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    1、英语面试英语面试官常问的两个问题英语面试:英语面试官常问的两个问题英语面试:英语面试官常问的两个问题问题一:我为什么雇用你?What Are the Best Answers for Why should I hire you?我要如何回答“我为什么雇佣你?”This happened during an internship interview with Microsoft. It was my first interview experience. I was not aware that there were behavioral questions too in interviews.

    2、 So I wasnt expecting such a question.那是一次微软的实习面试,也是我的第一次实习经历。我并没有料到面试环节里也会有行为测试,所以并没有想到会遇到这一个问题。Interviewer: Why should we take you?面试官:为什么我们要雇佣你?Me: (Slightly shocked) I thought its your job to decide.我:(有点吓到)我认为那是你应该考虑的。Interviewer: Poker Faced Lets continue with the technical questions.面试官:扑克脸 让

    3、我们接着问技术方面问题。It may sound rude here, but it wasnt that time. It was just that I was surprised at the question. Every question before this was technical and suddenly he raised this question. It was more an instantaneous reply out of shock.这句话在这里看起来似乎很无礼,但在当时听起来并不是,我是因为被问题惊到了才这么回答的。之前问的问题都是技术性问题,但他却突然提

    4、出了这一个问题,以至于我的回答是出于惊吓的应激反应.获得254好评的回答Sharang MalhotraThis question was asked to me in my HR interview for Wipro internship. And yes I got selected!这一个问题在我威普罗公司实习面试中被提问过。而且,对!我被录取了!HR: why should we hire you?人力资源经理:我们为什么要雇佣你?ME: You should hire me because i am a hard working, dedicated person who is i

    5、nterested in your work (project).我:因为我是个努力、认真的人,而且对你们的工作很感兴趣。ME: And there is nothing better than hiring a person who is interested in your work. I will definetly give you results and that what matter at the end of the day.我:而且显然没有什么比雇佣一个对你们工作感兴趣的人更好的了。我一定会拿出好的表现,时间会带来证明。获得606好评的回答Dileep PasumarthiO

    6、ne of my friend cleared four rounds of a company X and only HR round is remaining.我一个朋友过了了X公司4关面试,最终只剩下HR面。HR asked various questions for 30 mins and is still confused whether to recruit him or not.HR在30分钟里提了各种类型问题,而且始终决定不了该不该录他。HR: What are you good at?HR:你擅长什么?Friend: I am very good at telling lie

    7、s and thats what I have been doing from half an hour.我朋友:我非常擅长撒谎,我前面半小时所做的就是这。And Yes, he is recruited.结果,他被录了。问题二:关于薪酬问题One of the most awkward questions you can be asked in a job interview is What are your salary requirements? orHow much are you making in your current job?工作面试中遇到最尴尬的问题之一就是:你的想要什么待

    8、遇?或现在工作挣多少钱?As in many uncomfortable situations, your immediate reaction may be to immediately give an answer, stating how much you make and then explaining what range youd be looking for in this job.在这不那么融洽的情形中,你第一反应是立即给个答案,说你挣多少,然后解释想在这份工作中得到的范围。Its a trap, argues Ramit Sethi, the bestselling pers

    9、onal-finance writer and teacher. In a recent episode of The Tim Ferriss Show podcast, Ferriss highlights several of Sethis lessons that are hosted on CreativeLive, an online classroom company Ferriss works with.最畅销书的个人理财作者和老师Ramit Sethi争论到:这是个陷阱。在“The Tim Ferriss Show”的最新一期访谈中,Ferriss推荐其工作的在线教室公司Cre

    10、ativeLive拥有的Sethi 的一些课程。When experienced hiring managers hear a direct answer to that salary question, Sethi says, they immediately think, OK, gotcha. Because, for example, maybe they were willing to offer you $90,000. But when they hear you were making $60,000, theyll know they wont have to let go

    11、of as much of the companys money to appeal to you.当有经验的招聘经理听到该问题的直接回答,Sethi说,他们立即想:“好的,知道了。”因为,例如,可能他们愿意提供你9万美元。但当他们听到你现在挣6万美元,就知道他们将不会给你起初的高价。If you flatly refuse to answer the question, you might give your interviewer a bad impression. But you wont need to do that. Borrow a tactic from politicians

    12、 and dodge it instead.如果直接拒绝回答这个问题,你可能给面试官一个糟糕的印象。但不需要那么做,你可以通过从政客那借来的技巧并避开它。If youre in a job interview and a hiring manager asks you how much you make or how much youre looking for, Sethi says, answer something like, You know what, Im happy to discuss money down the road, but right now Im just try

    13、ing to see if theres a good fit for both of us. Im sure youre trying to do the same thing.Sethi说,如果在工作面试中,招聘经理问挣多少钱或者想挣多少,你可以这样回答:“你知道,在过来的路上我喜欢谈论钱,但现在我想看到有没有对我们都合适的方案。我确信你也这样想。”Sethi says that this communicates confidence to the interviewer and can suggest that you have multiple offers on the table

    14、.Sethi说,与面试官交流的自信将会在面试桌上给你很多选择的机会。His advice is to hold off on salary negotiations until the hiring manager comes at you with a job offer, but, people being people, you may run into an interviewer who will keep pushing until they get an answer.他的建议是,在招聘经理告知你面试通过前都不要谈工资。但是,人毕竟是人,你可能会遇到一名一直想逼你说出结果的面试经

    15、理。In an interview with Business Insider in May, HR consultant Lynn Taylor also recommended the dodge tactic, but said that if you get an insistent interviewer, answer truthfully but with an explanation.在五月份与Business Insider的面试中,人力资源咨询师Lynn Taylor也推荐一些规避技巧。但也说,如果遇到一个固执的面试官,那你就实话实说,但要给一个解释。That is, an

    16、swer the range question based on what people already in that position make at the company which you should know from your research and answer the current-salary question by fleshing out your other benefits and the possibility of recently increased duties that have yet to be reflected in a raise.那就是,调研下以前面试过那个公司该职位的人,并考虑职责与收入匹配问题,最终向对自己有力的方向回答该问题。Whatever the case, never answer directly.无论什么情况,不要直接回答。Otherwise, youve already lost the edge in a negotiation before it even began.否则,在谈判开始前,你就已经输了。


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