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    1、外文文献翻译我国商业银行个人理财业务的战略研究与发展现状The Development Status and Strategy Research of Commercial BanksPersonal Financial Management Business in ChinaAbstract: The personal financial management business in our country is in the initial stage,compared to the developed one in western,theres still a long way to g

    2、o,Therefore,the commercial banks in china need to review and study to estimate market direction;build excellence brand image and special services;Increase of innovation;change the products from single to comprehensive;Establish and perfect financial management businessmanagement system in order to p

    3、romote the development of personal financial business in our management countryKeywords:Commercial banks,Personal financial management,Strategy1 Introduction The commercial banks are facing the new situation:the increasing danger in traditional businessthe margin of the interest rates turning increa

    4、singly narrowed and foreign banks competitionThese banks should think deeply to find why that business develop so slowly and then put forward a feasible plan The personal financial management business is not only an important carrier for commercial banks to advance Comprehensive management strategy

    5、but also a major way of improving Intermediary business incomeThat business in our country is in the initial stagecompared to the developed one in western,theres still a long way to goThereforethe commercial banks in china need to review and study to estimate market direction;build excellence brand

    6、image and special services;Increase of innovation; change the products from single to comprehensive;Establish and perfect financial management businessmanagement system in order to promote the development of personal financial management business in our countryMeanwhilethe commercial banks are facin

    7、g the new situation:the increasing danger in traditional businessthe margin of the interest rates turning increasingly narrowed and foreign banks competitionThese banks should think deeply to fend why that bus;mess develop so slowly and then put forward a feasible plan Among all the businesses in co

    8、mmercial bankspersonal financial management business has the advantages of huge market capacity,low risk,wide range of business,and stable incomeFor those advantages the personal financial management business becomes commercial banksmain business and vital profits sourceIn western developed country,

    9、this kind of business almost gets into every familyIts business income has been account for banks 30Compared to the developed one in westerntheres still a long way to go but it has a bright market expectationHowever,our countrys personal financial management business is limited by some factors,for i

    10、nstance,the financial legal system,financial supervision system and the development of financial marketAs a resultit brings some problems that need to be done while developing rapidly2 The Development Situation,Trait and Existing Problem of Individual Manage Matters Operation in Commercial Bank of C

    11、hina2.1 The development situation of individual money matters operation in commercial bank of China Manage money matters operation refers to commercial bank uses professional advantages like various kinds of financial knowledge,professional technique and wide fund credibility and according to client

    12、sfinancial position and investment requirement,provide clients with professional service activities,such as financial analysisfinancial planning,investment counselor and assets managementRecently,as the fast developing economy of china and the accumulating property of citizens,the need of manage mon

    13、ey matters operation becomes stronger and strongerThere are several reasons:first of all, when peoples properties accumulate to some degree,they concern more about how to effectively keep and increase the value of their propertiesSecond,as the pushing on housing,education and medical treatment marke

    14、ting revolution proceeding,families need the help of financial mechanism service to create a complete risk safeguard mechanismOn the other hand,we have already been in aging stage,thus it has become many peoples real need to accumulate part of their pension through manage money mattersUnder the circ

    15、umstancesindividual money matters operation of commercial bank develops quicklyBut according to individual money matters operation situation of every commercial bankthere are still many problems that make it hard to develop individual money matters operation2.2 The trait of individual money matters

    16、operation in commercial bank of ChinaAs the individual money matters operation of commercial bank has just started,financial mechanism and laws and regulations systems are special,so compared to western developed countries,we have our own traitsFiduciary loan product becomes the 1eader of manage mon

    17、ey matters market Recently,invest people pay more attention to the risk situation of product when they choose manage money matters productAt the same time,because the CBRC(china banking regulatory commission) adds its strength to manage money matters operation in commercial bank,the breed structure

    18、of manage money matters product changed a lot in generalSince 2009,fiduciary loan product increased largely and become the leader in all kinds of banking manage money matters product for its clear investment, simple structure,various deadline,stable income Public beneficial and creative product is t

    19、he value of manage money matters product afoot. During the wenchuan earthquake in 2008,some banks give quickly reflect to the calamity and push out public beneficial and creative manage money matters productThis kind of manage money matters product was themed as benevolent and cares,which greatly wi

    20、den the developing thought of banking manage money matters operation and validly promote brand value and social image of the bank 3 The Reasons Why We Have Problems in Personal Financial Business in Our National Commercial BanksThe reason why we have so many problems in personal financial business i

    21、n our national commercial banks is not just because of one single element,but because of many aspectsThe reason that we still take separate operation in practice .The policies and regulationsidea of supervision and measures in China still not keep pace with the development of era;we still rely on se

    22、parate operation and separate management to keep watching to the financial riskBut this kind of operation mode increases the cost of processing personal financial business in commercial banksand it is hard to make good resultsThe reason why all the products have the same quality.As it is limited by

    23、the idea,the analysis of personal finance business from our commercial banks are not totally correct,there still exists some deficiencies to the research of clients,as a resultnearly all the financial products are the sameThe reason why we have a shortage of highquality financial manager The capabil

    24、ity of training finance managers in our country is still undeveloped and the mentality relatively falls behind with developing countries,so most of excellent managers choose to enter foreign banks, and it will be reasonable that the managers couldnt reach the requirements in national commercial bank

    25、sThe reason why we are lack of the consciousness of financial management .As we are developing our economy in recent years, it results in a lack of financial culture and financial consciousnessFirstly, people just have some egg money;they can hardly adjust to the life style which adds the finance ma

    26、nagement into itSecondly, the influence of traditional concept and shortage of understanding the personal financial business in banks result in the lack of financial consciousness and the deficiency of sense of identity and safetyThe reason why we are lake of cultivation Our national commercial bank

    27、s are limited by system, thinking, technique and objective environment and some influences so that our national commercial bankss cultivation stagnates, in some highprofited area,we couldnt keep the paceAnd if we dont solve the problem of lack of cultivation,it is hard for us to complete with foreig

    28、n banks4 The Questions Exit in Individual Managing Financial Services in Commercial Bank of China A good financial planner should know everything about a product and have a good knowledge of security, bank,insurance。laws。revenue,finance etcHe must be experienced and good at communication and organiz

    29、ingBut the shortage of good financial planners in China leads to the irregular selling of commercial banks individual managing financial services Restricted by financial demand and custom Nowadays in China ,individual financial demand is quite smallThere are many reasonsFirstly, it is uneven distrib

    30、ution of wealth,so there few people really need financingSecondly Chinese are always lack of investment and financial sensesThirdly its Chinas tradition that they dont need to hand their property to others for financing and the common opinion is not let people know how much money he hasAt last,Chine

    31、se dont know the meaning and process of the services,and dont identify the individual managing financial servicesInnovation deficiencyFor quite some timecommercial banksfinancial innovation consciousness and capability is not strong,level is low, range is narrower and scientific and technological co

    32、ntent of products is lowUsing the effect to be bad,especially that business innovation is badly backward,which is the leading cause of individual wealth management products homogeneity large5 The Personal Financial Services for Bank of China Yantai Branch(BCYB) Came into Practice To connect the theory with the present situation in development of the servicesThe personal financial services for Bank of China Yantai Branch has been studiedAnd the survey showed some advantages that can be learned in the spread of the services for BCYBBCYBS value is focused on cu


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