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    1、三年级下册英语课程目标三年级下册英语课程目标一、课堂教学用语-ass begn 上课。-ss is r. 下课。-Comehere. 到这儿来。- bacto your se. 回到你的座位。-lee lok. 请看。-Ope our bok. 打开你的书。-loe or ok. 合上你的书。-Turn o Pe . 翻到第一页。-Han u 举手。-ans on. 把手放下。-Try! 试试!-Coe on! 试试看!-Tr it again. 再试一试!-Why? 为什么?-Reafte m. 跟我读。-Folowm. 跟我(读、做)-On b on. 一个接一个。-Lts stop hr

    2、./Be uit, plase 请安静下来,-ets ig 让我们一起唱。-Lets do one mor. 让我们再做一次。-Tak u yur ook ad tun tpage X.拿出课本翻到第X 页。-t up. Sit dow, lease. 请起立坐下。-Plase sea lder. / pakup please. 请说得大声些。-Lets art now./ Let begnur classeson 让我们开始上课。二、内容与目标(一) 能听懂、会说12组对话,并能进行简单的交流。 Uni1 elmeBcktoSchoolA-God orng, boan girls!-God

    3、moning, iss hit-Class, have a nwfrind tody-Hi! ImAy. Ifrom merica.-Wlco! B-od afternon.-Good afron,Mr Bk.-Thi is my fried, m.-ice to met ou.-Nice to meet you, too-Whereareyoufm?-Ifom merc.-Godbye, MrBlck. -Goode.Unt 2 My FamlyA-Whos thatwan?-Shes y mher-hos that ma?-esmy fatr.-Hi,Mom! Ti is mfien,Am

    4、y.-Nic o meetyo-N o eet you, ooB- Come on, Ba Ling.ets watc TV.-et!-Whos ths boy?-M rothr-Coo!.-Whs this gil?-Oh! Shesm siser-Really?-oo! Tis is my mom.And ths ism dad-Wow, how fun!Unt 3 w nyA-Look,Ay! I hav a ne kit-O, ts beautifu.-Lets fly i!-OK!-How an iecanu see?-1, 2, I cnse 2.-No, 11.T blak on

    5、e is ird.-Oh!-H, Chn ie.Look a mynw crayns!-Oh, how nic!-omany cryon doyou hve?-Gues!-Tlve?-Opeit and se- 2 16! Y ve cron!-Thatsriht!nit 4 Doou LkPeas?A -Do yulke peas?-Yes, I do.-D youlike orages?-No,I dt-Wht aboutpers?-Oh, I lik themvry much.-Lt somepecs and a.-Havomefuit -nk you,Mis Wit.-Do yu li

    6、e banna, Che Jie?-Sorry, I dot lik banana.-an I hve a pple,pla?-Cerainly!-ve some moe?-o, thnk yu.Un 5 Where MyRuer?-Mm, werei my car?-No!-O your esk?-N-In oox?-o!-Lo!Itsnet char-h,yea! Thks, om.B-Ecuse me, Ay.Can use yurpencil?-No problem-herimy eci?-Lo, i here,uneryur book.-Hre yare!-hn yu.Uni 6 A

    7、tte ZooA -Comn, chilren. Look a teeephant.-Wow! Itssoig.-ok! It ha along nosenashot tail-It hs smll ys and big ers.-h, is s funny!B-Look at thegrfe-Oh, is otal-Lok t the de.-Itshot-Youee. Thiaf s tall. Te de is sort.-eah.-Dd, youre tall. Im srt-Yourht. (二)能听、说、认读50个单词(包括学校、家庭成员、数字、水果、交通工具、形容词等6个话题),

    8、和听、说、读、写26个字母,并能简单地运用。学校:bygirl echestuent is my rind Im I m ice goo moring goo afteroont good to家庭成员:fatherdothrm m wom grndmothe grandma gradfther grandpa siter trets =lt u gea rly ndo数字:leve twelv thite furteen fifteen sitee sevenee netenwty howmny can look at水果:each p rang waterelo aple baana sr

