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    人教版七年级英语上册Unit 1 Unit 3 题型专项训练情景交际含答案文档格式.docx

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    人教版七年级英语上册Unit 1 Unit 3 题型专项训练情景交际含答案文档格式.docx

    1、 Hello! Im Kim Brown. Im your English teacher. 6._B: My name is Li Ming, Miss Kim. Oh, no. Brown is my family name.7._ Sorry, Miss Brown. 8._ My telephone number is 929-3160. 9._s 278-7928. Oh, whats this? 10._s very nice. Thank you.A. Its my photo.B. Whats your telephone number?C. And Kim is my fir

    2、st name.D. Whats your name, please?E. What about yours?F. Thank you a lot.6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10._C选项中有两项为多余项。John: 11. _Mary: Good morning!m John 12. _ My name is Mary 13. _ My last name is Miller. What about yours? My last name is Brown.Mary :14. _ Nice to meet you, too. 15. _ My telephone number i

    3、s 555-7768. My telephone number is 632-5999.A. Thanks.B. Nice to meet you.C. Good morning !D. The pen is red.E. Whats your name?F. Whats your phone number?G. Whats your last name?11. _ 12._ 13. _ 14._ 15._D Hi, Kate. Can I ask you some questions? Sure. 16_ Do you have a big family? 17_ I live(居住)wit

    4、h my grandparents, my parents and my two uncles. Oh, thats really a big family.18_Well,my grandparents and my parents watch TV. My uncles play sports and I read(读)books.A:19_I like books about computers.I see. Thanks.B:20_A.Yes, I do. B. What are they?C. How is it? D. Youre welcome.E. No, I dont. F.

    5、 What books do you like?G. What do you do in the evening?16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20._EKate: Hi, Mike. This is my father, Peter Smith. 21_Mike: Good evening, Mr. Smith.Mr. Smith:22_ This is my mother Linda Smith. Mom, this is my friend Mike. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Smith.Mrs. Smith:23_ Is he your brot

    6、her? Yes, his name is Johnson. 24_s my jacket. Its black and white. 25_A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Dad, this is Mike. D. Oh, whats that?E. Is this your brother? F. Good evening, Mike.G. You are welcome.21. _ 22. _ 23._ 24._ 25._F根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Good afternoon, Frank! Go

    7、od afternoon, Mary! 26_m fine, thanks. 27_s a cup. Its my cup. 28_s white. And is this your jacket? No, it isnt. This red jacket is Jennys. 29_ 30_ Yes, it is. Her name is on the book. Yes. Lets call her. OK.26._ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30._A. Mine is blue. B. What color is it?C. Are those her pencils? D.

    8、 Is this her book, too?E. How are you? F. Whats that in English?G. My pencil box is blue.G Oh, its a nice photo. Yes. 31_ Is the girl in red your friend? Yes, she is.Her name is Mary. And this is her grandmother. 32_ Yes,he is 33_ Yes, she is.Her name is Maria. 34_ She is Marys aunt. Is the man(男人)i

    9、n blue Marys father? 35_A.Is the woman her mother?C. Whos the woman(女人)in white?D. This is a photo of my friends family.E. Yes, he is.F. Are these her parents?G. Is the boy her brother?31. _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35._答案1. Good morning Good morning是早上见面时的问候语,答语还用Good morning。2Excuse me当打扰到别人或麻烦别人时,我们常用Ex

    10、cuse me,以示礼貌。3No,it isnt根据后面的“ItsMy watch is red”可知是否定回答。4What about this dictionary根据答语可知是此处询问词典的情况,故用句型What about.?5Yes,they are根据后面的内容可知此处是肯定回答。6D根据答语可知此处是在询问名字。故选D。7C前面介绍的是姓(family name),故此处介绍的是名字(first name)。8B 由答语可知此句是询问电话号码的。9E说话者又反过来问对方“你的呢?”,这里是问对方的电话号码是什么。10A问句是询问“这是什么”,故A项“这是我的照片”符合题意。11C

    11、 Good morning是早上见面时的问候语,答语还用Good morning。12. E根据答语可知此处是询问名字的,故答案选E。13. G根据答语“My last name is Miller”可知此处是询问姓氏的,故答案选G。14. B Nice to meet you.是初次见面打招呼的常用语,其答语是“Nice to meet you,too”。15 . F根据答语可知此处是询问电话号码的,故答案选F。16B联系上下文可知说话者是问对方要问什么问题,故B项符合题意。17A根据答语的后一句可知此处是肯定回答。18G由答语可知此句是问“你们晚上都做什么呢”,故选G。19F根据答语“我喜

    12、欢电脑方面的书。”可知此处是问对方喜欢什么书。20D 回应对方感谢的答语常用“Youre welcome”。21C根据上下文可知,此处是在向爸爸介绍迈克,故选C。22F Good evening意为“晚上好”,答语用Good evening。23B Nice to meet you的答语是Nice to meet you,too24D根据答语可知此句是问“这/那是什么”,故答案选D。25A当有人对自己或与自己有关的东西进行夸赞时,我们应该表达谢意,故选A。26E How are you?意为“你好吗?”,其答语常用Im fine,thanks/Fine,thanks./Im OK, thank

    13、s等。27.F根据答语可知此处是询问某物是什么,故答案选F。28.B根据答语可知此处询问杯子的颜色,故用句型What color.?29.A根据前一句“This red jacket is Jennys”可知此处是说自己的杯子是蓝色的。30D根据答语可知此句是含有be动词is的一般疑问句,故答案选D。31D联系上下文可知此处说的是这张照片是说话者朋友的全家福。故答案选D。32G根据答语中的he可知问句的主语是一位男性,此问句是一般疑问句,故G项符合题意。33A根据答语可知此句的主语是女性,且此句是含有be动词is的一般疑问句,故答案选A。34C根据答语“她是Mary的婶婶。”可知问句是询问某位女士是谁,故答案选C。35E问句是一般疑问句,要用yes或no来回答,故答案遮E。


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