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    1、新世界大学英语视听说单元答案新视界大学英语 视听说教程详细记录Unit 5 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: b Question 2Key: b Question 3Key: b Question 4Key: a Question 5Key: c 1 2? 2012-12-26 17:30 (Wednesday) 100 b? b? b? a? c? Unit 5 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 2NameIDSubmi

    2、ttedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 5 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreKeys: 3, 4, 7 1 2? 2012-12-26 17:30 (Wednesday) ? 67 2, 3, 7? Unit 5 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) Would you like to try it on(2) its a bit big(3) have t

    3、his in a smaller size(4) it doesnt really fit(5) Ill leave it(6) It really suits you(7) Can I pay by credit card(8) heres your receipt1 2? 2012-12-26 18:08 (Wednesday) 88 (1) Would you like to try it on(2) its a bit big(3) have this in a smaller size(4) it doesnt really fit(5) Ill leave it(6) It rea

    4、lly suits you(7) can I pay by credit card(8) heres your receipt? Unit 5 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 5 Outside view: Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key(s): garage Question 2Key(s): online Question 3Key(s): type in Question 4K

    5、ey(s): things Question 5Key(s): $50 Question 6Key(s): (1) $300(2) nine hours/9 hours 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:10 (Wednesday) 100 garage? online? type in? things? $50? (1) $300(2) 9 hours? Unit 5 Outside view: Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreCorrect order: 2, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3 1? 2? 2012-12-26 18:11 (Wed

    6、nesday) 100 2, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3? Unit 5 Outside view: Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreCorrect order: 2, 5, 6, 4, 1, 3 1? 2? 2012-12-26 18:12 (Wednesday) 17 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? Unit 5 Outside view: Activity 4NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: b Question 2Key: b Question 3Key: b Question 4Key

    7、: c Question 5Key: c Question 6Key: a 2012-12-26 18:13 (Wednesday) 100 b? b? b? c? c? a? Unit 5 Outside view: Activity 5NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed Unit 5 Listening in: Task 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: b Question 2Key: d Question 3Key: c Question 4Key: d Question 5Key: c 20

    8、12-12-26 18:13 (Wednesday) 100 b? d? c? d? c? Unit 5 Listening in: Task 2 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreKeys: 2, 4, 7 2012-12-26 18:14 (Wednesday) ? 100 2, 4, 7? Unit 5 Listening in: Task 2 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) a pair of shoes(2) dangerous use(3) time(4) 500 metres(5) ac

    9、tions(6) the point(7) smaller fine(8) useful information2012-12-26 18:19 (Wednesday) 100 (1) a pair of shoes(2) dangerous use(3) time(4) 500 metres(5) actions(6) the point(7) smaller fine(8) useful information? Unit 5 Listening in: Task 3 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key(s): (1) b

    10、eginning(2) States Question 2Key(s): busiest Question 3Key(s): (1) electronic(2) toys 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:22 (Wednesday) 80 (1) beginning(2) states? busiest? (1) electronic(2) toys? Unit 5 Listening in: Task 3 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: d Question 2Key: b Question 3Key: b Qu

    11、estion 4Key: a Question 5Key: c 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:23 (Wednesday) 100 d? b? b? a? c? Unit 5 Pronunciation: Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 5 Pronunciation: Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 5 Pronunciation: Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePract

    12、iced 1 2? Unit 5 Unit testUsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQ 1Key: D Q 2Key: A Q 3Key: B Q 4Key: B Q 5Key: A Q 6Key: B Q 7Key: C Q 8Key: A Q 9Key: D Q 10Key: B Q 11Key: C 2? 1 2? 新视界大学英语 视听说教程 11(学号: 2)详细记录Unit 6 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 1UsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent scoreRow 1: 1,

    13、2Row 2: 3Row 3: 2Row 4: 1,3Row 5: 3Row 6: 2Row 7: 3Row 8: 32? 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:24 (Wednesday) ? 100 Row 1: 1, 2Row 2: 3Row 3: 2Row 4: 1, 3Row 5: 3Row 6: 2Row 7: 3Row 8: 3Unit 6 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 6 Inside view: Converstation 2 Act