    9、abrry grae likme thaks交通工具:us bike taxi jeep dek ir alma am your zo形容词:sma i loghort tall irffe er(三)能听、做、演1个游戏(四)能听、做6个“TPR”活动1. AAA, ay “K!”BB, tuchyou kne.CCC, ook an seeDD, ake a “D”EE, driome e.ABDE,come ndfollowm2. A B , lo ad se C D E, dwatre. EF G, hve asat GI, fly akite. B CD E,rea aferm. E

    10、 G H , say “Godbye.”.J J, ju, jmp, jum K K K, kck, ick, kk. L, la, la, la. M M ,meow, meow, meow N N, no,o, . L M N, aise our leg.4. A C D E, clpwith me E HI, le ur e. J LM N, how metn. L M N O P, iten tom. P QR T, pour htea, Look at m. Ica sayom to T. Shome A B C D oint to F H .Type K LM. oour O PQ

    11、 R S. icle S T U V W.Icn sayfrom A to .6 a,all, tall!Make yourlftall. Short, hort, shor! Mk yurself shot Big, ig, big! Make youreyesb. Small, sml, sm! Make youreyes all. Long, lng, long! Maeour ams ong. Short, short, short!Mke yourms shor.(五)能学会2个小制作(六)能唱14首歌曲1Boy an Gil 2. ath and othr 3 OneTwo Thr

    12、eeFur Five . The Mre We Ge Tohr . An Appl a. Hde and Sek . heyAre i the Zo8.A C So(七)能听、说、唱7首歌谣1. A C, foloweIt as a as 12 3.12 3, A Biso esy s you e!2. A B C D F G,Fat,moher nd me.D G A B.Sig and dan uder theee3 ather andother hlp eac ot Sier adrother lay oter!4. Le go, boys. Lets go, irs. Let al b

    13、e a family. Who plys ather? ho plas mother? Wo la roter and siser? I a faher. m mter. W re broher a siter Letsgo,boys. Lets g, irls Letsall be family.5.AB D E FG. Fren fries, bred ad ice-cream. H I J LM N. Hauges,t do nd ccken. O PQ, P. Le mesare with y!6. PRC,PC, Im fro Chna. CAN, CAN, Im rm Cad. K

    14、,K, Imfromthe United Kidom. S, US, m frmAmeica.7.AB CD E F G, H KL M N, O P Q, S T, V W, X Y Z! Now yu can sayoeAB Cs. Itas eay s 23!(八)能完成8个自我评价活动(九)能听懂6个幽默小故事1. -Lts la school-teacherd stent.-K.- big. Imthe acher!-Im smart. Imthecr-Im heeacher!-Im h achr!-Wat minute!-anyou ea this?-Sur. “Imthestdn

    15、t!”-Ha! Ha! see? Iam hetacer!-O, n!.-Whohawoman?-She y mother-Shes euifl-ankyou.-y mom sn actes-Rea?-W moen.-Lookt me!-eautiul!-Zoom! ow betifl!-Ahh!3.-o! Somnyles!-Yh!Letpik u the ple.-Letsae a ac.-Go idea!-1, 2, 4.-1, 2, 3-5, 6, 75.-5, 6,16.-Look, ave15! How mayaes o yhe?-I have 6 won!-Sho ,please

    16、.-h,no! I haveonly .-a! Ha! I wo!4-Wow!8 dllars. Its che!-I an som hcken, as nd tomates-I t somape, anna an orang-o youikemil?-Yea! like mi, juice an Cke.-h, Im fll.-og bag, pleas!-N way!5.-Lets pahide and se.-Gret!-1 2310.Are yorady?-Ye!-Where yo?Ar o nderhetable?-Areyound the bed?-Ae you tety box?

    17、-Where ar you? I cnt nyou.-Ha! Ha!Imbehi you!6-o any aimals youknow?-I knowal te anims.-Look!-Tiger ad lon!-Yes!-Fox andwolf!-Right!-eba an horse!-Good!-I now! heyremoneys.-! No!-e small oneis a onkey The bg o i gorlla.-s!(十)能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识1 妇女节 Hp woes Day!2. 中西方的不同餐具3.复活节彩蛋4.餐后“打包”的说法5.儿童节6几个常见的标志牌用语


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