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    高三英语主题阅读训练六Sports and Competition.docx

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    高三英语主题阅读训练六Sports and Competition.docx

    1、高三英语主题阅读训练六Sports and Competition教师辅导讲义 年 级:高三 课时数:3 辅导科目:英语 课 题 Intensive Reading6. Sports and Competition教学目标学习关于运动、比赛方面相关的单词、词组,掌握其含义并且灵活运用教学内容讲义信息: 本次讲义的主题是:Sports and Competition以阅读为中心 ,以词汇和语法练习为支架。使了解国内外关于Sports and Competition的信息,并且熟悉相关词汇。主要内容有5部分 1. 关于本次课主要话题的词汇 2 阅读(所选文章围绕本次课主题,题型包括高考阅读全部考查

    2、方式) 3 翻译(考查前面所涉及词汇,句型的运用) 4 语法综合练习 5翻译和作文Step1:Greetings & Free Talk 1、Talk about the week in school. What news / story / book / movie have u got? 2、Is there sth importantspecialinteresting happening this week?Step2:Assignments checking The assigned exercises on the previous handout.Step3:RevisionI、

    3、错题重现 II、重点知识回顾 Step4:Intensive Reading Section A: Words 1altitude n高度,海拔;高地 2assume c假定,设想;承担 3approximately adv.大约 4assign vt分配;布置(作业) 5athlete n运动员;英)田径运动员 6beneficial adj.有益的 7breed v喂养 8candidate n候选人;求职者 9context n上下文 10cricket n板球,蟋蟀 vi打板球 11. competitive adj.具有竞争力的 12. confidence n 言壬,信心 13.

    4、considerate adj. 虑周到的 14. diet n节食 15. discipline n纪律 16 effort n 17. identity n同一性,一致;身份 18. motivation n 动机 19. obtain v获得 20. opponent n对手21overweight adj.过度肥胖22. pace n(一)步;步速23. recruitment n征募新兵;补充24. peer n同龄人25. positive adj.积极的;明确的26plateau n高原27. project n计划,项目,工程28respect n尊重;方面29. reveal

    5、 vt揭示,揭露;暴露;透露;展现30. severely adv严重地31. short-sighted adj.近视眼32. spirit n精神;灵魂;pl心境,情 绪;勇气;活力33spoil 钞破坏34sportsmanship n体育精神35. temper n脾气36. theme n(谈话、讨论、文章等的)题目,主题37. track r1轨迹38. urban adj.(居住在)城市的Section B: Phrases1a sense of social responsibility社会责任感2add up to 合计3at ones own pace 以自己的速度4at

    6、all costs 不惜任何代价5be peculiar to 为所特有6be talented at 对有天赋7be sponsored by 得到资助8drop out 脱离;退学;退出9.endangered animals 濒危动物10.focus on 集中于11. give way to 给让位12. in other words 换言之13. let alone 更不用说14. may as well 最好15. online survey 网上调查16. opening/closing ceremony 开闭幕式17. physical activity 体育活动18. sea

    7、 level 海平面19. take action 采取行动20. take risks 冒险Section C: ReadingI. Directions: Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. widely B. revealed C. exist D. major E. endangeredF. participated G. spirit H.

    8、feeling I. wildlife J. chance The Beijing Olympic mascot (吉祥物) guessing game once attracted many people. The long-awaited identity of the mascot for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was finally 1 by Olympic organizers on the night of November 11th, 2005 at a grand ceremony held in the Workers Gymnasiu

    9、m.However, many people had already been rooting for some favourites to become the mascot for Chinas first-ever Olympic Games.In the past Games, 2 had normally been seen as a smart choice to be the mascot. 3 animals, which are peculiar to China, such as the giant panda and the Tibetan antelope (羚羊) h

    10、ad won a lot of support from Chinese people.I love pandas, said Zhang Junyong, a Beijing resident. I sincerely hope that the panda will be the mascot. There were many people like Zhang who thought the panda, Chinas most 4 recognized animal, would be more easily embraced by the international communit

    11、y if it was crowned the mascot. The panda topped various Olympic mascot candidates in an online survey conducted in June 2005 , in which 5 million people 5 .Wild pandas only live in mountains in Southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, and Northwest Chinas Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces. Less than 1,000 pand

    12、as 6 in the world today.The panda, however, had been chosen as the mascot for the Asian Games in Beijing in 1990 and hurt its 7 to become the mascot for the 2008 Games.Meanwhile, the Tibetan antelope was also recognized by many as another good choice. The animals live at the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at

    13、 an altitude between 4 ,000 and 5 ,500 metres above the sea level.The animal portrays the Olympic 8 very well as it can run as fast as 100 kilometres per hour, said Yang Ling, a young teacher in Beijing. Besides the Tibetan antelope, the other 9 candidates were the Chinese dragon, the Chinese tiger,

