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    1、中考英语真题分类汇编题型6短文填空专项训练01方框选词题型六短文填空 时间:712分钟/篇分值:1分/小题类型110选10型Passage 1(2018资阳)quickemailbeforeshewifefirst a fall into sendA couple decided to go on a holiday. The wife was on 1._ business trip so the husband went to the destination(目的地)2._ and his wife would meet him the next day.When he reached h

    2、is hotel, he decided to send his wife a 3._ email. But when he typed 4._ address, he typed a wrong letter and his note was 5._ to an elderly woman. Her husband had died only the day 6._ and she had just come back from the funeral(葬礼)When the sad woman checked her 7._, she let out a shout, and 8._ to

    3、 the floor in a dead faint(昏厥). At the sound, her family rushed 9._ the room and saw this note on the screen:Dearest 10._,Just got checked in. Everything prepared for you to arrive tomorrow.Passage 2(2018安顺)hethatbehowintereststudentafterfinishausualEveryone has pressure. Today lets look at the Gree

    4、ns and see 1._ they relax.There 2._ four people in this family. Mr.Green is 3._policeman. He works very hard from Monday to Saturday. He walks his dog every day 4._ dinner for an hour. Mrs.Green is a teacher in a school. Her 5._ are young and naughty. She often plays badminton with them after school

    5、. Tom is Mr.Greens son. He is only sixteen years old. After 6._ his homework, he often plays basketball with his friends.Linda is 7._ sister. She is only eight years old. She doesnt have so much homework as Tom. She often plays the piano at home. They are all 8._ in dancing. They often have a family

    6、 party on weekends. At the party, they 9._ play the music 10._ they can dance to.Passage 3(2018贺州)comethattrueloudbuysurprised another why without ownOne evening, an old lady went shopping in the supermarket. She 1._ lots of toys for her grandson, including a knife. When she came back to her car, sh

    7、e found a man with red hair starting the car and 2._ two sitting at the back. She was surprised. She realized that they would drive her car away. Then she took out the toy knife 3._ thinking and pointed at the men in the car. “Get out of the car!” She shouted 4._. The men in the car got so scared th

    8、at they ran away quickly. The lady made sure 5._ all the men had gone. Then she took out the key to start the car. To her 6._, she couldnt. She tried again and again and finally she knew 7._ it wasnt her car! She looked around and saw her 8._ car not far away. When she came hack to her car, she saw

    9、the men 9._ up to her with a policeman. She thought it was time for her to tell the 10._ and make it clear. After hearing her story, the policeman began to laugh. Her face turned red.Passage 4(2018德阳)studiedmostspendbothownseasons rise happy member asWhen a group of people work together for a same g

    10、oal, they make up a team. At this time, team spirit is the 1._ important.In 1957, a team of eighteen people 2._ the whole winter at the South Pole(南极). There they 3._ the secrets of the earth. In this very cold place, there are only two 4._ summer and winter. In winter, the sun never 5._ and there i

    11、s no light at all. Whats more, the weather was the worst of a year. So these eighteen men had to face 6._ the darkness and the bad weather.These people made up a “family” and all the 7._ took turns to do things for their daily life. Everybody had his 8._ work to do. They trained one person 9._ a doc

    12、tor. And another one learned how to cook. During the six month long winter, they worked together as one. In the end, they all finished their work, and came back home safely and 10._Passage 5(2018泸州)A. facedB. ageC. wonD. bornE. stillF. courage G. whole H. later I. dream J. onMadam Curie, a world fam

    13、ous woman scientist, was 1._ into a teachers family in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934. When she was 2._ a child, she liked study very much and had a 3._ of becoming a scientist. She finished her middle school at the 4._ of 16. Eight years 5._, when she was 24, she went to study at Paris University,

    14、 where she 6._ many difficulties, but still worked very hard. She worked 7._ scientific research all her life and her efforts were rewarded(报偿). She 8._ the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) twice.Today, as a famous woman scientist, Madam Curie is still remembered by the 9._ world. People will remember her forever

    15、for her 10._ and her spirit of sharing knowledge with others.Passage 6(2018绵阳)findbookbighowmindclever swim school always nameMany years ago, there was a family named Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five girls and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1706 another baby was born. The

