从句”这一结构中,可用一般现在时或现在完成时,since从句用一般过去时。他们喊我和他们去喝一杯。我说,离我上次好好的喝上一杯已经有10年了。故A正确。20By the time my mother came back from work, my sister and I _ supper and were waiting for her at the table.Ahave cooked Bwere cooking Chad cooked Dwould cook在英文中用by the time构成的从句修饰主句,主句通常用过去完成时,结构为had+过去分词,故本题选C。2

    15、1Its really a surprise that I happened to meet Will, my old schoolmate in the art gallery last week.If my memory serves me right, you _ each other for more than a decade.Ahavent seen Bhadnt seen Cdidnt see Ddont see【解析】考查动词时态。上周在艺术长廊我碰巧见到了老同学威尔,这太令我惊讶了。如果我没记错,你们在那之前十年没见了。根据happened to可以推断出,在过去动作之前发生

    16、的动作用过去完成时,故选B。22I saw Jack in the lift this morning. He around here for a long time.Awont be seen Bwasnt seenChasnt been seen Dhadnt been seen【详解】考查过去完成时态的被动语态。今天早上我在电梯里看见杰克。他好久没在这附近露面了。根据this morning可知,这是过去的事情;再根据for a long time可知,此空是更靠前的动作,且句子主语He和see之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去完成时态,故选D。23It was the third time

    17、 that she _ the Great Wall.Awent to Bhad been to Cvisited Dvisit考查固定句型。这是她第三次去北京。在It was the first/second/thirdtime that这个固定句型中,that从句中应用过去完成时。故选B项。【点睛】本题涉及到了两个常考句式:(1)It is the first/secondtime that .在这个句型中,that从句要用现在完成时(2)It was the first/secondtime that . 这个固定句型中,that从句中应用过去完成时。考生要根据主句中的be动词确认是用现

    18、在完成时还是过去完成时,本题中考查的是第2个句式,从句中要用过去完成时,选出正确答案B项。24-Did you know any German before you arrived in Munich?-Never_ it, actually.Ahad I learned Bdid I learnCI had learned DI learned考查倒装和时态。来慕尼黑之前你懂德语么?事实上我从来没学过。never位于句首,其后要进行部分倒装,而且此处表示的动作发生在arrived in Munich之前,也就是过去的过去,应该用过去完成时,故A项正确。注意含有否定意义的词位于句首时,其后要进

    19、行部分倒装,常见的这类词包括:never,hardly,seldom,little,few, not until, by no means, nowhere, no longer。如:By no means could you tell him about this.你绝不能把这件事告诉他。Never in my life have I heard of such a thing.我一生中从未听过这样的事。25It was the first time that the doctor _ making a mistake concerning the patient.Aadmitted Bha

    20、d admitted Chas admitted Dwould admit这是这位医生第一次承认对于这个病人他犯了错。固定句式:It is/was+序数词+ time + that sb have/has/had done sth意为“这是某人第几次做某事的时候”,如果前面的is,后面要用have/has;如果前面是was,后面要用had。本句前面使用了was,后句中要用had。故B项正确。26When I_ to the cinema, the film_ for 5 minutes.Agot, had begun Bget, will beginCgot, had been on Dgot

    21、, has been on当我到达电影院时,电影已经开始了五分钟。for five minutes为一段时间要求谓语动词要用延续性动词,故A和B先排除,而从句的动作发生在主句动作之后,从句用一般过去时态,主句用过去完成时态。故选C。27Did you have difficulty finding Annhouse?Not really.She_us clear directions and we were able to find it.easily?Awas to give Bhad givenCwas giving Dwould give你觉得找到安娜家的位置困难么?不会。她告诉我们很清

    22、晰的方向,并且我们很容易就找到了。根据题干可知,安娜告诉他们方向发生在他们找到她家之前,因此,发生在过去动作之前的动作要采用过去完成时。故选B。本题考查学生对时态的掌握情况,现在完成时和过去完成时都是考试中常出的考点。分析前后两句两个动作,判断出后者的动作发生在前者的动作之前,是过去的过去,用过去完成时。28-Have you seen your nephew lately?-Yes, in fact, I saw him yesterday. I _ him for three years.Ahavent seen Bdidnt seeChadnt seen Ddont see-你最近见你外

    23、甥了吗?-见了,我昨天见了他,我都三年都没见他了。根据前文I saw him yesterday可知,说话者在昨天之前有三年没有见了,故为过去的过去,因而用过去完成时,故选C.过去完成时的结构为had done,被动形式为had been done,其表示过去的过去,常见的标志性短语by+过去时间,before。其中有些固定结构需要使用过去完成时,比如hardlywhen,no soonerthan,It was the first/second time (that)等固定句型中如:Hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrup

    24、ted him.他刚开始演讲,听众就打断了他。29She _the sign language before she served as a volunteer to help the deaf.Alearns Bhas learnedCwas learning Dhad learned她作为一名志愿者来帮助聋人之前已经学习了手语。由句意可知,学习手语在做一名志愿者之前,是过去的过去,用过去完成时,故选D。考点: 考查动词时态的用法。30How was your job interview?Very successful. I _ my homework about the company,

    25、you know.Ahad done Bhave doneCdid Dwas doing【解析】考查时态。你的工作面试怎么样?非常成功。我了解过这家公司。由第一句可知,参加面试是过去的行为,那么了解该公司应该是面试之前的行为,即过去的过去,故该句应用过去完成时态。A选项正确。31Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?Yes, he did. He _ his old friends for a long time.Adidnt see Bwouldnt seeChasnt seen Dhadnt seen阿伦昨天见到老朋友高兴吗?是的,他挺高兴。他很久没看见老朋友了。说明是昨天之前很长时间没看见老朋友了,该动作属于“过去的过去”,应用过去完成时,故选D。32IPhone, the worlds largest mobile phone maker, said that over the first nine months of the year it _ 23 million handsets in China, an inc


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