    14、 the golden monkey and the red-crowned crane.Figures from Chinas ancient fairytales such as Monkey King also won plenty of fans.II. Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the

    15、context.Did you know that 75% of all young athletes drop out of sports by the time they are 13? They drop out because taking part in youth sports is no longer enjoyable for them.What 1 might cause young athletes to drop out? First of all, they might be playing for the wrong reasons because a parent

    16、or coach wants them to play. Ultimately, playing to make someone else happy doesnt make the 2 happy. Second, they may feel too much 3 to perform. When kids feel too much pressure, they often under-perform. Their confidence and happiness may 4 Third, peers, parents and coaches may 5 too much of young

    17、 athletes especially talented athletes. 6 expectations can damage athletes confidence and happiness.To ensure your young athletes continue to enjoy sports, make sure theyre playing because they want to play for their own reasons. Provide many opportunities to 7 in sports, but let your young athletes

    18、 lead you. If all they want to do is play recreationally, let them do just that.Dont push them to try out for higher levels of competition if theyre mostly interested in playing for fun with friends. If you push them, your 8 may have opposite effects and your kids may drop out of sports. Kids someti

    19、mes thrive when they can develop 9 at lower levels and progress at their own 10 to high levels of competition.11 , dont focus too much on winning. Winning may be fun for parents. But its not always whats most fun for kids. Keep the long-term 12 of sports participation in mind. By taking part in athl

    20、etics, kids learn important life skills such as sportsmanship, teamwork, and coping with adversity. They also stay fit and healthy.Check your own motivations. Do you want your kids to play sports to win scholarships or to 13 in ways that you failed? Dont assume your athletes have the same goals or m

    21、otivations that you have about sports.Be a good cheerleader. Be positive and supportive of your young athletes team and coaches. Find ways to help out the team. You can be a team parent or sign up to bring snacks, for example. 14 youre being supportive, be sure to keep your own coaching to a minimum

    22、. 15 the coaching to the coach.1. A. objects B. aspects C. respects D. factors2. A. parent B. coach C. athlete D. teacher3. A. pleasure B. pressure C. fun D. joy4. A. sink B. increase C. hurt D. reduce5. A. think B. expect C. accuse D. inform6. A. High B. Proper C. Low D. Wrong7. A. succeed B. resul

    23、t C. compete D. major8. A. kindness B. efforts C. cruelty D. love9. A. experience B. advantage C. confidence D. power10. A. speed B. cost C. step D. pace11. A. In addition B. In consequence C. Nevertheless D. On the other hand12. A. pains B. benefits C. goals D. functions13. A. fail B. develop C. su

    24、cceed D. participate14. A. While B. If C. Because D. Though15. A. Offer B. Deliver C. Pass D. Leave*Keys: A. 1-5 BIEAF 6-9 CJGDB. 1-5 DCBAB 6-10 ACBCD 11-15 ABCADIII. Directions: Read the following two passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them

    25、 there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read. (A )By 2012, England is forecast to have two million overweight children. Apart from diet, the only thing that will save these children from their fatty disast

    26、er is exercise. But schools and the Olympics dont breed a love of exercise. They cultivate a love of winning, and that is not the same thing.My own sporting misery memory started early. Sadness in the egg-and-spoon quickly gave way to the injuries of missed hurdles (跨栏) , which was nothing compared

    27、to waiting not to be picked by ones peers for hockey. By the time I was 15 I was only sent running as a punishment and allowed to play tennis with one other girl, who was severely short-sighted. If you werent naturally talented at sport, there was no suggestion that it should be fun, let alone benef

    28、icial. It took me until I was 25 to realise that exercise was something I needed, but by then, my motivation and enjoyment were zero.At five, my daughter has already had her first sports day. It was supremely considerate ribbons for good sportsmanship to those who hadnt won anything, throwing games

    29、mixed with running ones so everyone could be good at something. But five days later, a small voice said, Mummy, why did I come last in that running race? and I could see how easily history might repeat itself.Schools competitive attitude conditions children out of taking exercise if theyre not the b

    30、est. And, for all we talk about medals, even if they are the best in their class, its unlikely to get them anywhere. The odds are such that we might as well enter them in Britains Got Talent.Encouraging the it could be you attitude in children is just plain silly: focusing on finding future Olympic

    31、stars every four years isnt going to get those two million children off the sofa.1. What does the writer think about the Olympics?A. The Olympics cultivate the people who love sports.B. The Olympics save children from being overweight.C. People can lose weight by taking part in the activities in the Olympics.D. The Olympics fail to motivate children to take more exercise.2. The writers story in the second paragraph is to show .


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