    16、 boys mother and her husband gave the boy a 1._ Benjamin.Benjamin was the 2._ of all the children. He could read when he was five and he could write when he was seven. The next year his parents sent him to 3._At school Benjamin was good at reading and writing, but not good at maths. He read all of h

    17、is fathers 4._. And when he had money, he 5._ went to buy books. He liked books. They told him 6._ to do something. The boy liked to use his head and tried to 7._ ways to help people enjoy life more. For example, he tried to know if there was some way to 8._ farther, maybe with something on his hand

    18、s or feet. Slowly a picture of swimming shoes, or paddles, grew in his 9._. The paddles must be neither too 10._ nor too small. And they must be neither too heavy nor too light. At last he invented the paddle for swimming.Passage 7(2018自贡)airportIwifemeetsweetandwithdecideAfricahelpHere was an inter

    19、esting story about learning English. George was head of an 1._ country. He was going to pay a visit to the USA. He 2._ to learn some English words so that he might greet Obama, president of the USA, in English. So he asked his wife for 3._ because she knew a little English. His 4._ told him, “When y

    20、ou 5._ Mr. President, just greet him with How are you?, and he may answer I am fine. Then you need only to say 6._, too, and leave the rest to your interpreter(口译员)”When his plane landed at the 7._, George was a little nervous, he said to the smiling Obama, “Who are you?” This was quite unexpected t

    21、o the president and surprised him greatly. But he quickly calmed(冷静) down. Still 8._ a smile on his face, he answered,“I am Michelle Obamas husband.” To his reply, George answered back without a moment “Me, too”, 9._ looked at the presidents wife, Michelle, smiling 10._ as well.Passage 8(2018兰州)asbe

    22、dangerousbetweenotherstop just when something differenceSharks have been around for a very long time. It means that they have been on earth for thousands of years, and have changed little. A shark is a fish, but it has many 1._ from a fish. For example, if a shark 2._ swimming, it will sink(下沉)There

    23、 are 3._ 200 and 250 kinds of sharks in different size. The largest can be 4._ long as 15 meters. Sharks feed on fish, 5._ sea animals, or smaller sharks. It is said that one of the most 6._ sharks is the Great White Shark. They have attacked(攻击) a number of people off the beaches of America. Austra

    24、lia, New Zealand and South Africa also have shark attacks.In some places there 7._ watchtowers on the beach to warn people about sharks in the water. 8._ a shark appears, a bell rings to tell people to get out of the water. Sharks attack about 100 people a year in America. Perhaps the shark 9._ thin

    25、ks that the person is a kind of sea animal or 10._ good to eat! Passage 9(2018达州)childrendiscourageunderkissupsetshout look beg bring somethingA long time ago, a man punished his 3yearold daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping (包着的) paper. Money was tight and he became very angry when the chil

    26、d tried to decorate (装饰) a box to put 1._ the Christmas tree.However, the little girl 2._ the gift to her father the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.” The father was 3._ by his earlier overreaction(过激的), but his anger rose again when he found out the box was empty. He 4._ at her, “Don

    27、t you know, when you give someone a present, there should be 5._ inside?”The little girl 6._ up at him, tears filled in her eyes, and cried, “Oh, Daddy, its not empty at all. I blew 7._ into the box. They are all for you, Daddy.” The father was shocked. He put his arms around his little girl, and he

    28、 8._ for her forgiveness.Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. Her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years, and whenever he was 9._, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of his 10._ who had put it there.Passage 10(2018新疆建设兵团)loseworrymuchtr

    29、yhealthpiece hungry know advice timeA lot of people wish to be slim(苗条), but at the same time they are 1._ about their health. In fact, it is important for everyone to 2._ weight healthily, but how can you do it? Heres some good 3._. Drink plenty of water and eat a(n) 4._ diet. If you feel like eati

    30、ng snacks(零食), drink a glass of water first. If you are still 5._ after 15 minutes, then its time for a light snack. 6._ to stay away from food with high calories(卡路里), such as sweets and fast food. Do not eat 7._ than you can consume (消耗). People get fat because they cannot consume all the calories that they get. So 8.


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