    14、ivity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreCorrect order: 6, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2 1? 2? 2012-12-26 18:25 (Wednesday) 33 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? Unit 6 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) they dont think its serious(2) hell be fine(3) What exactly happened(4) What else did he say(5) So

    15、hell be OK(6) Theres no real concern(7) theres no need to worry1 2? 2012-12-26 18:29 (Wednesday) 100 (1) they dont think its serious(2) hell be fine(3) What exactly happened(4) What else did he say(5) So hell be OK(6) Theres no real concern(7) theres no need to worry? Unit 6 Inside view: Converstati

    16、on 2 Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 6 Outside view: Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreKeys: 1, 4, 5 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:30 (Wednesday) ? 100 1, 4, 5? Unit 6 Outside view: Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key(s): (1) 1950(2) 20%/20 percent/20 per cent Ques

    17、tion 2Key(s): 60%/60 percent/60 per cent Question 3Key(s): two/2 Question 4Key(s): (1) two/2(2) seven/7(3) one/1 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:31 (Wednesday) 100 (1) 1950(2) 20%? 60%? two? (1) two(2) seven(3) one? Unit 6 Outside view: Activity 3UsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent scoreRow 1: 2Row 2: 1Row 3: 2Row 4:

    18、 2Row 5: 1,2Row 6: 2Row 7: 1,22? 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:31 (Wednesday) ? 89 Row 1: 2Row 2: 1Row 3: 2Row 4: 2Row 5: 1, 2Row 6: 2Row 7: 1Unit 6 Outside view: Activity 4NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 6 Listening in: Task 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: c Question 2Key: b Questi

    19、on 3Key: d Question 4Key: c Question 5Key: a 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:32 (Wednesday) 100 c? b? d? c? a? Unit 6 Listening in: Task 2 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreKeys: 3, 6, 8 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:32 (Wednesday) ? 100 3, 6, 8? Unit 6 Listening in: Task 2 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) 15

    20、years(2) lived alone(3) Whats wrong(4) was smiling(5) long conversation(6) I pay(7) message(8) the time1 2? 2012-12-26 18:35 (Wednesday) 100 (1) 15 years(2) lived alone(3) Whats wrong(4) was smiling(5) long conversation(6) I pay(7) message(8) the time? Unit 6 Listening in: Task 3 Activity 1NameIDSub

    21、mittedPercent scoreCorrect order: 3, 2, 5, 1, 4 1? 2? 2012-12-26 18:35 (Wednesday) 0 4, 1, 2, 3, 5? Unit 6 Listening in: Task 3 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: c Question 2Key: b Question 3Key: d Question 4Key: a Question 5Key: a 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:36 (Wednesday) 100 c? b? d? a?

    22、 a? Unit 6 Pronunciation: Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 6 Pronunciation: Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) youve(2) us(3) to(4) and(5) you(6) and(7) and(8) to(9) to your(10) to(11) of(12) But(13) as(14) to(15) many1 2? 2012-12-26 18:37 (Wednesday) 100 (1) youve(2)

    23、 us(3) to(4) and(5) you(6) and(7) and(8) to(9) to your(10) to(11) of(12) But(13) as(14) to(15) many? Unit 6 Pronunciation: Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2? Unit 6 Unit testUsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQ 1Key: B Q 2Key: D Q 3Key: A Q 4Key: C Q 5Key: D Q 6Key: B Q 7Key: D Q

    24、8Key: A Q 9Key: D Q 10Key: C Q 11Key: B 2? 1 2? 新视界大学英语 视听说教程 11(学号: 2)详细记录班级:2012信息管理与信息系统A2班?教师:liushisiUnit 7 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 1UsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent scoreFill-in-blanks keys: (1) 17 June/17th of June(2) New York(3) New York(4) Boston(5) 15 August/15th of August(6) 1

    25、5 August/15th of August(7) New York(8) 12 August/12th of August(9) Boston(10) New York(11) 17 August/17th of August(12) ChicagoCheckbox keys: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 2? 1 2? 2012-12-26 18:46 (Wednesday) ? 63 Fill-in-blanks:(1) 17 June(2) New York(3) New York(4) Boston(5) 15 August(6) 15 August(7) New York(8) 12 August(9) Boston(10) New York(11) 17 August(12) Chicago? Unit 7 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: c Question 2Key: b Question 3Key: c Question 4Key: c Question 5Key


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